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JOHN "Chick", "Fisherman John" HARVEY TEMPLIN

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.... FYI .... I have just finished another conversation with DP, very close, witness ERNEST "Ernie" CARL BRANDT, and he told me that his friend + DP Elm Street north curb very close co-witness, Mr. JOHN "Chick" HARVEY TEMPLIN passed-on last year. (Mr. TEMPLIN was another of the 46 DP witnesses who i've also directly contacted for his key observations + thoughts) The obituary for "Fisherman John" (as i personally nick-named him because of his email address :) ), is available here.... http://eastgatefuneralhome.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1001309

(a very key segment of Mr. BRANDT's hand-written letter to me that details the DP shots-sequencing he remembered hearing (or *could* hear) is transcribed + available within my "Men of Courage" homepages website = about 80% into page # 9....

Best Regards in Research,

+ ++Don

Donald Roberdeau
United States Navy
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

For your key considerations + independent determinations....

Homepages Website: President KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Evidence,
Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations....

The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations +
Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers, Suspected Bullet Trajectories,
Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in
One Convenient Resource....
(updated map, + new information)

Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden
Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....

Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out....

Discovery: "Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS
Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap:
West, Ultrafast, and Directly
Towards the Grassy Knoll"....

T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore

For the United States:
Edited by Don Roberdeau
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Mr Roberdeau, thank you for all of the, obviously, exhaustive work, including photos, film, interviews, etc. But, what I am writing about now is; It looks to me as if the president is hit in the head a second time, after the massive wound at 313, (during your film that includes the rifle shots) as Mrs. Kennedy is beginning to climb onto the trunk of the car, there seems to be a pinkish projectile exit his head, which could only be another shot, in my humble opinion. The reason that i bring this to the attention of the forum is that ZI have read about a shot after the one in frame 313, but never was able to clarify that. It now seems perfectly clear, to me at least.

Edited by Terry Adams
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