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Who Had Such Power?

Jon G. Tidd

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Realistically, no one had the power to falsify the autopsy photos and x-rays (which would entail a great deal more than simply altering the autopsy photos and x-rays).

Realistically I don't understand that statement at all. It seems obvious to me that the people who had the autopsy photos and x-rays in their custody and control (namely the Secret Service) had the power to falsify them. That is, the power to let them be falsified, by allowing someone (if ordered to do so) from the CIA or the military or wherever to examine, i.e. fool around with, the autopsy materials as needed, in the name of course of "national security." Those fooling around with the material then naturally had the power to falsify (alter or replace) Items as they saw fit.

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The x-rays were taken by the U.S. Navy. I don't know who controlled the x-rays.

I know that the photos and x-rays are in the official record. The two are in conflict.


During the Assassination Records Review Board, Sandra Spencer, the Navy officer who developed the film stated, under oath:

"Those are not the X-rays that I saw. Even the film is of a different kind". (not a direct quote)


The best work ever done, in video, that unmasks the shameful absurdity of the autopsy, the Clown Parade of "doctors", is probably this:


by our own Pat Speer. I just discovered it and wish had seen it before.


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Realistically I don't understand that statement at all. It seems obvious to me that the people who had the autopsy photos and x-rays in their custody and control (namely the Secret Service) had the power to falsify them. That is, the power to let them be falsified, by allowing someone (if ordered to do so) from the CIA or the military or wherever to examine, i.e. fool around with, the autopsy materials as needed, in the name of course of "national security." Those fooling around with the material then naturally had the power to falsify (alter or replace) Items as they saw fit.

My point being, the "simple" fact that the Secret Service had the autopsy photos and x-rays in their possession (or at least some of them) is far from simple and is merely the tip of the iceberg. The conclusion "Ergo, the Secret Service caused the photos and x-rays to be falsified" raises so many questions, and opens so many implausible doors, that a more plausible conclusion, by far, is that the photos and x-rays were not falsified. I hate the axiom that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence because it is so often employed to shoot down pet beliefs of my own, but for a theory this implausible I think we have the right to demand damn-near-irrefutable evidence.

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It seems unlikely to me that any photo or x-ray fakery would or could be done on the spot that night. Photos and x-rays were taken as expected, and which ones to discard, fake, etc would be determined later,

It can be argued that "they" had about 14 years to perform the falsification. It took Michelangelo a lot less to do the Sistine Chapel. After all, it wasn't until 1998 that Dr. Humes saw the X rays and photos for the first time.

Imperfect Pictures

After that, Gunn turned to the official autopsy photographs, the ones that are kept in the National Archives. Humes had never handled them before; the Warren Commission had never shown them to him. In fact, when Humes testified before the Warren Commission, he complained that the artist who drew the schematics he was using for his testimony was not allowed to see the photos.


As a CT who does not have any problem confessing his doubts, it bothers me that the X-rays were compared and certified with one(s) provided by Kennedy's dentist.


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Certain wealthy Americans who had and have global financial ambitions come to mind.

So the money and the power are inherited forever? Are you aware of how poor the Rockefellers are today? The Hunts? The Byrds?

Institutions, OTOH, can last a long time.

Could the Texas Big Oil Barons send sleeper agents to the USSR? Do they have fully staffed offices in many US cities? Overseas? Not a single disgruntled, whistle blower employee? Let's keep in mind that Dallas was the one that worked out, while purportedly Chicago and Florida failed.

People with money have a lot of enemies, who can become richer and more powerful at the blink of a stock market move or election. Unlike other countries, here in the US -God Bless Her- we have a lot of mobility.

By pulling off something like this within the realm of the private sector, so to speak, you expose yourself to eternal blackmail.

To close, let's add the best argument: "Can [the mafia, Fidel, Oil Barons, Soviets] count with the faithful 75 year coverup (*) courtesy of Uncle Sam?"

(*) That was the initial plan.

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Then and now, rich people are OPPORTUNISTIC. They place a bet, giving a couple of bucks to the candidate that they hope will win the White House (be it 1963 or 2016). Perhaps lend them an airplane, etc.

Even if you subtract Texas Big Oil entirely, the coup would still have happened.

Those who imagine a hermetic cabal without a hint of a crack are wrong. Yes, powers exist, but no, they are not disciplined and predictable along decades. They have confrontations and those conflicts are held in front of our eyes. See the Fox empire: there was an article about the sons hating Murdoch's wife... A fine mess. A very PUBLIC mess. See Roxana Pulitzer's kiss and tell book, not to mention this one:


Another example: Trump, a long time faithful New York Democrat donor, a F.O.B., now turned around. Cell phone numbers being broadcast. Some long-term loyalty and discipline!

See Bill Gates. Richest man in the world. Buffet -2nd richest- gave him all his money. Poor Bill, going around, begging for his causes: vaccines and this one, which he and Zuckerberg CANNOT make it happen:



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Here's what I imagine happened. A small group of individuals agreed there had to be a coup. Each of these individuals had power consisting of knowledge, not merely wealth. The knowledge of [a] whom to engage for the hit, and whom to engage to handle the cover-up.

The cover-up was going to be much more difficult than the hit. Americans always have preferred quick, clean solutions to crimes, even at the expense of innocent defendants. So choosing and setting up a patsy would have been central to the cover-up. Whoever managed this part of the cover-up needed to be a professional, a professional who understood America, but maybe a foreign national, maybe.

The cover-up had to be pretty air-tight. After all, JFK's murder was sure to be examined closely. Professionals needed to arrange the air-tightness. Everything from the Klein's paper trail to the autopsy photos and x-rays.

SBT advocates rightly argue that the Oswald-did-it theory is simple and does not require such complex machinations. Simplicity always has appealed to Americans, so SBT advocates have a natural foothold. The problem with simplicity in the realm of human actions is that it rarely reflects reality. Humans, alone or together, do remarkably complex and puzzling things. As one example, I refer to two movies: "Eight Men Out" and "Blackhawk Down".

Why hasn't the conspiracy unraveled? I suspect that today certain individuals and institutions would take a hit if it did. These individuals and institutions don't want to take such a hit.

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Why hasn't the conspiracy unraveled? I suspect that today certain individuals and institutions would take a hit if it did. These individuals and institutions don't want to take such a hit.

For the exact same reason that the younger children are not told about Santa Claus, or about mom's/dad's cancer. This is the worst kept secret in US history.

They are actually revealing it, in S-L-O-W motion, not unlike the strippers at the Carousel Club, we can clearly see and guess what is under the next veil.

We bitch about the media and yet, what is the source of most of what is widespread known? The MSM itself. Who was the first to place blame in the official version? LIFE magazine, 1966, an Agency front, the same one which locked up the Z-film.

In reference to taking a hit, the next president could pardon Ruth Paine and others.

This is the reason I would propose a web site with a strong, responsible message:



John Kerry -best friend of Ted- made a contribution (*), dropped the next piece of lingerie, but I am afraid that it fell short. Way too short. He should have been in several media, and his message should have been more forceful.

(*) If you didn't hear the words "This is the White House and we approve this message", you were not listening.

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a more plausible conclusion, by far, is that the photos and x-rays were not falsified.

The back of the head photo is enough to tell me that that conclusion is not very plausible.

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photos and x-rays

What would they show that the Zfilm couldn't?

Here's what I imagine happened.

Too many cooks spoil the broth, if everyone "imagined" what could possibly happen, then everyone would write a book about the assassination, wait a minute, what am I saying? Everyone has.

Why hasn't the conspiracy unraveled?

Says who? You? And what makes you think it hasn't already?

It may be too late for justice, but it is never too late for The Truth

Best logical statement I've read.

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Brian Schmidt,

Wealthy individuals in 1963 and before often acted through intermediaries. That is true today as well.


Your comment about who is wealthy today vs. who was wealthy in 1963 makes me realize that today's wealthy individuals in the U.S. (Bezos, Buffett, Gates, Zuckerberg, for example) are a new phenomenon. They are good persons, who have made tremendous wealth honestly, taking advantage of their minds and technology. The wealthiest individuals in 1963 were a different breed. They were direct descendants of the Robber Barons. They took advantage of connections in many cases to achieve corrupt ends.

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Your comment about who is wealthy today vs. who was wealthy in 1963 makes me realize that today's wealthy individuals in the U.S. (Bezos, Buffett, Gates, Zuckerberg, for example) are a new phenomenon. They are good persons, who have made tremendous wealth honestly, taking advantage of their minds and technology. The wealthiest individuals in 1963 were a different breed. They were direct descendants of the Robber Barons. They took advantage of connections in many cases to achieve corrupt ends.

Good point. I highly recommend "The Men Who Built America".


Back in the days of the so-called Robber Barons the Federal government was not very rich. When Washington needed to finance something, they went to J. Pierpont Morgan who lent the money.

BTW: Morgan's father was not exactly a visionary: was adamantly against his son investing in Edison's newfangled gizmo, called "electricity". Fortunately, the old man died in a carriage accident in Monte Carlo, leaving his fortune to J.P.

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