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The astounding conspiracy theories of Wall Street genius Mark Gorton

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Just to be clear, I think Gorton casts too wide a net when he claims a secret cabal is behind just about every major event. But I think its a minor flaw. When he calls George H W Bush the greatest criminal mastermind in modern history I tend to agree. My own minor interaction with the Bush family leaves little doubt that the Bush family will do anything to maintain their power. I've come to believe that Bush in 1963 was the George Bush of the CIA referred to by Hoover in the infamous memo, no doubt a reminder from Hoover to the Bush family that he knew what they were up to. Bush and Crichton were funders of the off the shelf Operation 40, and Bush was directly involved in financial and logistical support for the BOP operation. Is it not possible that Bush was the paymaster for the event in Dallas? Flash forward to the rest of the 20th century, where GHW Bush becomes CIA director, seemingly from no where, then president. Next we have his son as a two term president, and now we have more Bushes in waiting. Jeb Bush will no doubt run for president soon. Flash backward and we have Prescott, Herbert Walker, intimately involved with the infamous Dulles and Foster families, architects of the collusion with Nazi industrialists before, during, and after WW2, architects of the Cold War.

Where would the Bush family be today if the Kennedy family had not been destroyed?

I think Gorton is right - we need a truth commission if we ever want to dig out from under the control of the 'cabal'. He is courageous to bear witness, as he puts it.

One more thought - the continuing withholding of intelligence files relating to the '60's assassinations, as well as to other events like 9/11, relate directly to the Bush family. I can think of no better explanation for the failure to release documents.

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Just to be clear, I think Gorton casts too wide a net when he claims a secret cabal is behind just about every major event. But I think its a minor flaw. When he calls George H W Bush the greatest criminal mastermind in modern history I tend to agree. My own minor interaction with the Bush family leaves little doubt that the Bush family will do anything to maintain their power. I've come to believe that Bush in 1963 was the George Bush of the CIA referred to by Hoover in the infamous memo, no doubt a reminder from Hoover to the Bush family that he knew what they were up to. Bush and Crichton were funders of the off the shelf Operation 40, and Bush was directly involved in financial and logistical support for the BOP operation. Is it not possible that Bush was the paymaster for the event in Dallas? Flash forward to the rest of the 20th century, where GHW Bush becomes CIA director, seemingly from no where, then president. Next we have his son as a two term president, and now we have more Bushes in waiting. Jeb Bush will no doubt run for president soon. Flash backward and we have Prescott, Herbert Walker, intimately involved with the infamous Dulles and Foster families, architects of the collusion with Nazi industrialists before, during, and after WW2, architects of the Cold War.

Where would the Bush family be today if the Kennedy family had not been destroyed?

I think Gorton is right - we need a truth commission if we ever want to dig out from under the control of the 'cabal'. He is courageous to bear witness, as he puts it.

One more thought - the continuing withholding of intelligence files relating to the '60's assassinations, as well as to other events like 9/11, relate directly to the Bush family. I can think of no better explanation for the failure to release documents.

I thought this was a joke at first . . .

George H.W. Bush honored by JFK Foundation



(Reuters) - Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush showed courage in breaking his "read my lips: no new taxes" campaign pledge to broker a 1990 budget compromise that may have cost him re-election two years later, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation said on Sunday.

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