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View from the Sniper's Nest

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American and British political cartoonists on Chamberlain...as The Greatest Generation saw him.





I don't dislike the man. "Peace at any price" was about the only course open to a British PM without the backup of direct US intervention - for whatever deep-politics reason it was withheld. Should Eastern Europe have been traded-off for the West? What were the military alternatives to support the moral alternatives?

I also don't feel that Kennedy was an "appeaser."

But the brolly stays in the picture - as it may well have for Curtis LeMay.

Edited by David Andrews
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Thanks for the cartoons Dave

Is Louie Witt alive?

If not is there an obit?

I'd like to know who told Witt that the umbrella was a symbol of appeasement as related to Chanberlain and Joe Kennedy and what were the previous uses of the umbrella as a protest against the Kwnnedys.


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"I would have never put anyone in the Texas School Book Depository with so many locations that were more advantageous..."

I had never seen Dealey Plaza until last fall. It is, as many people say, smaller than it looks in photos. The overwhelming thought I had was, if I were going to attempt something of that nature, the TSBD is the last place I'd try it from. Dealey Plaza had several very opportune spots - no one seriously would choose the 6th floor for that purpose.

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