Steven Gaal Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 (edited) part 1 = introduction Allen Dulles and his friends ==== In any case, your case for a CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it.Regards,--Paul Trejo==================================================== The Paines,Volkmar Schmidt,Secret Service and George DeMorschildt are part of the Dulles nexus. Belief that David Morales could manipulate the above is pure fantasy. =============================================== Bill Kelly's excellent article connecting the Hitler assassination attempt and the assassination of JFK: Dr. Whilhelm Keutemeyer was a professor of psychosomatic medicine and religion at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Keutemeyer’s son was Volkmar Schmidt’s best friend, and Schmidt looked to Keutemeyer as a surrogate father figure. Keutemeyer was also a colleague of Swiss psychoanalysist Carl Jung, who attempted to use his professional associations in attempts to influence Hitler’s behavior. When that failed they just tried to kill him. According to Schmidt, Keutemeyer was also associated with Herr Von Halen and Dr. Adam von Trott zu Solz, both of whom were captured, tortured and executed because of their roles in the failed assassination and coup of July 20, 1944. (For details of their roles Peter Hoffman’s the History of German Resistance, 1933-1944, MIT Press, 1977). Also involved was one Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius, a Gestapo officer assigned to Switzerland, who tried to get the OSS chief of Bern, Allen Dulles, to broker a separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies, without Hitler, to fight the Russians together. This plot evolved into the July 20th bomb explosion at the Fuhrer’s “Wolfschanze” bunker headquarters near Rastenburg, Germany. Col. Claus Schenk Grav von Stauffenberg planted a briefcase bomb under the map table next to Hitler, left the bunker, witnessed the explosion and the flew back to Berlin where he met with Gisevius. Together they drew up press releases to counter Goebel’s propaganda, but when it became clear that the bomb failed to kill Hitler (the heavy wooden table leg saved his life), those responsible were rounded up and executed. Many hundreds, some say thousands were eventually implicated, but somehow, Gisevius went underground and eventually escaped using false identification provided to him by Allen Dulles, though his personal assistant Mary Bancroft. Mary Bancroft, the stepdaughter of the publisher of the Wall Street Journal, was also Dulles’ mistress at the time, and served as a intermediary between Dulles and Gisevius. She also helped Gisevius translate his history of the Third Rich, later published as “Bis zum bittern Ende.” (two volumes, Fretz & Wasmuth, Zurich, 1946, 1954; To the Bitter End,” Richard and Clara Winston, Jonathan Cape, London, 1948; Rutten & Loening, Hamburg, (1964). As related in her own “Autobiography of a Spy” (William Morrow, 1983), Mary Bancroft was a close personal friend of Michael Paine’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young. Their intimate friendship dated from the 1920s when Ruth Forbes Paine was married to New York architect Lyman Paine, one of the founders of the Trotyskite movment in the U.S. and father of Michael Paine. Bancroft and Ruth Forbes Paine traveled extensively overseas and were together on board an ocean liner when Bancroft met her future husband, a Zurich businessman. Hans Bernd Gisevius was called to testify for the defense at the Nurenberg trials, but instead of aiding them, he helped send the Nazis to the gallows. He then came to America where Allen Dulles provided him with a $5,000 a month retainer and set him up in the home of his CIA deputy Tom Braden. At the time Braden was head of the International Organizations Division (IOD), and his assistant was Cord Meyer, Jr., who would later take his place. Cord Meyer, Jr. was the co-founder of the World Federalists, which also included it’s Philadelphia adherents, Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Priscilla Johnson McMillan, when she was a student at Bryn Mawr. So there you have it - Dr. Wilhelm Keutemeyer, Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius, Mary Bancroft and Allen Dulles, four direct participants in the July 20, 1944 Hitler assassination attempt and failed coup d’etat, who also became related to the events that culminated in what happened on November 22, 1963. ==== Douglass PAINES His mother, Ruth Forbes Paine Young, was descended from the Boston Brahmin Forbes family -- one of the oldest in America. She was a close friend of Mary Bancroft. Mary Bancroft worked with Allen Dulles as a spy during World War II in Switzerland. This is where Dulles got many of his ideas on espionage, which he would incorporate as CIA Director under Eisenhower. Bancroft also became Dulles' friend and lover. She herself called Ruth Forbes, "a very good friend of mine." (p. 169) This may explain why, according to Walt Brown, the Paines were the most oft-questioned witnesses to appear before the Commission. Ruth Paine's father was William Avery Hyde. Ruth described him before the Warren Commission as an insurance underwriter. (p. 170) But there was more to it than that. Just one month after the Warren Report was issued, Mr. Hyde received a three-year government contract from the Agency for International Development (AID). He became their regional adviser for all of Latin America. As was revealed in the seventies, AID was riddled with CIA operatives. To the point that some called it an extension of the Agency. Hyde's reports were forwarded both to the State Department and the CIA. (Ibid) Ruth Paine's older sister was Sylvia Hyde Hoke. Sylvia was living in Falls Church, Virginia in 1963. Ruth stayed with Sylvia in September of 1963 while traveling across country. (p. 170) Falls Church adjoins Langley, which was then the new headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency, a prized project of Allen Dulles. It was from Falls Church that Ruth Paine journeyed to New Orleans to pick up Marina Oswald, who she had been introduced to by George DeMohrenschildt. After she picked Marina up, she deposited her in her home in Irving, Texas. Thereby separating Marina from Lee at the time of the assassination. Some later discoveries made Ruth's itinerary in September quite interesting. It turned out that John Hoke, Sylvia's husband, also worked for AID. And her sister Sylvia worked directly for the CIA itself. By the time of Ruth's visit, Sylvia had been employed by the Agency for eight years. In regards to this interestingly timed visit to her sister, Jim Garrison asked Ruth some pointed questions when she appeared before a grand jury in 1968. He first asked her if she knew her sister had a file that was classified at that time in the National Archives. Ruth replied she did not. In fact, she was not aware of any classification matter at all. When the DA asked her if she had any idea why it was being kept secret, Ruth replied that she didn't. Then Garrison asked Ruth if she knew which government agency Sylvia worked for. The uninquiring Ruth said she did not know. (p. 171) This is the same woman who was seen at the National Archives pouring through her files in 1976, when the House Select Committee was gearing up. When Marina Oswald was called before the same grand jury, a citizen asked her if she still associated with Ruth Paine. Marina replied that she didn't. When asked why not, Marina stated that it was upon the advice of the Secret Service. She then elaborated on this by explaining that they had told her it would look bad if the public found out the "connection between me and Ruth and CIA." An assistant DA then asked, "In other words, you were left with the distinct impression that she was in some way connected with the CIA?" Marina replied simply, "Yes." (p. 173) Douglass interpolates the above with the why and how of Oswald ending up on the motorcade route on 11/22/63. Robert Adams of the Texas Employment Commission testified to having called the Paine household at about the time Oswald was referred by Ruth -- via a neighbor-- to the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) for a position. He called and was told Oswald was not there. He left a message for Oswald to come down and see him since he had a position available as a cargo handler at a regional cargo airline. Interestingly, this job paid about 1/3 more than the job Oswald ended up with at the TSBD. He called again the next day to inquire about Oswald and the position again. He was now told that Lee had already taken a job. Ruth was questioned about the Adams call by the Warren Commission's Albert Jenner. At first she denied ever hearing of such a job offer. She said, "I do not recall that." (p. 172) She then backtracked, in a tactical way. She now said that she may have heard of the offer from Lee. This, of course, would seem to contradict both the Adams testimony and common sense. If Oswald was cognizant of the better offer, why would he take the lower paying job? ===== The Paines' Participation in the Minox Camera Charade by Carol Hewett, Esq. Almost every JFK assassination researcher is aware that the Dallas police found, and inventoried, a tiny hi-tech Minox camera amongst Oswald's personal effects when Ruth and Michael Paine's home was searched and that this camera later was omitted from an inventory list once the FBI took over the investigation. What is not generally known is the Paines' role in this camera charade. There were 3 separate inventory lists itemizing the evidence from the Paine household: a Dallas police List, a joint Dallas police and FBI list, and the FBI Headquarters list. This camera disappears from List #3. There were four separate sets of photographs of the items removed from the Paine household: the Dallas Police Crime Lab revealing the camera, the joint Dallas police and FBI photos which should have shown the camera, the altered joint set of photos which omitted the camera, and the supplement set to #3 which still failed to show the Minox camera. The FBI's early efforts to conceal the existence of the Minox camera did not stay secret for long, as word leaked out amongst news reporters that the FBI had altered its inventory list and that the FBI had pressured the Dallas police to alter its inventory. The FBI was now squarely in the middle of an evidence-tampering dilemma before the Warren Commission investigation was barely underway. One solution would be to produce the original camera, or any Minox camera for that matter, in order to resolve the discrepancy. This is precisely what the FBI did. Many of the documents setting forth the method by which the Minox camera "reappeared" were not released to the public until 1984 and are amongst the Paine files. We now know that the controversy over the Minox camera reached the highest levels of the FBI. Eventfully Hoover demanded that Dallas SAC Gordon Shanklin contact the Dallas Police, Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine to get to the bottom of the problem. Late in January 1964, Dallas FBI Agent Bardwell Odum contacted the Paines. Mr. Paine advised Odum that he still had his Minox camera in a coffee can in his garage, that it had been dropped in salt water a few years ago and that he had repaired the water damage by cleaning the camera with kerosene. According to Paine, the camera seemed to be in good working order but "someone" had bent the shutter and "now" it was not working. Paine recollected that when the law enforcement officers first searched his home, he gave them a drawer of his photographic equipment with everything in it except for the Minox camera. Paine went on to say that he had mentioned to the officers that the Minox camera was in the garage but they did not seem interested in it. This was an obvious lie for the police had in fact taken a Minox camera into custody. Paine also claimed that the Minox light meter seized that weekend belonged to him. Did the Paines have a prior relationship with Agent Odum that would allow the three of them to participate in a ruse? Mr. Paine told the Warren Commission that he knew "Bob" Odum, casually referring to Bardwell Odum's nickname of "Bob". Odum, incidentally, apparently lived in Irving in 1963 because Irving barbershop owner, Clifton Shasteen, told the Warren Commission that he not only cut Oswald's hair but that he also cut FBI Agent Bardwell Odum's hair. Following her Warren Commission testimony, Ruth Paine wrote the Commission seeking return of various items which belonged to her and her husband; her lists mentions only the Minox light meter and light meter case, not a Minox camera. In all the ensuing correspondence, no mention of the Minox camera is made by the Paines, Rankin or Hoover --- once again suggesting collusion. The camera as inventoried by the Dallas police, and later by Odum, contained exposed film. In 1977 author Alan J. Weberman obtained copies of these developed photos. 29 photos were produced, some of which depicted a freighter in a harbor and a military installation apparently situated in Central America. One of the military photos shows a blond American which the HSCA must have thought was CIA operative Gerry Patrick Hemming inasmuch as the HSCA juxtaposed two other photos of Hemming next to it for comparison. Other photographs were of Rome, including the Piaza of St. Peter and the Roman Coliseum. Still another photo in the series consists of a pet cat reclining on a checkered tiled floor. In the 1970's Michael Paine denied having taken such photos despite the fact that he had owned the Minox camera. In 1994, Paine would be questioned again about these matters for the Frontline TV production. This time Paine stated that the camera which was returned to him had been stolen about 5 years after the assassination along with all of the photographs from that era Is he referring to the 29 photos? Why would they have been returned if they were not his in the first place? A theft could not have occurred 5 years after 1963 because the camera marked by Odum was shown to Marina by the HSCA in 1978. In fact Marina was shown two Minox cameras! The source of the second one remains a mystery. Neither one of the Paines were ever questioned under oath about the camera or the photos. The pictures of Rome could have been taken by Michael during his 1955 travels to Europe for his passport application indicated that he planned to go to Italy. Oswald also indicated on his second passport application of June 1963 that he intended to travel to Italy but there is yet no indication that he actually traveled to Italy at any time. As for the cat, the Paines did in fact own a cat while living in Irving which they gave away to the family of E.E. Bruner because of their little girl's allergies. There exists an independent photo of June Oswald as a toddler playing with a white kitten. So who owned the black and white cat, the Paines or the Oswalds? Both of the Paines and Bardwell Odum are still alive. They must be relieved of any secrecy oaths and forced to give sworn testimony about this camera. Such testimony may help resolve whether either of the Paines or Lee Harvey Oswald worked in the capacity of an intelligence asset and also whether Michael and Lee worked together. Paine and the Patsy by Steven Jones There are more than 300 released documents of alleged sightings of Oswald before the assassination. Some of these sightings are the mistakes of well-intentioned people; others are reports of kooks and attention-seekers. However, there appear to be a number of credible sightings, enough to indicate that a person or persons was impersonating Lee H. Oswald in the months preceding the assassination. Several researchers, including myself, are in the process of analyzing these sightings. It will take months of further analysis to be able to fully understand their implications. However, the majority of sightings were reported in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Ruth and Michael Paine who befriended the Oswalds in 1963 lived in Irving. Researcher Vince Palamara gave me a videotape of an interview of Michael Paine on WFAA-TV on November 24, 1963. When I saw this interview I was astonished. In 1963 Michael Paine was a dead ringer for Lee Harvey Oswald. Barbara LaMonica and I showed this tape at the Fourth Decade conference in Fredonia. Everyone agreed to the striking similarity between these two men. Not only did Paine resemble Oswald physically but spoke in the same manner, exhibited similar body language, and even pursed his lips exactly as Oswald did when briefly questioned by reporters for live TV on the night of the assassination. I will show a brief 3 minute video clip which intersperses segments of Michael Paine talking with segments of Lee Harvey Oswald talking. I hope that this will draw closer scrutiny to the possibility that Michael Paine may well have been used as an Oswald imposter, and also open up discussion on this topic among participants at the conference. All in the Family (The Paines) by Barbara LaMonica Ruth Paine's father, William Avery Hyde, undertook a Department of State/AID assignment to Peru within weeks of the publication of the Warren Report. His first tour of duty out of the country would last almost three years from October 1964 to August 1967. Mr. Hyde's official status was that of a contract employee for CLUSA, the Cooperative League of the USA. His job title was that of Regional Insurance Advisor for Latin America. Indeed, Mr. Hyde who for many years was an insurance executive with Nationwide Insurance Company, was the only individual at the time who was accredited to the Latin America Division of the U.S. Agency for International Development for handling insurance problems. Thus he should be considered an important asset of the U.S. government's economic policies in Latin America during that time period insofar as the promotion of capitalism and modern day business techniques was concerned. Hyde's tour of duty was not limited to Peru. He provided technical assistance to the launching of insurance cooperatives in Bolivia, Ecuador and Panama. His efforts were directed towards all types of coverage, including life, casualty, automobile, and mortgage insurance and brought him into contact with Latin American credit unions, banks and the housing industry. Furthermore, he urged the State Department to consider the development of a Central American Common Market modeled after the European Common Market. Hyde's experience with insurance cooperatives led him to serve as a consultant to another CLUSAAID cooperative project in Peru called the Artisan Handicraft Project. Inasmuch as Peru's major economic activity consisted of the folk arts, the U.S. government sought to upgrade the cottage industries and to increase the market for Peru's export of handicrafts through modern and large scale foreign retailers such as Sears and Roebuck. This in turn would presumably lead to a better standard of living for workers via higher wages and the development of an accompanying infrastructure. Ruth's father contributed to the "end-of-tour" report on the Artisan Handicraft Project as it was drawing to a close. This report, which was routed to both the State Dept. and the CIA, was found by assassination researchers at the AID library in D.C. Of special interest to the State Department was Hyde's commentary on problems, both politically and culturally, which AID technical advisors could expect to encounter when working in Latin America. These personal remarks consist of only 3 pages but the content is reminiscent of the report which Oswald made about his observations of life in Russia. In fact, a comparison of the two documents reveals Oswald to be the better writer and more thorough observer (notwithstanding the snide remarks about Oswald's writing and thinking abilities made by Norman Mailer in Oswald's Tale). From this, we can conclude that William Avery Hyde could have been deemed an important source of information for the Domestic Contacts Division of the CIA which collected data of a sociological and economic nature for its in-house encyclopedias on foreign nations. It is not difficult to imagine that George DeMorhenschild and Lee Harvey Oswald may have served the same purpose for the CIA following their travels abroad. In any case, we now see that there is more to Ruth's Paine's family background than revealed to us by the Warren Commission or the HSCA or Ruth Paine herself. Arthur Young and Ruth Forbes Paine Young ---The Crux of the Matter by William Kelly Arthur Young is the inventor of the Bell Helicopter and step-father of Michael Paine, who worked at Bell Helicopter's Texas plant and at whose home Lee Oswald stayed on the night before the assassination. Oswald's wife Marina lived at the Irving, Texas home with Michael Paine's wife Ruth, who visited Arthur Young and his wife, Michael's mother, in the summer of 1963. In August 1963 a pregnant Marina Oswald wrote a letter to Ruth Paine --- in care of Arthur Young, accepting an invitation to move in with her in Irving until she had her baby. After visiting with Young and Michael's mother at their farm near Philadelphia, Ruth Paine drove to New Orleans, picked up Marina and the alleged assassination rifle, and drove them to Irving, while Oswald went to Mexico City. The rifle was then stored in the Paine's garage until the day of the assassination. If the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a covert operation, rather than the act of a deranged loner, then the intelligence networks that operated in conjunction with Bell Helicopter's military arm may have played a role in the murder. As the last journalist to interview Arthur Young before he died last year, I have developed a unique insight into his life and role in these affairs. A complete transcript of my interview with him will be released at the conference as well as a summary of my report, which concludes that although Arthur Young is probably responsible for obtaining the job for Michael Paine at Bell Helicopter, it is his wife --- Michael Paine's mother, Ruth Forbes Paine Young --- who was the more important player and has the significant associations with the CIA officials connected with the assassination. Ruth Forbes is a close personal friend of former OSS operative Mary Bancroft, who was Allen Dulles' wartime mistress. Ruth Forbes also helped organize Cord Meyer's World Federalists and the International Peace Academy (IPA) at the UN, both pivotal organizations involved in the U.S.-Russian-Cuban nexus that developed around the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassination. Both Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Mary Bancroft are still alive today and should be questioned by the Assassination Records Review Board as to any information or documents they may have that should be made part of the permanent JFK Assassination Records Collection at the National Archives. Arthur Paine kept detailed diaries and volumes of notes on his personal activities, as did Ruth Paine and Mary Bancroft. Ruth Young's association with the World Federalists and IPA are extremely significant because Priscilla Johnson McMillan was also a World Federalist and a neighbor of Cord Meyer, who went on to become head of the CIA's International Organizations Division. Ruth Young's role in establishing the IPA at the UN places her at the scene of the US-Cuban secret back-channel negotiations regarding detente, which were taking place at the time of the assassination and may have been one of the motives for the murder. Arthur Young and Ruth Forbes Paine Young are two of the most significant, yet least known players in the assassination drama, a point that I hope to rectify at this COPA conference. BRUCE ADAMSON Throughout the 1950s, Paley admitted working with the CIA by allowing agents to pose as CBS employees. In the early 1990s, I received a letter from Paley's personal secretary, John S. Minary, (for 40 years) stating that Mr. Paley had hired George de Mohrenschildt in the early 1960s. One of the long-time Directors at CBS was Prescott Bush, whose son, also a CIA agent, George H.W. Bush had known de Mohrenschildt since 1942. In 1993, Bush Sr., wrote to me stating that he did not know of de Mohrenschildt's Intelligence connections. I later found out that de Mohrenschildt's father-in-law, Walter Samuel Washington, was in charge of more than 250 CIA agents between the years of 1950-53, ten years before the JFK Assassination. In May of 1963, prior to the Assassination of President Kennedy, after he left CBS, Prescott Bush's banking firm Brown Brothers & Harriman gave Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend, George de Mohrenschildt a $300,000 line of credit, when de Mohrenschildt's credit "stunk" to high heaven. ++++++STEVEN GAAL Peter Dale Scott theorized in Deep Politics and the Death of JFK that the stock transactions of the major stockholders of LTV (Harold Byrd (owner TSBD), Troy Post (financier) and James Ling (businessman) engineer) were made with foreknowledge of the JFK assassination. Troy Post was co-owner of Coconut micro island in Hawaii with California oil man Edwin Pauley. JFK researcher Bruce Adamson acquired the 6 volume set of personal phone books of George De Mohrenschildt and noted that De Mohrenschildt had listed Edwin Pauleys name an unusual 4 times. ( To note to avoid confusion ,per Adamson ,George de Mohrenschildt also worked for CBS head William S. Paley after call to Paley's private secretary) The phone books also listed GHWB and also GHWB's intimate nickname "POPPY" ,which few knew. In the appendix of the Secret War Against the Jews book George de Mohrenschildt had the post WWII office number of Allen Dulles at RCA. William Paley (CBS) and Allen Dulles were very,very close friends (see letters Paley - Dulles, Adamson). Prescott Bush (father of GHWB, was a CBS trustee for 30 years (from the radio days to the TV days)) also was a friend of Allen Dulles from the 1930s. Edwin Pauley ,as was William Casey, were private post WWII operatives of Allen Dulles per Secret War Against the Jews book. Casey and Pauley were , per the Gold Warriors book , were top operatives (with Edwin Lansdale) in the ultra secret post WWII Asian-Japanese stolen gold project that help fund post WWII anti-communist CIA operations. Edwin Lansdale was considered by Fetcher Prouty to be a Allen Dulles operative inside the Air Force. Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt (brother of George de Mohrenschildt ) wrote a book in the 1950s with the nephew of Allen Dulles. In 63 William Casey worked with Prescott Bush Jr. (brother GHWB) in a think tank advocating a stronger CIA and increased CIA covert operations. SECRET SERVICE ???? Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:05 PM Fletcher Prouty in his book ,The Secret Team, discussed Allen Dulles ambition to have the CIA penetrate all areas of the US government.Prouty used the existence of a high level FAA bureaucrat that was really a CIA asset to example CIA penetration. It is my supposition that Dulles started to penetrate the US Secret Service in the early 1950s. I come to this idea by my finding the 1963 lawfirm of Scribner,Hall, and Casey in Wash. DC area. Casey being William Casey,who was identified as a POST (thats post) WWII operative of Allen Dulles in the, The Secret War Against the Jews Book.In 1952 Dulles had a dangerous plan to aid the Republican Party's control of the US Presidency. Dulles set up the Republican Ethnic Division (aka with some variation Heritage Groups today). THe Ethnic Division was organized initially in five states. These groups in the 1950s were a danger to the Republican Party in that key leaders were made up of recent displaced WWII Fascsists,Nazi and neo-Nazis.Though information was reported circa 1979-1980 about these groups, this information on the Ethnic Divisions was never given the emphasis it should have gotten (LIBERAL PRESS ???). Dulles set up the Republican Ethnic Division to counter the Jewish vote that he felt caused Governor Dewey's razor thin loss to Truman.A portion of the money for the creation of this Ethnic Divison would come from the money-laundering organization, The Crusade for Freedom,which was aided by William Casey and Ronald Reagan in the early 1950s. The head of the Republican Congressional divison in 1952 was Leonard (W) Hall. Mr. Hall would also chair the Republican Party. Hall had to have full knowledge of this fascists operation. Some of the money also came from the CIA (very illegal). In 1963 we see the lawfirm of Scibner,Hall and Casey. Who was Fred Scribner ? Mr. Scribner was head lawyer for the Treasury Department from the mid 50s till late 50s and also later the Under Secretary . On the internet I found a document that had Scribner working in the hiring of IRS agents. Now Dulles was so fixated on Presidential control he started the Ethnic Divisions which could have distroyed the Republican Party.What strenghtens this theory is that Dulles also was a friend of another Head Lawyer at the Treasury Deptment, Gasper d' Andelot Belin. Dulles,his lover Mary Bancroft, JJA (Chief CIA CI), the Belin's,and the George Bundy's (Bundy being brother of Belins wife) ,would all share lunch and tennis at the Belin's. "Nobody could beat Allen ,at tennis",mused Mary about the Belin lunches. (A very competitive man, NO ??) There are some misspellings at NARA ,but you can find that Belin did work on the still secret (along with his mother's) Oswald tax returns. It is my supposition that via his relationship with the head lawyers of the Treasury Dept, Dulles penetrated the Secret Service.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND PART 1June 5, 2012 THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND(Part 7: The hand-off from De Mohrenschildt to the Paines)By Bill Simpichopednews.comJune 3, 2012 Oswald returned from the Soviet Union speaking Russian with a Polish accent When Oswald and his family returned to the Dallas-Fort Worth area from the Soviet Union, they knew that they had make contacts if they were going to put food on the table. Oswald sought out Peter Gregory shortly after his arrival. Peter Gregory described himself as an “oil consultant” who came from Russia in 1923. He was also a translator who had his son Paul take Russian lessons from Oswald’s wife Marina. Gregory provided Oswald with a letter certifying Oswald’s ability to serve as a translator. Gregory commented on Oswald’s pronounced Polish accent, which was a result of Oswald’s extended time with Legend Maker #8 Alexander Ziger and the entire Ziger family. Dallas oilman/spy George de Mohrenschildt became a benefactor to the Oswald family, providing them with money and contacts after their return to the US from the Soviet Union. As discussed earlier, de Mohrenschildt’s lawyer Max Clark was also General Dynamics’ industrial security consultant and a leader within the White Russian community. Oswald contacted Max Clark’s wife shortly after his return, explaining that the Texas Employment Commission had referred her to him as a Russian-speaker and that his wife would like to spend time with another Russian-speaker. Both Peter Gregory and Max Clark displayed furtiveness and unclean hands after JFK was killed. On 11/28/63, Gregory assisted the Secret Service in translating a lengthy interrogation of Marina Oswald. On 11/29/63, both Gregory and Clark told FBI agent Earle Haley that Oswald had obtained their names from the Fort Worth Public Library, where Gregory worked. When Clark testified before the Warren panel, he changed his story to say that Oswald was referred to his wife by the Texas Employment Commission (TEC). Clearly, both men had initially tried to keep their TEC contacts away from public view. The TEC – better known as the state unemployment agency – kept extensive records on Oswald that are now available and open up all sorts of questions. After a complaint by the Warren Commission staff that these earlier reports contradicted the Warren Commission testimony, Hoover ordered Legend Maker #6 FBI supervisor Marvin Gheesling to confront them on these contradictions. When Gheesling re-assigned the case to the Dallas FBI office, agent Earle Haley went back and re-interviewed Clark and Gregory. Haley was a personal acquaintance of Max Clark, who used to work with “Earle”. Gregory wouldn’t change his story and blamed it on Oswald, while Clark said he heard about the whole issue second-hand from his wife, who always knew Oswald got her name from the Texas Employment Commission. Max’s wife Gali Clark was treated with kid gloves. There’s no indication that Haley or anyone else ever followed up with her. Oswald had legend makers precisely because he and his wife presented a perceived threat to national securityDe Mohrenschildt visited and exchanged cards and letters with CIA official J. Walton Moore on a regular basis during the fifties and sixties. Moore wrote a memo in 1977 claiming that he only met de Mohrenschildt twice, in 1958 and in 1961. Moore’s hazy memory on the number of visits was exposed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations. In 1964, a similar memo by Moore admitted that he met de Mohrenschildt in 1957, “several times” in 1958 and 1959, and the last time in 1961. There was more than just that. De Mohrenschildt sent Moore a stack of contact reports in 1957 and 1958. In 1958, Moore used de Mohrenschildt as a “contact” with a Polish official. In 1960, Moore referred to de Mohrenschildt as a “cleared contact” for a copy of a memo on the USSR’s use of petroleum. Moore visited the De Mohrenschildts’ home in late 1961 to see a movie of their “walking tour” from Mexico to Panama. HSCA Report, Volume 12, p. 54. Although the de Mohrenschildts said that they were tracking the mining trails of the old Spanish conquistadors, they found themselves with hundreds of Cuban exiles in Guatemala City, a staging area for the Bay of Pigs invasion that was about to begin. De Mohrenschildt revealed a few hours before his death that Moore took him to lunch in late 1961, and described to him an ex-Marine in Minsk in whom the CIA had “interest”. In the summer of 1962, an associate of Moore suggested that de Mohrenschildt might want to meet Oswald. De Mohrenschildt then called Moore, suggesting that suitable payback would be a little help by the State Department with an oil exploration deal in Haiti. After the assassination, R.S. Travis at the Domestic Contact Division identified ten separate domestic contact reports prepared by de Mohrenschildt, and tipped off the staff of Legend Maker #1 Jim Angleton at the counterintelligence office. Travis referred to De Mohrenschildt as Moore’s “source,” and asked Moore to provide his personal evaluation of George for the CI Staff. Moore wrote an intriguing evaluation that admitted that he had sought out de Mohrenschildt as “the result of a source lead from Headquarters” in 1957, but scrambled to avoid any direct admissions of the role he played in bringing de Mohrenschildt and Oswald together. Moore’s evaluation was so carefully prepared that the file includes what appears to be a far-different rough draft. Moore’s poor memory triggered internal scrutiny by the CIA’s Reinvestigation Program. Moore went so far as to tell the CI staffer for Angleton “there is no White Russian ‘community’ in Dallas. He knows of only a couple of Russian linguists who are used by the Socony labs for translation. Jim feels the word ‘community’ is inapplicable. In any event he has had no contact with any such group”. This memo is one of several indications that the task for Angleton’s staff was to sanitize de Mohrenschildt’s checkered history. Moore was a former FBI agent and college roommate of Wallace Heitman, a Soviet language specialist who played the lead role for the FBI in controlling the first-day evidence. Although US intelligence records on de Mohrenschildt go back to at least World War II, CIA Director Richard Helms said that the agency’s “initial interest” in George de Mohrenschildt was because he had been a petrochemical consultant with the International Cooperation Administration (ICA). De Mohrenschildt was appointed by the State Department as the “petroleum adviser” for the independent communist Yugoslavian government in 1957, and testified to the Warren Commission that ICA was the only US government agency that ever paid him. The ICA became part of the Agency for International Development (AID) in 1961. The AID has been cited by its former director John Gilligan as being filled with CIA agents “from top to bottom…the idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas, government, volunteer, religious, every kind”.In early 1963, de Mohrenschildt passed on his “babysitting duties” for the Oswald family to Ruth and Legend Maker #12 Michael Paine. Ruth’s father Bill Hyde was regional director of the Nationwide Insurance Company, part of the International Cooperative Alliance founded in 1922 and still active today. This similarity between these two ICAs is not accidental – the contracts for both groups were coordinated through AID and the State Department. Both de Mohrenschildt and Hyde were business consultants that traveled abroad working on cooperative ventures and provided reports used by the CIA. The covert action division of Legend Maker #2 Cord Meyer sought to use Hyde as a security consultant in Vietnam back in 1957, but CI-SIG’s information on Hyde resulted in the denial of any security clearance. Hyde’s problem, like Legend Maker #3 Priscilla Johnson, was that he was active with progressive causes and had family members involved with the United World Federalists. Meyer, the CIA covert action chief in 1963, had got into trouble with the FBI during the 1950s for his former role as president of the United World Federalists. Keep in mind that the CIA was not supposed to have officers handling domestic agents tracking US citizens inside the country. That job was the FBI’s turf. Routing slips show that interactions between Oswald and the FBI after his return were carefully scrutinized. The rivalry between the CIA and the FBI led to CIA officers trying to work around the system. In this setting, ideal babysitters for the Oswald family were trusted people that were denied security clearances – such as de Mohrenschildt or Ruth’s father. Whether or not the babysitter knew that they were being monitored by intelligence, the operation could be kept in an officer’s vest pocket and never reduced to writing.Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald became housemates after the Magnolia party Ruth Paine met the Oswalds and George de Mohrenschildt at the party of Everett Glover on February 22, 1963. This is known as the “Magnolia party”. Glover was a chemist with Magnolia Labs, a geology lab for Socony Mobil Oil — the same “Socony labs” that Moore referred to when he argued that there was no White Russian community in Dallas. Glover and four other Magnolia employees approached Oswald and got him to talk for several hours about life in the Soviet Union. One of these employees, Norman Fredericksen, was the son of the former director of Radio Free Europe. As discussed in the previous chapter, de Mohrenschildt had many close ties with Radio Free Europe. The Paines have been described by researcher Greg Parker as pragmatic pacifists. In an amazing coincidence, they moved from Pennsylvania to Oswald’s mother’s community of Irving, Texas during the second week of September 1959, the very week that Oswald abruptly left his mother and went off to defect to the USSR. They had made the move so that Michael could take a job with the military contractor Bell Helicopter. Michael said that Bell manufactured 40% of all of the helicopters used in the Vietnam War. Bell Helicopter was begun and run by Michael’s stepfather, Arthur Young, the most recent husband of Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine.They had made the move so that Michael could take a job with the military contractor Bell Helicopter. Michael said that Bell manufactured 40% of all of the helicopters used in the Vietnam War. Bell Helicopter was begun and run by Michael’s stepfather, Arthur Young, the most recent husband of Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine. Helicopters on the attack The Paines probably had a handler within the intelligence community in 1959, whether they knew it or not. Based on their background with the World Federalists and Ruth’s work with the Quakers and Soviet-American friendship committees, Cord Meyer is the logical candidate. By 1963, Meyer was the chief of the covert action division. Frederick Merrill at the State Department put his stamp of approval on the East-West Contact Committee program organized by the Quakers that Ruth had worked on – the following year, Merrill worked on the Robert Webster defector case that was linked to the Oswald defector case. Did some combination of Meyer, AID and the State Department somehow persuade the Paines to keep an eye on this defector family, or were they simply manipulated into position? Ruth had other intelligence operatives in her family – such as her sister Sylvia Hoke and her brother-in-law John Hoke – who could play a role in helping to convince her. Michael Paine’s family also had access to talent in the intelligence arena. Michael’s mother had a close friend named Mary Bancroft who was an OSS spy that slept with Allen Dulles. After the Magnolia party, Ruth asked Marina Oswald if she would like to live with her so that she could improve her Russian. Lee was about to leave Marina for awhile while he went to his home town of New Orleans and looked for more steady work. Michael and Ruth had ostensibly split up, and were living in different houses. Thanks to Barbara LaMonica, Greg Parker, Bill Kelly, and many other researchers for their insights on de Mohrenschildt and the Paines. ==================================== Endnotes:Peter Gregory…was also a translator who had his son Paul take Russian lessons from Oswald’s wife Marina. Gregory provided Oswald with a letter certifying Oswald’s ability to serve as a translator: Warren Commission Document 5, p.l 290; SA Earle Haley interview with Peter Gregory, 11/29/63. Also see Secret Service report, below.Gregory commented on Oswald’s pronounced Polish accent: Secret Service report of Leon Gopadze, 11/29/63, p. 3, FBI – HSCA Administrative Folders/NARA Record Number: 124-10369-10062.Oswald contacted Max Clark’s wife shortly after his return: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Max Clark, Volume 8, p. 344.On 11/28/63, Gregory assisted the Secret Service in translating a lengthy interrogation of Marina Oswald: Secret Service report of Leon Gopadze, 11/29/63, p. 3, FBI – HSCA Administrative Folders/NARA Record Number: 124-10369-10062.On 11/29/63, Clark and Gregory told FBI agent Earle Haley that Oswald had obtained their names from the Fort Worth ublic Library, where Gregory worked: Warren Commission Document 5, p. 262, SA Earle Haley interview with Max Clark, 11/29/63; p. 290, SA Earl Haley interview with Peter Gregory, 11/29/63.After a complaint by the Warren Commission that these these earlier reports contradicted the witnesses’ Warren Commission testimony, Legend Maker #6 FBI supervisor Marvin Gheesling was forced to confront them on these contradictions: Memo from Warren Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin to FBI Director, 5/7/64; Memo from Gheesling to SAC, Dallas, FBI, 5/11/64, 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 151, p. 49.After Gheesling re-assigned the case to the Dallas FBI office, agent Earle Haley went back and re-interviewed Clark and Gregory: Warren Commission Exhibits 1888, 1889, 5/14/64.Haley was a personal acquaintance of Max Clark, who used to work with ” Earle “: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Max Clark, Volume 8, pp. 349, 352.Gregory wouldn’t change his story and blamed it on Oswald, while Clark said he heard about the whole issue second-hand from his wife: Warren Commission Exhibits 1888, 1889, 5/14/64.The Washington Post and other papers ran a UPI article on 6/9/62 announcing the Oswalds’ impending arrival to Dallas: “Third American in 2 Months Leaves Soviet ‘Home’”, Washington Post, 6/9/62.The FBI has got him tagged and is watching his movements: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Max Clark, Volume 8, pp. 351.Marina’s uncle and surrogate father Colonel Ilya Prusakov was with the MVD, the parent intelligence organization to the KGB…: William Hood, Mole, (W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1982) p. 305. See memo of Richard Helms to Warren Commission staffer J. Lee Rankin, 1/25/64, for the time period “18-31 March 1961″.…stationed in the Soviet embassy in New Delhi: Reel 13, Folder R – Marina Oswald, pp. 97-98.De Mohrenschildt visited with CIA official J. Walton Moore and exchanged cards and letters, on a regular basis in the 1950s and 1960s: FBI memo by W. James Wood re meeting with George De Mohrenschildt, 3/7/64, Russ Holmes Work File/NARA Record Number: 104-10414-10179.In 1964, a similar memo by Moore admitted that he met de Mohrenschildt in 1957, “several times” in 1958 and 1959, and the last time in 1961: Memo by J. Walton Moore, 5/1/64, Russ Holmes Work File/NARA Record Number: 104-10406-10105.De Mohrenschildt sent Moore a stack of contact reports in 1957 and 1958: Contact reports, Reel 5, Folder L – George de Mohrenschildt, pp. 88-98, 100, 102, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.25.14:01:26:660005.In 1958, Moore used de Mohrenschildt as a “contact” with a Polish official: J. Walton Moore, Process Sheet for OO/C Collections, 2/11/58, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm – reel 5: Conte – De Mohrenschildt)/NARA Record Number: 104-10244-10184.In 1960, Moore referred to de Mohrenschildt as a “cleared contact” for a copy of a memo on the USSR’s use of petroleum: Memo from J. Walton Moore to Acting Chief, Contact Division, Houston, 4/28/60, Reel 5, Folder L — George de Mohrenschildt, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.25.14:01:26:660005.Moore visited the De Mohrenschildts’ home in late 1961 to see a movie of their “walking tour” from Mexico to Panama: HSCA Report, Volume 12, p. 54.Although the de Mohrenschildts said that they were tracking the mining trails of the old Spanish conquistadors, they found themselves with hundreds of Cuban exiles in Guatemala City, a staging area for the Bay of Pigs invasion that was about to begin: Warren Commission Hearings, Volume 9, Testimony of George de Mohrenschildt, pp. 213-217.De Mohrenschildt revealed a few hours before his death that Moore took him to lunch in late 1961, and described to him an ex-Marine in Minsk in whom the CIA had “interest”…: Dick Russell, The Man who Knew Too Much (1992), p. 274.After the assassination, R.S. Travis at the Domestic Contact Division identified the file numbers of ten separate domestic contact reports prepared by de Mohrenschildt , and sent a copy to the staff of Legend Maker #1 Jim Angleton at the counterintelligence office : Memo by R.S. Travis, Contact Division, to Paul Hartman, CI Division, 4/20/64, Reel 52, Folder C – George de Mohrenschildt, pp. 32-33, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.26.09:19:10:570005.Travis referred to De Mohrenschildt as Moore’s “source,” and asked Moore to provide his personal evaluation of George for the CI Staff: Id., at p. 31.Moore wrote an intriguing evaluation that admitted that he had sought out de Mohrenschildt as “the result of a source lead from Headquarters” in 1957, but scrambled to avoid any direct admissions of the role he played in bringing de Mohrenschildt and Oswald together: Memo by J. Walton Moore, 5/1/64, pp. 1-2, Russ Holmes Working File/NARA No. 104-10406-10105.Moore’s evaluation was so carefully prepared that the file includes what appears to be a far-different rough draft. Id. pp. 3-4.Moore’s poor memory triggered internal scrutiny by the CIA’s Reinvestigation Program: Investigative Transmittal Sheet for Moore, 4/29/64, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 44 / NARA Record Number: 104-10124-10286; Processing Sheet, NARA Record Number: 104-10124-10284.Moore went so far as to tell the CI staffer for Legend Maker #1 James Angleton that “there is no White Russian ‘community’ in Dallas. He knows of only a couple of Russian linguists who are used by the Socony labs for translation: Handwritten note by R.S. Travis, 5/27/64, Reel 52, Folder C – George de Mohrenschildt, p. 10.Moore was a former FBI agent and college roommate of Wallace Heitman, a Soviet language specialist who played the lead role for the FBI in controlling the first-day evidence: Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked (2010 edition), p. 326.Although US intelligence records on de Mohrenschildt go back to at least World War II, CIA Director Richard Helms said that the agency’s “initial interest” in George de Mohrenschildt was because he had been a petrochemical consultant with the International Cooperation Administration: Memo by Richard Helms to Warren Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin, 6/3/64, Warren Commission Exhibit 1012.De Mohrenschildt was appointed by the State Department as the “petroleum adviser” for the independent communist Yugoslavian government in 1957…: Memo of SA Raymond Yelchak, 3/4/64, documenting receipt of de Mohrenschildt resume in 1958.…and testified to the Warren Commission that ICA was the only US government agency that ever paid him: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of George de Mohrenschildt, Volume 9, p. 212.The AID has been cited by its former director John Gilligan as being filled with CIA agents “from top to bottom…the idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas, government, volunteer, religious, every kind”: George Cotter, “Spies, Strings, and Missionaries”, The Christian Century (Chicago), March 25, 1981, p. 321, cited in William Blum’s Killing Hope (2003), p. 235.Ruth’s father Bill Hyde was regional director of the Nationwide Insurance Company, part of the International Cooperative Alliance founded in 1922 and still active today: See this linked website of the International Cooperative Alliance.The ICA has had an insurance sector for the last one hundred years: See this linked website for the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation.This similiarity between these two ICAs is not accidental – the contracts for both groups were coordinated through AID and the State Department. Both de Mohrenschildt and Hyde were business consultants that traveled abroad working on cooperative ventures and provided reports used by the CIA: See Barbara LaMonica, “William Avery Hyde”, Fourth Decade (November 1997), pp. 8, 11.Meyer’s covert action division had considered using Hyde as a security consultant in Vietnam back in 1957 , but CI-SIG’s information about Hyde led to denial of any security clearance: 4/8/64 memo by Elizabeth Mendoza, Re: LHO Address Book (FBI Report 12/31/63) Oswald 201 File (201-289248)/NARA Record Number: 104-10300-10025. On the role of CI-SIG, see 12/5/63 memo by Chief, Research Branch/OS/SRS to Files, re William Avery Hyde.Hyde’s problem, like Legend Maker #3 Priscilla Johnson, was that he was active with progressive causes and had family members involved with the United World Federalists: Ruth Forbes Paine Young (Michael Paine’s mother) was an influential member of the United World Federalists. George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance (Xlibris, 2006), p. 234. Also see the Arthur M. Young website section for Ruth Forbes Paine Young. Glover was a chemist with Magnolia Labs, a geology lab for Mobil. Glover and four other Magnolia employees encircled Oswald and asked him to tell them about life in the Soviet Union for several hours. One of these employees, Norman Fredericksen, was the son of the former director of Radio Free Europe: This circle was described to Edward Epstein in his book Legend (1977), pp. 206-207, in interviews with participants Betty MacDonald, Norman and Elke Fredricksen, and Richard Pierce. This meeting was corroborated by Richard Helms, based on a report by J. Walton Moore. Memo of March 1964 by Richard Helms to J. Lee Rankin, Reel 44, Folder J, Lee Harvey Oswald Soft File, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.13.14:58:27:500005. In an amazing coincidence, they moved from Pennsylvania to Oswald’s mother’s community of Irving, Texas during the second week of September 1959, the very week that Oswald abruptly left his mother and went off to defect to the USSR: Memorandum for file by SA Raymond C. Eckenrode, on March 25, 1964, p. 2, CD 849, p. 6. They had made the move so that Michael could take a job with the military contractor Bell Helicopter. Michael said that Bell manufactured 40% of all of the helicopters used in the Vietnam War: A.J. Weberman interview with Michael Paine, circa 1993. Bell Helicopter was begun and run by Michael’s stepfather, Arthur Young, the most recent husband of Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine:“Model helicopter with Arthur Young”, JFKCountercoup, 12/20/09. By 1963, Meyer was the chief of the Covert Action staff: Cord Meyer, Memorandum for the Record, 4/17/63, pp. 1-4, Miscellaneous CIA Series/NARA Record Number: 104-10302-10000. Frederick Merrill at the State Department provided his stamp of approval to the 1957-68 East West Contacts Committee work done by the Quakers that Ruth was part of…:CIEE History: 1947-1960. (Council for International Educational Exchange), pp. 11-12. Ruth reluctantly admitted that she was active with the East-West Committee: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine, Volume 3, pp. 134-136. …and had worked on the Robert Webster case: Memorandum for the Record, by REDACTED, SR/COP/FI, 10/8/59, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm – reel 17: Ruiz – Webster) / NARA Record Number: 104-10181-10128. Note: The author of this Webster memo, still only known to us as SR/COP/FI, is the same individual who helped stop the second known effort to make Priscilla Johnson a CIA officer: See Memo from Director to REDACTED, 6/19/58, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 104-10119-10287. Ruth had other intelligence operatives in her family – such as her sister Sylvia Hoke and her brother-in-law John Hoke – who could play a role in helping to convince her: In a heavily redacted document, the FBI was informed by a “reliable” source that Ruth’s sister Sylvia Hyde Hoke was Naval Intelligence and was trying to obtain a top secret clearance: Commission Document 508 – FBI Mansfield Report of 06 Feb 1957 re: Hoke.A CIA memorandum indicated that Sylvia Hoke was a CIA employee in 1961: Security File on Sylvia Hoke Hyde, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 1993.07.24.08:39:37:560310.Washington Post obituary for John Hoke states that he was fired from AID in 1962: Emma Brown, “A Local Life”, 3/19/11Ruth Paine testified to the Orleans Grand Jury that Hoke was working for AID in 1963: Ruth Paine’s testimony to the Orleans Grand Jury, 4/18/68, p. 57, Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts. These documents show Hoke was working for AID in 1963 and 1964: Request for Approval of Liaison, re John Hoke, 8/22/63, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 104-10120-10304; 8/13/64, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 104-10120-10303. Michael Paine’s family also had contact talent in the intelligence arena. Michael’s mother had a close friend named Mary Bancroft who was an OSS spy that slept with Allen Dulles: Mary Bancroft, Autobiography of a Spy (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1983); also see Evica, A Certain Arrogance, p. 248. Michael and Ruth had ostensibly split up, and were living in different houses: Memo by SA James Hosty, 4/1/64, FBI – Ruth and Michael Paine Files / NARA Record Number: 124-10065-10356 === A Certain Arroganceby George Michael Evica Reviewed by James DiEugenio = Evica closes the book with a couple who emerged as character witnesses for the Paines during the Warren Commission inquiry: Frederick and Nancy Osborn. The Osborn family, including his father Frederick Sr., was significantly involved in the American eugenics movement whose intention was to "create a superior Nordic race." (p. 251) Frederick Sr. also worked with Allen Dulles in the organization of the National Committee for a Free Europe. (p. 254) The funding for this group eventually came from Frank Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination in the CIA. (p. 255) These were the connections of the friends of the kindly Quaker couple who befriended Lee and Marina. === Phil Dragoo Recommended: The Confessions of Ruth Paine by Steven Jones from JFK/DPQ: has been corroborated beyond any doubt is that Ruth has immediate family members who were employed by the CIA. Documents have been located at the Archives showing that her sister was a staff psychologist for the CIA as of 1961 and that her father had been approached by the Agency to run an educational co-operative alliance in Vietnam in 1957. Though refusing to admit that she herself ever had anything to do with the CIA, she admitted to her friend that her father had been in their employment. She said that while working as an insurance executive for Nationwide Insurance, and later for the Agency for International Development, her father had often gathered intelligence for the CIA. But she was quick to add that he would never have done so if "he had known what the CIA was really all about." By this she meant that her father was serving in the capacity of a genuine patriotic, anti-Communist fervor and did not really understand how the CIA used such intelligence gathering to undermine local economies and suppress indigenous people so that American corporations could move in and exploit local cheap labor. The fact that Ruth understands this showed that she was quite attuned to the motivations, methods, and purposes of the Central Intelligence Agency.The one and only time Ruth showed any cracks at all regarding the assassination itself was when she was having a difficulties with her now 40-year-old daughter. With tears in her eyes, Ruth stated that her daughter did not want to speak to her any more until she came to grips with "the evil that I have been associated with in my life." When the friend gently pushed further and asked, "What evil?" Ruth clammed up. But the friend assured me that she was convinced this was a veiled reference to the Kennedy assassination and that Ruth was not talking strictly about Lee Oswald. The friend firmly believes this because the comment was made in the context of a brief discussion about the assassination. Upon searching this house we found stacks of hand bills concerning "Cuba for Freedom" advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba. Also found was a set of metal file cabinets containing records that appeared to be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers. All of this evidence was confiscated and turned over to Captain Fritz of the Dallas Police Department and Secret Service Officers at the City Hall. ======================If Ruth Pain is an agent, and I still firmly believe she is, she is a damn good one. Vincent Salandria once told me that the Paines, whether unwitting or not, played a key role in the assassination conspiracy by getting Oswald into the Texas School Book Depository. The conspirators knew that the people they chose for such a vital role had to be rock solid individuals who would never crack. After my experience with Ruth Paine's friend, I would have to say that Salandria was absolutely right. ........ tax records and the documents on Michael's family are sealed.Michael's mother and stepfather were close friends of Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles' mistress and OSS contact to the Valkyrie plot. Dulles cracked that certain people would get excited if they knew he was in Dallas weeks before the assassination (he spoke to the Dallas Council on World Affairs October 28 as the author of the Craft of Intelligence). And, surprise surprise, he would sit on the commission to frame the lone nut, using a book hyped by an editor friend in an editorial at the time of the assassination.Though he was fired by Kennedy, he would arrange to have the patsy in place, and himself on the star chamber, then tut-tut that people don't read.While shouting at Lifton that the head could be spinning in circles, later to mock "that little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god" Edited April 4, 2015 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas Graves Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 (edited) In any case, your case for a CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it.Regards, --Paul Trejo ==================================================== The Paines,Volkmar Schmidt,Secret Service and George DeMorschildt are part of the Dulles nexus. Belief that David Morales could manipulate the above is pure fantasy. =============================================== Bill Kelly's excellent article connecting the Hitler assassination attempt and the assassination of JFK: Dr. Whilhelm Keutemeyer was a professor of psychosomatic medicine and religion at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Keutemeyer’s son was Volkmar Schmidt’s best friend, and Schmidt looked to Keutemeyer as a surrogate father figure. Keutemeyer was also a colleague of Swiss psychoanalysist Carl Jung, who attempted to use his professional associations in attempts to influence Hitler’s behavior. When that failed they just tried to kill him. According to Schmidt, Keutemeyer was also associated with Herr Von Halen and Dr. Adam von Trott zu Solz, both of whom were captured, tortured and executed because of their roles in the failed assassination and coup of July 20, 1944. (For details of their roles Peter Hoffman’s the History of German Resistance, 1933-1944, MIT Press, 1977). Also involved was one Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius, a Gestapo officer assigned to Switzerland, who tried to get the OSS chief of Bern, Allen Dulles, to broker a separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies, without Hitler, to fight the Russians together. This plot evolved into the July 20th bomb explosion at the Fuhrer’s “Wolfschanze” bunker headquarters near Rastenburg, Germany. Col. Claus Schenk Grav von Stauffenberg planted a briefcase bomb under the map table next to Hitler, left the bunker, witnessed the explosion and the flew back to Berlin where he met with Gisevius. Together they drew up press releases to counter Goebel’s propaganda, but when it became clear that the bomb failed to kill Hitler (the heavy wooden table leg saved his life), those responsible were rounded up and executed. Many hundreds, some say thousands were eventually implicated, but somehow, Gisevius went underground and eventually escaped using false identification provided to him by Allen Dulles, though his personal assistant Mary Bancroft. Mary Bancroft, the stepdaughter of the publisher of the Wall Street Journal, was also Dulles’ mistress at the time, and served as a intermediary between Dulles and Gisevius. She also helped Gisevius translate his history of the Third Rich, later published as “Bis zum bittern Ende.” (two volumes, Fretz & Wasmuth, Zurich, 1946, 1954; To the Bitter End,” Richard and Clara Winston, Jonathan Cape, London, 1948; Rutten & Loening, Hamburg, (1964). As related in her own “Autobiography of a Spy” (William Morrow, 1983), Mary Bancroft was a close personal friend of Michael Paine’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young. Their intimate friendship dated from the 1920s when Ruth Forbes Paine was married to New York architect Lyman Paine, one of the founders of the Trotyskite movment in the U.S. and father of Michael Paine. Bancroft and Ruth Forbes Paine traveled extensively overseas and were together on board an ocean liner when Bancroft met her future husband, a Zurich businessman. Hans Bernd Gisevius was called to testify for the defense at the Nurenberg trials, but instead of aiding them, he helped send the Nazis to the gallows. He then came to America where Allen Dulles provided him with a $5,000 a month retainer and set him up in the home of his CIA deputy Tom Braden. At the time Braden was head of the International Organizations Division (IOD), and his assistant was Cord Meyer, Jr., who would later take his place. Cord Meyer, Jr. was the co-founder of the World Federalists, which also included it’s Philadelphia adherents, Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Priscilla Johnson McMillan, when she was a student at Bryn Mawr. So there you have it - Dr. Wilhelm Keutemeyer, Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius, Mary Bancroft and Allen Dulles, four direct participants in the July 20, 1944 Hitler assassination attempt and failed coup d’etat, who also became related to the events that culminated in what happened on November 22, 1963. ==== Douglass PAINES His mother, Ruth Forbes Paine Young, was descended from the Boston Brahmin Forbes family -- one of the oldest in America. She was a close friend of Mary Bancroft. Mary Bancroft worked with Allen Dulles as a spy during World War II in Switzerland. This is where Dulles got many of his ideas on espionage, which he would incorporate as CIA Director under Eisenhower. Bancroft also became Dulles' friend and lover. She herself called Ruth Forbes, "a very good friend of mine." (p. 169) This may explain why, according to Walt Brown, the Paines were the most oft-questioned witnesses to appear before the Commission. Ruth Paine's father was William Avery Hyde. Ruth described him before the Warren Commission as an insurance underwriter. (p. 170) But there was more to it than that. Just one month after the Warren Report was issued, Mr. Hyde received a three-year government contract from the Agency for International Development (AID). He became their regional adviser for all of Latin America. As was revealed in the seventies, AID was riddled with CIA operatives. To the point that some called it an extension of the Agency. Hyde's reports were forwarded both to the State Department and the CIA. (Ibid) Ruth Paine's older sister was Sylvia Hyde Hoke. Sylvia was living in Falls Church, Virginia in 1963. Ruth stayed with Sylvia in September of 1963 while traveling across country. (p. 170) Falls Church adjoins Langley, which was then the new headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency, a prized project of Allen Dulles. It was from Falls Church that Ruth Paine journeyed to New Orleans to pick up Marina Oswald, who she had been introduced to by George DeMohrenschildt. After she picked Marina up, she deposited her in her home in Irving, Texas. Thereby separating Marina from Lee at the time of the assassination. Some later discoveries made Ruth's itinerary in September quite interesting. It turned out that John Hoke, Sylvia's husband, also worked for AID. And her sister Sylvia worked directly for the CIA itself. By the time of Ruth's visit, Sylvia had been employed by the Agency for eight years. In regards to this interestingly timed visit to her sister, Jim Garrison asked Ruth some pointed questions when she appeared before a grand jury in 1968. He first asked her if she knew her sister had a file that was classified at that time in the National Archives. Ruth replied she did not. In fact, she was not aware of any classification matter at all. When the DA asked her if she had any idea why it was being kept secret, Ruth replied that she didn't. Then Garrison asked Ruth if she knew which government agency Sylvia worked for. The uninquiring Ruth said she did not know. (p. 171) This is the same woman who was seen at the National Archives pouring through her files in 1976, when the House Select Committee was gearing up. When Marina Oswald was called before the same grand jury, a citizen asked her if she still associated with Ruth Paine. Marina replied that she didn't. When asked why not, Marina stated that it was upon the advice of the Secret Service. She then elaborated on this by explaining that they had told her it would look bad if the public found out the "connection between me and Ruth and CIA." An assistant DA then asked, "In other words, you were left with the distinct impression that she was in some way connected with the CIA?" Marina replied simply, "Yes." (p. 173) Douglass interpolates the above with the why and how of Oswald ending up on the motorcade route on 11/22/63. Robert Adams of the Texas Employment Commission testified to having called the Paine household at about the time Oswald was referred by Ruth -- via a neighbor-- to the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) for a position. He called and was told Oswald was not there. He left a message for Oswald to come down and see him since he had a position available as a cargo handler at a regional cargo airline. Interestingly, this job paid about 1/3 more than the job Oswald ended up with at the TSBD. He called again the next day to inquire about Oswald and the position again. He was now told that Lee had already taken a job. Ruth was questioned about the Adams call by the Warren Commission's Albert Jenner. At first she denied ever hearing of such a job offer. She said, "I do not recall that." (p. 172) She then backtracked, in a tactical way. She now said that she may have heard of the offer from Lee. This, of course, would seem to contradict both the Adams testimony and common sense. If Oswald was cognizant of the better offer, why would he take the lower paying job? ===== The Paines' Participation in the Minox Camera Charade by Carol Hewett, Esq. Almost every JFK assassination researcher is aware that the Dallas police found, and inventoried, a tiny hi-tech Minox camera amongst Oswald's personal effects when Ruth and Michael Paine's home was searched and that this camera later was omitted from an inventory list once the FBI took over the investigation. What is not generally known is the Paines' role in this camera charade. There were 3 separate inventory lists itemizing the evidence from the Paine household: a Dallas police List, a joint Dallas police and FBI list, and the FBI Headquarters list. This camera disappears from List #3. There were four separate sets of photographs of the items removed from the Paine household: the Dallas Police Crime Lab revealing the camera, the joint Dallas police and FBI photos which should have shown the camera, the altered joint set of photos which omitted the camera, and the supplement set to #3 which still failed to show the Minox camera. The FBI's early efforts to conceal the existence of the Minox camera did not stay secret for long, as word leaked out amongst news reporters that the FBI had altered its inventory list and that the FBI had pressured the Dallas police to alter its inventory. The FBI was now squarely in the middle of an evidence-tampering dilemma before the Warren Commission investigation was barely underway. One solution would be to produce the original camera, or any Minox camera for that matter, in order to resolve the discrepancy. This is precisely what the FBI did. Many of the documents setting forth the method by which the Minox camera "reappeared" were not released to the public until 1984 and are amongst the Paine files. We now know that the controversy over the Minox camera reached the highest levels of the FBI. Eventfully Hoover demanded that Dallas SAC Gordon Shanklin contact the Dallas Police, Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine to get to the bottom of the problem. Late in January 1964, Dallas FBI Agent Bardwell Odum contacted the Paines. Mr. Paine advised Odum that he still had his Minox camera in a coffee can in his garage, that it had been dropped in salt water a few years ago and that he had repaired the water damage by cleaning the camera with kerosene. According to Paine, the camera seemed to be in good working order but "someone" had bent the shutter and "now" it was not working. Paine recollected that when the law enforcement officers first searched his home, he gave them a drawer of his photographic equipment with everything in it except for the Minox camera. Paine went on to say that he had mentioned to the officers that the Minox camera was in the garage but they did not seem interested in it. This was an obvious lie for the police had in fact taken a Minox camera into custody. Paine also claimed that the Minox light meter seized that weekend belonged to him. Did the Paines have a prior relationship with Agent Odum that would allow the three of them to participate in a ruse? Mr. Paine told the Warren Commission that he knew "Bob" Odum, casually referring to Bardwell Odum's nickname of "Bob". Odum, incidentally, apparently lived in Irving in 1963 because Irving barbershop owner, Clifton Shasteen, told the Warren Commission that he not only cut Oswald's hair but that he also cut FBI Agent Bardwell Odum's hair. Following her Warren Commission testimony, Ruth Paine wrote the Commission seeking return of various items which belonged to her and her husband; her lists mentions only the Minox light meter and light meter case, not a Minox camera. In all the ensuing correspondence, no mention of the Minox camera is made by the Paines, Rankin or Hoover --- once again suggesting collusion. The camera as inventoried by the Dallas police, and later by Odum, contained exposed film. In 1977 author Alan J. Weberman obtained copies of these developed photos. 29 photos were produced, some of which depicted a freighter in a harbor and a military installation apparently situated in Central America. One of the military photos shows a blond American which the HSCA must have thought was CIA operative Gerry Patrick Hemming inasmuch as the HSCA juxtaposed two other photos of Hemming next to it for comparison. Other photographs were of Rome, including the Piaza of St. Peter and the Roman Coliseum. Still another photo in the series consists of a pet cat reclining on a checkered tiled floor. In the 1970's Michael Paine denied having taken such photos despite the fact that he had owned the Minox camera. In 1994, Paine would be questioned again about these matters for the Frontline TV production. This time Paine stated that the camera which was returned to him had been stolen about 5 years after the assassination along with all of the photographs from that era Is he referring to the 29 photos? Why would they have been returned if they were not his in the first place? A theft could not have occurred 5 years after 1963 because the camera marked by Odum was shown to Marina by the HSCA in 1978. In fact Marina was shown two Minox cameras! The source of the second one remains a mystery. Neither one of the Paines were ever questioned under oath about the camera or the photos. The pictures of Rome could have been taken by Michael during his 1955 travels to Europe for his passport application indicated that he planned to go to Italy. Oswald also indicated on his second passport application of June 1963 that he intended to travel to Italy but there is yet no indication that he actually traveled to Italy at any time. As for the cat, the Paines did in fact own a cat while living in Irving which they gave away to the family of E.E. Bruner because of their little girl's allergies. There exists an independent photo of June Oswald as a toddler playing with a white kitten. So who owned the black and white cat, the Paines or the Oswalds? Both of the Paines and Bardwell Odum are still alive. They must be relieved of any secrecy oaths and forced to give sworn testimony about this camera. Such testimony may help resolve whether either of the Paines or Lee Harvey Oswald worked in the capacity of an intelligence asset and also whether Michael and Lee worked together. Paine and the Patsy by Steven Jones There are more than 300 released documents of alleged sightings of Oswald before the assassination. Some of these sightings are the mistakes of well-intentioned people; others are reports of kooks and attention-seekers. However, there appear to be a number of credible sightings, enough to indicate that a person or persons was impersonating Lee H. Oswald in the months preceding the assassination. Several researchers, including myself, are in the process of analyzing these sightings. It will take months of further analysis to be able to fully understand their implications. However, the majority of sightings were reported in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Ruth and Michael Paine who befriended the Oswalds in 1963 lived in Irving. Researcher Vince Palamara gave me a videotape of an interview of Michael Paine on WFAA-TV on November 24, 1963. When I saw this interview I was astonished. In 1963 Michael Paine was a dead ringer for Lee Harvey Oswald. Barbara LaMonica and I showed this tape at the Fourth Decade conference in Fredonia. Everyone agreed to the striking similarity between these two men. Not only did Paine resemble Oswald physically but spoke in the same manner, exhibited similar body language, and even pursed his lips exactly as Oswald did when briefly questioned by reporters for live TV on the night of the assassination. I will show a brief 3 minute video clip which intersperses segments of Michael Paine talking with segments of Lee Harvey Oswald talking. I hope that this will draw closer scrutiny to the possibility that Michael Paine may well have been used as an Oswald imposter, and also open up discussion on this topic among participants at the conference. All in the Family (The Paines) by Barbara LaMonica Ruth Paine's father, William Avery Hyde, undertook a Department of State/AID assignment to Peru within weeks of the publication of the Warren Report. His first tour of duty out of the country would last almost three years from October 1964 to August 1967. Mr. Hyde's official status was that of a contract employee for CLUSA, the Cooperative League of the USA. His job title was that of Regional Insurance Advisor for Latin America. Indeed, Mr. Hyde who for many years was an insurance executive with Nationwide Insurance Company, was the only individual at the time who was accredited to the Latin America Division of the U.S. Agency for International Development for handling insurance problems. Thus he should be considered an important asset of the U.S. government's economic policies in Latin America during that time period insofar as the promotion of capitalism and modern day business techniques was concerned. Hyde's tour of duty was not limited to Peru. He provided technical assistance to the launching of insurance cooperatives in Bolivia, Ecuador and Panama. His efforts were directed towards all types of coverage, including life, casualty, automobile, and mortgage insurance and brought him into contact with Latin American credit unions, banks and the housing industry. Furthermore, he urged the State Department to consider the development of a Central American Common Market modeled after the European Common Market. Hyde's experience with insurance cooperatives led him to serve as a consultant to another CLUSAAID cooperative project in Peru called the Artisan Handicraft Project. Inasmuch as Peru's major economic activity consisted of the folk arts, the U.S. government sought to upgrade the cottage industries and to increase the market for Peru's export of handicrafts through modern and large scale foreign retailers such as Sears and Roebuck. This in turn would presumably lead to a better standard of living for workers via higher wages and the development of an accompanying infrastructure. Ruth's father contributed to the "end-of-tour" report on the Artisan Handicraft Project as it was drawing to a close. This report, which was routed to both the State Dept. and the CIA, was found by assassination researchers at the AID library in D.C. Of special interest to the State Department was Hyde's commentary on problems, both politically and culturally, which AID technical advisors could expect to encounter when working in Latin America. These personal remarks consist of only 3 pages but the content is reminiscent of the report which Oswald made about his observations of life in Russia. In fact, a comparison of the two documents reveals Oswald to be the better writer and more thorough observer (notwithstanding the snide remarks about Oswald's writing and thinking abilities made by Norman Mailer in Oswald's Tale). From this, we can conclude that William Avery Hyde could have been deemed an important source of information for the Domestic Contacts Division of the CIA which collected data of a sociological and economic nature for its in-house encyclopedias on foreign nations. It is not difficult to imagine that George DeMorhenschild and Lee Harvey Oswald may have served the same purpose for the CIA following their travels abroad. In any case, we now see that there is more to Ruth's Paine's family background than revealed to us by the Warren Commission or the HSCA or Ruth Paine herself. Arthur Young and Ruth Forbes Paine Young --- The Crux of the Matter by William Kelly Arthur Young is the inventor of the Bell Helicopter and step-father of Michael Paine, who worked at Bell Helicopter's Texas plant and at whose home Lee Oswald stayed on the night before the assassination. Oswald's wife Marina lived at the Irving, Texas home with Michael Paine's wife Ruth, who visited Arthur Young and his wife, Michael's mother, in the summer of 1963. In August 1963 a pregnant Marina Oswald wrote a letter to Ruth Paine --- in care of Arthur Young, accepting an invitation to move in with her in Irving until she had her baby. After visiting with Young and Michael's mother at their farm near Philadelphia, Ruth Paine drove to New Orleans, picked up Marina and the alleged assassination rifle, and drove them to Irving, while Oswald went to Mexico City. The rifle was then stored in the Paine's garage until the day of the assassination. If the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a covert operation, rather than the act of a deranged loner, then the intelligence networks that operated in conjunction with Bell Helicopter's military arm may have played a role in the murder. As the last journalist to interview Arthur Young before he died last year, I have developed a unique insight into his life and role in these affairs. A complete transcript of my interview with him will be released at the conference as well as a summary of my report, which concludes that although Arthur Young is probably responsible for obtaining the job for Michael Paine at Bell Helicopter, it is his wife --- Michael Paine's mother, Ruth Forbes Paine Young --- who was the more important player and has the significant associations with the CIA officials connected with the assassination. Ruth Forbes is a close personal friend of former OSS operative Mary Bancroft, who was Allen Dulles' wartime mistress. Ruth Forbes also helped organize Cord Meyer's World Federalists and the International Peace Academy (IPA) at the UN, both pivotal organizations involved in the U.S.-Russian-Cuban nexus that developed around the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassination. Both Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Mary Bancroft are still alive today and should be questioned by the Assassination Records Review Board as to any information or documents they may have that should be made part of the permanent JFK Assassination Records Collection at the National Archives. Arthur Paine kept detailed diaries and volumes of notes on his personal activities, as did Ruth Paine and Mary Bancroft. Ruth Young's association with the World Federalists and IPA are extremely significant because Priscilla Johnson McMillan was also a World Federalist and a neighbor of Cord Meyer, who went on to become head of the CIA's International Organizations Division. Ruth Young's role in establishing the IPA at the UN places her at the scene of the US-Cuban secret back-channel negotiations regarding detente, which were taking place at the time of the assassination and may have been one of the motives for the murder. Arthur Young and Ruth Forbes Paine Young are two of the most significant, yet least known players in the assassination drama, a point that I hope to rectify at this COPA conference. BRUCE ADAMSON Throughout the 1950s, Paley admitted working with the CIA by allowing agents to pose as CBS employees. In the early 1990s, I received a letter from Paley's personal secretary, John S. Minary, (for 40 years) stating that Mr. Paley had hired George de Mohrenschildt in the early 1960s. One of the long-time Directors at CBS was Prescott Bush, whose son, also a CIA agent, George H.W. Bush had known de Mohrenschildt since 1942. In 1993, Bush Sr., wrote to me stating that he did not know of de Mohrenschildt's Intelligence connections. I later found out that de Mohrenschildt's father-in-law, Walter Samuel Washington, was in charge of more than 250 CIA agents between the years of 1950-53, ten years before the JFK Assassination. In May of 1963, prior to the Assassination of President Kennedy, after he left CBS, Prescott Bush's banking firm Brown Brothers & Harriman gave Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend, George de Mohrenschildt a $300,000 line of credit, when de Mohrenschildt's credit "stunk" to high heaven. ++++++ STEVEN GAAL Peter Dale Scott theorized in Deep Politics and the Death of JFK that the stock transactions of the major stockholders of LTV (Harold Byrd (owner TSBD), Troy Post (financier) and James Ling (businessman) engineer) were made with foreknowledge of the JFK assassination. Troy Post was co-owner of Coconut micro island in Hawaii with California oil man Edwin Pauley. JFK researcher Bruce Adamson acquired the 6 volume set of personal phone books George De Mohrenschildt and noted that De Mohrenschildt had listed Edwin Pauleys name an unusual 4 times. ( To note to avoid confusion ,per Adamson ,George de Mohrenschildt also worked for CBS head William S. Paley after call to Paley's private secretary) The phone books also listed GHWB and also GHWB's intimate nickname "POPPY" ,which few knew. In the appendix of the Secret War Against the Jews book George de Mohrenschildt had the post WWII office number of Allen Dulles at RCA. William Paley (CBS) and Allen Dulles were very,very close friends (see letters Paley - Dulles, Adamson). Prescott Bush (father of GHWB, was a CBS trustee for 30 years (from the radio days to the TV days)) also was a friend of Allen Dulles from the 1930s. Edwin Pauley ,as was William Casey, were private post WWII operatives of Allen Dulles per Secret War Against the Jews book. Casey and Pauley were , per the Gold Warriors book , were top operatives (with Edwin Lasndale) in the ultra secret post WWII Asian-Japanese stolen gold project that help fund post WWII anti-communist CIA operations. Edwin Lasndale was considered by Fetcher Prouty to be a Allen Dulles operative inside the Air Force. Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt (brother of George de Mohrenschildt ) wrote a book in the 1950s with the nephew of Allen Dulles. In 63 William Casey worked with Prescott Bush Jr. (brother GHWB) in a think tank advocating a stronger CIA and increased CIA covert operations. SECRET SERVICE ???? Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:05 PM Fletcher Prouty in his book ,The Secret Team, discussed Allen Dulles ambition to have the CIA penetrate all areas of the US government.Prouty used the existence of a high level FAA bureaucrat that was really a CIA asset to example CIA penetration. It is my supposition that Dulles started to penetrate the US Secret Service in the early 1950s. I come to this idea by my finding the 1963 lawfirm of Scribner,Hall, and Casey in Wash. DC area. Casey being William Casey,who was identified as a POST (thats post) WWII operative of Allen Dulles in the, The Secret War Against the Jews Book.In 1952 Dulles had a dangerous plan to aid the Republican Party's control of the US Presidency. Dulles set up the Republican Ethnic Division (aka with some variation Heritage Groups today). THe Ethnic Division was organized initially in five states. These groups in the 1950s were a danger to the Republican Party in that key leaders were made up of recent displaced WWII Fascsists,Nazi and neo-Nazis. Though information was reported circa 1979-1980 about these groups, this information on the Ethnic Divisions was never given the emphasis it should have gotten (LIBERAL PRESS ???). Dulles set up the Republican Ethnic Division to counter the Jewish vote that he felt caused Governor Dewey's razor thin loss to Truman. A portion of the money for the creation of this Ethnic Divison would come from the money-laundering organization, The Crusade for Freedom,which was aided by William Casey and Ronald Reagan in the early 1950s. The head of the Republican Congressional divison in 1952 was Leonard (W) Hall. Mr. Hall would also chair the Republican Party. Hall had to have full knowledge of this fascists operation. Some of the money also came from the CIA (very illegal). In 1963 we see the lawfirm of Scibner,Hall and Casey. Who was Fred Scribner ? Mr. Scribner was head lawyer for the Treasury Department from the mid 50s till late 50s and also later the Under Secretary . On the internet I found a document that had Scribner working in the hiring of IRS agents. Now Dulles was so fixated on Presidential control he started the Ethnic Divisions which could have distroyed the Republican Party. What strenghtens this theory is that Dulles also was a friend of another Head Lawyer at the Treasury Deptment, Gasper d' Andelot Belin. Dulles,his lover Mary Bancroft, JJA (Chief CIA CI), the Belin's,and the George Bundy's (Bundy being brother of Belins wife) ,would all share lunch and tennis at the Belin's. "Nobody could beat Allen ,at tennis",mused Mary about the Belin lunches. (A very competitive man, NO ??) There are some misspellings at NARA ,but you can find that Belin did work on the still secret (along with his mother's) Oswald tax returns. It is my supposition that via his relationship with the head lawyers of the Treasury Dept, Dulles penetrated the Secret Service. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND PART 1June 5, 2012 THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 7: The hand-off from De Mohrenschildt to the Paines) By Bill Simpich June 3, 2012 Oswald returned from the Soviet Union speaking Russian with a Polish accent When Oswald and his family returned to the Dallas-Fort Worth area from the Soviet Union, they knew that they had make contacts if they were going to put food on the table. Oswald sought out Peter Gregory shortly after his arrival. Peter Gregory described himself as an “oil consultant” who came from Russia in 1923. He was also a translator who had his son Paul take Russian lessons from Oswald’s wife Marina. Gregory provided Oswald with a letter certifying Oswald’s ability to serve as a translator. Gregory commented on Oswald’s pronounced Polish accent, which was a result of Oswald’s extended time with Legend Maker #8 Alexander Ziger and the entire Ziger family. Dallas oilman/spy George de Mohrenschildt became a benefactor to the Oswald family, providing them with money and contacts after their return to the US from the Soviet Union. As discussed earlier, de Mohrenschildt’s lawyer Max Clark was also General Dynamics’ industrial security consultant and a leader within the White Russian community. Oswald contacted Max Clark’s wife shortly after his return, explaining that the Texas Employment Commission had referred her to him as a Russian-speaker and that his wife would like to spend time with another Russian-speaker. Both Peter Gregory and Max Clark displayed furtiveness and unclean hands after JFK was killed. On 11/28/63, Gregory assisted the Secret Service in translating a lengthy interrogation of Marina Oswald. On 11/29/63, both Gregory and Clark told FBI agent Earle Haley that Oswald had obtained their names from the Fort Worth Public Library, where Gregory worked. When Clark testified before the Warren panel, he changed his story to say that Oswald was referred to his wife by the Texas Employment Commission (TEC). Clearly, both men had initially tried to keep their TEC contacts away from public view. The TEC – better known as the state unemployment agency – kept extensive records on Oswald that are now available and open up all sorts of questions. After a complaint by the Warren Commission staff that these earlier reports contradicted the Warren Commission testimony, Hoover ordered Legend Maker #6 FBI supervisor Marvin Gheesling to confront them on these contradictions. When Gheesling re-assigned the case to the Dallas FBI office, agent Earle Haley went back and re-interviewed Clark and Gregory. Haley was a personal acquaintance of Max Clark, who used to work with “Earle”. Gregory wouldn’t change his story and blamed it on Oswald, while Clark said he heard about the whole issue second-hand from his wife, who always knew Oswald got her name from the Texas Employment Commission. Max’s wife Gali Clark was treated with kid gloves. There’s no indication that Haley or anyone else ever followed up with her. Oswald had legend makers precisely because he and his wife presented a perceived threat to national security De Mohrenschildt visited and exchanged cards and letters with CIA official J. Walton Moore on a regular basis during the fifties and sixties. Moore wrote a memo in 1977 claiming that he only met de Mohrenschildt twice, in 1958 and in 1961. Moore’s hazy memory on the number of visits was exposed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations. In 1964, a similar memo by Moore admitted that he met de Mohrenschildt in 1957, “several times” in 1958 and 1959, and the last time in 1961. There was more than just that. De Mohrenschildt sent Moore a stack of contact reports in 1957 and 1958. In 1958, Moore used de Mohrenschildt as a “contact” with a Polish official. In 1960, Moore referred to de Mohrenschildt as a “cleared contact” for a copy of a memo on the USSR’s use of petroleum. Moore visited the De Mohrenschildts’ home in late 1961 to see a movie of their “walking tour” from Mexico to Panama. HSCA Report, Volume 12, p. 54. Although the de Mohrenschildts said that they were tracking the mining trails of the old Spanish conquistadors, they found themselves with hundreds of Cuban exiles in Guatemala City, a staging area for the Bay of Pigs invasion that was about to begin. De Mohrenschildt revealed a few hours before his death that Moore took him to lunch in late 1961, and described to him an ex-Marine in Minsk in whom the CIA had “interest”. In the summer of 1962, an associate of Moore suggested that de Mohrenschildt might want to meet Oswald. De Mohrenschildt then called Moore, suggesting that suitable payback would be a little help by the State Department with an oil exploration deal in Haiti. After the assassination, R.S. Travis at the Domestic Contact Division identified ten separate domestic contact reports prepared by de Mohrenschildt, and tipped off the staff of Legend Maker #1 Jim Angleton at the counterintelligence office. Travis referred to De Mohrenschildt as Moore’s “source,” and asked Moore to provide his personal evaluation of George for the CI Staff. Moore wrote an intriguing evaluation that admitted that he had sought out de Mohrenschildt as “the result of a source lead from Headquarters” in 1957, but scrambled to avoid any direct admissions of the role he played in bringing de Mohrenschildt and Oswald together. Moore’s evaluation was so carefully prepared that the file includes what appears to be a far-different rough draft. Moore’s poor memory triggered internal scrutiny by the CIA’s Reinvestigation Program. Moore went so far as to tell the CI staffer for Angleton “there is no White Russian ‘community’ in Dallas. He knows of only a couple of Russian linguists who are used by the Socony labs for translation. Jim feels the word ‘community’ is inapplicable. In any event he has had no contact with any such group”. This memo is one of several indications that the task for Angleton’s staff was to sanitize de Mohrenschildt’s checkered history. Moore was a former FBI agent and college roommate of Wallace Heitman, a Soviet language specialist who played the lead role for the FBI in controlling the first-day evidence. Although US intelligence records on de Mohrenschildt go back to at least World War II, CIA Director Richard Helms said that the agency’s “initial interest” in George de Mohrenschildt was because he had been a petrochemical consultant with the International Cooperation Administration (ICA). De Mohrenschildt was appointed by the State Department as the “petroleum adviser” for the independent communist Yugoslavian government in 1957, and testified to the Warren Commission that ICA was the only US government agency that ever paid him. The ICA became part of the Agency for International Development (AID) in 1961. The AID has been cited by its former director John Gilligan as being filled with CIA agents “from top to bottom…the idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas, government, volunteer, religious, every kind”. In early 1963, de Mohrenschildt passed on his “babysitting duties” for the Oswald family to Ruth and Legend Maker #12 Michael Paine. Ruth’s father Bill Hyde was regional director of the Nationwide Insurance Company, part of the International Cooperative Alliance founded in 1922 and still active today. This similarity between these two ICAs is not accidental – the contracts for both groups were coordinated through AID and the State Department. Both de Mohrenschildt and Hyde were business consultants that traveled abroad working on cooperative ventures and provided reports used by the CIA. The covert action division of Legend Maker #2 Cord Meyer sought to use Hyde as a security consultant in Vietnam back in 1957, but CI-SIG’s information on Hyde resulted in the denial of any security clearance. Hyde’s problem, like Legend Maker #3 Priscilla Johnson, was that he was active with progressive causes and had family members involved with the United World Federalists. Meyer, the CIA covert action chief in 1963, had got into trouble with the FBI during the 1950s for his former role as president of the United World Federalists. Keep in mind that the CIA was not supposed to have officers handling domestic agents tracking US citizens inside the country. That job was the FBI’s turf. Routing slips show that interactions between Oswald and the FBI after his return were carefully scrutinized. The rivalry between the CIA and the FBI led to CIA officers trying to work around the system. In this setting, ideal babysitters for the Oswald family were trusted people that were denied security clearances – such as de Mohrenschildt or Ruth’s father. Whether or not the babysitter knew that they were being monitored by intelligence, the operation could be kept in an officer’s vest pocket and never reduced to writing. Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald became housemates after the Magnolia party Ruth Paine met the Oswalds and George de Mohrenschildt at the party of Everett Glover on February 22, 1963. This is known as the “Magnolia party”. Glover was a chemist with Magnolia Labs, a geology lab for Socony Mobil Oil — the same “Socony labs” that Moore referred to when he argued that there was no White Russian community in Dallas. Glover and four other Magnolia employees approached Oswald and got him to talk for several hours about life in the Soviet Union. One of these employees, Norman Fredericksen, was the son of the former director of Radio Free Europe. As discussed in the previous chapter, de Mohrenschildt had many close ties with Radio Free Europe. The Paines have been described by researcher Greg Parker as pragmatic pacifists. In an amazing coincidence, they moved from Pennsylvania to Oswald’s mother’s community of Irving, Texas during the second week of September 1959, the very week that Oswald abruptly left his mother and went off to defect to the USSR. They had made the move so that Michael could take a job with the military contractor Bell Helicopter. Michael said that Bell manufactured 40% of all of the helicopters used in the Vietnam War. Bell Helicopter was begun and run by Michael’s stepfather, Arthur Young, the most recent husband of Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine. They had made the move so that Michael could take a job with the military contractor Bell Helicopter. Michael said that Bell manufactured 40% of all of the helicopters used in the Vietnam War. Bell Helicopter was begun and run by Michael’s stepfather, Arthur Young, the most recent husband of Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine. Helicopters on the attack The Paines probably had a handler within the intelligence community in 1959, whether they knew it or not. Based on their background with the World Federalists and Ruth’s work with the Quakers and Soviet-American friendship committees, Cord Meyer is the logical candidate. By 1963, Meyer was the chief of the covert action division. Frederick Merrill at the State Department put his stamp of approval on the East-West Contact Committee program organized by the Quakers that Ruth had worked on – the following year, Merrill worked on the Robert Webster defector case that was linked to the Oswald defector case. Did some combination of Meyer, AID and the State Department somehow persuade the Paines to keep an eye on this defector family, or were they simply manipulated into position? Ruth had other intelligence operatives in her family – such as her sister Sylvia Hoke and her brother-in-law John Hoke – who could play a role in helping to convince her. Michael Paine’s family also had access to talent in the intelligence arena. Michael’s mother had a close friend named Mary Bancroft who was an OSS spy that slept with Allen Dulles. After the Magnolia party, Ruth asked Marina Oswald if she would like to live with her so that she could improve her Russian. Lee was about to leave Marina for awhile while he went to his home town of New Orleans and looked for more steady work. Michael and Ruth had ostensibly split up, and were living in different houses. Thanks to Barbara LaMonica, Greg Parker, Bill Kelly, and many other researchers for their insights on de Mohrenschildt and the Paines. ==================================== Endnotes: Peter Gregory…was also a translator who had his son Paul take Russian lessons from Oswald’s wife Marina. Gregory provided Oswald with a letter certifying Oswald’s ability to serve as a translator: Warren Commission Document 5, p.l 290; SA Earle Haley interview with Peter Gregory, 11/29/63. Also see Secret Service report, below. Gregory commented on Oswald’s pronounced Polish accent: Secret Service report of Leon Gopadze, 11/29/63, p. 3, FBI – HSCA Administrative Folders/NARA Record Number: 124-10369-10062. Oswald contacted Max Clark’s wife shortly after his return: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Max Clark, Volume 8, p. 344. On 11/28/63, Gregory assisted the Secret Service in translating a lengthy interrogation of Marina Oswald: Secret Service report of Leon Gopadze, 11/29/63, p. 3, FBI – HSCA Administrative Folders/NARA Record Number: 124-10369-10062. On 11/29/63, Clark and Gregory told FBI agent Earle Haley that Oswald had obtained their names from the Fort Worth ublic Library, where Gregory worked: Warren Commission Document 5, p. 262, SA Earle Haley interview with Max Clark, 11/29/63; p. 290, SA Earl Haley interview with Peter Gregory, 11/29/63. After a complaint by the Warren Commission that these these earlier reports contradicted the witnesses’ Warren Commission testimony, Legend Maker #6 FBI supervisor Marvin Gheesling was forced to confront them on these contradictions: Memo from Warren Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin to FBI Director, 5/7/64; Memo from Gheesling to SAC, Dallas, FBI, 5/11/64, 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 151, p. 49. After Gheesling re-assigned the case to the Dallas FBI office, agent Earle Haley went back and re-interviewed Clark and Gregory: Warren Commission Exhibits 1888, 1889, 5/14/64. Haley was a personal acquaintance of Max Clark, who used to work with ” Earle “: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Max Clark, Volume 8, pp. 349, 352. Gregory wouldn’t change his story and blamed it on Oswald, while Clark said he heard about the whole issue second-hand from his wife: Warren Commission Exhibits 1888, 1889, 5/14/64. The Washington Post and other papers ran a UPI article on 6/9/62 announcing the Oswalds’ impending arrival to Dallas: “Third American in 2 Months Leaves Soviet ‘Home’”, Washington Post, 6/9/62. The FBI has got him tagged and is watching his movements: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Max Clark, Volume 8, pp. 351. Marina’s uncle and surrogate father Colonel Ilya Prusakov was with the MVD, the parent intelligence organization to the KGB…: William Hood, Mole, (W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1982) p. 305. See memo of Richard Helms to Warren Commission staffer J. Lee Rankin, 1/25/64, for the time period “18-31 March 1961″. …stationed in the Soviet embassy in New Delhi: Reel 13, Folder R – Marina Oswald, pp. 97-98. De Mohrenschildt visited with CIA official J. Walton Moore and exchanged cards and letters, on a regular basis in the 1950s and 1960s: FBI memo by W. James Wood re meeting with George De Mohrenschildt, 3/7/64, Russ Holmes Work File/NARA Record Number: 104-10414-10179. In 1964, a similar memo by Moore admitted that he met de Mohrenschildt in 1957, “several times” in 1958 and 1959, and the last time in 1961: Memo by J. Walton Moore, 5/1/64, Russ Holmes Work File/NARA Record Number: 104-10406-10105. De Mohrenschildt sent Moore a stack of contact reports in 1957 and 1958: Contact reports, Reel 5, Folder L – George de Mohrenschildt, pp. 88-98, 100, 102, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.25.14:01:26:660005. In 1958, Moore used de Mohrenschildt as a “contact” with a Polish official: J. Walton Moore, Process Sheet for OO/C Collections, 2/11/58, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm – reel 5: Conte – De Mohrenschildt)/NARA Record Number: 104-10244-10184. In 1960, Moore referred to de Mohrenschildt as a “cleared contact” for a copy of a memo on the USSR’s use of petroleum: Memo from J. Walton Moore to Acting Chief, Contact Division, Houston, 4/28/60, Reel 5, Folder L — George de Mohrenschildt, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.25.14:01:26:660005. Moore visited the De Mohrenschildts’ home in late 1961 to see a movie of their “walking tour” from Mexico to Panama: HSCA Report, Volume 12, p. 54. Although the de Mohrenschildts said that they were tracking the mining trails of the old Spanish conquistadors, they found themselves with hundreds of Cuban exiles in Guatemala City, a staging area for the Bay of Pigs invasion that was about to begin: Warren Commission Hearings, Volume 9, Testimony of George de Mohrenschildt, pp. 213-217. De Mohrenschildt revealed a few hours before his death that Moore took him to lunch in late 1961, and described to him an ex-Marine in Minsk in whom the CIA had “interest”…: Dick Russell, The Man who Knew Too Much (1992), p. 274. After the assassination, R.S. Travis at the Domestic Contact Division identified the file numbers of ten separate domestic contact reports prepared by de Mohrenschildt , and sent a copy to the staff of Legend Maker #1 Jim Angleton at the counterintelligence office : Memo by R.S. Travis, Contact Division, to Paul Hartman, CI Division, 4/20/64, Reel 52, Folder C – George de Mohrenschildt, pp. 32-33, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.26.09:19:10:570005. Travis referred to De Mohrenschildt as Moore’s “source,” and asked Moore to provide his personal evaluation of George for the CI Staff: Id., at p. 31. Moore wrote an intriguing evaluation that admitted that he had sought out de Mohrenschildt as “the result of a source lead from Headquarters” in 1957, but scrambled to avoid any direct admissions of the role he played in bringing de Mohrenschildt and Oswald together: Memo by J. Walton Moore, 5/1/64, pp. 1-2, Russ Holmes Working File/NARA No. 104-10406-10105. Moore’s evaluation was so carefully prepared that the file includes what appears to be a far-different rough draft. Id. pp. 3-4. Moore’s poor memory triggered internal scrutiny by the CIA’s Reinvestigation Program: Investigative Transmittal Sheet for Moore, 4/29/64, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 44 / NARA Record Number: 104-10124-10286; Processing Sheet, NARA Record Number: 104-10124-10284. Moore went so far as to tell the CI staffer for Legend Maker #1 James Angleton that “there is no White Russian ‘community’ in Dallas. He knows of only a couple of Russian linguists who are used by the Socony labs for translation: Handwritten note by R.S. Travis, 5/27/64, Reel 52, Folder C – George de Mohrenschildt, p. 10. Moore was a former FBI agent and college roommate of Wallace Heitman, a Soviet language specialist who played the lead role for the FBI in controlling the first-day evidence: Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked (2010 edition), p. 326. Although US intelligence records on de Mohrenschildt go back to at least World War II, CIA Director Richard Helms said that the agency’s “initial interest” in George de Mohrenschildt was because he had been a petrochemical consultant with the International Cooperation Administration: Memo by Richard Helms to Warren Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin, 6/3/64, Warren Commission Exhibit 1012. De Mohrenschildt was appointed by the State Department as the “petroleum adviser” for the independent communist Yugoslavian government in 1957…: Memo of SA Raymond Yelchak, 3/4/64, documenting receipt of de Mohrenschildt resume in 1958. …and testified to the Warren Commission that ICA was the only US government agency that ever paid him: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of George de Mohrenschildt, Volume 9, p. 212. The AID has been cited by its former director John Gilligan as being filled with CIA agents “from top to bottom…the idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas, government, volunteer, religious, every kind”: George Cotter, “Spies, Strings, and Missionaries”, The Christian Century (Chicago), March 25, 1981, p. 321, cited in William Blum’s Killing Hope (2003), p. 235. Ruth’s father Bill Hyde was regional director of the Nationwide Insurance Company, part of the International Cooperative Alliance founded in 1922 and still active today: See this linked website of the International Cooperative Alliance. The ICA has had an insurance sector for the last one hundred years: See this linked website for the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation. This similiarity between these two ICAs is not accidental – the contracts for both groups were coordinated through AID and the State Department. Both de Mohrenschildt and Hyde were business consultants that traveled abroad working on cooperative ventures and provided reports used by the CIA: See Barbara LaMonica, “William Avery Hyde”, Fourth Decade (November 1997), pp. 8, 11. Meyer’s covert action division had considered using Hyde as a security consultant in Vietnam back in 1957 , but CI-SIG’s information about Hyde led to denial of any security clearance: 4/8/64 memo by Elizabeth Mendoza, Re: LHO Address Book (FBI Report 12/31/63) Oswald 201 File (201-289248)/NARA Record Number: 104-10300-10025. On the role of CI-SIG, see 12/5/63 memo by Chief, Research Branch/OS/SRS to Files, re William Avery Hyde. Hyde’s problem, like Legend Maker #3 Priscilla Johnson, was that he was active with progressive causes and had family members involved with the United World Federalists: Ruth Forbes Paine Young (Michael Paine’s mother) was an influential member of the United World Federalists. George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance (Xlibris, 2006), p. 234. Also see the Arthur M. Young website section for Ruth Forbes Paine Young. Glover was a chemist with Magnolia Labs, a geology lab for Mobil. Glover and four other Magnolia employees encircled Oswald and asked him to tell them about life in the Soviet Union for several hours. One of these employees, Norman Fredericksen, was the son of the former director of Radio Free Europe: This circle was described to Edward Epstein in his book Legend (1977), pp. 206-207, in interviews with participants Betty MacDonald, Norman and Elke Fredricksen, and Richard Pierce. This meeting was corroborated by Richard Helms, based on a report by J. Walton Moore. Memo of March 1964 by Richard Helms to J. Lee Rankin, Reel 44, Folder J, Lee Harvey Oswald Soft File, NARA Record Number: 1994.04.13.14:58:27:500005. In an amazing coincidence, they moved from Pennsylvania to Oswald’s mother’s community of Irving, Texas during the second week of September 1959, the very week that Oswald abruptly left his mother and went off to defect to the USSR: Memorandum for file by SA Raymond C. Eckenrode, on March 25, 1964, p. 2, CD 849, p. 6. They had made the move so that Michael could take a job with the military contractor Bell Helicopter. Michael said that Bell manufactured 40% of all of the helicopters used in the Vietnam War: A.J. Weberman interview with Michael Paine, circa 1993. Bell Helicopter was begun and run by Michael’s stepfather, Arthur Young, the most recent husband of Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine: “Model helicopter with Arthur Young”, JFKCountercoup, 12/20/09. By 1963, Meyer was the chief of the Covert Action staff: Cord Meyer, Memorandum for the Record, 4/17/63, pp. 1-4, Miscellaneous CIA Series/NARA Record Number: 104-10302-10000. Frederick Merrill at the State Department provided his stamp of approval to the 1957-68 East West Contacts Committee work done by the Quakers that Ruth was part of…: CIEE History: 1947-1960. (Council for International Educational Exchange), pp. 11-12. Ruth reluctantly admitted that she was active with the East-West Committee: Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine, Volume 3, pp. 134-136. …and had worked on the Robert Webster case: Memorandum for the Record, by REDACTED, SR/COP/FI, 10/8/59, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm – reel 17: Ruiz – Webster) / NARA Record Number: 104-10181-10128. Note: The author of this Webster memo, still only known to us as SR/COP/FI, is the same individual who helped stop the second known effort to make Priscilla Johnson a CIA officer: See Memo from Director to REDACTED, 6/19/58, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 104-10119-10287. Ruth had other intelligence operatives in her family – such as her sister Sylvia Hoke and her brother-in-law John Hoke – who could play a role in helping to convince her: In a heavily redacted document, the FBI was informed by a “reliable” source that Ruth’s sister Sylvia Hyde Hoke was Naval Intelligence and was trying to obtain a top secret clearance: Commission Document 508 – FBI Mansfield Report of 06 Feb 1957 re: Hoke. A CIA memorandum indicated that Sylvia Hoke was a CIA employee in 1961: Security File on Sylvia Hoke Hyde, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 1993.07.24.08:39:37:560310. Washington Post obituary for John Hoke states that he was fired from AID in 1962: Emma Brown, “A Local Life”, 3/19/11 Ruth Paine testified to the Orleans Grand Jury that Hoke was working for AID in 1963: Ruth Paine’s testimony to the Orleans Grand Jury, 4/18/68, p. 57, Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts. These documents show Hoke was working for AID in 1963 and 1964: Request for Approval of Liaison, re John Hoke, 8/22/63, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 104-10120-10304; 8/13/64, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43 / NARA Record Number: 104-10120-10303. Michael Paine’s family also had contact talent in the intelligence arena. Michael’s mother had a close friend named Mary Bancroft who was an OSS spy that slept with Allen Dulles: Mary Bancroft, Autobiography of a Spy (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1983); also see Evica, A Certain Arrogance, p. 248. Michael and Ruth had ostensibly split up, and were living in different houses: Memo by SA James Hosty, 4/1/64, FBI – Ruth and Michael Paine Files / NARA Record Number: 124-10065-10356 === Phil Dragoo Recommended: The Confessions of Ruth Paine by Steven Jones from JFK/DPQ: Excerpt: What has been corroborated beyond any doubt is that Ruth has immediate family members who were employed by the CIA. Documents have been located at the Archives showing that her sister was a staff psychologist for the CIA as of 1961 and that her father had been approached by the Agency to run an educational co-operative alliance in Vietnam in 1957. Though refusing to admit that she herself ever had anything to do with the CIA, she admitted to her friend that her father had been in their employment. She said that while working as an insurance executive for Nationwide Insurance, and later for the Agency for International Development, her father had often gathered intelligence for the CIA. But she was quick to add that he would never have done so if "he had known what the CIA was really all about." By this she meant that her father was serving in the capacity of a genuine patriotic, anti-Communist fervor and did not really understand how the CIA used such intelligence gathering to undermine local economies and suppress indigenous people so that American corporations could move in and exploit local cheap labor. The fact that Ruth understands this showed that she was quite attuned to the motivations, methods, and purposes of the Central Intelligence Agency. The one and only time Ruth showed any cracks at all regarding the assassination itself was when she was having a difficulties with her now 40-year-old daughter. With tears in her eyes, Ruth stated that her daughter did not want to speak to her any more until she came to grips with "the evil that I have been associated with in my life." When the friend gently pushed further and asked, "What evil?" Ruth clammed up. But the friend assured me that she was convinced this was a veiled reference to the Kennedy assassination and that Ruth was not talking strictly about Lee Oswald. The friend firmly believes this because the comment was made in the context of a brief discussion about the assassination. ====================== If Ruth Pain is an agent, and I still firmly believe she is, she is a damn good one. Vincent Salandria once told me that the Paines, whether unwitting or not, played a key role in the assassination conspiracy by getting Oswald into the Texas School Book Depository. The conspirators knew that the people they chose for such a vital role had to be rock solid individuals who would never crack. After my experience with Ruth Paine's friend, I would have to say that Salandria was absolutely right. ........ tax records and the documents on Michael's family are sealed. Michael's mother and stepfather were close friends of Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles' mistress and OSS contact to the Valkyrie plot. Dulles cracked that certain people would get excited if they knew he was in Dallas weeks before the assassination (he spoke to the Dallas Council on World Affairs October 28 as the author of the Craft of Intelligence). And, surprise surprise, he would sit on the commission to frame the lone nut, using a book hyped by an editor friend in an editorial at the time of the assassination. Though he was fired by Kennedy, he would arrange to have the patsy in place, and himself on the star chamber, then tut-tut that people don't read. While shouting at Lifton that the head could be spinning in circles, later to mock "that little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god" Dear Steven, Believe it or not, I'm not trying to pick on you. But I was wondering..... Could you please make your posts like the last one significantly shorter in the future ? Thank you, --Tommy Edited September 16, 2014 by Thomas Graves Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted September 16, 2014 Author Share Posted September 16, 2014 (edited) Believe it or not, I'm not trying to pick on you. But I was wondering..... Could you please make your posts significantly shorter in the future ? THOMAS GRAVES +++++++++++++++++OK BUT I ADDED THIS A Certain Arroganceby George Michael Evica Reviewed by James DiEugenio = Evica closes the book with a couple who emerged as character witnesses for the Paines during the Warren Commission inquiry: Frederick and Nancy Osborn. The Osborn family, including his father Frederick Sr., was significantly involved in the American eugenics movement whose intention was to "create a superior Nordic race." (p. 251) Frederick Sr. also worked with Allen Dulles in the organization of the National Committee for a Free Europe. (p. 254) The funding for this group eventually came from Frank Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination in the CIA. (p. 255) These were the connections of the friends of the kindly Quaker couple who befriended Lee and Marina. AND THIS Upon searching this house we found stacks of hand bills concerning "Cuba for Freedom" advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba. Also found was a set of metal file cabinets containing records that appeared to be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers. All of this evidence was confiscated and turned over to Captain Fritz of the Dallas Police Department and Secret Service Officers at the City Hall. ( BTW Ruth Paine Lee didnt live here) Later this find was later obfuscated by the WC ,which had as a member ,SUSPECT # 1 Allen Dulles. Believe it or not, I'm not trying to pick on you. The Paines,Volkmar Schmidt,Secret Service and George DeMorschildt are part of the Dulles nexus. AND THERE IS A TON OF EVIDENCE THAT SHOWS THIS. THATS WHY THE POST IS SO LONG. THANKS SG Edited September 17, 2014 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted September 17, 2014 Author Share Posted September 17, 2014 (edited) part 2 Allen Dulles and the Cabots and Paines === CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. == Michael Paine a Cabot from both sides of his families worked at Bell Helicopter. The Cabots controlled the First National Bank of Boston which controlled Textron which controlled Bell Helicopter. Michael Paine thus worked for his family - the Cabots. Textron lobbied the Pentagon in 1958 for increased usage of helicopters in warfare. The death of JFK insured Textron (the Cabots) got its wish of increased helicopter warefare,AKA the Vietnam War.Dulles and the Cabots were joined at the hip in secret covert operations. The Dulles brothers represented as lawyers United Fruit and also were large United Fruit investors and the Cabots were large United Fruit Investors.== SLATE By Ray Fisman In 1951, Jacobo Árbenz Gúzman became Guatemala's second democratically elected president. Árbenz's authoritarian predecessors had been very sympathetic to American business interests, particularly those of the United Fruit Co. (now Chiquita), which had bought up land titles on the cheap from Guatemala's corrupt elite for its ever-expanding banana empire. Once in office, Presidente Árbenz sought to take it all back, nationalizing UFC's Guatemalan assets and redistributing them to the poor. But UFC had friends in very high places—the assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, John Moor Cabot, was the brother of UFC President Thomas Cabot. The secretary of state himself, John Foster Dulles, had done legal work for UFC, and his brother Allen Dulles was director of the CIA and also on UFC's board. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we now know that the various Cabots and Dulleses had a series of top-secret meetings in which they decided that Árbenz had to go and sponsored a coup that drove Árbenz from office in 1954.===...Michael Paine was descended from the Cabots on both his father's and his mother's side; he was thus a second cousin once removed of Thomas Dudley Cabot, the former President of United Fruit who offered another of his companies, Gibralter Steamship, as a "cover" for the CIA during the Bay of Pigs adventure. He was also a cousin of Cabot's partner, Alexander Cochrane Forbes, a director of United Fruit and trustee of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes. Paul F. Hellmuth vice-president of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, was a trustee of the J. Frederick Brown Foundation, a CIA "conduit", along with G.C. Cabot. Thus the Paine family [had] links with the blue-blood intelligence circles of the "Oh So Social" OSS and CIA, though one would not guess this from their description in the Warren Report....In the summer of 1963 it was Ruth [Michael's wife], rather than Michael, who maintained close relations with the patrician Paine and Forbes families, traveling east in July to stay with her mother-in-law at the traditional Forbes clan retreat of Naushon Island near Wood's Hole, Massachusetts (CE 416, 17 H 119). Scott, The Dallas Conspiracy, ch. IV, pp. 2-4. === +++++++++++++ curtjester1 3 years ago Post by John BlubaughIt is astounding that LHO was connected with the Paines. Closer to 'home'....At 1:00 pm HARVEY Oswald was changing clothes at 1026 N. Beckley andRoy Truly had not yet told DPD Captain Fritz that Oswald was missingfrom the building. Oswald would not be arrested for nearly an hourand his name was not known to the public.At 1:00 pm, according to telephone company records, Michael Paine placed acollect call to BL 3-1628 (the Paine's phone number at 2515 W. 5th) fromhis number at work, CR 5-5211. Ruth Paine received the collect call andbegan talking with her husband while the telephone operator remained onthe line. The operator told the FBI the man on the phone said he, "Feltsure Lee HARVEY Oswald had killed the President but did not feel Oswaldwas responsible." Michael Paine then told his wife, ***"We both know whois responsible."***This call took place nearly ***an hour before Oswald's arrest*** and longbefore his name was known to the public-yet Michael Paine said that he***"felt sure Lee HARVEY Oswald had killed the President but was notresponsible."*** Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler questioned MichaelPaine about the call and had copies of Southwestern States TelephoneCompany records. *But instead of asking Paine about the call on November22, Liebeler questioned him about a non-existent call that was allegedlyplaced on November 23rd.*Mr. Liebeler: "Now, there has been a report that on (Saturday)***November 23,*** 1963 there was a telephone call between a man and awoman, between the numbers of your residence and the number of youroffice, in which the man was reported to have said in words or substance'we both know who is responsible for the assassination.' Have you beenasked about this before?"**: Liebeler had phone company records and an FBI report in hand whichshowed the collect call was placed on November 22nd, and ***NOT ONNOVEMBER 23.*** By intentionally asking Michael Paine about a non-existent telephone call Liebeler was obstructing justice and colludingwith a witness to falsify testimony.**Mr. Paine: "I have hard that-I didn't know it was associated with ournumbers. I had heard a report that some telephone operator had listenedin on a conversation somewhere, I don't know where it was. I thought itwas in some other part of the country."Mr. Liebeler: "Did you talk to your wife on the telephone at any timeduring Saturday, November 23, on the telephone?"Mr. Paine: "I was in the police station again, and I think I called herfrom there."Mr. Liebler: "Did you make any remark to the effect that you knew who wasresponsible?"Mr. Paine: "And I don't know who the assassin is or was, no, so I didnot."Mr. Liebeler: "You are positive in your recollection that you made nosuch remark?"Mr. Paine: "Yes."The telephone call between Michael and Ruth Paine at 1:00 pm on November22nd was brought up on several occasions during the Paines testimony:-- (Michael Paine) "I called Ruth immediately after getting back (November22) just to see that she would turn on the radio and be clued in with thenews, but this was before the TSBD was mentioned..." (Vol II, p. 424)-- (Michael Paine) "I called her immediately getting back to the lab(November 22), so she would be watching and listening and getting clued into the news, start watching the news." (Vol IX, p. 449)-- (Ruth Paine) "He (Michael) called. He knew about the assassination.He had been told by a waitress at lunchtime. I don't know whether he knewany further details, whether he knew from whence the shots had been fired,but he knew immediately tha I would want to know, and called simply tofind out if I knew, and of course I did, and we didn't converse about it,but I felt the difference between him and my immediate neighbor to whom Ihave already referred, Michael was as struck and grieved as I was, and weshared this over the telephone." (Vol III, P. 110)-- "She (Ruth Paine) did say, however, that her husband phoned from hisoffice at about 1:00 pm on November 22." (statement of Ruth Paine- CD 385,p. 101)Liebeler did not ask Michael Paine a single question about the collectphone call of ***November 22nd*** and *wanted no discussion on the recordsconcerning the troublesome call.* He simply ***told*** Michael Paine thecall occurred ***the following day*** and *shifted the focus of attentionto November 23.* Liebeler said, "Now, there has been a report that on(Saturday) ***November 23,*** 1963 there was a telephone call...." TheCommission, once again through Wesley LIEbeler, succeeded in disposing ofa very troublesome problem. *But Liebeler's method demonstrated theCommissions determination to avoid anything that suggested a conspiracy.*Readers may recall that Liebeler used a similar tactic when dealing withPalmer McBride's troublesome statement that Lee Harvey Oswald was workingin New Orleans in 1957-58, *when Marine Corps records showed he was inJapan.* To resolve this problem Liebeler ignored the FBI interview ofMcBride, *as he ingored phone company records when dealing with thetroublesome call of November 22,* and chose instead to take testimony fromWilliam Wulf, Jr. In his opening statement Liebeler ***told*** Wulf thathe wanted to discuss Oswald's activities in New Orleans in ***1954-55***,*and shifted the focus of attention away from 1957-58.***: The Paines' knowledge, at 1:00 pm on November 22, that Oswald was"responsible" for killing the President demonstrates their involvment inthe conspiracy. Undercover agent Roy Frankhauser said that Michael andRuth Paine were fellow undercover agents acting as Oswald's inteligence"baby sitters." Frankhauser's comments may explain why:-- Prior to meeting the Oswald's Michael Paine separated from Ruth andmoved into an apartment in Arlington and later into an apartment in GrandPrairie. This arrangement provided room for Marina and her daughter tomove in with Ruth Paine. Michael and Ruth Paine reunited shortly afterthe assassination.-- Mrs. Paine met the Oswalds in January 1963 and within a few monthsinvited Marina to live in her home while Oswald traveled to New Orleans.-- Oswald received mail at the Paines' (while living in Dallas) until May1963 when he turned in a requst to have his mail forwarded from 2515 W.5th to PO Box 30061 in New Orleans.**: A request by Oswald (or someone impersonating Oswald) in March 1963 tohave the post office temporarily forward mail from PO Box 2915 (Dallas) to2515 W. 5th (Irving) would have caused a rifle mailed from Klein'sSporting Goods to PO Box 2915 to be delivered to Mrs. Paine.A request to have mail forwarded from PO Box 30061 (New Orleans) to 2515W. 5th (Irving) in September to PO Box 2915 (Dallas) to be forwarded to POBox 30061 (New Orleans) and then fowarded to Mrs. Paine.-- Postal carriers continued to deliver mail to Oswald at 2515 W. 5th inthe summer of 1963.-- Oswald was seen driving a car that matched the description of Mrs.Paine's 1955 Chevrolet station wagon in Baton Rouge (Mr. Adeleane McGee),New Orleans (AR Will), and to Cliff Shasteen's barber shop.-- A babysitter saw a pregnant woman living at the Paines' prior to August1963, when Harvey and Marina were in New Orleans.-- Barber Cliff Shasteen told the Warren Commission that in the latesummer and fall he thought Oswald lived at the Paines.'-- LEE Oswald used Mrs. Paine as a reference when he met with Mrs. AmbroseMartinez at the Salvation Army.-- Leonard Hutchison recalled that Oswald continuously shopped at hisstore twice a week and always arrived at 7:15 to 7:20 am.-- Mrs. Paine was responsible for getting HARVEY Oswald a job at the TSBD.-- Ruth Paine knew both HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald and, when testifyingbefore the Warren Commission, often referred to Oswald as "Harvey." (Atone point I just read, she told the WC she didn't know Oswald had a middlename in Much.....'s citings)-- Michael Paine told his wife they both knew who was responsible forkilling the President-***an hour before Oswald arrived at the DPD.***Following the assassination much of the evidence used by the FBI, WarrenCommission, and the media to convince the public of Oswald's guilt camefrom Ruth Paine's garage, ***but only after*** Dallas detectivesthoroughly searched the garage on November 22-23rd. The incriminatingevidence provided by Ruth Paine in the hours, days, weeks, and monthsfollowing the assassination included:-- A wedding ring, alledgely left by Oswald on the dresser (this createdthe impression that Oswald knew he would not be returning to the Paine's).-- A wallet containing $180, allegedly left on Marina's dresser.-- A letter to the Soviet Embassy.-- A note in a cookbook which linked Oswald to the Walker shooting.-- An Imperial Reflex camera allegedly used to take the backyard photos.-- A Minox II camera, serial # 27259 (Michael Paine's camera)-- Mexico City postcards and literature**Attorney and Warren Commission critic Vincent Salandria said, quitecorrectly, that ***both Michael and Ruth Paine should have been indictedfor complicity.*** * But they were not indicted because both worked withthe CIA.*833-5 Harvey and Lee ===see Schmidt had come to Dallas from Germany in the fall of 1961 to do geological research for the Magnolia Laboratories in Duncanville, Texas. Schmidt's teacher and housemate in Germany had been Dr. Wilhelm Kuetemeyer, professor of psychosomatic medicine and religious philosophy at the University of Heidelberg. His work involved conducting experiments on a group of schizophrenics until Kuetemeyer became involved in the "20th of July" plot against Hitler and had to go into hiding -- like Gisevius. When Schmidt first met Oswald he brought up the subject of General Walker and Hitler. As Schmidt told Edward J. Epstein, "Oswald instantly seized on the argue that America was moving toward fascism. As he spoke, he seemed to grow more and more excited about the subject." Epstein, Legend, pp. 203-05, 213-14; Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much, p. 310.===Mary Bancroft “Autobiography of a Spy” – Debutante, Writer, Confidante, Secret Agent. The True Story of Her Extraordinary Life. (William Morrow, NY, 1983) Allen Dulles kept two things he knew from the Warren Commission that could have changed the nature of their work as well as their conclusion that the President was killed by a lone assassin and not the result of a conspiracy. The first was Dulles’ knowledge of the CIA plots to kill Cuba Premier Fidel Castro, and the second was the close association between Mary Bancroft - one of his intimate agents and Michael and Ruth Paine, the patrons of the accused assassin and his family. If Ruth Paine was treated in the same fashion as the landlady of Lincoln’s assassin, she would have been hanged, and if the assassin happened today, or Kennedy had survived the attack, Ruth and Michael Paine would have been treated as cohorts that enabled the crime to happen and harbored the responsible terrorist. It wasn’t until after Allen Dulles died that, with the assistance of many of her wartime OSS reports, Mary Bancroft wrote her book documenting her relationships with her stepfather – Clarence W. Barron aka “CW,” the founding publisher of the Wall Street Journal, Ruth Forbes Paine (Michael’s mom), OSS agent and CIA boss Allen Dulles, the reluctant Nazi Hans B. Insidious and her role in the Valkyrie Plot – the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt on Hitler. Although she opens with book as a young girl in 1919 holding her father’s hand while watching a parade march down Fifth Avenue in New York City, led by Col. William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan and his regiment, C.W. Barron probably had more influence on her than anyone else, giving her an early interest in “the news” and teaching her how to keep files on index cards and to write reports. It was C.W. who also always told her to “Write it up,…but remember that the facts are not the truth. They only indicate where the truth my lie!” She also notes that CW expressed foreknowledge of the death of President Harding, suggesting that it wasn’t such an accidental death after all. “I was present myself on one occasion when CW’s ‘nose’ was at work. We were playing bridge at his home in Cohasset. CW was an excellent bridge player, but on this particular evening he revoked several times and, finally flinging down his cards, said he couldn’t continue. Important news was about to break. Every ten minutes or so he sent one of his secretaries to phone the office to see what was coming in over the wires. For over an hour the secretary would report that there was nothing. Finally he returned to say there was still nothing – except that President Warren G. Harding, on a visit to California, had had crabs for dinner and was suffering from an upset stomach. ‘That’s it!’ CW exclaimed, ‘Get me the Vice President!’ Calvin Coolidge, the Vice President and a good friend of CW’s, was visiting his father at his home in Vermont. CW finally got in touch with him, told him about Harding, and added that Coolidge should stay where he was and be sworn in as President of the Untied States by his father – a notary public – preferably by candlelight as that might be more picturesque.” Her first husband, Sherwin Badger, a Harvard grad, worked at first for United Fruit in Cuba, where they lived, and from where she dutifully sent situation reports to CW. “The only connection between the Cuba I knew and Fidel Castro,” she wrote, “was that sometimes…I rode out to those mountains in which Castro holed up with his first small band of followers before he swept over the island with his revolutionaries and threw out of office the same Batista who in our day was supposed to ‘save’ Cuba from the corruption of Machado’s government.” As for Bancroft’s relationship with Michael Paine’s mother, she wrote (p. 54): “Two of our Boston friends, Ruth and Lyman Paine, had moved to New York and gave wonderful parties in their West Side apartment. We met a lot of their friends, mostly in the arts. Ruth was a painter. Lyman, an architect, was interested in what he termed ‘the ultimate reality,’ which I interpreted as my old friend, Truth. Lyman and I had endless discussions about this ultimate reality while sipping highballs of bathtub gin and ginger ale that would have taken the varnish off a table if they had happened to spill. Usually one of the guests played the piano while others argued or danced. Some couples occasionally disappeared for protracted periods of time.”++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Charles Cabell's brother ,Earle Cabell ,was mayor of Dallas. Earle Cabell,Harold Byrd, Jake Crichton and members of the Conspiritorial Great Southwest Corporation were also part of the World Affairs Council of Dallas. Said council was a mini CFR of the South introducing Globalism to nationalistic Southerners. John Foster Dulles incorporated the CFR in New York. see Dulles in Dallas October 1963. == Charles Cabell became Deputy Director of CIA under Allen Dulles. He was forced by President Kennedy to resign, on January 31, 1962, following the failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Cabell’s brother, Earle Cabell, was Mayor of Dallas when Kennedy visited that city and was assassinated, on November 22, 1963 President Kennedy asked for Cabell’s resignation and the general was subsequently replaced on February 1, 1962, as the C.I.A.s deputy director. General Cabell’s subsequent hatred of John Kennedy became an open secret in Washington. He would later return to the Pentagon, after being relieved of his position at the CIA by JFK, where he would describe the President as a “traitor”. Cabell never forgave the President, and criticized him publicly and often. On one such occasion in 1962, he was introduced to the Foreign Policy Association of New Orleans by Clay Shaw.(Vince Palamara) == Crichton was a member of an Army Intelligence Reserve unit. (Lumpkin would later tell the House Select Committee on Assassination that he had been consulted by the Secret Service on motorcade security, and his input had eliminated an alternative route.) In the car with Lumpkin was another Army officer, Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, commander of all Army Reserve units in East Texas, who happened to be Jack Crichton’s boss in the Reserve. Although Whitmeyer was not on the police list of those approved to ride in the pilot car, he had insisted that he be in the vehicle and remained there until the shooting. The only recorded stop made by the pilot car was directly in front of the Depository building. Lumpkin stopped briefly there and spoke to a policeman handling traffic at the corner of Houston and Elm.(RUSS BAKER) Edited April 4, 2015 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter McGuire Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 I think this post is too short. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evan Burton Posted September 21, 2014 Share Posted September 21, 2014 "Wall of text"...... Also changing font size and colour ensures you make your point and are taken seriously. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted September 21, 2014 Author Share Posted September 21, 2014 (edited) Mr. Burton who has posted on this Forum that its OK for the Government of Australia to monitor all emails is a man who must be taken seriously...... Edited September 21, 2014 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted September 22, 2014 Author Share Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) part 3 = Lansdale = CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ========================= On his return to the United States in 1948 Lansdale became a lecturer at the Strategic Intelligence School in Colorado. However, in 1950, Elpidio Quirino, the president of the Philippines, requested Lansdale's help in his fight against the communist insurrection taking place in his country. In the early 1950s, Allen Dulles gave Lansdale $5-million to finance CIA operations against the Hukbalahap movement, the rural peasant farmers fighting for land-reform in the Philippines. According to Sterling Seagrave Lansdale "was in and out of Tokyo on secret missions with a hand-picked team of Filipino assassins, assassinating leftists, liberals and progressives." CIA Director William Colby later commented: "Lansdale helped and perhaps created the best president the Philippines ever had...turned American policy away from support of French colonial rule in Vietnam to support of a non-Communist nationalist leader...he preached for Americans to support those willing to fight for themselves... He was one of the greatest spies in history... the stuff of legends." ========================= (3) L. Fletcher Prouty, letter to Jim Garrison (6th March, 1990)It is amazing how things work, I am at home recuperating from a major back operation (to regain my ability to walk); so I was tossing around in bed last night...not too comfortable...and I began to think of Garrison. I thought, "I have got to write Jim a letter detailing how I believe the whole job was done." By another coincidence I had received a fine set of twenty photos from the Sprague collection in Springfield, Mass. As the odds would have it, he is now living just around the corner here in Alexandria. Why not? Lansdale lived here, Fensterwald lives here, Ford used to live here. Quite a community. I was studying those photos. One of them is the "Tramps" picture that appears in your book. It is glossy and clear. Lansdale is so clearly identifiable. Why, Lansdale in Dallas? The others don't matter, they are nothing but actors and not gunmen but they are interesting. Others who knew Lansdale as well as I did, have said the same thing, "That's him and what's he doing there?" As I was reading the paper the Federal Express man came with a book from Jim, that unusual "Lansdale" book. A terrible biography. There could be a great biography about Lansdale. He's no angel; but he is worth a good biography. Currey, a paid hack, did the job. His employers ought to have let him do it right. I had known Ed since 1952 in the Philippines. I used to fly there regularly with my MATS Heavy Transport Squadron. As a matter of fact, in those days we used to fly wounded men, who were recuperating, from hospitals in Japan to Saigon for R&R on the beaches of Cap St Jacque. That was 1952-1953. Saigon was the Paris of the Orient. And Lansdale was "King Maker" of the Philippines. We always went by way of Manila. I met his team. He had arrived in Manila in Sept 1945, after the war was over, for a while. He had been sent back there in 1950 by the CIA(OPC) to create a new leader of the Philippines and to get rid of Querino. Sort of like the Marcos deal, or the Noriega operation. Lansdale did it better. I have overthrown a government but I didn't splash it all around like Reagan and Bush have done. Now, who sent him there? Who sent him there in 1950 (Truman era) to do a job that was not done until 1953 (Ike era)? From 1950 to Feb. 1953 the Director of Central Intelligence was Eisenhower's old Chief of Staff, Gen Walter Bedell Smith. Smith had been Ambassador to Moscow from 1946 to 1949. The lesser guys in the CIA at the time were Allen Dulles, who was Deputy Director Central Intelligence from Aug. 1951 to Feb. 1953. Frank Wisner became the Deputy Director, Plans (Clandestine Activities) when Dulles became DDCI. Lansdale had to have received his orders from among these four men: Truman, Smith, Dulles, and Wisner. Of course the Sec State could have had some input...i.e. Acheson. Who wanted Querino out, that badly? Who wanted HUKS there? In Jan 1953 Eisenhower arrived. John Foster Dulles was at State and Gen Smith his Deputy. Allen Dulles was the DCI and General Cabel his deputy. None of them changed Lansdale's prior orders to "get" Querino. Lansdale operated with abandon in the Philippines. The Ambassador and the CIA Station Chief, George Aurell, did not know what he was doing. They believed he was some sort of kook Air Force Officer there...a role Lansdale played to the hilt. Magsaysay became President, Dec 30, 1953. With all of this on the record, and a lot more, this guy Currey comes out of the blue with this purported "Biography". I knew Ed well enough and long enough to know that he was a classic chameleon. He would tell the truth sparingly and he would fabricate a lot. Still, I can not believe that he told Currey the things Currey writes. Why would Lansdale want Currey to perpetuate such out and out bullxxxx about him? Can't be. This is a terribly fabricated book. It's not even true about me. I believe that this book was ordered and delineated by the CIA. At least I know the truth about myself and about Gen. Krulak. Currey libels us terribly. In fact it may be Krulak who caused the book to be taken off the shelves. Krulak and his Copley Press cohorts have the power to get that done, and I encouraged them to do just that when it first came out. Krulak was mad! Ed told me many a time how he operated in the Philippines. He said, "All I had was a blank checkbook signed by the U.S. government". He made friends with many influential Filipinos. I have met Johnny Orendain and Col Valeriano, among others, in Manila with Lansdale. He became acquainted with the wealthiest Filipino of them all, Soriano. Currey never even mentions him. Soriano set up Philippine Airlines and owned the big San Miguel beer company, among other things. Key man in Asia. Lansdale's greatest strategy was to create the "HUKS" as the enemy and to make Magsaysay the "Huk Killer." He would take Magsaysay's battalion out into a "Huk" infested area. He would use movies and "battlefield" sound systems, i.e. fireworks to scare the poor natives. Then one-half of Magsaysay's battalion, dressed as natives, would "attack" the village at night. They'd fire into the air and burn some shacks. In the morning the other half, in uniform, would attack and "capture" the "Huks". They would bind them up in front of the natives who crept back from the forests, and even have a "firing" squad "kill" some of them. Then they would have Magsaysay make a big speech to the people and the whole battalion would roll down the road to have breakfast together somewhere...ready for the next "show". Ed would always see that someone had arranged to have newsmen and camera men there and Magsaysay soon became a national hero. This was a tough game and Ed bragged that a lot of people were killed; but in the end Magsaysay became the "elected" President and Querino was ousted "legally." This formula endeared Ed to Allen Dulles. In 1954 Dulles established the Saigon Military Mission in Vietnam...counter to Eisenhower's orders. He had the French accept Lansdale as its chief. This mission was not in Saigon. It was not military, and its job was subversion in Vietnam. Its biggest job was that it got more than 1,100,000 northern Vietnamese to move south. 660,000 by U.S.Navy ships and the rest by CIA airline planes. These 1,100,000 north Vietnamese became the "subversive" element in South Vietnam and the principal cause of the warmaking. Lansdale and his cronies (Bohanon, Arundel, Phillips, Hand, Conein and many others) did all that using the same check book. I was with them many times during 1954. All Malthuseanism. I have heard him brag about capturing random Vietnamese and putting them in a Helicopter. Then they would work on them to make them "confess" to being Viet Minh. When they would not, they would toss them out of the chopper, one after the other, until the last ones talked. This was Ed's idea of related to me many times. Then Dulles, Adm. Radford and Cardinal Spellman set up Ngo Dinh Diem. He and his brother, Nhu, became Lansdale proteges. At about 1957 Lansdale was brought back to Washington and assigned to Air Force Headquarters in a Plans office near mine. He was a fish out of water. He didn't know Air Force people and Air Force ways. After about six months of that, Dulles got the Office of Special Operations under General Erskine to ask for Lansdale to work for the Secretary of Defense. Erskine was man enough to control him. By 1960 Erskine had me head the Air Force shop there. He had an Army shop and a Navy shop and we were responsible for all CIA relationships as well as for the National Security Agency. Ed was still out of his element because he did not know the services; but the CIA sent work his way. Then in the Fall of 1960 something happened that fired him up. Kennedy was elected over Nixon. Right away Lansdale figured out what he was going to do with the new President. Overnight he left for Saigon to see Diem and to set up a deal that would make him, Lansdale, Ambassador to Vietnam. He had me buy a "Father of his Country" gift for Diem...$700.00. I can't repeat all of this but you should get a copy of the Gravel edition, 5 Vol.'s, of the Pentagon Papers and read it. The Lansdale accounts are quite good and reasonably accurate. Ed came back just before the Inauguration and was brought into the White House for a long presentation to Kennedy about Vietnam. Kennedy was taken by it and promised he would have Lansdale back in Vietnam "in a high office". Ed told us in OSO he had the Ambassadorship sewed up. He lived for that job. He had not reckoned with some of JFK's inner staff, George Ball, etc. Finally the whole thing turned around and month by month Lansdale's star sank over the horizon. Erskine retired and his whole shop was scattered. The Navy men went back to the navy as did the Army folks. Gen Wheeler in the JCS asked to have me assigned to the Joint Staff. This wiped out the whole Erskine (Office of Special Operations) office. It was comical. There was Lansdale up there all by himself with no office and no one else. He boiled and he blamed it on Kennedy for not giving him the "promised" Ambassadorship to let him "save" Vietnam. Then with the failure of the Bay of Pigs, caused by that phone call to cancel the air strikes by McGeorge Bundy, the military was given the job of reconstituting some sort of Anti-Castro operation. It was headed by an Army Colonel; but somehow Lansdale (most likely CIA influence) got put into the plans for Operation get Castro...ostensibly. The U.S. Army has a think-tank at American University. It was called "Operation Camelot". This is where the "Camelot" concept came from. It was anti-JFK's Vietnam strategy. The men running it were Lansdale types, Special Forces background. "Camelot" was King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table: not JFK...then. Through 1962 and 1963 Mongoose and "Camelot" became strong and silent organizations dedicated to countering JFK. Mongoose had access to the CIA's best "hit men" in the business and a lot of "strike" capability. Lansdale had many old friends in the media business such as Joe Alsop, Henry Luce among others. With this background and with his poisoned motivation I am positive that he got collateral orders to manage the Dallas event under the guise of "getting" Castro. It is so simple at that level. A nod from the right place, source immaterial, and the job's done. The "hit" is the easy part. The "escape" must be quick and professional. The cover-up and the scenario are the big jobs. They more than anything else prove the Lansdale mastery. Lansdale was a master writer and planner. He was a great "scenario" guy. It still have a lot of his personally typed material in my files. I am certain that he was behind the elaborate plan and mostly the intricate and enduring cover-up. Given a little help from friends at PEPSICO he could easily have gotten Nixon into Dallas, for "orientation': and LBJ in the cavalcade at the same time, contrary to Secret Service policy. He knew the "Protection" units and the "Secret Service", who was needed and who wasn't. Those were routine calls for him, and they would have believed him. Cabell could handle the police. The "hit men" were from CIA overseas sources, for instance, from the "Camp near Athena, Greece. They are trained, stateless, and ready to go at any time. They ask no questions: speak to no one. They are simply told what to do, when and where. Then they are told how they will be removed and protected. After all, they work for the U.S. Government. The "Tramps" were actors doing the job of cover-up. The hit men are just pros. They do the job for the CIA anywhere. They are impersonal. They get paid. They get protected, and they have enough experience to "blackmail" anyone, if anyone ever turns on them...just like Drug agents. The job was clean, quick and neat. No ripples. The whole story of the POWER of the Cover-up comes down to a few points. There has never been a Grand Jury and trial in Texas. Without a trial there can be nothing. Without a trial it does no good for researchers to dig up data. It has no place to go and what the researchers reveal just helps make the cover-up tighter, or they eliminate that evidence and the researcher. The first man LBJ met with on Nov 29th, after he had cleared the foreign dignitaries out of Washington was Waggoner Carr, Atty Gen'l, Texas to tell him, "No trial in Texas...ever." The next man he met, also on Nov 29th, was J. Edgar Hoover. The first question LBJ asked his old "19 year" neighbor in DC was "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ thought that THEY had been shooting at him also as they shot at his friend John Connally. Note that he asked, "Were THEY shooting at me?" LBJ knew there were several hitmen. That's the ultimate clue...THEY. The Connallys said the same thing...THEY. Not Oswald. Then came the heavily loaded press releases about Oswald all written before the deal and released actually before LHO had ever been charged with the crime. I bought the first newspaper EXTRA on the streets of Christchurch, New Zealand with the whole LHO story in that first and columns of it before the police in Dallas had yet to charge him with that crime. All this canned material about LHO was flashed around the world. Lansdale and his Time-Life and other media friends, with Valenti in Hollywood, have been doing that cover-up since Nov 1963. Even the deMorenschildt story enhances all of this. In deM's personal telephone/address notebook he had the name of an Air Force Colonel friend of mine, Howard Burrus. Burrus was always deep in intelligence. He had been in one of the most sensitive Attache spots in Europe...Switzerland. He was a close friend of another Air Force Colonel and Attache, Godfrey McHugh, who used to date Jackie Bouvier. DeM had Burrus listed under a DC telephone number and on that same telephone number he had "L.B.Johnson, Congressman." Quite a connection. Why...from the Fifties yet.? Godfrey McHugh was the Air Force Attache in Paris. Another most important job. I knew him well, and I transferred his former Ass't Attache to my office in the Pentagon. This gave me access to a lot of information I wanted in the Fifties. This is how I learned that McHugh's long-time special "date" was the fair Jacqueline...yes, the same Jackie Bouvier. Sen. Kennedy met Jackie in Paris when he was on a trip. At that time JFK was dating a beautiful SAS Airline Stewardess who was the date of that Ass't Attache who came to my office. JFK dumped her and stole Jackie away from McHugh. Leaves McHugh happy???? At the JFK Inaugural Ball who should be there but the SAS stewardess, Jackie--of course, and Col Godfrey McHugh. JFK made McHugh a General and made him his "Military Advisor" in the White House where he was near Jackie while JFK was doing all that official travelling connected with his office AND other special interests. Who recommended McHugh for the job? General McHugh was in Dallas and was on Air Force One, with Jackie, on the flight back to was Jack Valenti. Why was LBJ's old cohort there at that time and why was he on Air Force One? He is now the Movie Czar. Why in Dallas? See how carefully all of this is interwoven. Burrus is now a very wealthy man in Washington. I have lost track of McHugh. And Jackie is doing well. All in the Lansdale--deM shadows. One of Lansdale's special "black" intelligence associates in the Pentagon was Dorothy Matlack of U.S. Army Intelligence. How does it happen that when deM. flew from Haiti to testify, he was met at the National Airport by Dorothy? The Lansdale story is endless. What people do not do is study the entire environment of his strange career. For example: the most important part of my book, "The Secret Team", is not something that I wrote. It is Appendix III under the title, "Training Under The Mutual Security Program". This is a most important bit of material. It tells more about the period 1963 to 1990 than anything. I fought to have it included verbatim in the book. This material was the work of Lansdale and his crony General Dick Stillwell. Anyone interested in the "JFK Coup d'Etat" ought to know it by heart. I believe this document tells why the Coup took place. It was to reverse the sudden JFK re-orientation of the U.S. Government from Asia to Europe, in keeping with plans made in 1943 at Cairo and Teheran by T.V. Soong and his Asian masterminds. Lansdale and Stillwell were long-time "Asia hands" as were Gen Erskine, Adm Radford, Cardinal Spellman, Henry Luce and so many others. In October 1963, JFK had just signalled this reversal, to Europe, when he published National Security Action Memorandum #263 saying...among other things...that he was taking 1000 troops home from Vietnam by Christmas 1963 and ALL AMERICANS out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. That cost him his life. JFK came to that "Pro-Europe" conclusion in the Summer of 1963 and sent Gen Krulak to Vietnam for advance work. Kurlak and I (with others) wrote that long "Taylor-McNamara" Report of their "Visit to Vietnam" (obviously they did not write, illustrate and bind it as they traveled). Krulak got his information daily in the White House. We simply wrote it. That led to NSAM #263. This same Trip Report is Document #142 and appears on page 751 to 766 of Vol. II of the Gravel Edition of the Pentagon Papers. NSAM #263 appears on pages 769-770 (It makes the Report official). This major Report and NSAM indicated an enormous shift in the orientation of U.S. Foreign Policy from Asia back to Europe. JFK was much more Europe- oriented, as was his father, than pro-Asia. This position was anathema to the Asia-born Luces, etc. There is the story from an insider. I sat in the same office with Lansdale, (OSO of OSD) for years. I listened to him in Manila and read his flurry of notes from 1952 to 1964. I know all this stuff, and much more. I could write ten books. I send this to you because I believe you are one of the most sincere of the "true researchers". ##################################################### ##################################################### == By 1961 Rostow was also working closely with Edward G. Lansdale. Lansdale was an Air Force Major General at the time of his retirement on November 1, 1963. He had an advertising background and extensive counter-insurgency experience in Southeast Asia. Lansdale is credited in many circles with coming up with the idea, single handed, that destroyed the Huk rebellion in the early fifties in the Philippines. The Huk were very superstitious. They believed in vampires. Lansdale got a few dead Huk bodies, put holes in their necks and hung them upside down.69 Like Rostow, Lansdale was a veteran of the OSS. He had served in Vietnam during the Eisenhower administration and had become a close personal friend of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem.70 His advertising background blended well with his expertise: psychological warfare; or psy-ops. There are now manuals on psy-ops and Lansdale is considered the father of that type of warfare. He was the model for the imperialistic "Colonel Hillindale" in the William Lederer/Eugene Burdick novel The Ugly American; the most celebrated American dark spy.71 During January through April of 1961, Lansdale's overriding motive was to be Ambassador to South Vietnam. Lansdale, by that time, was probably the only American advisor Diem trusted. Diem was very isolated by then. After his first White House meeting with Lansdale on Vietnam, Kennedy had decided to fire Ambassador Elbridge Durbrow. Kennedy would change his mind about this in a month or two.72 Following the firing of Durbrow, Kennedy appointed Frederick E. Nolting. So Lansdale sought to capture the apparatus to formulate, approve and implement Vietnam policy and be the key player in all three stages until a U.S. victory was achieved in Vietnam. It almost worked. The reason it did not, as far as military historian John Newman can tell, is because Dean Rusk threatened to resign if Lansdale got his way. Lansdale's letters from 1964 show that he found out from some of his contacts that Rusk had laid his job on the line.73 As the author of the book JFK and Vietnam, John M. Newman, explained: "Lansdale's a loose cannon on deck. Kennedy liked him, at least initially for a while, but he had big problems. No doubt about it. In the Pentagon, the Pentagon brass didn't like him. Secretary of State Rusk did not like him. However he did have a big patron in Kennedy's inner circle....Walt Rostow! Walt Rostow, the Vietnam guy. And I was able to track this fairly successfully I think. If it weren't for Walt Rostow, Lansdale wouldn't have had a prayer with this crazy plan of his to try and capture this emerging Vietnam policy apparatus."74 So in the first four months of the Kennedy Administration Lansdale sought the ambassadorship and then control of the emerging policy apparatus of Vietnam and failed at both. The only evidence of Rusk's motive is a document released in 1991 by the State Department. It is a document in which Rusk wrote about not trusting Lansdale. He was unsure of Lansdale's loyalties.75 Although he cannot document it, Newman is certain that Lansdale worked for the CIA while wearing an Air Force uniform. One indication of this in Lansdale's private letters and memoranda is that General Curtis Le May, the Air Chief of Staff, seemed to be unable to promote him. Allen Dulles had to be involved in getting Lansdale promoted from colonel to general. And a number of other patterns are apparent such as social events with Charles Cabell. Edward Lansdale and Charles Cabell were very close.76 The end result of these first few months, in essence, is that Lansdale was fired from any position on Vietnam policy. For Edward Lansdale that was a traumatic experience. Vietnam was his primary concern. South Vietnam was his creation. In his book, Newman stopped writing about Lansdale at that point although there was a lot more to him. It involved Cuba and Operation Mongoose and other matters that were not the focus of his book.77 Lansdale had lost something that mattered a great deal to him. In his letters he wrote about going through the experience of being relieved of these responsibilities in Vietnam. Newman describes him as a man whose heart was broken "because he could not play any more in his favorite sandbox." By the end of 1961 Kennedy had put him in charge of Operation Mongoose. He was in charge of an enormous apparatus with tremendous resources, weapons and personnel. Newman, having read the NSC meeting minutes where Kennedy announced Lansdale was now going to be in charge of Mongoose, believes that Kennedy did not appreciate the way Lansdale related to being involved in Vietnam policy.78 With such extreme feelings about his predicament in 1961, Lansdale might have gone any number of ways to rectify his situation. What was he thinking? In what direction and how far would he go? Newman summarized the portion of his book in which he dealt with that question: Lansdale was not a combat troops man, yet the very first piece of paper ever in the history of the Vietnam war where an American officer recommends a U.S. troop commitment to Vietnam, Lansdale was the one who authors it. It's right in that critical time frame right after the failure at the Bay of Pigs; right before the crucial decision Kennedy has to make on going into Laos. His Vietnam Task Force paper is coming in through the door. The night, the very night that the Joint Chiefs figure out that Kennedy is going to say no on Laos, Lansdale, late at night in the Pentagon, slips in this combat troop proposal in the Vietnam Task Force report. It's not like him. The way I interpret that -- and I may be in error -- the way I interpret that is he understands that the star rising on the horizon is U.S. intervention in Vietnam. And he understands that he has lost his position in the Kennedy administration which has a decidedly different approach. So he switches forces and he joins forces with those planning for intervention. And it was a good decision on his part, was it not? He was there when they arrived. He was on the team.79 The Mongoose files of the Senate Church Committee reveal that they wanted to know when and who authorized assassination. The Kennedy Administration had supposedly gotten away from that. It was clear to the committee, however, that they had not. There were plans and resources being devoted to assassinate Castro. So the purpose of the questioning was to find out who, and when it was authorized.80 Lansdale testified that he did it all alone. When asked why, his answer was that during the missile crisis the Russians had changed the terms of reference by putting missiles in Cuba. So Lansdale decided all on his own that he was going to change things and get rid of Castro. After reading a pre-galley copy of JFK and Vietnam, Daniel Ellsberg called Newman one night very excitedly. Ellsberg had worked with Lansdale and knew him extremely well. He said, "This is the first time I've ever thought that Lansdale might have been involved in the assassination." Ellsberg based this on Lansdale being removed from Vietnam planning and moved to Operation Mongoose.81 By February 1963 Lansdale had no position in Cuban policy and was focusing on Latin America. He was traveling to countries like Bolivia and elsewhere. The U.S. had a lot of personnel in South America under Kennedy. And a lot of them ended up going to Vietnam. According to Newman there is a blind spot as to exactly what they were doing and how many people the U.S. had in Latin America.82 "I can tell you," Newman said, "that in the collateral research that I did, names that I came across, I found a correlation between -- I don't say this is definitive but I got a lot of hits -- the same names of the guys that were running around in Latin America, particularly in Cuban policy, end up in the Far East Division. Very strange coincidence. There were three -- it wasn't just one -- there were several. A neat nexus between the Southeast Asian guys and Cuban guys."83 Lansdale was also spending a lot of time at air bases and other areas in the southern United States; in Florida and in Alabama. Newman recalled from Lansdale's travel records that one of these other areas was some sort of a Cuban-exile camp. The record for that trip included a cover note to the person coordinating it telling him to keep quiet. Lansdale apparently wanted to make sure that no one knew that he was going there.84 There was also an honorary graduation certificate from the sniping school that the U.S. had in Panama. He went there, Newman recalled, in May or April 1963. He was made an honorary graduate there. Lansdale was going to various clandestine and special forces places in the spring and summer of 1963.85 One more event that Newman remembered from the spring 1963 period was that Lansdale was due to retire. And he was extended by Le May, arbitrarily, for another six months or so to November 1, 1963; with no job; no real responsibilities. Fletcher Prouty claims Lansdale was just at a desk by himself.86 In the summer of 1963 there were two interesting events concerning Vietnam. The U.S. had a problem with Diem. The regime would not compromise at all. It went in the opposite direction. Buddhists were killed. They began immolating themselves. The regime still would not relent. The political bottom completely fell out in Saigon.87 Newman said he came across an intriguing article in a local, small magazine from this period. It had a picture of Lansdale and a typical title like, "America's Most Celebrated Spy." It was about a Lansdale trip to Saigon. His travel records, however, indicate that he was not supposed to be in Saigon. This was around July-August 1963.88 The article reported an assassination attempt on Lansdale. The assassins missed and somebody killed the alleged assassin. Then he went to a meeting with Ambassador Lodge. According to Newman, "This is clearly impossible from the record because Lansdale has no authority or position to be involved in Vietnam policy. It would make sense in terms of going back and pleading with Diem and getting Lansdale to do it. Maybe Diem would listen to Lansdale. But I did find a record. He might have been in Saigon." Newman found evidence of a six- or seven-day break in Lansdale's normal activities.89 Among Lansdale's contacts in the last three to four months of Kennedy's life, Newman found "a lot of Spanish names. I found names that were reminiscent of CIA type folks."90 In 1963, Lansdale was Fletcher Prouty's boss. Prouty insists that he was sent to the South Pole by Lansdale to get him out of the way so that he would not witness the events of November 22, 1963. Presumably this was done because if Prouty had been there he would have figured out what was going on. Prouty has claimed that in the photograph of the three tramps walking across Dealey Plaza, the man in a suit with what looks like a wire coming out of his ear and going into his suit coat is Edward Lansdale -- that he recognized the back of his head and his gate. Among Lansdale's letters, John Newman and David Lifton found a slip of paper that has "The Texas Hotel" on it and a phone number in Denton. Lansdale's letters also reveal that he was headed in the direction of Dallas in November 1963.91 Lansdale wrote to a number of friends and associates beginning in September 1963, of his intention to go to Texas in November. There are as many as ten letters, according to Newman, where he described this upcoming trip to two people. One was his son. The other one was General "Hangin' Sam" Williams, an old buddy and McGarr's predecessor in Vietnam. He lived in San Antonio.92 The last piece of paper that Newman found placing Lansdale physically in Washington is dated November 14, 1963. It concerns running errands for his wife. After that there is no record of his whereabouts except for a box of incidentals, which had this piece of paper in it. It has on it "Texas Hotel" and "Denton" and a name and phone number. As Newman said, "That might be from 1949 or it might be 1968 and again it might be November 1963. Because the Texas Hotel is where Kennedy stayed the night before he died, and Denton, Texas is just north here of Dallas, it all fits in. But it certainly is not conclusive."93 Lansdale dropped out of sight at this point. He resurfaced back in Washington in the Food for Peace Program and was soon given a job by Johnson back in Vietnam. He had contacts who got him interviews in the White House. In fact he would be on the ground in Vietnam when U.S. combat troops arrived.94 = 69. Unpublished Transcript: John M. Newman with Gus Russo, "Unscheduled Workshop on Major General Edward G. Lansdale, Colonel Howard L. Burris and Air Force Intelligence Connections to the Kennedy Assassination," Second Annual Assassination Symposium on John F. Kennedy, Hyatt Regency Hotel at Reunion Square, Dallas, Tx., Oct. 24, 1992, p. 1. 70. John M. Newman, JFK and Vietnam, (NY: Warner Books, 1992), p. 3. 71. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 1. 72. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 3. 73. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 3. 74. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 14. 75. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 3. 76. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 3-4. 77. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 4. 78. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 4. 79. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 13-14. 80. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 5. 81. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 4-5. 82. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 5. 83. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 27. 84. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 85. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 86. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 87. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 8. 88. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 9. 89. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 9-10. 90. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 10. 91. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 2; Stone, JFK: The Book of the Film, pp. 182-183. 92. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 11; Stone, JFK: The Book of the Film, p. 183. 93. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, pp. 11-12. 94. Unpublished Transcript: Newman with Russo, p. 12. Edited August 15, 2015 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted September 27, 2014 Author Share Posted September 27, 2014 (edited) part 4 = FAR RIGHT AND THE FALSE FAR RIGHT ===== CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. ======================================= A theory of the JFK assassination is that the FAR RIGHT was the prime mover in the JFK assassination which was assisted by rogue CIA elements. Said far right theory ignores Allen Dulles connections to the FAR RIGHT.+++++++++++++++++++++The JBS was established by the elites themselves to establish a false FAR RIGHT opposition. One of the organizations connected to the establishment of the JBS was the PILGRAM SOCIETY,said group - more secretive and elite than the Council on Foreign Relations. Examples of Pilgram Society members : John Foster Dulles,John J. McCloy.=seeTHE BELMONT BROTHERHOOD THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY By Barbara Aho With the onset of the McCarthy era 50 years ago, any perceived threat to U.S. sovereignty from the British Round Table and its American branch shifted to an obsession with the Soviet Union. Roy Cohn, who was legal counsel to Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate investigations of the 1950s, would later become a member of the John Birch Society and a principle figure in the JBS intelligence gathering operation, the Western Goals Foundation. Out of the latter emerged the core group which, in 1981, formed the present Council for National Policy -- a consortium of high level political, corporate and evangelical leaders which is the primary coordinating body and funding conduit for Christian Right projects. Sara Diamond's book, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, notes: "Before and after the formation of the John Birch Society, corporations played a major role in rallying the public to the anticommunist cause." 1. In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act granted corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union organizing -- a movement they blamed on the communists. To reduce the cost of producing and distributing anti-Communist materials, corporations turned to non-profit organizations such as the JBS. "By 1963, corporations were spending an estimated $25 million per year on anticommunist literature... Some corporations circulated print and audio-visual materials produced by the John Birch Society; other corporations produced their own in-house literature...By the early 1960s, the Nation magazine reported that there was a minimum of 6,600 corporate-financed anticommunist broadcasts, carried by more than 1,300 radio and television stations at a total annual budget of about $20 million...Leading sponsors included Texas oil billionaire H.L. Hunt and Howard J. Pew of Sun Oil. The corporate sector's massive anticommunist propaganda campaigns created a favorable climate for the mobilization of activist groups like the John Birch Society." 2.On the other hand, or rather the other side of the dialectic, super-capitalists such as John D. Rockefeller would come to understand the potential of using labor unions to corporate advantage -- as a means of controlling the opposition."The Rockefeller interests have not overlooked and have made good use of the monopoly of labor that is afforded to unions, to effect monopolies of industry that would be recognized as illegal if they had been effected by a monopoly of machinery. Labor unions have proved to be a powerful weapon for the Rockefeller Empire in extending its world conquest; and subsidized unioneers are always in the forefront of the emissaries that they send out into newly conquered territories. With Marxism as a shibboleth, they are rapidly accomplishing a world-wide subjugation of the 'peasantry'. This has earned for wily John D. Jr. a reputation for 'liberalism'. It is more appropriately called "Rockefellerism". 3. In the long march toward a new social order, ultra-right and left-wing agitation propaganda serve not only to polarize and destabilize society, they create a diversionary conflict to prevent recognition of the true conspiracy. Lest an informed and united citizenry form an alliance against them, principles of conflict management are employed by the power elites:"The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ('Capitalism' or 'Communism') and sharply defined citadels ('America' or 'Russia'). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case. -- Douglas Reed" 4.In his essay on the unseen hand behind This Age of Conflict, Ivor Benson reveals the natural partnership that exists between ostensibly opposing forces -- for example, the fascist Rhodes-Milner Round Table and Fabian socialists -- to secure a common objective, namely, the subjugation of mankind:"Significantly Julius Wernher, of the Wernher-Beit conglomerate that supported Milner's effort to precipitate the Anglo-Boer War, contributed substantially to the funding of the London School of Economics and socialist movements everywhere, all vehemently 'anti-capitalists', continued to receive massive support from the most powerful 'capitalists.' "It was because of the absence of any fundamental antagonism between the philosophies of John Ruskin and of Karl Marx that it was possible for the 'Brave new World' ambition, so actively promoted by Rhodes and his heirs, to be absorbed into the socialist world-power vortex with hardly a sign that anything untoward had happened. In fact, the international socialists, instruments of the most highly concentrated financial power, were able to take over the Rhodes-Milner establishment, complete with its worldwide network of organizations the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals, etc -- and continue to run it as if still under its original management; indeed, it simply gave the socialists a new Dimension for the exercise of their incomparable skill in the arts of deception." 5. Carroll Quigley and colleagues of like sympathy with the Rhodes agenda have widely propagated the belief that the American branch of the Round Table organization is exclusively the liberal Eastern Establishment. However, The Belmont Brotherhood revealed that the Anglo-American Establishment, which represents the interests of the aforesaid corporations, also launched the ultra-conservative movement in the United States, the John Birch Society being a pioneer of the extreme right of this dialectical process.############################Allen Dulles: Edward Lansdale/ CHARLES A. WILLOUGHBY nexus.=Replies to website E-mail from Col. Fletcher ProutyFrom: Bill GaskinsDate: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 Subject: Lansdale's association with Gen. Charles Willoughby I am sorry to hear that Col. Prouty is unable to reply to questions.Perhaps you will find the following letter interesting, and will post it on the web site: This is a follow-up to a statement I made to Col. Prouty in 1994 on WCBM radio in Baltimore, Md. At that time Col. Prouty said that I was "confused" about my belief that Edward Lansdale and Gen. Charles Willoughby served together in the Philippines during World War II. According to the following two books, there appears to be a conflict concerning Lansdale's whereabouts during the war. The book "Edward Lansdale" (1988) by Cecil Curry states on page 26 that Ed Lansdale never left the United States during World War II. Lansdale admits that he served in the Philippines, but starting in September 1945, or right after the war. Lansdale joined the OSS in 1941. However, Curry notes that Lansdale's brother Phil said he believes Edward was out of the country during the war. And Curry concludes, "The real story of these events may never be learned." Col. Prouty states in his 1990 letter to Jim Garrison that Curry's book contains some "terrible fabrications," and that Lansdale was a "classic chameleon." The book "The Marcos Dynasty" (1988) by Sterling Seagrave states on page 143 that during WWII Lansdale served in the Philippines under Gen. Charles Willoughby with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Willoughby was MacArthur's army intelligence chief. Willoughby was a rabid anti-Communist, and was known as the "little fascist." Seagrave cites no reference for Lansdale's service other than "CIA documents." If Lansdale did serve under Gen. Willoughby, then this association has a possible sinister implication. In his 1992 book "The Man Who Knew Too Much," Dick Russell connects Willoughby with Allen Dulles,......... Col. Prouty knew Lansdale well. He believes, and I agree, that Lansdale orchestrated the JFK assassination. But who gave Lansdale the "go" signal? Col. Prouty's 1992 book "JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate JFK" does not address Seagrave's assertion. On page 63 he states that Lansdale "later" left the OSS for Army Intel and that Gen. MacArthur did not allow the OSS in the Pacific Theater. In 1949 Lansdale was under the direct command of Col. Richard Stilwell, an "experienced Far East hand." Although MacArthur was in Japan, Lansdale was still under his command. Therefore, Lansdale served in the Pacific Theater (the Philippines) for Willoughby after the war. The point that Russell makes, that Lansdale served under Willoughby, seems to be valid. Certainly Willoughby knew of Lansdale's exploits against Quirino in 1950. Thanks,Bill Gaskins=see post # 8 this thread PART 3 for Dulles / Lansdale nexus #########################################################################LETTER TO MAJOR GENERAL CHARLES A. WILLOUGHBY FROM ALLEN ############## ##############Allen Dulles: Medford B. Evans & Gerry Patrick Hemming and thus the "FAR RIGHT". (via James Jesus Angleton)=John Bevilaqua Medford B. Evans blames the JFK hit on The Establishment B. Evans turns out to be yet another missing link from the Ghosts of Mississippi like Elmore Graves, his boss at The Councillor of The Citizens Councils in Jackson, Mississippi to Boris Pash, James Angelton's favorite assassin, when both Evans and Pash worked together at the Atomic Energy Commission to H. L. Hunt (Willoughby's financial angel) whom he worked for at Facts Forum in Dallas, to his close fiends at The John Birch Society, Robert Morris, Edwin Walker and Charles Willoughby. ==== Col. PASH was sent into Europe to stop the NAZI A-Bomb program in WWII. On the internet I found that PASH, post war, maintained an office at Oak Ridge. (HARVEY & LEE fans know that a LHO (Lee) signed a visitators register there(when Harvey was elsewhere)). From 1944 to 1952 Medford Byran Evans was the head trainer in Security at Oak Ridge. It is small assumption that PASH knew Evans. (Evan's son BTW knows the CIA Buckley family) PASH did so called WET ops against the scientists in Europe. Im sure there were imported NASI & European scientists who knew what PASH did and worked at Oak Ridge. ++ Hunt was left out in the cold. IMHO McCord let everyone be caught in the Break-in on purpose. Hunts statement about JJA and PASH (that JJA used PASH in assassinations) was a way of getting back/sending message to CIA (lay off me or I'll blow whole DALLAS THING !!). If so, JJA could have used him (Evans) as penetration asset to the FAR RIGHT. Gerry Patrick Hemming claimed he worked for JJA from time to time. Gerry Patrick Hemming and Medford B. Evans knew all the important FAR RIGHT people mentioned in said "FAR RIGHT" theorem.********** STEVE GAAL material below reproduced for research purposes only.Jerry P. Shinley Archive:== can connect Guy Banister to the FAR RIGHT "AND" (repeat "&") the CIA. SO ?? Why not GUY Banister as CIA asset getting/finding patsies who wanted JFK dead ??=Even more telling is the 531 Lafayette address of Banister and the fact that the CIA-infiltrated Cuban Revolutionary Council operated out of this office from late 1961 to early 1963.=====================On Monday, the Warren Report later disclosed, the FBI's Ernest C. Wall, Jr., a Spanish-speaking agent who liaisoned with the exile groups, called Guy Banister to inquire about Arcacha Smith. According to Wall's single-paragraph report, Banister responded that Arcacha Smith had been the head of the Cuban Revolutionary Council and "some time ago had told him on one occasion that he, Smith, had an office in the building located at 594 Camp Street." Nothing about Banister and the Cuban Revolutionary Council, created by the CIA as an umbrella group for the Bay of Pigs invasion, being under the same roof. As a limited hangout, it was a classic. The Warren Report dutifully stated that "investigation has indicated that neither the Fair Play for Cuba Committee nor Lee Oswald ever maintained an office at that address." =====================ARMSTRONGBannister employee Al Campbell said that Bannister worked closely withRay Huff and the CIA and had a lot to do with the overthrow of PresidentArbenz of Guatemala. The Schlumberger Well Services company often servedas an arms depot for the CIA. In 1959 Bannister associates Dave Ferrie,Gordon Novel and others removed arms and munitions from the SchlumbergerDepot in Houma, Louisiana. Their efforts and the CIA's complicity wasdisguised when Schlumberger claimed their facility had been burglarized. ======In January, 1961 the Friends for Democratic Cuba was founded by ex-FBIagent Guy Bannister and former Oswald employer Gerard Tujague. Membersincluded FBI Agents Lansing Logan and Regis Kennedy, CIA Agents WilliamDalzell and Joseph Newbrough, anti-Castro Cubans Sergio Arcacha Smithand Carlos Quiroga, soldier of fortune types like ex-marine Joseph Mooreand Jim Ivey and local businessmen like Gerard Tujague and Grady Durham.Regis Kennedy and Joe Newbrough spent a lot of time at Bannister'soffice and made frequent trips to the Cuban training camps north of LakePontchartrain where Dave Ferrie was involved in the training of troops.CIA Agent William Dalzell said Bannister's group was involved inundercover operations with the CIA and FBI which involved thetransportation of individuals and supplies in and out of Cuba. Thesupplies came from the CIA funded Mardi Gras Corporation. ================== William Turner, Rearview Mirror (2001) - That left Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Sr., an attorney associated with Banister, on Brooks's list of key Minutemen in Louisiana. According to Brooks, Gatlin served as legal counsel to the ACLC. In fact, Brooks had been a kind of protege of Gatlin. The attorney's passport was stamped with visas of countries around the world. In Brooks's estimation, he was a "transporter" for the CIA. On one occasion Gatlin bodaciously told Brooks, "I have pretty good connections. Stick with me-I'll give you a license to kill." Brooks became a firm believer in 1962 when Gatlin displayed a thick wad of bills, saying he had $ioo,ooo of CIA money earmarked for a French reactionary clique planning to assassinate General de Gaulle. Shortly thereafter Gatlin flew to Paris, and shortly after that came the Secret Army Organization's abortive ambush of the French president. But Gatlin as well was beyond Garrison's reach. In 1964 he fell or was pushed from the sixth floor of the Panama Hotel in Panama, dying instantly. = from POST #4 this thread. SLATE By Ray Fisman In 1951, Jacobo Árbenz Gúzman became Guatemala's second democratically elected president. Árbenz's authoritarian predecessors had been very sympathetic to American business interests, particularly those of the United Fruit Co. (now Chiquita), which had bought up land titles on the cheap from Guatemala's corrupt elite for its ever-expanding banana empire. Once in office, Presidente Árbenz sought to take it all back, nationalizing UFC's Guatemalan assets and redistributing them to the poor. But UFC had friends in very high places—the assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, John Moor Cabot, was the brother of UFC President Thomas Cabot. The secretary of state himself, John Foster Dulles, had done legal work for UFC, and his brother Allen Dulles was director of the CIA and also on UFC's board. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we now know that the various Cabots and Dulleses had a series of top-secret meetings in which they decided that Árbenz had to go and sponsored a coup that drove Árbenz from office in 1954. = GATLIN wrote letters to the assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, John Moor Cabot (above) about the so-called communist activities of Guatemala's Jacobo Árbenz Gúzman. Did Gatlin appear on the radar of CABOT/DULLES as a possible intel asset in the 1950s ?? ================ see Schmidt is part of the Dulles nexus.=Volkmar Schmidt coxed out the hatred of Oswald for far right General Edward Walker Lee Harvey Oswald . (Bill Kelly interview Volkmar Schmidt) This event is a play , an artifice (by both parties) creating a false legend of unstable "Oswald".+=*********************************=+FROM THE INTERNET = How to Be a Secret Agent Spend time perfecting your acting skills with different kinds of people. Go places you might not be welcome and try and fit in and learn everything you can from the locals. Can you pretend to be a southern millworker, struggling to make ends meet? Can you pretend to be a French-Canadian diplomat? What about a singer-songwriter from Belize? A good secret agent says yes.Learn about both high and low culture. If you've got to embed with French dignitaries who are operating illegal smuggling operations, you've got to be able to talk French wine and opera with the best of them. You also might be expected to sneak into a oil derrick and be comfortable next to hard-drinking roughnecks, which means you better know at least one George Jones song off the top of your head.=Learn to detect lies and learn to tell lies. If a secret agent gets caught by security guards at midnight hiding in the records room with a flashlight, he must come up with an excuse or an escape in the blink of an eye and make that lie believable. Likewise, if you're the one finding the suspicious behavior, you've got to be able to find the lie quickly and efficiently. Learning to detect lies can help make you a better xxxx as well.Watch body language. Liars tend to fold up, keeping their limbs in and their body away from others, symbolizing discomfort. People telling the truth will "spread out" more.Liars will avoid contractions, re-start sentences, and often repeat the question verbatim as a way of stalling and coming up with a suitable answer. To avoid the need for this, practice your excuse and your lie ahead of time so you won't have to stall and give yourself away.Relax when you're telling a lie. If you know you're going to have to tell a fib, calm down. Most lie detection occurs because someone gets agitated and anxious. If you're relaxed, your lie will seem more like truth. Edited April 4, 2015 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 11, 2014 Author Share Posted October 11, 2014 (edited) Part 5 = Dulles and a slow car turn assassination =In any case, your case for a CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. Regards,--Paul Trejo==SUSPECT # 1 Allen Dulles.(Gaal,That's my final word on it.)====================================================The Paines,Volkmar Schmidt,Secret Service and George DeMorschildt are part of the Dulles nexus.Belief that David Morales could manipulate the above is pure fantasy.==(Dulles and a slow car turn assassination,Gaal)THE GUN THAT DIDN'T SMOKE* Copyright © 1994, 1997 by Walter F. Graf and Richard R. Bartholomew Part Four (posted in fair use)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two spies who were experts at keeping the biggest of government secrets were Warren Commissioner Allen Dulles and his CIA colleague, Richard Helms. Helms was the liaison between the CIA and the Warren Commission. Like his fellow OSS officers, William Colby and William Casey, Helms eventually succeeded Dulles as CIA director. Long before the Kennedy assassination, on June 6th, 1944, future JFK-assassination investigators Dulles and Helms learned that the biggest of secrets can be kept secure among the largest of groups. D-Day, the largest, most complex overt/covert operation ever known, is perhaps the best example of a successful, large conspiration. Over 5,000 ships landed 90,000 British, American and Canadian troops in Normandy. Around 20,000 more began landing silently by parachute and glider the night before. The planning had been under way since December, 1941. Yet it was a successful surprise attack. The exact time and place was known to, and kept completely secret by as many as fifty men. They struck an enemy weakened "under the combined weight of blockade, bombing, subversive activities, and propaganda."186 Dulles knew how to apply that example to smaller operations. Through events that preceded and followed D-Day, Dulles became something of an expert in the secrets, successes and failures of high-level assassination conspiracies. One of the worst intra-Allied conflicts of the war was conveniently resolved when Admiral Jean Darlan, the very anti-communist, pro-Nazi, key figure in Vichy France, was assassinated allegedly by a rightist. The plotters made sure the assassination would be blamed on someone who was apparently on the same side of the political spectrum as his victim. That is not the only similarity between Darlan's and JFK's assassinations. The conspiracy behind that December 24, 1942, assassination remains a mystery to this day. However, it is known that an OSS officer was in contact with the plotters and was believed to have supplied the weapon. The man who replaced Darlan, General Henri Giraud, was principally sponsored politically and financially in Western circles by Allen Dulles. Seven months earlier, Dulles was likely paying close attention to Operation Anthropoid: the assassination of Prague SS chief Reinhard Heydrich. That conspiracy had multiple similarities to the JFK assassination. They include: 1) a motorcade attack at a hairpin turn; 2) signals; 3) an open, virtually stopped vehicle; 4) two attacks, five seconds apart, the first inconclusive; and 5) "passers-by" directing the crowd in its confusion. And, as in Dallas, there were unanticipated mistakes in Prague. As Alan Burgess wrote in his 1960 book, Seven Men at Daybreak, "The vital operational point was Heydrich's open car had to slow up here to negotiate the near-hairpin corner, and for perhaps five seconds it would provide an easy slow-moving target." And a report from the Special Operations Executive branch of the British Secret Intelligence Service reads: "The special training in the UK was based on a plan that the attack on Heydrich should be made when he was traveling by car from where he lived to his office in Prague or to any known appointment and that it must be carried out at a corner where the car would have to slow down." It is a chilling realization that one or both of those two sources were available to Kennedy's assassins during their own planning. In fact, the other Twentieth Century assassination conspiracies involving attacks on motor vehicles, all of which would have been of interest to Dulles, had stark similarities to the Heydrich and Kennedy assassinations: the two, same-day attempts on Archduke Ferdinand (June, 1914); the assassination of Dominican Republic President Rafael Trujillo (May, 1961); and the attempt on French President Charles de Gaulle (August, 1962). Of primary interest is the fact that these assassinations were successful when the vehicle was brought to a virtual halt and unsuccessful when it was accelerated. There was no exception to this rule. The lesson to be derived by security planners is that it is not a good idea to slow or stop the vehicle in the face of an assassin. The lesson to be derived by assassination planners, however, is the opposite.187 And Allen Dulles did have direct experience in the unsavory art assassination planning. In his book, Heisenburg's War, Thomas Powers wrote about Werner Karl Heisenburg, Germany's top nuclear physicist. The OSS was nervous about Germany's atomic bomb research. Allen Dulles was the director of an OSS assassination plot against Heisenburg in the fall of 1944 -- using former major league baseball player Morris Berg as the designated assassin. **** (GAAL,Pash (operational assassin of JJA's) also assassinated WWII atomic scientists. Pash also had access to USA FAR RIGHT ,see part 4 above)**** It is in the context of this conspiracy that we read the only mention of OSS officer William Casey in Powers' book. Casey and Berg met to discuss that plot the night before Berg departed Britain for his abortive assassination mission in Germany. Casey, then involved in running agents into Germany, later became the CIA Director who was stricken with a seizure the day before he was to testify to the Senate about the Iran-Contra scandal. Finally, just months before directing the Heisenburg plot, Dulles had been involved in the 20th-of-July plot to assassinate Hitler. That attempt was a failure not because of the large number of conspirators, but because of an ineffective bomb. In fact, even in failure, some of its plotters and their secrets escaped detection.188 == NOTES Rumors existed that General Karl Wolff, head of the SS in Italy, was somehow behind Heydrich's murder. Wolff had the right connections and, like many of Heydrich's Nazi associates, was "in trouble." Dulles' OSS colleague and mistress, Mary Bancroft, reported to Dulles that she had asked the question of Nazi intelligence official and Hitler assassination plotter Hans Bernd Gisevius: "Did Wolff kill Heydrich?" Bancroft also revealed that while Dulles was negotiating the German mass surrender in Italy, Wolff had a friendly visit with him at his Zurich apartment. Given Bancroft's subtle, yet startling, revelations about Hans Gisevius and Ruth Paine (see below), was she trying to tell us something about a connection between Dulles, the Heydrich assassination and the JFK assassination? (Mary Bancroft, Autobiography of a Spy [New York: William Morrow, 1983] pp. 193, 289; hereafter cited as Bancroft 193, 289. Letters from Walter Graf to Richard Bartholomew, Jul. 13, and Aug. 2, 1993, and March 3, 1997. == Dulles' informant within the Hitler assassination conspiracy was Hans Bernd Gisevius, one of its rare, high-level survivors. In later years, with substantial help from his friend Dulles, assassination plotter Gisevius traveled to Washington D.C., then to Texas where he became employed at Dresser Industries, the Dallas-based oil equipment company. Dulles and Gisevius were assisted in the Hitler plot by Dulles' wartime mistress, Mary Bancroft, who was Ruth Forbes Paine's close friend. Paine's son, Michael, became involved in the JFK assassination due largely to his 1963 housemate, Volkmar Schmidt. Oswald's CIA friend, George de Mohrenschildt, had introduced Oswald to Schmidt who, in turn, arranged for Oswald to meet Michael Paine and his wife, Ruth Hyde Paine. The latter Ruth Paine helped arrange Oswald's fateful employment at the TSBD. Before coming to the U.S. in the fall of 1961, Schmidt had lived in Germany. There, Schmidt had lived with and studied under another rare 20th-of-July-plot survivor, Wilhelm Kuetemeyer. From 1958 to 1967, master spy and assassination plotter Bancroft (by then the mistress of Life magazine publisher Henry Luce), "worked with JFK and RFK on campaigns and corresponded with them." Ms. Bancroft, 93, died in New York City on Jan. 10, 1997, having never been subpoenaed under ARCA (Bancroft 54, 128-31, 290. Leonard Mosley, Dulles [New York: Dial, 1978] pp. 247-48. Burton Hersh, The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA [New York: Scribner's Sons, 1992] p. 367. Bruce Campbell Adamson, Oswald's Closest Friend: The George DeMohrenschildt Story, vol. I: "1,000 Points of Light (Public Remains in the Dark)" [unpublished manuscript, 1993 (Aptos, Calif.: self published, 1995)], p. 31; cited hereafter as Adamson, "1,000 Points of Light"; and The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart [Aptos, Calif.: self published, 1995] p. 80. Edward J. Epstein, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald [New York: McGraw Hill, 1978] pp. 203-05, 213-14; hereafter cited as Epstein, Legend 203-05, 213-14. Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation [New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1993] p. 419; hereafter cited as Fonzi 419. "Obituaries," New York Times, Jan. 12, 1997, p. 31; "Passages," Assassination Chronicles, Spring 1997, p. 49.). See also Bartholomew citation in note 166 above. For a history of Dresser's board of directors, which included powerful, wealthy, anti-Kennedy men, see Darwin Payne, Initiative in Energy: Dresser Industries, Inc. 1880-1978 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979) pp. 386-89. == ########################################## =Upon searching this (Ruth Paine's) house we found stacks of hand bills concerning "Cuba for Freedom" advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba. Also found was a set of metal file cabinets containing records that appeared to be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers. All of this evidence was confiscated and turned over to Captain Fritz of the Dallas Police Department and Secret Service Officers at the City Hall. ( BTW Ruth Paine stated Lee didnt live here) Later this find was later obfuscated by the WC ,which had as a member ,SUSPECT # 1 Allen Dulles.==The hierarchy of the CIA would use patsies for protection in their murder of the POTUS.The perfect murder is when you make another person think they killed someone and you really did the dirty deed.== In Noel Twyman's Bloody Treason there was a interview with Gerry Patrick Hemming a self proclaimed 'singleton' for James Jesus Angleton.One of the main points Hemming made was that there were a number of people who 'thought' they were involved in the assassination. Walker,JBS,local Dallas right wingers,et al could be compartmentalized in the periphery of the assassination so they , " 'thought' they were involved in the assassination".==Lansdale visited 3 special forces bases in the summer of 1963. The hierarchy of the CIA would use the best shooters available. Shootersfrom the special forces would be about the best. Most would refuse such a task but psychological/political expert Lansdale would be the perfect person to select those who would agree to the dirty deed.######################################################################################Barbara Lamonica, Coalition on Political Assassination's Conference (21st October, 1995) I find the Paines the most interesting, yet least studied, of the people surrounding the assassination. After all, they were the people who were closest to Lee Harvey Oswald - just prior, and leading up to, November 22. And wittingly or unwittingly, they contributed to the subsequent condemnation of Oswald, and therefore to the success of the conspiracy and coverup. Furthermore, there are two timeframes, being the spring and fall of 1963, when the lives of the Paines and Oswalds are especially intertwined, that coincide with some very significant events. Ruth Paine first makes contact after she first met (Marina Oswald) on February 22 at a party arranged by Everett Glover, who was a friend of Michael Paine's and George DeMohrenschildt's. But she doesn't try to make contact with Marina until March 8, when she sends her a note. On March 20, she visits Marina. In between these two dates, on March 13, Oswald purchases, or orders, the rifle. On April 2 Ruth invites the Oswalds to dinner. On April 7, Ruth writes a note, asking Marina to come and live with her. She never sends this note, but she keeps it. On April 11 she visits Marina again. On April 20 there's a picnic with the Oswalds and Ruth Paine. And by the end of the month, Marina is staying with Ruth temporarily, while Lee goes to New Orleans to seek employment and try to find an apartment. In the middle of this cluster of activity the Walker incident occurs on April 10. During the summer the Paines and Oswalds part company. They are reunited in the fall. Marina is again living with Ruth Paine. Now, Ruth and Michael have been separated. Michael has agreed to continue to support Ruth, naturally, and his children. But interestingly enough he has also agreed to contribute to the upkeep of Marina financially. The Paines are significant in several ways. First they insured the continued separation of Lee and Marina, allowing Lee to live unencumbered, and with no witnesses to his activities or associates during the principal time leading up to the assassination. Secondly, they provided a storage space for evidence that would be used against Oswald. Almost everything that would convict him in the public mind, including the alleged murder weapon, came out of the Paine's garage. Also found in the garage, among other things, was the Walker photograph, the backyard photograph, the Klein's Sporting Goods tear-out order for the rifle, among other things... there was also some radical magazines. One wonders why someone intending to commit a crime would allow such items to be stored in another's garage, instead of destroying the incriminating evidence. Michael Paine's testimony is used to confirm that Lee had a rifle, and indeed it had been stored in their garage - in retrospect, of course, because Michael Paine said he never realized it was a rifle... It's hard to believe that a man like Michael Paine, who had been in combat artillery in Korea, and then in the Army Reserves for six years, could not recognize the feel of a rifle. Especially since it belonged to someone who he considered a person who advocated violence. I think maybe Michael Paine is lying here. He either knew it was a rifle, and is choosing to hide that fact, or maybe it wasn't a rifle at all... in either case he distances himself from the situation by saying he just didn't realize what was going on. And this is characteristic of the Paines all along - they try to distance themselves from Oswald. Ruth's testimony pinpoints the time for placing the weapon in Lee's hands. She testified that on the Thursday night before the assassination Lee showed up unexpectedly at her house to visit her family. Now Lee Oswald's habit, if you will, was to visit his family on weekends, so he would usually be there on Friday nights... So during the course of the evening, Ruth comes in around o'clock, after dinner, she goes into the garage and finds that the light had been left on. Well she tells the Warren Commission that she would never, ever leave the light on. So therefore Lee Oswald must have been in the garage to retrieve some of his belongings. This allows the Warren Commission to infer that this was the moment that Oswald got his gun, in preparation for the assassination. But the only thing that this testimony really tells us for sure is that Ruth was in the garage. I believe the Paines are significant persons in the lives of the Oswalds, and warrant further research. Although they probably did not participate in a plot to kill the president, and they might have downplayed their relationship with Oswald merely in an attempt to distance themselves from a tragic event, they are, I believe, nevertheless withholding evidence about Oswald. Robert Oswald himself claimed, right after the assassination, that he felt Michael Paine knew more about that event than he was revealing. I think we should take Robert Oswald's claim seriously, and look into the Paines further. === James DiEugenio, review of Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked (March, 2008) Another interesting part of the book is how it deals with the experiences of the late Dallas detective Buddy Walthers. This is based on a rare manuscript about the man by author Eric Tagg. Walthers was part of at least three major evidentiary finds in Dallas. Through his wife, he discovered the meetings at the house on Harlendale Avenue by Alpha 66 in the fall of 1963. Second, he was with FBI agent Robert Barrett when he picked up what appears to be a bullet slug in the grass at Dealey Plaza. And third, something I was unaware of until the work of John Armstrong and is also in this book, Walthers was at the house of Ruth and Michael Paine when the Dallas Police searched it on Friday afternoon. Walthers told Tagg that they "found six or seven metal filing cabinets full of letters, maps, records and index cards with names of pro-Castro sympathizers." (Hancock places this statement in his footnotes on p. 552.) This is absolutely startling of course since, combined with the work of Carol Hewett, Steve Jones, and Barbara La Monica, it essentially cinches the case that the Paines were domestic surveillance agents in the Cold War against communism. (Hancock notes how the Warren Commission and Wesley Liebeler forced Walthers to backtrack on this point and then made it disappear in the "Speculation and Rumors" part of the report.) ==================== Who kept these surveillance files ? Were the files Ruth's or Lee's ? When Lee visited did Lee spend hours in the garage ?? === To believe these were Lee's files is poor thinking at best. When the JFK files were relesed Ruth Paine was seen at NARA spending long hours taking notes. Said note taking was her habit from long practice as a domestic surveillance agent in the Cold War against communism.=== Edited April 4, 2015 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Brancato Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 Good stuff Steven. The files discovered at a Ruth Paine's house reveal something important. I see no reason to disbelieve the initial report that they were found. So either Oswald was keeping records, or the Paines. Someone was spying for someone. I used to think they were Oswald's, but agree that Ruth Paine is more likely. Once we accept that the shots that killed JfK came from somewhere other than the TSBD, and the bullets from a gun other than the MC, the Paines actions before and after become suspect. Mary Bancroft's close connections to both the Paines and Alan Dulles, Ruth's files, and Michael Paine's connections to Volkmar Schmidt and George DeMohrenschildt makes it likely, at least to me, that the Paines were CIA assets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 11, 2014 Author Share Posted October 11, 2014 Good stuff Steven. The files discovered at a Ruth Paine's house reveal something important. I see no reason to disbelieve the initial report that they were found. So either Oswald was keeping records, or the Paines. Someone was spying for someone. I used to think they were Oswald's, but agree that Ruth Paine is more likely. Once we accept that the shots that killed JfK came from somewhere other than the TSBD, and the bullets from a gun other than the MC, the Paines actions before and after become suspect. Mary Bancroft's close connections to both the Paines Seven months earlier, Dulles was likely paying close attention to Operation Anthropoid: the assassination of Prague SS chief Reinhard Heydrich. That conspiracy had multiple similarities to the JFK assassination. They include: 1) a motorcade attack at a hairpin turn; 2) signals; 3) an open, virtually stopped vehicle; 4) two attacks, five seconds apart, the first inconclusive; and 5) "passers-by" directing the crowd in its confusion. And, as in Dallas, there were unanticipated mistakes in Prague. = ." Dulles' OSS colleague and mistress, Mary Bancroft, reported to Dulles that she had asked the question of Nazi intelligence official and Hitler assassination plotter Hans Bernd Gisevius: "Did Wolff kill Heydrich?" == So Dulles was curious/knew about slow turn car assassination. == Dulles had connections to all those Dallas people you mentioned Paul = not Morales. Looking at Ruth's philosopy she has a Globalist viewpoint much like SUSPECT # 1 Allen Dulles. = THANKS PAUL FOR THE COMMENTS. sg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 (edited) Part 6 = What are some of the motivations of suspect # 1 Allen Dulles ? In any case, your case for a CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. Regards,--Paul Trejo==SUSPECT # 1 Allen Dulles. (Gaal,That's my final word on it.) "That little Kennedy," he spat out. "He thought he was a god." (Quote Suspect #1) ================================================================= What is the motivation(s) of suspect # 1 Allen Dulles ? Per thread above /// Fletcher Prouty stated Dulles wanted to penetrate all areas of the government in a great power grab. Per thread above /// While CIA Director Dulles also had created his own private CIA which had as members Edwin Pauley,Edward Lansdale, George Mohrenschildt (via CBS Paley), William Casey (who had via law partner Secret Service connections) Per thread above /// Dulles used the CIA for his own financial gain. When Casey became Director CIA ,Casey's account showed an absolutely astounding 50 out of 51 correct Oil Futures positions. Does the CIA Director have 'insider/advanced' knowledge of oil prices ?? AS CIA Director Dulles would to be able to control information about his clients WWII Nazi connections. (SEE BELOW) Allen Dulles, the Nazis, and the CIA Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg once stated that "The Dulles brothers were traitors." Some historians believe that Allen Dulles became head of the newly formed CIA in large part to cover up his treasonous behavior and that of his clients. -- Christian Dewar, Making a Killing Just before his death, James Jesus Angleton, the legendary chief of counterintelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bitter man. He felt betrayed by the people he had worked for all his life. In the end, he had come to realize that they were never really interested in American ideals of "freedom" and "democracy." They really only wanted "absolute power." Angleton told author Joseph Trento that the reason he had gotten the counterintelligence job in the first place was by agreeing not to submit "sixty of Allen Dulles' closest friends" to a polygraph test concerning their business deals with the Nazis. In his end-of-life despair, Angleton assumed that he would see all his old companions again "in hell." -- Michael Hasty, Paranoid Shift see ################################################ Here are Mr. Talbot's words, outlining why: SEE ...I think what we're going to show over the next few years is that Allen Welsh Dulles was much more centrally involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, and its cover-up, than Lee Harvey Oswald.Fifty years later, it's finally time to give the man his rightful place in history. In his day, Allen Dulles was America's most legendary spymaster, the longest-serving director of the CIA. He took great pleasure in regaling the public about his espionage triumphs. But, for obvious reasons, he could never take credit for his biggest and boldest covert operation:the killing of the President of the United States in broad daylight on the streets of an American city.I hope that my forthcoming book, which will be titled "The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, JFK and the Epic Battle for America's Soul" will at long last give Mr. Dulles his due. As I say in my title of my remarks this morning, I believe Allen Dulles truly was the "Chairman of the Board of the Kennedy Assassination."In September 1965, nearly two years after Kennedy was violently removed from office, Allen Dulles went for a stroll near his home in Georgetown with a young magazine editor named William Morris. The old spymaster, long since retired, struck Morris as an amiable, avuncular character until the name Kennedy suddenly came up in the conversation. Suddenly a dark cloud crossed the old man's brow."That little Kennedy," he spat out. "He thought he was a god."Allen Dulles knew who the true overlords of American power were. (They were) men like him and his brother, not Jack and Bobby Kennedy. The Kennedys were mere upstarts in comparison to the Dulles family. The Dulles dynasty boasted diplomats and international bankers and three secretaries of state. The Kennedy clan, by comparison, was distinguished by saloon keepers and ward healers. When paterfamilias Joseph Kennedy was amassing his fortune as a movie mogul and stock gambler, Dulles and his older brother were running Wall Street from their perch at the world's largest law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell and creating a new global financial order.During the Cold War, President Eisenhower outsourced the country's foreign policy to the Dulles Brothers, with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles serving as the architect of Washington's global crusade against communism, and Allen Dulles carrying out the darker chores of empire.Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev who kept looking for a way out of the Cold War noose but found himself repeatedly checkmated by the Dulleses remarked at one point, "One shuddered at what great force was in the Dulles Brothers' hands."The Dulles Brothers stood at the very apex of American power, straddling an elite network that connected Wall Street, Washington, big oil and international finance. John Foster Dulles was the ultimate counselor for that overworld that ruled the country's government and business, and his younger brother Allen was at privileged circles master of intrigue and subversion, its enforcer... ################################ ################################ Nazis in the attic, part 6 By Randy Davis =============================== GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH ...Like Nixon, George Bush was deeply involved with supporting the Nazis in the Republican's closet. In fact, support for the Nazis was a Bush family tradition which goes back more than six decades and, once again, to Allen Dulles. Loftus and Aarons write: "The real story of George Bush starts well before he launched his own career. It goes back to the 1920s, when the Dulles brothers and the other pirates of Wall Street were making their deals with the Nazis. . . ." THE BUSH-DULLES-NAZI CONNECTION "George Bush's problems were inherited from his namesake and maternal grandfather, George Herbert 'Bert' Walker, a native of St. Louis, who founded the banking and investment firm of G. H. Walker and Company in 1900. Later the company shifted from St. Louis to the prestigious address of 1 Wall Street. . . . "Walker was one of Hitler's most powerful financial supporters in the United States. The relationship went all the way back to 1924, when Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist, was financing Hitler's infant Nazi party. As mentioned in earlier chapters, there were American contributors as well. "Some Americans were just bigots and made their connections to Germany through Allen Dulles's firm of Sullivan and Cromwell because they supported Fascism. The Dulles brothers, who were in it for profit more than ideology, arranged American investments in Nazi Germany in the 1930s to ensure that their clients did well out of the German economic recovery. . . . "Sullivan & Cromwell was not the only firm engaged in funding Germany. According to 'The Splendid Blond Beast,' Christopher Simpson's seminal history of the politics of genocide and profit, Brown Brothers, Harriman was another bank that specialized in investments in Germany. The key figure was Averill Harriman, a dominating figure in the American establishment. . . . "The firm originally was known as W. A. Harriman & Company. The link between Harriman & Company's American investors and Thyssen started in the 1920s, through the Union Banking Corporation, which began trading in 1924. In just one three-year period, the Harriman firm sold more than $50 million of German bonds to American investors. 'Bert' Walker was Union Banking's president, and the firm was located in the offices of Averill Harriman's company at 39 Broadway in New York. "In 1926 Bert Walker did a favor for his new son-in-law, Prescott Bush. It was the sort of favor families do to help their children make a start in life, but Prescott came to regret it bitterly. Walker made Prescott vice president of W. A. Harriman. The problem was that Walker's specialty was companies that traded with Germany. As Thyssen and the other German industrialists consolidated Hitler's political power in the 1930s, an American financial connection was needed. According to our sources, Union Banking became an out-and-out Nazi money-laundering machine. . . . "In [1931], Harriman & Company merged with a British-American investment company to become Brown Brothers, Harriman. Prescott Bush became one of the senior partners of the new company, which relocated to 59 Broadway, while Union Banking remained at 39 Broadway. But in 1934 Walker arranged to put his son-in-law on the board of directors of Union Banking. "Walker also set up a deal to take over the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States. The shipping line smuggled in German agents, propaganda, and money for bribing American politicians to see things Hitler's way. The holding company was Walker's American Shipping & Commerce, which shared the offices at 39 Broadway with Union Banking. In an elaborate corporate paper trail, Harriman's stock in American Shipping & Commerce was controlled by yet another holding company, the Harriman Fifteen Corporation, run out of Walker's office. The directors of this company were Averill Harriman, Bert Walker, and Prescott Bush. . . . ". . . In a November 1935 article in Common Sense, retired marine general Smedley D. Butler blamed Brown Brothers, Harriman for having the U.S. marines act like 'racketeers' and 'gangsters' in order to exploit financially the peasants of Nicaragua. . . . ". . . A 1934 congressional investigation alleged that Walker's 'Hamburg-Amerika Line subsidized a wide range of pro-Nazi propaganda efforts both in Germany and the United States.' Walker did not know it, but one of his American employees, Dan Harkins, had blown the whistle on the spy apparatus to Congress. Harkins, one of our best sources, became Roosevelt's first double agent . . . [and] kept up the pretense of being an ardent Nazi sympathizer, while reporting to Naval Intelligence on the shipping company's deals with Nazi intelligence. "Instead of divesting the Nazi money," continue the authors, "Bush hired a lawyer to hide the assets. The lawyer he hired had considerable expertise in such underhanded schemes. It was Allen Dulles. According to Dulles's client list at Sullivan & Cromwell, his first relationship with Brown Brothers, Harriman was on June 18, 1936. In January 1937 Dulles listed his work for the firm as 'Disposal of Stan [standard Oil] Investing stock.' "As discussed in Chapter 3, Standard Oil of New Jersey had completed a major stock transaction with Dulles's Nazi client, I.G. Farben. By the end of January 1937 Dulles had merged all his cloaking activities into one client account: 'Brown Brothers Harriman-Schroeder Rock.' Schroeder, of course, was the Nazi bank on whose board Dulles sat. The 'Rock' were the Rockefellers of Standard Oil, who were already coming under scrutiny for their Nazi deals. By May 1939 Dulles handled another problem for Brown Brothers, Harriman, their 'Securities Custodian Accounts.' "If Dulles was trying to conceal how many Nazi holding companies Brown Brothers, Harriman was connected with, he did not do a very good job. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, word leaked from Washington that affiliates of Prescott Bush's company were under investigation for aiding the Nazis in time of war. . . . ". . . The government investigation against Prescott Bush continued. Just before the storm broke, his son, George, abandoned his plans to enter Yale and enlisted in the U.S. Army. It was, say our sources among the former intelligence officers, a valiant attempt by an eighteen-year-old boy to save the family's honor. "Young George was in flight school in October 1942, when the U.S. government charged his father with running Nazi front groups in the United States. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all the shares of the Union Banking Corporation were seized, including those held by Prescott Bush as being in effect held for enemy nationals. Union Banking, of course, was an affiliate of Brown Brothers, Harriman, and Bush handled the Harrimans' investments as well. "Once the government had its hands on Bush's books, the whole story of the intricate web of Nazi front corporations began to unravel. A few days later two of Union Banking's subsidiaries -- the Holland American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation -- also were seized. Then the government went after the Harriman Fifteen Holding Company, which Bush shared with his father- in-law, Bert Walker, the Hamburg-Amerika Line, and the Silesian- American Corporation. The U.S. government found that huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort." (1) EDWIN PAULEY (see thread post # 1 above) "Try as he did," continue the authors, "George Bush could not get away from Dulles's crooked corporate network, which his grandfather and father had joined in the 1920s. Wherever he turned, George found that the influence of the Dulles brothers was already there. Even when he fled to Texas to become a successful businessman on his own, he ran into the pirates of Wall Street. "One of Allen Dulles's secret spies inside the Democratic party later became George Bush's partner in the Mexican oil business. Edwin Pauley, a California oil man, was . . . one of Dulles's covert agents in the Roosevelt and Truman admini-strations . . . a 'big business' Democrat. . . . Among the key posts held by Pauley were: treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, director of the Democratic convention in 1944 and, after Truman's election, Truman appointed him the "Petroleum Coordinator of Lend-Lease Supplies for the Soviet Union and Britain." Just after the end of World War II, "in April 1945 Truman appointed Pauley as the U.S. representative to the Allied Reparations Committee, with the rank of ambassador," as well as "industrial and commercial advisor to the Potsdam Conference, 'where his chief task was to renegotiate the reparations agreements formulated at Yalta.' As one historian noted, the 'oil industry has always watched reparations activities carefully.' There was a lot of money involved, and much of it belonged to the Dulles brothers' clients." At the same time, report Loftus and Aarons, "the Dulles brothers were still shifting Nazi assets out of Europe for their clients as well as for their own profit. They didn't want the Soviets to get their hands on these assets or even know that they existed. Pauley played a significant role in solving this problem for the Dulles brothers. The major part of Nazi Germany's industrial assets was located in the zones occupied by the West's forces. As Washington's man on the ground, Pauley managed to deceive the Soviets for long enough to allow Allen Dulles to spirit much of the remaining Nazi assets out to safety. . . . "Pauley, a key player in the plan to hide the Dulles brothers' Nazi assets, then moved into another post where he could help them further. After successfully keeping German assets in Fascist hands, Pauley was given the job of 'surveying Japan's assets and determining the amount of its war debt.' Again, it was another job that was crucial to the Dulles clique's secret financial and intelligence operations." (2) After Pauley retired from government work he went back to being an independent oil man. Loftus and Aarons state that: "In 1958 he founded Pauley Petroleum which: . . . teamed up with Howard Hughes to expand oil production in the Gulf of Mexico. "Pauley Petroleum discovered a highly productive offshore petroleum reserve and in 1959 became involved in a dispute with the Mexican Government, which considered the royalties from the wells to be too low. "According to our sources in the intelligence community, the oil dispute was really a shakedown of the CIA by Mexican politicians. Hughes and Pauley were working for the CIA from time to time, while advancing their own financial interests in the lucrative Mexican oil fields. Pauley, say several of our sources, was the man who invented an intelligence money-laundering system in Mexico, which was later refined in the 1970s as part of Nixon's Watergate scandal. At one point CIA agents used Pemex, the Mexican government's oil monopoly, as a business cover at the same time Pemex was being used as a money laundry for Pauley's campaign contributions. As we shall see, the Mexican-CIA connection played an important part in the development of George Bush's political and intelligence career. . . . "Pauley, say the 'old spies,' was the man who brought all the threads of the Mexican connection together. He was Bush's business associate, a front man for Dulles's CIA [Allen Dulles was CIA director then], and originator of the use of Mexican oil fronts to create a slush fund for Richard Nixon's various campaigns. . . . "Although it is not widely known, Pauley, in fact, had been a committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter since 1960. It should be recalled that Nixon tried to conceal his Mexican slush fund during the Watergate affair by pressuring the CIA into a 'national security' cover-up. The CIA, to its credit, declined to participate. Unfortunately, others were so enmeshed in Pauley's work for Nixon that they could never extricate themselves. According to a number of our intelligence sources, the deals Bush cut with Pauley in Mexico catapulted him into political life. In 1960 Bush became a protege of Richard Nixon, who was then running for president of the United States... "The most intriguing of Bush's early connections was to Richard Nixon, who as vice president had supervised Allen Dulles's covert planning for the Bay of Pigs [invasion]. For years it has been rumored that Dulles's client, George Bush's father, was one of the Republican leaders who recruited Nixon to run for Congress and later convinced Eisenhower to take him on as vice president. There is no doubt that the two families were close. George Bush described Nixon as his 'mentor.' Nixon was a Bush supporter in his very first tilt at politics, during his unsuccessful run for the Senate in 1964, and turned out again when he entered the House two years later. "After Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, he ordered a general house cleaning on the basis of loyalty. 'Eliminate everyone,' he told John Ehrlichman about reappointments, 'except George Bush. Bush will do anything for our cause.' . . . According to Bush's account, the president told him that 'the place I really need you is over at the National Committee running things.' So, in 1972, Nixon appointed George Bush as head of the Republican National Committee. "It was Bush who fulfilled Nixon's promise to make the 'ethnic' emigres a permanent part of Republican politics. In 1972 Nixon's State Department spokesman confirmed to his Australian counterpart that the ethnic groups were very useful to get out the vote in several key states. Bush's tenure as head of the Republican National Committee exactly coincided with Laszlo Pasztor's 1972 drive to transform the Heritage Groups Council into the party's official ethnic arm. The groups Pasztor chose as Bush's campaign allies were the emigre Fascists whom Dulles had brought to the United States. . . . ". . . Nearly twenty years later, and after expose's in several respectable newspapers, Bush continued to recruit most of the same ethnic Fascists, including Pasztor, for his own 1988 ethnic outreach program when he first ran for president. "According to our sources in the intelligence community," state the authors, "it was Bush who told Nixon that the Watergate investigations might start uncovering the Fascist skeletons in the Republican party's closet. Bush himself acknowledges that he wrote Nixon a letter asking him to step down. The day after Bush did so, Nixon resigned. "Bush had hoped to become Gerald Ford's vice president upon Nixon's resignation, but he was appointed U.S. ambassador to the UN. Nelson Rockefeller became vice president and chief damage controller. He formed a special commission in an attempt to preempt the Senate's investigation of the intelligence community. The Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [Dulles's Office of Policy Coordination] hands like Ronald Reagan, who had been the front man back in the 1950s for the money-laundering organization, the Crusade for Freedom, which was part of Dulles's Fascist 'freedom fighters' program." (3) In 1988, Project Censored, a news media censorship research organization, awarded the honor of "Top Censored story" to the subject of George Bush. The article revealed "how the major mass media ignored, overlooked or undercovered at least ten critical stories reported in America's alternative press that raised serious questions about the Republican candidate, George Bush, dating from his reported role as a CIA 'asset' in 1963 to his Presidential campaign's connection with a network of anti-Semites with Nazi and fascist affiliations in 1988." (4) --------------------------------- FOOTNOTES: GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH --------------------------------- 1 - The Secret War Against the Jews, pp. 357-361 2 - Ibid., pp. 362-364 3 - Ibid., pp. 365-371 4 - The 1993 Project Censored Yearbook: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why, Project Censored; Dr. Carl Jensen, Director., pp. 230. Nazis in the attic BIBLIOGRAPHY BY SECTION INTRODUCTION The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics Second Edition, By Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler Duxbury Press, CA. 1972 The Arms Bazaar: From Lebanon to Lockheed By Anthony Sampson The Viking Press, NY. 1977 U. S. CORPORATIONS AND THE NAZIS Facts and Fascism By George Seldes (Assisted by Helen Seldes) Sixth Edition In Fact, Inc., NY. 1943 Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 By Charles Higham Delecorte Press, NY. 1983 Even the Gods Can't Change History: The Facts Speak for Themselves By George Seldes Lyle Stuart, Inc., NJ. 1976 Power, Inc.: Public and Private Rulers and How to Make Them Accountable By Morton Mintz & Jerry S. Cohen Viking Press, NY. 1976 The Plot to Seize the White House By Jules Archer Hawthorn Books, 1973 It's A Conspiracy!: The Shocking Truth About America's Favorite Conspiracy Theories By Michael Litchfield / The National Insecurity Council EarthWorks Press, CA. 1992 The Secret War Against The Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People By John Loftus and Mark Aarons St. Martin's Press, NY. 1994 One Thousand Americans By George Seldes BONI & GAER, NY. 1947 Spooks: The Haunting of America The Private Use of Secret Agents By Jim Hougan First Bantam Edition William Morrow and Co., NY. 1979 The Sovereign State of ITT By Anthony Sampson Stein and Day, NY. 1973 Democracy for the Few By Michael Parenti Fourth Edition St. Martin's Press, NY. 1983 THE NEW WORLD (DIS)ORDER Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time By Carroll Quigley Second Printing Wm. Morrison, NY. 1974 The American Establishment By Leonard Silk & Mark Silk First Discus Printing Avon Books (by arrangement with Basic Books), NY. 1981 The New Germany and the Old Nazis By T.H. Tetens Random House, NY. 1961 Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effect on the Cold War By Christopher Simpson Weidenfeld & Nicolson, NY. 1988 Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and Soviet Intelligence By Mark Aarons & John Loftus First U.S. Edition St. Martin's Press, NY. 1992 Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes: From JFK to the CIA Terrorist Connection By Jonathan Vankin Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., NY. 1992 RICHARD MILHOUSE NIXON High Treason: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the New Evidence of Conspiracy By Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone Berkley Edition Berkley Books, NY. 1990 GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News -- And Why By Carl Jensen Shelburne Press, Inc., NY. 1993 #################################### BRUCE ADAMSON Throughout the 1950s, Paley admitted working with the CIA by allowing agents to pose as CBS employees. In the early 1990s, I received a letter from Paley's personal secretary, John S. Minary, (for 40 years) stating that Mr. Paley had hired George de Mohrenschildt in the early 1960s. One of the long-time Directors at CBS was Prescott Bush, whose son, also a CIA agent, George H.W. Bush had known de Mohrenschildt since 1942. In 1993, Bush Sr., wrote to me stating that he did not know of de Mohrenschildt's Intelligence connections. I later found out that de Mohrenschildt's father-in-law, Walter Samuel Washington, was in charge of more than 250 CIA agents between the years of 1950-53, ten years before the JFK Assassination. In May of 1963, prior to the Assassination of President Kennedy, after he left CBS, Prescott Bush's banking firm Brown Brothers & Harriman gave Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend, George de Mohrenschildt a $300,000 line of credit, when de Mohrenschildt's credit "stunk" to high heaven. #################################### Edited April 4, 2015 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Brancato Posted October 18, 2014 Share Posted October 18, 2014 Well Steven, Paul T expressed his position on Dulles and the nazis on a previous post somewhere here. It was all in the name of fighting Communism, and a necessary evil. For me it was a deal with the devil, and the price we have paid has been enormous. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 18, 2014 Author Share Posted October 18, 2014 (edited) Well Steven, Paul T expressed his position on Dulles and the nazis on a previous post somewhere here. It was all in the name of fighting Communism, and a necessary evil. For me it was a deal with the devil, and the price we have paid has been enormous. Gold robbed by the Nazis from their Jewish victims and slave labour = really it was Profits über Alles ,NOT ANTI COMMUNISM. SEE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dulles was able to maneuver out of the defendant’s dock.Dulles and some of his friends volunteered for postwar service with the government not out of patriotism but of necessity. They had to be in positions of power to suppress the evidence of their own dealings with the Nazis. The Safehaven investigation was quickly stripped from Treasury, where Morgenthau’s supporters were still influential, and turned over to the State Department. There Dulles’s friends shredded the index to the interlocking corporations and blocked further investigations. Dulles had this goal in mind: Not a single American businessman was ever going to be convicted of treason for helping the Nazis. None ever was, despite the evidence. According to one of our sources in the intelligence community, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps had two large ‘Civilian Internment Centers’ in Occupied Germany, code named ‘Ashcan’ and ‘Dustbin.’ The CIC had identified and captured a large number of U.S. citizens who had stayed in Germany and aided the Third Reich all through World War II. The evidence of their treason was overwhelming. The captured German records were horribly incriminating. . . . === The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People; John Loftus and Mark Aarons; Copyright 1994 [HC]; St. Martin’s Press; ISBN 0–312–11057-X pg 100 Edited October 18, 2014 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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