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Jim Marrs: New study of JFK autopsy reveals falsification of x-ray

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no worries Glenn...

And I have to say, either read Best Evidence or Vol 4 of Horne's work which also includes the Zfilm analysis...

Great volume to own... as are the rest.

General Wehle and Lipsey are very interesting... Lipsey claims the hearse was a decoy and that he and Wehle choppered the body in... yet he never explains how the body gets from the loaded coffin in Dallas to the helicopter at Andrews.

i read some of Lipsey's early testimony. will get around to Best Evidence, and Horne. I like what i've read of Horne already, esp in light of the fact that he was on the HSCA...

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I've always understood that x-rays are reflected by bone, metal, or other dense and hard matter and are absorbed by soft tissue.

As for the four x-ray depictions you present, I'm curious about the lower-right one. Is that supposedly a lateral view of JFK's skull? If it is, I must say it looks like the x-ray of a cross between a homo sapien and a simian, given what appears to me to be protruding bones above and below the mouth.

That x-ray is one I found in a radiology mag. It is of a murder victim. JFK's lateral x-ray is on the upper right.

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