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Some questions Lone Nuts refuse to answer...

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The central question for me: What was the cause of death?

According to the Dallas Death Certificate, the proximate cause was cardiac arrest. The cause of cardiac arrest? "Multiple gunshot wounds" of the head and neck. So what caused death, precisely? I can't blame the Dallas docs or coroner for lack of precision.

I can blame Humes, Boswell, and Finck. And with them, the U.S. Government, for whom they worked and from whom they took and followed orders. No dissection of the perceived head, back, and neck wounds says it all.

So here's the deal, plain for all to see. We have no better description of the cause of JFK's death other than he got shot, and his heart stopped. That's all we've got for the President of the United States.

DVP's problem isn't that he's abandoned this thread. It's that he can't tell us precisely how JFK was killed. And he's got the WC and the HSCA (that's a joke) on his side.

Edited by Jon G. Tidd
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The central question for me: What was the cause of death?

According to the Dallas Death Certificate, the proximate cause was cardiac arrest. The cause of cardiac arrest? "Multiple gunshot wounds" of the head and neck. So what caused death, precisely? I can't blame the Dallas docs or coroner for lack of precision.

I can blame Humes, Boswell, and Finck. And with them, the U.S. Government, for whom they worked and from whom they took and followed orders. No dissection of the perceived head, back, and neck wounds says it all.

So here's the deal, plain for all to see. We have no better description of the cause of JFK's death other than he got shot, and his heart stopped. That's all we've got for the President of the United States.

DVP's problem isn't that he's abandoned this thread. It's that he can't tell us precisely how JFK was killed. And he's got the WC and the HSCA (that's a joke) on his side.

As one doctor put it, everyone dies from cardiac arrest, ultimately.

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The central question for me: What was the cause of death?

According to the Dallas Death Certificate, the proximate cause was cardiac arrest. The cause of cardiac arrest? "Multiple gunshot wounds" of the head and neck. So what caused death, precisely? I can't blame the Dallas docs or coroner for lack of precision.

I can blame Humes, Boswell, and Finck. And with them, the U.S. Government, for whom they worked and from whom they took and followed orders. No dissection of the perceived head, back, and neck wounds says it all.

So here's the deal, plain for all to see. We have no better description of the cause of JFK's death other than he got shot, and his heart stopped. That's all we've got for the President of the United States.

DVP's problem isn't that he's abandoned this thread. It's that he can't tell us precisely how JFK was killed. And he's got the WC and the HSCA (that's a joke) on his side.

As one doctor put it, everyone dies from cardiac arrest, ultimately.

Excellent point.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Your sense of humor is impressive.

A forged film is a substitute for a decent autopsy. You're joking...right?


Can you prove it was forged?

Was the whole thing forged, or just parts of it?

Which parts?

--Tommy :sun

PS In your highly-anticipated response, please don't use words like "obviously" and "clearly" and certainly." Those words just don't "cut it" (pardon the pun) with me when it comes to the JFK assassination and "film / photo alteration."

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I can't prove it was forged. I just think it was.

DVP, by his post, asserts it is genuine. He may be correct, but he can't prove it.

In any event, a film is no substitute for an autopsy.


Regarding this "Z-film forgery" issue, upon whom is the burden of proof -- DVP (not forged) or you (forged)?

--Tommy :sun

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In a trial court, the burden of proof is upon the person offering an item into evidence.

DVP, as proponent of the Z-film, would have the burden in court of establishing its genuineness.

And how does one go about "proving" the genuineness of an historical, "home movie" film like this?

Gotta come up with the original? I.e., not a copy?

If a copy, gotta fend off and "disprove" all the alterationists' objections, point by point?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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