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Energy and the Human Journey: Where We Have Been; Where We Can Go

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This may not be the appropriate place to start this thread, but I don’t see any place better in this forum. I published an online textbook last year, here. It is the capstone of a 2,000-page body of work, here. I am finished with writing such material. It took several years of my life to do it, and all of my “spare” time over a generation to study for writing it. I have been at this for more than 40 years, and I hope to have at least another 30 good years in me, to keep at it and help manifest the biggest event in the human journey. I have the bona fides to at least try.

I have been badgered for many years to make books out of my work, especially that online textbook, but my work is a next-generation resource that I designed for the Internet. I could put some high-profile blurbs on my work, such as Howard Zinn’s praise for my Columbus essay, or a world-renowned paleobiologist praising my treatment of the history of life on Earth, but plan to keep them buried in my work. I have been regularly told by people who should know that there is nothing else on Earth like my work, for better or worse.

It is difficult to categorize my work as history, politics, science, economics, or as a purely visionary exercise. People have asked for a label, and I came up with “Neo-Fullerian.” My work is comprehensive in nature, and my online textbook is something that Bucky Fuller may well have written if he was still alive. I have a presence in other controlled forums (joining all-comers forums was a disaster, and I won’t do that again), and have my own forum. This forum is filled with authors and scholars, and I think that it may be possible to begin a high-level conversation about the vitally important topics that my online textbook addresses. I am trying to help make something happen, let there be no doubt about that.

My work covers vast territory, and I want this thread to stay away from the many rabbit holes that it could go down. Although I am the biographer of the astronaut who publicly doubted that we landed men on the moon, it is his free energy-related work that I want to discuss here, not his Apollo musings.

I have discussed my connection to the JFK issue, here, and don’t want to go there on this thread, although I briefly touch on the JFK hit in my online textbook. The medical racket is also not something that I want to discuss on this thread, the American myths about World War II, and so on, unless they have direct bearing on my online textbook. I may be willing to discuss them on other threads in this forum, but I want this thread to concentrate on the subjects in my online textbook, and there are literally thousands to choose from.

I look forward to a healthy and productive discussion.



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Hi Wade,

I've met you on other forums and want to congratulate you for your book. It takes a lot of effort and dedication to produce any publication of that size, and for that you deserve commending.


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Thanks Evan:

Actually, you met me here, nearly a decade ago. I joined when I saw my work on Gary Wean being discussed, and recently made some more posts on Gary, as I see his testimony increasingly mentioned.

You are one of the most level-headed forum participants that I have run into in cyberspace. You would get a lot out of my essay.



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I have been posting in other forums for a long time, such as here. This forum, IMO, has some rather unique potential, being full of scholars and academics. In ways, this forum was an inspiration for my own. My astronaut colleague banged his head against the walls of academic, scientific, and “progressive” institutions, to no avail, and was eventually run out of his home nation, to die in exile in South America. My closest colleague was also run out of his home nation, The Land of the Free. I plan to avoid their fates.

Our goal was always healing humanity and Earth, and we had adventures that none of us would have believed were ahead of us, when we began our quests. We all discovered the hard way that the world does not work remotely how we were indoctrinated into believing it did. You could not have convinced me what the future held, when I embarked on my preposterous journey, especially when I met my closest colleague. Playing Indiana Jones’s sidekick was a rough ride, and I took a different path from the life-risking and life-wrecking adventures of my colleagues, and spent a big chunk of my life’s effort producing the body of material that comprises my web site. A book-length essay that I published last year is my site’s capstone, and is the intended centerpiece of my effort to get something going that might make a dent.

I know of nothing else like that big essay, and it has some rather unique aspects to it, such as:

My role in this tale is summarized below.

  • I was trained to be a scientist almost from infancy, and had preposterous paranormal experiences that changed my studies from science to business and landed me in the middle of the greatest effort ever made to bring alternative energy to the public.
  • I became partners with the Indiana Jones of alternative energy, and when the dust settled a few years later, my life was shattered and I was radicalized. I buried one of my partners, whose life was shortened due to his involvement in my adventures, and I have had more than enough adventure for one lifetime.
  • As I staggered out of my home town, where my life was ruined, I realized that whatever I was taught about how the world worked only bore a faint resemblance to how it really did, and I began the studies that resulted in my site today.
  • After initially completing my site in 2002, one of Buckminster Fuller’s pupils called my work “comprehensivist” and I did not know what he meant. I then read some of Fuller’s work, got the point, and my work ever since has been more consciously comprehensive.
  • As I look back, reading Fuller’s work began a decade of study in my “spare” time that resulted in taking a career break and writing my big essay. I’ll not write its like again in this lifetime.
  • Since 2007, after having some keen learning experiences in writing in open forums, where trolls swarmed me, I decided to study with that big essay in mind, as a cornerstone of my current effort.
  • I have mounted my own forum, to host a Fullerian conversation, which I think can help manifest free energy technology in the public sphere, which would usher in the Fifth Epoch of the human journey, when humanity would enjoy a Star Trek level of energy surplus. In Kardashev’s framework, humanity would become a Type 1 civilization, and an unprecedented Epoch of the human journey will be here.
  • I have joined a few choice forums, seeking people who can join that Fullerian conversation. Together, we may help manifest the biggest event in the human journey, while simultaneously moving humanity away from the edge of the abyss that we stand on today.
  • I have intimate experience and awareness of what has not worked for manifesting that event, and I am trying an approach never attempted before. I have been at this for more than 40 years and may have another 30 good years left in me, and have devoted the rest of my life’s “spare” time to mounting the effort that I have in mind, which should not risk anybody’s life, if people heed my cautions and focus on what is important.

I will periodically make posts to this thread, as I seek to begin a conversation here that might lead to a few more recruits. :)

I look forward to a productive conversation.



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On this Christmas Eve, which was the last day of Ebenezer Scrooge’s miserly ways all those years ago, I will begin another series of posts that I have already threatened to make. Back in 2002, when I first finished my site, I called the potential of what a world based on FE can look like, “What Can Be,” and the list is still largely as I first made it, here. I have been told by those who should know that there is nothing else on Earth like that list. The chapter in my big essay is that list, updated and expanded. With FE, all of those changes become feasible. Without FE, almost none of them are. Energy is the name of the game in physical reality, and for life and civilizations, it is all about the energy surplus.

I largely wrote my big essay as a prelude to that chapter, as a several hundred page warmup, to make that chapter as comprehendible as possible. In fact, my entire 2,000-page site can be considered a prelude to that chapter. Our world will truly end as we know it with the arrival of FE into the public’s hands. That idea scares most people, as they have carved out their niche of survival in a world of scarcity and fear, but there is precious little to be frightened of, unless people just like living in fear. After many years on this quest, I finally accepted that almost nobody on Earth today is ready for the idea of FE, but it was like that for every Epoch of the human journey. But they are as ready for its reality as they will ever be, and time is short to avert a global catastrophe. People could not imagine the new Epoch until it was here, and so it will be with FE and the Super-Epoch of Abundance, for more than 99.9% of humanity. But I seek that tiny fraction that can, as imagining it will help manifest it, and in both mystical and practical ways. I believe that that tiny fraction exists, and that I will be able to find enough of them in the coming 30 years or so, and help train them.

For most people, the idea of FE is a theoretical exercise, even a crazy idea, but not for me. For those who have played on the high road for long, FE’s reality is a fact. Today, there is a lot of fringe talk about a so-called “Breakaway Civilization,” but you would not want to break away with that crew, as they are mostly psychopaths (AKA dark pathers) who have taken elite games to extremes never seen before. They operate from fear, not love. Their “breakaway” plans are not going to work out like they hope. Humanity is but one puny species in a vast universe. Most of their so-called “advanced” technology came from reverse-engineering ET technologies. They are essentially thieves, not only stealing from ETs, but from their fellow humans, just like elites have always done. FE in the hands of the masses means the obsolescence of the idea of elites, and they know it, which is why they play their games, with organized suppression, indoctrination into scarcity, etc. Those elites are stuck in arrested spiritual development, for all of their technological superiority. The day that the truth comes out, people will need to react like creators instead of victims, and own their part in this dynamic. Blaming the elites is what victims do, and it is time to start acting like creators. We all played our part.

My game is radically different from those that ultra-elites elites play. Love will rule, not fear, if humanity turns the corner. That is the difference between those starkly different future Earths that Michael Roads visited. For this series of posts, I don’t want to focus on the elites and their games, but focus on what the rest of us can have, if only a tiny fraction of us woke up to FE’s potential and pursued it. The technical problem is not that great. My understanding is that what Sparky Sweet developed is but a hint of what has been developed in the GC’s hidden enclaves, and they can detect the use of FE devices, anywhere on the planet, which is one reason why FE aspirants who think that they can sneak past the GCs are extremely foolish. I believe that the technical problems of safely implementing FE technology, to the users and the planet, and being able to prevent the weaponization of it, have all been accomplished. The only problem is human integrity, that scarcest of commodities, both on the part of the global elites and the masses. For the following discussion, I am going to assume that those problems have been resolved and an effort to bring FE to the public was successful, which I have written extensively about, and recently.

Without further preamble, here is what can be, if FE (and related technologies, such as antigravity) became part of our daily lives. I’ll try to go through it in the order that I have listed the events, but we will see how that goes. So, let’s start.

The most immediate and visible change from using FE devices is that all combustion, and the related air pollution, will end. The human line has been doing it since it learned to control fire, but those days will end. It is hard to overstate that effect alone. No more air pollution, no more increasing the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide content, which definitely has impacts on Earth’s climate. Any needed combustion can be from burning hydrogen, which would be derived from splitting water, and becomes water again upon burning. That would have zero-environmental impact, and as will become evident as I work through this list, that FE means the end of all environmental impacts from human activities.

FE would mean unlimited amounts of pure water for all of humanity. Along with ending combustion, this would be one of the first orders of business. Water can be endlessly recycled with FE. A home could use the same water almost indefinitely, and whatever escaped from vapor would be easily replenished from either the oceans or bodies of water created for just that purpose.

There would never again be any mining of Earth, as the entire solar system becomes mineable. One asteroid could meet almost all of humanity’s metal needs for the foreseeable future, and any “volatiles” needed for various uses, such as building space colonies, would be easily harvested from around the solar system (gas giants, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, moons orbiting gas giants). Antigravity (or electrogravity) has been developed, along with FE. None of the distances in our solar system would present any large problems. For people fearing a strip-mined solar system, that is a nonsensical fear. One asteroid, a millionth of one percent of Jupiter’s mass, or a millionth of what is in the Oort cloud, and humanity is set for the next million years. We could go hog wild with material possessions and it would not even be noticeable, on the scale of our solar system.

That is good start for this discussion.

Time for chores and getting ready for Santa. :)

Ho, ho, ho,


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I have Santa’s milk and cookies set out and recently cleaned the chimney, so all is set, and I’ll make a little post before I try to get some sleep between those visions of sugarplums and wondering what is going to be under the tree in the morning. I hope the check is for seven figures. :)

I would like to address an issue that continually rears its head. If people are able and willing to understand my work, it is nearly guaranteed that there will not be anybody else in their social circles who can or will. Those are just the numbers, and it does no good to judge that situation. That is a lonely feeling, which I know well. If you try to connect with your social circle regarding my material, be prepared to lose your relationships with them. I have put out this warning for many years, but I regularly hear from people who gained some slight understanding of my work, tried to enlighten their social circles, and if they were lucky, they did not jeopardize their family relationships, friendships, and even their careers. I often get to hear their painful stories.

People do not need to be rocket scientists to understand my work, although scientific and scholarly literacy is a requirement, but no more than it takes to understand my work. It is really not that heavy of an intellectual lift. It is far easier than a calculus or physics class, for instance, as far as the mental gymnastics go.

The problem with people’s social circles is that hardly anybody really cares enough to break free from the self-serving lies they have been fed, to condition them. If people have not yet awakened to the fact that they have largely been brainwashed by their conditioning, work like mine will only send them into difficult places. I have watched people go insane before my eyes, after encountering my work, such as this section. It can actually be worse with the “smart,” as their brainwashing is of a much subtler kind than the blatant population management ideologies. The “smart” have the most sophisticated and entrenched denial of free energy’s possibility and desirability, for instance. After Brian got a snootful of those denial and fear reactions over several years, from some of the world’s leading minds as he played the Paul Revere of Free Energy, he began openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species. I sadly understood his query.

My warnings are far from theoretical. I involved my family and friends in my free energy quest, and lost my closest relationships. I have no contact with my immediate family and many friendships ended and worse, as attacking me became a pastime. By the time that it got back to me that my mother had made a scrapbook full of the libelous newspaper clippings about us, and took it on tour to my family, friends, and investors, telling them the story of her son the criminal, I was no longer surprised, and it did not even hurt anymore. The last thing that I want is to hear from people about how they wrecked their relationships and careers because they just had to go proselytizing the free energy message, especially after I warned them. They just had to go find out the hard way. It is really painful to witness.

The forum that I built is partly intended as an oasis for those few who get it. One day, I hope to hear quite a song come from those forum’s members, and those who are able to hear the notes, will. Those are the people that I seek. I plan for my forum to be a campfire to gather around, and we just may be able to get something going that can make a dent, but it is not going to happen via social circles.

We are social animals, and I understand social needs, believe me. I wanted to take my family and friends to heaven on Earth with me. I have only ever wanted to help heal humanity and Earth and make living while doing it, but it not only does not pay, but if you reach any kind of success at all in playing the Big Game, you will be risking your life. I ask that of nobody.

But there are other ways that informing your social circles about your interest in free energy is hazardous. Prepare to be bombarded with all manner of tripe from the Internet, from the talking heads on YouTube to worthless articles to scam ads. I get bombarded by them by my social circles, and by people who should know better. Every time some free energy tinkerer makes an announcement that makes its way into the Internet gossip, I hear about it, multiple times. I have been given a libelous article about Dennis more than a dozen times over the years by my social circles, as an example of great writing on the free energy issue! :( I hear all the time about some new battery, for instance, or biofuels, that scientifically illiterate people think are solutions to our energy issues, because of crazed media promotion. There are mountains of chaff for every kernel of wheat in the milieu, and your social circles will want you to sift through it for them.

There are some scam free energy infomercials out there, and I regularly hear from my circles, as they want to know what I think. It is like asking me about something that they read in a tabloid. I know how desperate people can be to have meaningful conversations on the most important subject on Earth. That is why I made my forum, but the conversation has to be raised far higher than anything that I have yet seen, if it is going to make a dent. That is why I am doing what I am. The free energy field is in a state of arrested development, and has been for longer than I have been alive. It is long past time for a different approach. If Bucky Fuller was alive today, I would like to think that he would be doing something like I am.

In finishing, I am highly sympathetic to people who get bombarded with that stuff, and it is another good reason to not try to enlighten your social circles. :)

Ho, ho, ho,


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With FE, another human activity that will end is exploiting Earth’s ecosystems, and the greatest of all are forests. Every use of wood today will become obsolete with FE. Historically, and even today, wood is mostly used for burning. About 90% of wood that entered early cities was burned. Rome had a fleet of ships that sailed the Mediterranean in search of firewood for its baths. With FE, such primitive behaviors will end. The other primary use of wood is for building materials. There are vastly superior materials than wood, even leaving aside what is in Godzilla’s Golden Hoard, but because of energy scarcity, they are expensive. Wood is relatively cheap, as trees performed the task of welding atoms of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen into wood. With FE, that primitive practice will end. To those reading these words, it is easy to foresee the end of using wood to make reading material.

The other “use” for forests is to raze them and exploit their fertile soils and divert sunlight that went into nourishing trees to nourishing crops instead. With FE and related technologies, that primitive practice will also end. Do you want to have your “farm” in the basement of your home that can travel to almost anywhere in our star system? No problem. With FE and attendant technologies, there will never again be a reason for exploiting the thin and delicate skin on Earth known as its ecosphere. I can see farms like the one that Roads visited, but it had a harmony with nature that beggars today’s imaginations. I imagine that most food in that reality was raised in artificial environments. Farms are artificial environments. Little is “natural” about them. People romanticize them, like many who romanticize caveman ways (paleo advocates), but there is nothing “natural” about them. Humanity radically changed the game like nothing else ever did.

Also, oil spills, nuclear accidents, and other devastations of Earth and her denizens will end. Cleaning up Earth and ending destructive activities, while increasing the human standard of living by orders of magnitude, will be child’s play, if FE and attendant sequestered technologies were available. For Brian and me (and to a degree, Dennis), what was always the most interesting outcome of FE would be the cognitive and social changes in the animal known as Homo sapiens. I will cover that territory in coming posts.



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I am going to have a quiet day or two, but will get in a post before I go quiet. On to the social and cognitive changes that can come with FE and its attendant abundance. These are highly interesting areas. I doubt that I need to convince too many readers that we largely live in Orwell’s world today, with the USA’s permanent “war on terror” literally lifted from the pages of 1984, as if Orwell was the scriptwriter. The military racket is one of seven cartels that control the world economy, and is in ways the most dangerous, as they can turn Earth into a cinder. Most of the Disclosure Project witnesses were military personnel, I believe. Brian’s near-fatal encounter with the American military over the UFO issue neatly aligns with what informed observers think is the case. That recent reporting of E. Howard Hunt’s confession on why JFK was killed is only more confirmation of what many have long suspected.

The relationship of FE to those situations is deep and profound. We are all conditioned by scarcity from the cradles, and more than 99% of the population reacts with denial and fear to the idea of FE, and I think that it is related to being addicted to their survival mechanisms. The current paradigms are based on scarcity and fear. I hear people argue all the time that that pervasive fear is human nature, not the human condition. From what I have seen, I doubt that they are right.

We already have examples from our history to draw on, to show how relative economic abundance has initiated radical social changes. When their food supply doubled, some isolated chimps ended violent male rule and are considered a separate species today. The beginning of the Domestication Revolution was characterized by women bringing in more calories than men, their status rose, and violent male rule ended in those societies, too, as the gangs were broken up. That was a big part of the attraction of the Eastern Woodland societies that Europe stumbled into. The golden ages of the journey of life on Earth, including the human journey, were all based on relative energy abundance, and for each Epoch of the human journey, each was unimaginable until it happened. I don’t expect it to be any different this time.

The end of slavery was unimaginable until machines made that hallowed institution economically obsolete. When people tell me that humanity is incorrigible, that scarcity and fear is so deeply baked into our DNA that we will never overcome it, they remind me of Antebellum southerners banging their Bibles, justifying slavery as some God-ordained order of the universe.

What happens when everybody lives in economic abundance? When it takes almost no human effort for all of humanity to live at lifestyle levels that makes Bill Gates appear a pauper, how do you think humanity will react? And again, we have rich historical precedents to give us hints. Tapping new energy sources, and hydrocarbon fuels most of all, led to the Demographic Transition. Women and slaves were liberated, children could expect to live to be adults, and everybody got educated (although that is relative). Today’s average American enjoys daily amenities that the world’s richest man of three centuries ago could not imagine. Five hundred years ago, nobody had ever circumnavigated Earth. This minute, I could take a credit card out of my wallet, with my passport, and be back at this desk a week from now, after circumnavigating Earth.

Imagine that everybody is born into a world where there is no question that their needs will be taken care of, and spectacularly. Economic desperation and deprivation become as obsolete as slavery. How do you think people are going to react to that? I would like to find out, and I have already lived through the hints. I am a member of history’s most privileged demographic group, who grew up in the most prosperous era of the human journey, and I am not complaining. I still suffered some deprivations, but they were trivial compared to what my father and his father experienced.

I think that when scarcity and fear stop being the defining parameters of human societies, a lot is going to change, and radically. Why wouldn’t it? The biggest event in the human journey is big stuff, to put it mildly, as humanity becomes a Type 1 civilization. All wars have been based on scarcity. What happens when there is abundance? It can be like that saying in the 1960s, “What if they gave a war, and nobody came?”



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One important aspect of the cognitive and social changes that will come with FE is that many measures and concepts today, used by “progressives,” will become meaningless, such as the carbon footprint. That only has relevance to societies that burn hydrocarbons to get their energy. With FE, they don’t. Many ecological “footprint” ideas become meaningless under an FE paradigm. Cities will become obsolete, which I will discuss soon, so the idea of an urban footprint on the hinterland will also become obsolete. Many, many ideas and measures used today will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch.

As I have briefly touched on, warfare will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. To this idea, a continual response that I get is that warfare and violence are hardwired, even sacred, aspects of human “nature,” and even deeper, such as a Young Warrior delusion that warrior souls have the “right” to try out. We already have examples where violence became obsolete. Bonobos are one, and matrilineal societies were immensely more peaceful than patrilineal ones. The attractions of the matrilineal Eastern Woodland societies were obvious to European invaders, which is why they ran off and went native so much. On the mystical front, Michael has stated that we are on the cusp of going from the Young to Mature Soul phase, and Mature Warriors understand the complete and self-defeating futility of violence. Violence is going to become obsolete, and soon, for both mystical and practical reasons. Humanity will finally become a truly sentient species. I have a higher opinion of humanity than those who continually argue for scarcity-based ways of being in a world of abundance. Humanity is not that stupid. When there is no incentive for violence and warfare, it will end. I still advocate those peacekeeping grandmothers, until nobody needs to be reminded anymore.

All scarcity-based ideologies are going to become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, which means all of today’s dominant ideologies. I will deal with all of them in this series of posts, and the first will be organized religion. Religion has its roots in warfare and developing in-group cohesion, to prevail against the out-group. That is pre-sentient behavior. To a degree, all organized religions are still variations of that theme. The so-called New Age is just another variation, and is really not all that forward-looking. Professional priesthoods all deified the elite, in a Faustian deal, and elites will become obsolete, too, which I will further discuss later. Just like all of today’s institutions will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, spirituality will look nothing like what we see today.

The message of all spiritual masters was love, and organized religion relies on scarcity and fear, just like all institutions do. The most enlightened message given to humanity was Jesus’s “there is no out-group” (AKA “love the enemy”), but Christians are history’s most murderous people, and primarily responsible for humanity’s greatest demographic catastrophes. As Gandhi said, Christians are so unlike their Christ. But all organized religions will crumble in the Fifth Epoch, as they will become obsolete. People are going to have their own direct connection to something higher and divine, and will not “need” professional intermediaries. To the extent that they receive “professional” spiritual help, the help will be intended to have them find their own connection, such as with a mystical awakening.

All of today’s economic ideologies will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, especially capitalism, which assumes greed and fear, and has even elevated greed into a virtue, believe it or not. As Fuller noted, all political-economic ideologies will become obsolete, as they are all predicated on who gets the benefit of the scarce economic production, and includes communism, socialism, and all other political-economic “isms.” They are all rooted in scarcity, and will all become obsolete in a world of abundance.

I have written at length about the dominant economic ideology of the past century and more, which focused on exchange to the exclusion of production. That ideology assumes that resources and production are only limited by market forces, and energy is completely ignored or just seen as another commodity, whose availability is only limited by market forces. It is one of the most delusional viewpoints extant today, especially for those advocated by the “smart.” That history’s greatest energy mogul funded the institution that promoted that nonsensical ideology might not be a coincidence. All of today’s economic ideologies will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, as their seemingly invisible assumptions will be seen as meaningless.

Related to those delusional economic ideologies that are stuck in the 18th century, all exchange-related professions will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, and that includes accountants, lawyers, politicians, policemen, soldiers, bankers, tax collectors, and so on. Almost all of today’s industries and professions will either become obsolete or will transform into something unrecognizable today. Almost nothing that is familiar to us today will survive into the Fifth Epoch, and that is what scares people who even glimpse the reality that FE can help manifest, as they react with denial and fear. Heaven on Earth can’t look anything like what we see today, as humanity has its toes over the edge of the abyss.

However, I do not expect anybody, other than the choir, to begin to understand what I am writing about, until FE becomes a daily reality. The masses won’t get there through talk or clever presentations, and the social circle approach is futile and even suicidal for Epochal change. Also, nobody is going to need to be coerced into giving up organized religion, or stop seeing greed as a virtue. In light of the reality of abundance and the Fifth Epoch, people are going to easily see the worthlessness of scarcity-based ideologies and institutions in a world of abundance. They will give them up of their own accord, like a child giving up stuffed animals and believing in Santa Claus, not because anybody coerces them into giving them up. There will certainly be “stragglers,” who built their identities on greed and other games of scarcity, and other than ensuring that they don’t weaponize FE or use it to strip mine Earth (which 99.9% of humanity will easily see as insane), they can take their time in waking up to abundance.

Another aspect of abundance is that without energy abundance, none of the abundance ideas that people can find bandied about by “visionaries” today has any hope of coming to fruition. People who advocate abundance ideas in the absence of energy abundance are almost exclusively scientifically illiterate and do not understand how the world really works. Only energy produces work, which scientists easily understand and is also why they don’t have much respect for economists and other social scientists with their empty theories that ignore the real world in favor of social theories.

Many scientifically illiterate “visionaries” think that cleverly reshuffling the deck of scarcity can somehow produce abundance. Only the scientifically literate truly can comprehend what abundance really means, which is why it is a prerequisite for the choir. Otherwise, people get strung out on meaningless distractions, go chasing down rabbit holes and never emerge, etc. I have seen about all the ways that people can fall off the rails, and the discernment of scientists and scholars is critical to developing a truly comprehensive perspective.

Coming are posts on how cities, nations, and races will disappear in the Fifth Epoch. Again, these are easily foreseeable outcomes of the Fifth Epoch, and nobody will need to be coerced to stop living in cities. Living in today’s cities will quickly be seen as like living in caves, and nations will become a meaningless idea, just ape territoriality writ large, which will become completely obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. In the Fifth Epoch, humanity will be one race and have one culture and language, among other aspects, as geographic isolation will become a relic of our primitive past.



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I am covering these just a little out of order, from how I present them in my big essay, but not too far off. In the USA, the three primary population control ideologies are American nationalism, capitalism, and organized religion, Christianity in particular, and the fundamentalist strains most notoriously. According to somebody who should know, the Mormon financial empire has been the most prominent member of the global cabal that keeps FE from public awareness and use, and because of our experiences, I won’t deny it. Mormons were prominent players in the biggest efforts to wipe us out (1, 2), and one of the more prominent libels of Dennis was through the biggest Mormon newspaper, which was used prominently by Dennis’s “skeptical” assailant, who was an alleged Christian himself, which was odd, in a movement comprised primarily of materialists.

Not only will all of today’s political-economic ideologies become obsolete, but so will all in-groups such as those based on national identity (or ethnicity, race, gender, etc.). Nationalism will become obsolete, too. All geographic-based ideologies are merely the result of ape territoriality, to create some new kind of in-group identity so that the ruling class could reign over it. The USA’s nationalism is based on fairy tales and highly egocentric notions such as Manifest Destiny, as all imperial ideologies are.

Humanity will become a space-faring Type 1 civilization with FE and attendant technologies that are currently sequestered, such as antigravity (or electrogravity, but the demonstration given to my friend seemed more like antigravity than electrogravity), and all such in-group ideologies are going to quickly be seen as primitive and nonsensical. All ideas of nationalism will quickly come to an end (or tribes, etc.). When so-called in-group membership does not confer any economic benefits over the out-group, when everybody lives richer than Bill Gates does, people are going to begin wondering what the point is.

Geographic isolation is going to become a thing of the past, when anybody can travel throughout the solar system. Artifices such as national borders are going to be seen as quaint. Maybe a few pockets of primitives will want to keep their in-group identities, and they may even create some enclaves for themselves, but they will all be seen as cults and will have a damned hard time keeping their ranks full. They will have to imprison their members to keep them there, and that is one thing that may become illegal. I don’t see much becoming illegal, but violence, coercion, and harmful practices, to humans or Earth, will likely become illegal (as they largely are today, at least in theory). But there will not be much incentive for those practices, and they will be seen as the height of barbarity, like keeping slaves.

When geographic isolation ends, many aspects of today’s humanity will disappear, and one is race. Race is due to geographic isolation and evolution, and after only a century or so, separate races will simply disappear, as will mutually unintelligible languages. Already, English is the lingua franca of the Internet, something like Esperanto will make a comeback, and there will one or two universal languages that everybody will know (besides the language of math and science).

Cities arose in the Third Epoch and are based on energy scarcity. Cities are essentially huge energy-concentrating devices that will quickly become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. In the Fifth Epoch, cities will simply not make sense, just like slavery did not make sense in the Fourth Epoch. There will still be social gatherings, as we are social animals. Every human will not only be instantly connected to any other human, with communication technologies that are up a few orders of magnitude from the Internet, but when people can travel anywhere on Earth to meet, in minutes, the idea of cities is going to become obsolete. If there are any urban environments left on Earth, they will be integrated with nature in ways that are presently hard to comprehend. Manhattan Island will likely be turned back into forest.

The human idea of “work” is going to radically change. The average workday will be an hour or so, to attain standards of living that are orders of magnitude above Bill Gates’s. People are not even going to see it as work, but how they fulfil their souls. There are not going to be any “jobs” that people hate doing, where they drug themselves morning, noon, and night to keep doing them. That will quickly be seen as a cousin to slavery, and people will marvel that their ancestors did it, just like a slave-based society is truly incomprehensible to people who live in industrialized nations.

There is much more to come, but I want to make it clear that nothing that I am presenting is wild speculation, but are fairly predictable outcomes if humanity enjoyed FE and economic abundance, on a healed planet. The vast majority of people perform their most despicable acts not because they are psychopaths, but because they think that they have no choice and have to do it to survive, as Goering noted. The greatest force of evil on Earth today is the USA’s military, and it has been that way ever since it gratuitously vaporized two cities. But in my crazed nation, our killers of women and children, by the millions, have great honor, draped in flags. In a world of absolute abundance, all such activities will be seen as primitive, and exceptionally so. There will no honor in violence.

But the masses won’t begin to understand until FE is a daily reality. It is just what it is, and it does no good to judge those trapped in their conditioning and unwilling to budge. The choir and friends are going to do the heavy lifting for this greatest of Epochal Events, but the heavy lifting has already been done for my plan to work. The hard lessons have already been learned, at least by those on the leading edge. The rest does not have to be that hard.



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Among the changes that will likely be seen in the Fifth Epoch is the end of some very old dynamics, as they become obsolete. The Third Epoch gave birth to many aspects of today’s world that are still with us, while others have fallen by the wayside. We still farm, pretty much the same way that we always have, with machines and chemicals added to the mix. In my great nation, which is history’s richest and most powerful, we still use peasants in farming, almost always immigrants from agrarian nations, and often illegal. We still have cities. The first elites appeared with the first cities, and elites are still with us. Slavery appeared with the Third Epoch and ended with the Fourth. Women’s status rose for the first time in millions of years with the beginnings of domestication, but fell again when cities appeared, and did not rise again until industrialization’s demographic transition, which liberated women, and the same dynamics that liberated women ended slavery.

Among the first professions was the priesthood, which eradicated the hunter-gatherer religion (but the “ecstatic” sects are a throwback to that old religion), and they entered into a Faustian deal with elites and deified them. In the Fifth Epoch, elites and the priesthood will become obsolete. Elites know it well, which is why they have been actively preventing the Fifth Epoch from manifesting. That deification of elites was arguably the beginning of ideological indoctrination, to help get the masses to accept elite rule. The monumental architecture of early civilizations was part of that dynamic, as a form of display. But there was also harsh repression from elites, as they conquered their societies.

Elites were always economic elites above all else, and conspicuous consumption has always been the hallmark of all elites, at the expense of the masses. With each Epoch, humanity became progressively less brutal. Killing strangers on sight and slaughtering one’s neighbors and taking their land were characteristic behaviors of the late Second Epoch, once all the easy meat was gone. The Third Epoch had some early golden ages, too, before the energy ran out. Horticultural societies often became matrilineal, and were the most peaceful preindustrial societies. The pristine civilizations also began peacefully. But as the easy energy was depleted, which was comprised of forests and fertile soils in early civilizations, brutality arose again, but on a larger scale than before, as agriculture supported population densities that were orders of magnitude higher than the hunter-gather lifestyle could support. For all of the brutality of such agrarian civilizations, they were proportionately far more peaceful than hunter-gatherer bands, in which about a quarter of all people died violently.

In the Fourth Epoch, societies became more humane and things taken for granted in Fourth Epoch societies were unimaginable luxuries in Third Epoch societies. Poor Americans are fat, whereas in agrarian societies, poverty meant starvation. Other than the USA and Japan, industrial nations no longer execute people.

Just as cities are artifacts of energy scarcity, so are elites. If there was energy abundance, the elite games will no longer work. Also, a great deal of what is called “education” in industrialized nations is really a form of brainwashing, to get the masses to accept elite rule, although it is much subtler than in the Third Epoch. Most people are not even aware of the existence of the elites that control the world economy, or that their “education” and “information” consumption is a form of brainwashing. That invisibility is advantageous for various reasons, but the masses still do the elites’ bidding. One of my stock sayings is that we do most of their work for them, as we herd ourselves. The global elite are only the most successful practitioner of their game. There are several levels of the game, as we discovered on our adventures, and violent male gangs still rule the world.

If FE makes it into public use, all of those dynamics will likely crumble. No more elites, no more gang rule, no more brainwashing. People’s horizons of awareness will no longer stop at the limit of their immediate self-interest. Fear and greed will no longer be the dominant principles that societies are oriented around. When that happens, the human heart is going to be ripe for waking up in an unprecedented way.

Again, these are not wild speculations, but logical outcomes of economic abundance, available to all humans. We already have plenty of examples of what came with relative economic abundance. If bonobos and horticultural societies could end violent male rule, why can’t modern societies? There is not much speculation in my vision, if one assumes economic abundance, which always has and always will be based on energy abundance. We already have many examples of the benefits of rising standards of living, and the detriments of falling ones. The USA’s middle class during the postwar boom was history’s largest and most prosperous, but it has been under siege ever since energy consumption peaked in the 1970s.

I am far from finished with discussing the outcomes of the Fifth Epoch, but that is all for tonight.



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As I have written plenty, I was a computer “geek” since college. The reproduction of intelligence is in its infancy. The rise of machines was the Industrial Revolution, and harnessing new energy sources made it possible. Today, machines perform more than 99.9% of the work in industrial societies. I have seen American farmers, for instance, when encountering my work, dismiss FE and abundance while stating that only the sweat of their brow got anything done, as if they did that 99% of the work on their farms that their machines did, as if they did the work that the Sun did, that the plants did that captured it, etc. All that humans do is direct the energy, with their intelligence and manipulative ability. Those farmers perform almost none of the actual work that they enjoy the fruit of. I sit here in my home, typing this into my computer, and within seconds after I finish, it will be available to billions of people to read. That is mind-boggling, when you think about it. When I was in college, something as “simple” as that was beyond my wildest imaginings, and it began only 15 years after I graduated.

Computers are replacing human guidance of machines. In some cases, those intelligent machines are called robots. I was recently made aware of an effort by high-tech moguls to ensure that the rise of intelligent machines does not result in some Terminator-like nightmare. That is a nice idea, and maybe some good will come from it. The same should be done for FE, but nearly everybody denies not only its existence, but even its possibility or desirability.

But let’s assume that some effort, maybe mine, is successful in safely bringing FE to the public, as well as antigravity (or electrogravity), which is also in Godzilla’s Golden Hoard. Immediately, applications beckon that are out of science fiction fantasies. We already have self-driving cars. The end of human-piloted vehicles is coming fast. When FE and antigravity are used for space-faring vehicles, I do not expect them to be piloted by humans. There is going to be a solar-system-wide transportation system. Each craft will be self-piloted by default, by the onboard computer, directed by the human “pilots,” (“take me to the Curiosity museum on Mars,” for instance) but will also follow a grid that spans the solar system, with particular detail paid to travel on Earth. Think of it like the Internet, but craft instead of electric impulses will flow through it. Anybody can go anywhere they want in the solar system, quickly and easily. There are not going to be daily collisions of craft. Safety and harmlessness will always be the primary goals of any technological innovation in the Fifth Epoch. I don’t know if light speed has been attained by any of the toys in Godzilla’s possession, but ETs have it, or they can travel inter-dimensionally, such as through wormholes. They certainly did not arrive here via chemical rockets.

One of the first things that space-faring humans will do is clean up our space junk. Also, orbiting satellites like we have are artifacts of energy scarcity, as tiny and sophisticated robots are boosted into orbit by huge chemical rockets. Those kinds of satellites will quickly become obsolete. An orbiting space city will have a communications hub on it, as part of an “Internet” that spans the solar system. Few such “nodes” will be on tiny space robots. Will we have “instantaneous” subspace communications, like we see on Star Trek? I don’t know, but it will be fun to try.

Cleaning up our space junk will be one of the easiest and first tasks of sailing beyond Earth. Cleaning up the asteroid belt, especially of asteroids that cross Earth’s orbit, will be an early task. Any comets that come from the Kuiper belt or Oort cloud will be redirected or mined into nothingness, if they are going to cross Earth’s orbit. Think of those self-driving vacuum cleaners that we have today, and imagine an army of those patrolling the solar system, cleaning up small space rocks, down to pebble size, and they call in the heavy equipment when anything large is found. It won’t take long to have a very clean solar system, with that army continually patrolling for anything new (and, of course, it all will be connected to a “central nervous system” that will be like the Internet, so all will know where such craft, and any craft, are).

The solar system will become domesticated by humanity. There is not going to be much risk, if any, of running into space rocks. Those cleaned up space rocks can be the basis for one of Brian O’s dreams, of space colonies, but they will be on a scale that Brian could not have imagined in his Princeton days.

Of course, cleaning up humanity’s mess on Earth will be among the earliest of activities, and we will never soil our nest again. Of course, we would have an active hand in regenerating Earth’s beleaguered ecosystems.

Cleaning up our minds and bodies will also be part of the process. Out goes all the brainwashing “education,” and in comes true learning. All humans will have access to live food, pure water and air, and pollution will become another relic of our primitive and egocentric past. People growing their own food in their space-faring homes will be common enough. We may still have something that resembles farms, but they can have a harmony with nature that was glimpsed by Roads. They can be underground, on Mars, or in orbit, and even around the Sun instead of Earth. The asteroid belt could become a place for orbiting civilizations. Again, with FE and attendant technologies, this all becomes child’s play to accomplish.

There will be a new paradigm of chemistry, for instance, in which FE makes enlightened chemistry feasible. No longer will the profit motive be the paramount concern. With our scarcity-and-fear-based paradigms, where greed becomes a virtue, we are force-fed industrial waste as “medicine,” and many other evil practices abound, some of which have been surreal. All of that will end in the Fifth Epoch. The dark pathers will no longer be in charge like they are today, because humanity will have finally awakened and become a truly sentient species.

There is much more to come in this series of posts. Stay tuned.



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Social animals are social because it enhances their ability to survive. Monkey societies are organized around a defensible food source and females and their offspring, with males patrolling the perimeter. African great apes changed that, as males became the center of social organization, and what a violent mess that is. There is no evidence of male-centric societies in the human line since then, until women’s economic contribution in horticultural societies resulted in matrilocal societies, which broke up the male gangs. Those were the most peaceful societies until the Industrial Revolution. Chimps also accomplished it, when an isolated population had its food supply double when gorillas left the region, so ending violent male rule is not the sole province of humans.

Women’s status has risen, fallen, and risen again in the journey of Homo sapiens, and each Epoch of the human journey had radically different social organization from the previous Epoch, and there is no reason to think that it will be different in the Fifth Epoch. Hunter-gatherers had enforced egalitarianism in the Second Epoch. In the Third, from peaceful beginnings it eventually turned violent, and the appearance of cities, professions, elites, and slaves characterized the Third Epoch, along with many other traits still with us.

The Fourth Epoch, which began as Europe raped humanity, saw more great changes in social organization. Slavery became economically obsolete and disappeared, a new breed of elite thief appeared, called “capitalist” today, and the agrarian masses were severed from the land and became cogs in the industrial system. But the rising standards of living that industrialization afforded allowed for more radical changes in social organization. Women’s status rose once again in the demographic transition, and being broodmares for agrarian economies became obsolete, and nearly all children lived to become adults. Industrial societies are radically different from agrarian ones.

However, the primary social unit, at least since the beginnings of the Domestication Revolution, and arguably since humans became behaviorally modern and maybe going all the way back to Homo erectus or even Ardi’s species, has been a mother and her offspring. Gorillas have a patriarch-harem social organization, with unrequited males constantly vying to become the new patriarch by violently unseating the current one. Chimps have a gang-style social organization, and if human societies had their style, it would be described as psychopathic. Bonobos ended psychopathic rule when their food supply doubled.

There is little reason to believe that social organization is not going to radically change in the Fifth Epoch, with probably the most radical changes of all. Elites will quickly become economically obsolete and will go the way of slaves. All exchange-related professions will largely, if not completely, disappear. Money will become meaningless and capitalism will go the way of all scarcity-based ideologies, in the Super-Epoch of Abundance.

What will very likely come to pass will be the end of the nuclear family, and what replaces it will be far superior. Modern women will no longer be trying to juggle five tasks at once, to run a household with children in them, while the man “does battle” in society to bring home the daily bread (if the mother is “lucky” and he is still in the household). Motherhood will no longer be a life of drudgery, and women will no longer be driven by economic desperation to make the decisions that they do, to keep a roof over the head of their children. Men will still obviously be in the picture, but they will no longer need to play the hero, to go out and bring home the daily bread. Men will be liberated from that constraining role.

Raising healthy children – physically, mentally, and emotionally – is the greatest task that humanity can undertake, and with the unprecedented riches of the Fifth Epoch, nobody is going to grow up in privation. Dealing with physical, mental, and emotional scars will no longer drive adult humans, and they will no longer inflict them on their offspring. That vicious cycle will end. Nobody in this world had to deal with childhood traumas, and in this world, their life was filled with trauma, from beginning to end. Which one do you want to live in? :)

There is much more to come, with this series of posts.



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I have written that organized religion as we know it will end in the Fifth Epoch. What will also end is the religion of the Fourth Epoch: materialism. Of all the scarcity-based ideologies that dominate human thought today, the most sophisticated and subtle is materialism. I have also wedded it to rationalism in my writings, calling it the rational-materialist paradigm. I have written that I am not sure that a mystical awakening is required to be able to pursue FE, at least with my approach, but everybody that I most respected in the FE milieu had a mystical awakening, and they were almost all scientists or scientists-in-training, and some had global stature.

I was raised to be a scientist almost from infancy. I had my mystical awakening at age 16, which was in the age range for most of us, who had it in our late teens or early 20s. Brian O was an “old man” of 39, sipping his sherry in his soft berth in the Princeton physics department, when he had his mystical awakening while performing the same exercise that I did when I had mine. It is called a “remote viewing” today. Many scientific careers were ruined by mystical awakenings, as the awakened could no longer drink the sterile Kool-Aid of materialism. Materialism is just another religion, with its dogmas, popes, inquisitions, etc.

The giants of physics had worldviews that verged on the mystical, and were decidedly unimpressed with scientists who pretended that science was something other than what it was. The “skeptics” recently got a relatively tame challenge to materialism banned from TED, for instance, with their lies and irrationalities, which is very ironic for a movement that claims to advocate honest, rational inquiry. As far as I have seen, organized skepticism is a criminal enterprise.

When you have direct personal experience, which is dramatically irrefutable, you know that the materialistic models of consciousness are false. Once you know that, the entire edifice of the rationalist-materialist paradigm begins crumbling. The scientific process is great thing, as are many of its findings. Materialism is a philosophical stance, not a scientific one, and when materialism and science get confused, it is often purposeful, as the scientific enterprise gets turned into a religion, similar to how professional priesthoods created the first religious rackets.

While White Science has adopted a materialist stance on many issues, Black Science knows better. Black Science has also verged into what might be called “Black Magic” at times, as it has been used for evil ends.

If and when FE and related technologies come into public view from the dark recesses where they have been sequestered, today’s physics textbooks are going to make great doorstops. :) What may well come with that event is open acknowledgement of the ET presence, as at least some of those technologies were developed from reverse-engineering ET technologies. If those ETs are humanoid, as has been reported, the story of the evolutionary journey that led to humans is going to be radically overhauled. Those would be big days of revelation. I doubt that much, if any, materialistic thought would survive those events. Much else will fly out the window, too, but the end of materialism is going to be a great breath of fresh air.

The greatest physicists thought that dogma was the enemy, in science or religion, and when the Fifth Epoch begins, there will be great opportunity for the pursuit of enlightenment, greater than humanity has yet seen, and the spiritual practices of the Fifth Epoch will look nothing like today’s organized religion. What is called the New Age today is but a faint and distorted hint of what that can look like.



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This post will wrap up this series on what the Fifth Epoch can be like. The end of economic desperation will change many aspects of human societies and the human animal. Today, people drug themselves to enjoy a brief escape from their misery, from the poorest to richest nations. That practice will largely, if not completely, end. The medical establishment as we know it today will disappear, just like all the other rackets. Being healthy will be the goal, not diagnosing and treating disease. Almost all diseases will disappear and true prevention will be practiced, not the lucrative and violent interventions that masquerade as it, which we see today.

Bellicosity has been getting culled from the human gene pool, and I expect it to largely disappear in the Fifth Epoch. There won’t be any reason for it. Our chimp days are behind us. Fear will no longer be the primary operating principle of humanity. Love will. The dark pathers (AKA “very organized crime”) have had something to say about it, but their continued reign will result in Earth’s destruction, and the saner members of their cabal know it. They can no longer sit in the driver’s seat, but we all enabled them, in our blindly egocentric pursuits. Making them into another out-group is the path of delusion. They represent aspects of all of us, and have to be lovingly dethroned. But they can’t be the effort’s focus. Their coming obsolescence will be a mere side-effect, and some will even like living in heaven on Earth.

These visions that I have presented are far from the only positive ones being presented, but with FE and economic abundance, I consider the visions that I have presented to range from quite probable to highly likely. But without FE, almost none of them are feasible. The golden ages of the human past and the journey of life on Earth all rode on relative energy abundance. Humanity’s social changes were a result of the economic changes, which depended on the energy surplus. It has always been this way and likely always will. We can’t cleverly reshuffle the deck of scarcity and achieve abundance. The world does not work that way and never has. That was the primary reason behind my big essay. We have to have some understanding of how our world works if we want to consciously change it.

For the previous Epochs, they were all stumbled into, in one way or another, with nobody, not even the inventors, having the slightest inkling what those innovations would lead to. Those days are over. The Global Controllers have a very good idea what FE means, and have been actively presenting its manifestation in the public sphere for longer than I have been alive, but there also have been many levels of that game. No need to “credit” the Big Boys with all of the organized suppression. Thousands of inventors have stumbled into FE technology, but really had no idea what they stumbled into, as they marched into the lion’s den like lambs to the slaughter. As with all Epochs, the masses react with denial and fear if FE is even mentioned, and the few who don’t quickly get carried away, announcing that they are the Messiah, plan to become the Bill Gates of FE, think that the Global Controllers don’t exist or can be snuck past, can be exposed or defeated in battle, can get run over by a populist stampede, etc. I have seen it all. What those approaches all have in common is fear. Only a loving approach has a prayer, IMO. But love is not enough; it has to be wedded with sentience and wisdom, which comes from worldliness. That is the point of my work.

The primary lesson of my harsh journey was that personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity (which I resisted every step of the way), as people live in fear, with their awareness rarely extending past their immediate self-interest. It is just what it is, and it does no good judge the sleeping, living their egocentric nightmares. I know that my approach will work, if I can find enough people with the right stuff. That will be the hard part, as well as building something self-sustaining before the Global Controllers decide that if they take me out, then the threat is averted. Those people are going to be needles in haystacks, but they are the only people who can give an effort like mine a chance of success.

The visions in this series of posts comprise stars to steer by, not only so that people understand what is feasible with FE and related technologies, but why. I am taking what might be called Bucky Fuller’s approach, of developing comprehensive perspectives so that people can truly understand what abundance means. In our world of scarcity and fear, comprehending abundance, much less keeping a vision of it high in our awareness, is no easy trick. If those in the choir can keep their eye on the ball and refrain from being sucked into the million distractions and dead ends that beckon, we just might be able to make a dent. :)



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