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Famed reporter Dan Moldea on investigating the JFK assassination

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Interview of Dan Moldea, author of the new book, "Confessions of a Guerilla Writer"

Investigative journalist Moldea, among other intriguing topics, discusses the role of the mafia in the JFK assassination and his 14 hours of quizzing Sirhan, Shihan on the Robert Kennedy killing.

Published December 30, 2013

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Moldea has been peddling his predictable mantra for a long time. His RFK book is filled with definitive proof that there was a conspiracy, but near the end of the book, Moldea abruptly switches gears, and declares Sirhan acted alone. I questioned him about this on another forum long ago, and he ignored me. He has always been in the "blame the mafia as the first option to the lone nut fairy tale" category.

Edited by Don Jeffries
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Just a side note: I'm good friends with a real mafioso that has been in the Witness Protection Program since the '80s and he's never once refused to answer any question, in fact his biography sells well and he's not afraid to say anything. When I've asked him about the JFK assassination he says he's heard nothing, knows nothing and cautions that I should take what the media feeds us about the "mob angle" with a grain of salt.

It seems to me that if the Mafia, as an institution, was involved that the braggarts and boasters in this highly private club would have already made their successful involvement known to every other mafioso. I don't rule out that a few individuals with CIA ties might have been involved but it seems unlikely that any of the five families would have been able to keep a lid on it. Their ability to keep tongues from wagging is even worse than the anti-Castro Cubans.

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Just a side note: I'm good friends with a real mafioso that has been in the Witness Protection Program since the '80s and he's never once refused to answer any question, in fact his biography sells well and he's not afraid to say anything. When I've asked him about the JFK assassination he says he's heard nothing, knows nothing and cautions that I should take what the media feeds us about the "mob angle" with a grain of salt.

It seems to me that if the Mafia, as an institution, was involved that the braggarts and boasters in this highly private club would have already made their successful involvement known to every other mafioso. I don't rule out that a few individuals with CIA ties might have been involved but it seems unlikely that any of the five families would have been able to keep a lid on it. Their ability to keep tongues from wagging is even worse than the anti-Castro Cubans.

Very few researchers thinking the mob was involved think it was something discussed among the families.

The "they'd have talked" argument, Chris, falls apart, moreover, when one considers that we still don't know what happened to Hoffa, Giancana, and Rosselli, and that something like 90% of the mob hits from 1930 to 1980 remain unsolved.

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For what it is worth, which may be nothing, about the time of the 50th anniversary event in Dallas an older female member of the Bonanno crime family wrote this brief response to someone else's posting on my Facebook page that "Kennedy's assassination was planned at a meeting of George Bush and Lyndon Johnson in Galveston." I tried to copy the posting to save it but was unsuccessful because Facebook at times makes this difficult to do. What intrigued me was the blunt assertiveness of the statement by a Bonanno and the location being Galveston, which to anyone who does not live in Texas may sound strange but not to those who reside in the Lone Star State.

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Moldea has been peddling his predictable mantra for a long time. His RFK book is filled with definitive proof that there was a conspiracy, but near the end of the book, Moldea abruptly switches gears, and declares Sirhan acted alone. I questioned him about this on another forum long ago, and he ignored me. He has always been in the "blame the mafia as the first option to the lone nut fairy tale" category.

Dan was actually interviewed on this Forum in 2006.


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Thanks for the link, John. Don't know how I missed that. Reading through the posts, though, it seems pretty clear that Moldea was unable to defend himself or explain the way his sudden conclusion contradicted everything else he wrote in the book.

Edited by Don Jeffries
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