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A Question For Jon G. Tidd

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Mr. Tidd,

If you picked today who killed JFK and why, whom would you pick?

Thank you,

--Tommy :sun

I'm within my rights per your original question.

Shorts too tight tonight, Tommy?

The answer to that question is too obvious. It's already been revealed. Like a revelation. By the attorney, former Army Intelligence officer, and former employee of NYU (in a non-academic role), Mr. Jon G. Tidd.

Your buddy, "Big Mac" did it. He was the most intelligent man in the world, he knew everyone and everything, and he was all-powerful.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I was simply trying to entice you to tell me who you think are candidates.

Here's my list of candidates, in no particular order:

-- Bundy, McGeorge. At the center of power. A WWII intelligence background. Fierce hawk on Viet Nam. Graduated #1 from Yale in math. Youngest Dean of Harvard College. Descended from the American power structure. Skull & Bones. Smartest man ever, I think David Halberstam said.

End of list. Why end of list? Because Bundy had the means, motive, and opportunity to orchestrate both the hit and the cover-up. And he would have done so for an un-emotional, intellectual reason. Relying on LBJ's and Hoover's corruptness. Knowing the CIA was snookered.

There were many beneficiaries of JFK's death. That makes the death difficult to investigate.

To pull off the whole deal, that took a puppet master. McGeorge Bundy was the best puppet master ever.

[emphasis added by T. Graves]

Bumped for David Andrews and Jon G. Tidd

Carry on.

Jon G. Tidd couldn't answer my questions about the Martin and Hughes clips, anyway...

Edited by Thomas Graves
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You write:

"Can you see the guy in the Martin clip expelling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?

Yes or No or "Can't Say" ?"

Yes, Tommy, I see the guy with the jutting head.

I know Lovelady got a car dealership or some such thing in Colorado, I think, following the assassination. FWIW, I've always thought Lovelady was pliable.

Dear Mr. Jon G. Tidd,

Please do try to get it straight.

The Lovelady character in the Martin clip doesn't have a jutting head.

He juts his chin out while expelling smoke through his mouth.

Both of which actions distort his face.

Question: Why in the world would the most important actor in the staged film clip intentionally distort his face like that? To make himself look less like Billy Lovelady? If so, why then even go to the trouble of staging the scene at all?

If you can't answer that question, please just say, "I can't answer that question, Tommy."

Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel

Give the Gif time to load


--Tommy :sun

Mr. Jon G. Tidd's predicted answer:

"The actor intentionally distorted his face (by jutting his chin out and exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth) so that we would have an even harder time realizing that he wasn't Lovelady."


[moved to another thread by T. Graves]

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I was simply trying to entice you to tell me who you think are candidates.

Here's my list of candidates, in no particular order:

-- Bundy, McGeorge. At the center of power. A WWII intelligence background. Fierce hawk on Viet Nam. Graduated #1 from Yale in math. Youngest Dean of Harvard College. Descended from the American power structure. Skull & Bones. Smartest man ever, I think David Halberstam said.

End of list. Why end of list? Because Bundy had the means, motive, and opportunity to orchestrate both the hit and the cover-up. And he would have done so for an un-emotional, intellectual reason. Relying on LBJ's and Hoover's corruptness. Knowing the CIA was snookered.

There were many beneficiaries of JFK's death. That makes the death difficult to investigate.

To pull off the whole deal, that took a puppet master. McGeorge Bundy was the best puppet master ever.

[emphasis added by T. Graves]

Bumped for David Andrews and Jon G. Tidd

Carry on.

Jon G. Tidd couldn't answer my questions about the Martin and Hughes clips, anyway...


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I don't know whether the Hughes and Martin films you post are camera-original.

I doubt the neck-jutted man in the plaid shirt is Lovelady

Have I missed anything?

David Andrews,

If I had to pick today, you wouldn't want to know my answer. No one would. My answer would be a guess. It would ruffle lots of feathers and possibly be wrong.

Who cares what I think?

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I don't know whether the Hughes and Martin films you post are camera-original.

I doubt the neck-jutted man in the plaid shirt is Lovelady

Have I missed anything?


Have you missed anything?

Have you missed anything???


Do you want them in alphabetical order, or is random order okay? OK, random order it is:

(When you say that you don't know if the Martin and Hughes "Lovelady" clips I've posted are "camera-original," you are implying that you think the original negatives might have been manipulated in such a way as to produce images of "Lovelady" standing and smoking in front of the TSBD shortly after the assassination. My following observations are based on this premise, so please correct me if I'm wrong on that.)

The first thing you missed:

It would have been next to impossible for the bad guys to alter both clips in such a way as to synchronize "Lovelady's" movements as perfectly as they appear to be in the Martin and Hughes clips.

The second thing you missed:

Why would the bad guys create all that next-to-impossible extra work for themselves (the synchronizing bit, mentioned above)? I mean, if one of the clips to serve as a backup of sorts, why then didn't the bad guys simply destroy whichever clip was not needed, later?

So, Jon, let's deal with these two things first, shall we.

If you can't answer these two questions, please just say, "I can't answer those two questions, Tommy."

--Tommy :sun

PS I for one do care about what you think and express here on the forum. After all, you are a highly-intelligent former Army Intelligence officer and, as such, you have a lot of cache around here, especially with the newer, less-experienced members and guests and the more gullible "established" members.


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I do think the parties controlling the cover-up went to every length to obscure the facts related to the assassination.

I believe the assassination was an extraordinarily high-level act.

My only alternative is to believe Marina's husband, acting alone, killed JFK as the Warren Commission said.

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I do think the parties controlling the cover-up went to every length to obscure the facts related to the assassination.

I believe the assassination was an extraordinarily high-level act.

My only alternative is to believe Marina's husband, acting alone, killed JFK as the Warren Commission said.

Right, Jon.

Well, I guess the really high-level guys could have their buddies do magical things with 8mm film clips back in the day.

Maybe the bad guys had Walt Disney alter the Martin and Hughes "Lovelady" film clips.

"Big Mac" probably knew Walt. Walt probably owed him, big time. You know, the opium and everything.

--Tommy :sun

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I do think the parties controlling the cover-up went to every length to obscure the facts related to the assassination.

I believe the assassination was an extraordinarily high-level act.

My only alternative is to believe Marina's husband, acting alone, killed JFK as the Warren Commission said.

Right, Jon.

Well, I guess the really high-level guys could have their buddies do magical things with 8mm film clips back in the day.

Maybe the bad guys had Walt Disney alter the Martin and Hughes "Lovelady" film clips.

"Big Mac" probably knew Walt. Walt probably owed him, big time. You know, the opium and everything.

--Tommy :sun


Edited by Thomas Graves
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