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Mark Lane: Did the Secret Service help kill JFK?

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Contains a rank piece of disinformation:

The shot was fired and it struck the president in the back of the neck, exited from his throat. It was fired from the Book Depository building, which was behind him, and the wound in the throat was an exit wound. Every doctor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital where the president was taken and everyone who examined him said it was an exit wound. So he was shot from the back.
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Contains a rank piece of disinformation:

The shot was fired and it struck the president in the back of the neck, exited from his throat. It was fired from the Book Depository building, which was behind him, and the wound in the throat was an exit wound. Every doctor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital where the president was taken and everyone who examined him said it was an exit wound. So he was shot from the back.

This is completely false. As Lane well knows--and sets out in Rush To Judgement (See his chapter "The Gauze Curtain") --the reverse is the case. The doctors were near unanimous in offering their opinion (both to the press and in their medical reports) that the throat was an entry.

Lane was either careless or just forgot.

If you want to see the doctors statements analyzed, with emphasis on the throat wound, see Chapter 3 of Best Evidence. For evidence that the throat wound was substantially enlarged by the time the body was received for the Bethesda autopsy, see Chapter 11.

please note the way WC attorney Specter handled the depositions of the Dallas doctors: in each case, he asked the doctor what he originaly believed; and then asked his famous hypothetical question, which in effect, ran along these lines: "Well, if the bullet entered from the rear of the back or the neck, and traversed the neck back to front, and then exited at the front of the throat, through the wound which you observed, could it have been an exit wound?"

Of course, just about every doctor conceded that it 'could have been'. In my earliest writing --The Case for Three Assassins--I reviewed this kind of questioning and called it "yanked from the mouth testimony."

In any event, for whatever reason (and perhaps it was just confusion or memory loss), Lane has completely mangled the record in making the above statement, which is clearly incorrect.


12/26/14 - 10:45 AM PST

Los Angeles, California

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This is nearly impossible to believe. Are we sure the transcript is accurate? If Lane actually said this, it contradicts everything he has written on the subject for nearly fifty years.

If anyone is in regular contact with Lane, it would be interesting to hear his explanation.

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I believe the purported quote is a fabrication.

Here's another quote that I believe is fabricated:

"They were drinking the late the night before. That’s true but that is not relevant. Nobody was drinking on the job. That was the night before and that did not play a part. It’s what they did do. It’s not what they did not do. That is, what the Secret Service agents did do." Total nonsense.

If the quoted statements are not fabricated, if they were made by Mark Lane, he was lacking mental competence when he made them. There are no other explanations.

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This is nearly impossible to believe. Are we sure the transcript is accurate? If Lane actually said this, it contradicts everything he has written on the subject for nearly fifty years.

If anyone is in regular contact with Lane, it would be interesting to hear his explanation.

That is right, Don.

But it shows how well the cover up was.

There were great men like Mark Lane, whose credibility had to be damaged because of the truth he told us.

His work, like so many others, was manipulated in shameful ways. Sometimes easy to detect, sometimes not.

Sadly, I predict that in as little as 50 more years, the Kennedy assassination, like the Lincoln assassination will be attributed to one single man, because the government will never give up totally covering up this case.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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The two disputed quotes of Mark Lane are not errors in the transcript. If one listens to the actual podcast located just above the transcript, he asserts these in his own voice. So this is apparently what he believes.

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I must first say that I hate the saying "just saying, " more than when someone misunderstands what I was trying to say.

I have read about the Lincoln assassination and understand that one of those four that were hanged was a woman and there was a vast conspiracy involved in the Lincoln assassination.

But does the average person really know that? I bet if you went on the street and asked several people most would not know what really happened.

I grew up thinking that it was one man and that was either brought by my lack of education or perhaps the media influenced my opinion.

What I "was trying to say," is that, in my opinion, the average person believes that the assassination of Lincoln was the work of a single man, and that theory was used as a template for the Kennedy assassination. That being the lone nut theory.

Now, work continues eliminating evidence and shaping public opinion long after the killing. I believe that work will continue, history books will be written and used in schools and that someday, the accepted conclusion will be false-that one man killed Kennedy.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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Dear Mr. McGuire,

Your construction or prediction that both assassinations will be taught as sole assassins disturbed me a bit as it denigrates future generations of students. First I haven't seen a textbook that states anything other than the assassination of Lincoln was a conspiracy. And the textbooks that I have used for decades all point out that there is uncertainty in the Kennedy assassination.

And for those future generations, who knows what technology will be at their disposal to instantly find the information if they have any curiosity.

You are one of a very few posters that I take the time to read from time-to-time. So I was somewhat surprised by your comment. That is why I bothered to respond. The "just sayin'" comment was an attempt to soften what I saw as an obvious mistake. But in hindsight, I can understand how that angered you. That wasn't the intent.

I am disappointed that you were instructed in school that LHO was the only solution. But I can understand in that era that teachers were reluctant to expose students to both sides; time would have been one factor, and knowing the subject matter well enough to engage the students would have been another. The Kennedy assassination is not an emphasis in most college classes.

I am fortunate enough to work in a system that allows me the freedom to teach a course that allows students to examine the assassination in depth.

A short comment on your statement " history books will be written...will be false that one man killed Kennedy": it has yet to be proven, regardless of what so many people, especially here, think. If it had been proven, there wouldn't be any discussion.

I did battle with my mentor in history in college over the subject, and regardless of what I presented, it didn't change his mind, even with the revelations of the HSCA. Some concrete evidence, not just the subtle revelations we jump upon, will have to be proven that changes history.

A great example of that was Antonio Veciana's revelation that Bishop was Phillips. That is a bombshell for researchers, but it is part of a puzzle too complicated for the media to present to its day-to-day readers. So it was largely ignored by the press. And that jig-saw is not going to reform curriculum. The ultimate irony was to see almost immediately conspiracy theorists rejecting Veciana's claim because, as I inferred, it conflicted with their pet solution.

So that is where is rests for now. I could go on and on, but it would be pure speculation. I reserve that for the audiences at the local history museum. I don't even tell my family what I really think. But for what it's worth, Mr. Hancock and Mr. Wexler are exploring the most pregnant avenue for conspiracy.

Keep at it.


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Mr. Curbow:

Thanks for your response.

I am a musician, not a historian, and received a B.S. from a University of Wisconsin branch, in music.

That being said, your insight was fantastic and your comments very were nice to hear.

At this point in my analysis of what really happened, I am looking forward and just guessing as to what the future brings.

But I want to point out I am not guessing as to what really happened - that is that the POTUS's own government killed him

The Secret Service's action in Dealy and before clearly shows that assassins, enabled by the U.S. Secret Service, had no choice but to kill the very man that the United States Secret Service were paid to protect.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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I emailed Mark Lane a few days ago, asking him about the quotes in question. He sometimes replies to my emails, but hasn't yet. I will share his response if he does.

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I emailed Mark Lane a few days ago, asking him about the quotes in question. He sometimes replies to my emails, but hasn't yet. I will share his response if he does.

Hi Don:

You have been very insightful during the time I have been on here - but I won't hold my breath as to a response from the very man whose efforts root my views on the subject.

Many low lives have made a career discrediting Mr. Mark Lane, so even his best fan could be swayed.

That being said, I hope you understand that the United States Secret Service of 1963 enabled the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963 by not only planning the attack on their boss, but also by sitting or standing there while it happened.

The United States Secret Service of 1963 ought to be ashamed.

As an American citizen, I must insist this group be brought to justice - NOW.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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