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A Question For Paul Trejo

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Under your scenario, what would the platters have done if Oswald had turned Hemming's offer down?

Along the same line, what if Oswald had come down with the flu and called in sick on 11/22/63?

Would the bad guy's have moved to "Plan B"?

-- Tommy

Under my scenario, if Lee Harvey Oswald had turned down Gerry Patrick Hemming's offer of double the price of his rifle to bring it to the TSBD on Friday, they would have selected some other Patsy -- possibly including Hemming himself.
I say this because Hemming himself suggested it -- because Loran Hall was in Dallas on 11/22/1963, and he had in his possession Gerry Patrick Hemming's own rifle! This is actually part of the FBI record, and many here know the story very well.
I believe that many Patsies had been pre-identified. Loran Hall himself was probably a possible Patsy; since the FBI could trace Hemming's rifle to Hall, and Hall was the guy who was in Dallas.
Maybe Harry Dean was a possible Patsy as well -- Harry Dean himself suggested this to me, since Harry was close to Loran Hall, and also was a former Secretary for the FPCC in Chicago.
This seems to me to be confirmed by Joseph Milteer's statement to Willie Somerset, namely, "They will pick up SOMEBODY within hours."
Milteer didn't name the Patsy -- there were plenty to choose from, IMHO.
--Paul Trejo

Didn't GPH have an alibi? Like, he was playing chess with his buddies in Miami and called someone as soon as he heard about the assassination?

-- Tommy :sun

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Under my scenario, if Lee Harvey Oswald had turned down Gerry Patrick Hemming's offer of double the price of his rifle to bring it to the TSBD on Friday, they would have selected some other Patsy -- possibly including Hemming himself.
I say this because Hemming himself suggested it -- because Loran Hall was in Dallas on 11/22/1963, and he had in his possession Gerry Patrick Hemming's own rifle! This is actually part of the FBI record, and many here know the story very well.
I believe that many Patsies had been pre-identified. Loran Hall himself was probably a possible Patsy; since the FBI could trace Hemming's rifle to Hall, and Hall was the guy who was in Dallas.
Maybe Harry Dean was a possible Patsy as well -- Harry Dean himself suggested this to me, since Harry was close to Loran Hall, and also was a former Secretary for the FPCC in Chicago.
This seems to me to be confirmed by Joseph Milteer's statement to Willie Somerset, namely, "They will pick up SOMEBODY within hours."
Milteer didn't name the Patsy -- there were plenty to choose from, IMHO.
--Paul Trejo

Didn't GPH have an alibi? Like, he was playing chess with his buddies in Miami and called someone as soon as he heard about the assassination?

-- Tommy :sun

Well, Tommy, according to A.J. Weberman, it was HEMMING himself who confessed to Weberman that he called Lee Harvey Oswald on some public telephone on November 21st, 1963.

So, if HEMMING was confessing to Weberman (as Weberman said) then why would HEMMING need an alibi for his story?

Or maybe you mean that HEMMING would need an alibi just in case Loran Hall was arrested.

Or, if Weberman is correct (as I believe he is) then of course HEMMING might need an alibi just in case Lee Harvey Oswald had named HEMMING as his own alibi.

Yet IMHO nobody among the JFK plotters believed that the Patsy would live even two hours after the JFK assassination.

IMHO, if anybody had shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the street, or in the Texas Movie Theater, then Oswald would still have been convicted as the JFK assassin, based on the placement of his rifle on the 6th floor of the TSBD, along with three spent shell casings, as well as the New Orleans TV film of Oswald claiming to be a fanatical supporter of Fidel Castro and Cuba.

Alive or dead, the Patsy was already convicted.

HEMMING had the alibi that he was in Miami (and of course I don't know whether he really was there or in Dallas). But the fact that Loran Hall had HEMMING's rifle in Dallas looked really bad for HEMMING -- making him a possible "Plotter".

By the way -- if Loran Hall had been selected as the Patsy -- and then shot dead in the street by the actual Plotters -- then he would have been convicted as somebody who had once fought in battles alongside Fidel Castro and Che Guevara -- because he really did. And so did HEMMING.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Under my scenario, if Lee Harvey Oswald had turned down Gerry Patrick Hemming's offer of double the price of his rifle to bring it to the TSBD on Friday, they would have selected some other Patsy -- possibly including Hemming himself.
I say this because Hemming himself suggested it -- because Loran Hall was in Dallas on 11/22/1963, and he had in his possession Gerry Patrick Hemming's own rifle! This is actually part of the FBI record, and many here know the story very well.
I believe that many Patsies had been pre-identified. Loran Hall himself was probably a possible Patsy; since the FBI could trace Hemming's rifle to Hall, and Hall was the guy who was in Dallas.
Maybe Harry Dean was a possible Patsy as well -- Harry Dean himself suggested this to me, since Harry was close to Loran Hall, and also was a former Secretary for the FPCC in Chicago.
This seems to me to be confirmed by Joseph Milteer's statement to Willie Somerset, namely, "They will pick up SOMEBODY within hours."
Milteer didn't name the Patsy -- there were plenty to choose from, IMHO.
--Paul Trejo

Didn't GPH have an alibi? Like, he was playing chess with his buddies in Miami and called someone as soon as he heard about the assassination?

-- Tommy :sun

Well, Tommy, according to A.J. Weberman, it was HEMMING himself who confessed to Weberman that he called Lee Harvey Oswald on some public telephone on November 21st, 1963.

So, if HEMMING was confessing to Weberman (as Weberman said) then why would HEMMING need an alibi for his story?

Or maybe you mean that HEMMING would need an alibi just in case Loran Hall was arrested.

Or, if Weberman is correct (as I believe he is) then of course HEMMING might need an alibi just in case Lee Harvey Oswald had named HEMMING as his own alibi.

Yet IMHO nobody among the JFK plotters believed that the Patsy would live even two hours after the JFK assassination.

IMHO, if anybody had shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the street, or in the Texas Movie Theater, then Oswald would still have been convicted as the JFK assassin, based on the placement of his rifle on the 6th floor of the TSBD, along with three spent shell casings, as well as the New Orleans TV film of Oswald claiming to be a fanatical supporter of Fidel Castro and Cuba.

Alive or dead, the Patsy was already convicted.

HEMMING had the alibi that he was in Miami (and of course I don't know whether he really was there or in Dallas). But the fact that Loran Hall had HEMMING's rifle in Dallas looked really bad for HEMMING -- making him a possible "Plotter".

By the way -- if Loran Hall had been selected as the Patsy -- and then shot dead in the street by the actual Plotters -- then he would have been convicted as somebody who had once fought in battles alongside Fidel Castro and Che Guevara -- because he really did. And so did HEMMING.


--Paul Trejo

Did Hemming say he told Oswald that he (Hemming) would pick up the MC at the TSBD on 11/22/63, himself?

Hemming logically assumed that he would be a suspect and was trying to establish, by calling someone on 11/22/63, that he was in Florida, not Dallas.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Did Hemming say he told Oswald that he (Hemming) would pick up the MC at the TSBD on 11/22/63, himself?

Hemming logically assumed that he would be a suspect and was trying to establish, by calling someone on 11/22/63, that he was in Florida, not Dallas.

The story IIRC from A.J. Weberman is that HEMMING called OSWALD on some public phone to offer him double the price of his Mannlicher-Carcano if only he would bring it to the Texas School Book Depository on the morning of 11/22/1963.

HEMMING claimed that he called from Miami, and so the obvious implication was that some third party, known to both HEMMING and OSWALD, would be the person to pick up the rifle.

Would this be Loran Hall? We have nothing further from A.J. Weberman on the topic.

We do have some clues from Jeff Caufield's new book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy (2015), namely, that the plotters of the JFK assassination were well-known figures of the Radical Right, and that OSWALD himself had begun to move within the Radical Right while he was in New Orleans.

This means that any well-known figures in the Radical Right could have been the pick-up men for the MC rifle.

Another suspect comes to mind immediately -- Roscoe White. Photographer Jack White says that Roscoe White's chin, neck, shoulders, right wrist and stance are featured in OSWALD'S Backyard Photographs. Roscoe White was a well-known member of the Radical Right in Dallas -- and also was familiar with OSWALD in the Marines.

There is a book from 1993 by Ron Lewis, who was one of the many advisers to Oliver Stone for his 1992 movie, JFK, and the title of that book is, Flashback: The Untold Story of Lee Harvey Oswald. In that book, Ron Lewis claims that OSWALD told Ron that Guy Banister was blackmailing OSWALD because of the Walker shooting, and that Roscoe White was OSWALD's contact in Dallas.

Maybe Loran Hall. Maybe Roscoe White. We have multiple suspects for the pickup men.

As for your suggestion that perhaps HEMMING made that call from Miami to Dallas to establish his own alibi -- that also makes sense to me. Yet at the same time it suggests that HEMMING had prior knowledge of the JFK assassination details. This is exactly what A.J. Weberman has always said.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Did Hemming say he told Oswald that he (Hemming) would pick up the MC at the TSBD on 11/22/63, himself?

Hemming logically assumed that he would be a suspect and was trying to establish, by calling someone on 11/22/63, that he was in Florida, not Dallas.

The story IIRC from A.J. Weberman is that HEMMING called OSWALD on some public phone to offer him double the price of his Mannlicher-Carcano if only he would bring it to the Texas School Book Depository on the morning of 11/22/1963.

HEMMING claimed that he called from Miami, and so the obvious implication was that some third party, known to both HEMMING and OSWALD, would be the person to pick up the rifle.

Would this be Loran Hall? We have nothing further from A.J. Weberman on the topic.

We do have some clues from Jeff Caufield's new book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy (2015), namely, that the plotters of the JFK assassination were well-known figures of the Radical Right, and that OSWALD himself had begun to move within the Radical Right while he was in New Orleans.

This means that any well-known figures in the Radical Right could have been the pick-up men for the MC rifle.

One suspect comes to mind immediately -- Roscoe White. Photographer Jack White says that Roscoe White's chin, neck, shoulders, right wrist and stance are featured in OSWALD'S Backyard Photographs. Roscoe White was a well-known member of the Radical Right in Dallas -- and also was familiar with OSWALD in the Marines.

There is a book in 1993 by Ron Lewis, who was one of the many advisers to Oliver Stone for his 1992 movie, JFK, and the title of that book is, Flashback: The Untold Story of Lee Harvey Oswald. In that book, Ron Lewis claims that OSWALD told Ron that Guy Banister was blackmailing him because of the Walker shooting, and that Roscoe White was OSWALD's contact in Dallas.

Maybe Loran Hall. Maybe Roscoe White. We have multiple suspects for the pickup men.

As for your suggestion that perhaps HEMMING made that call from Miami to Dallas to establish his own alibi -- that also makes sense to me. Yet at the same time it suggests that HEMMING had prior knowledge of the JFK assassination details. This is exactly what A.J. Weberman has always said.


--Paul Trejo

Dear Paul,

In an earlier post you wrote: "Under my scenario, if Lee Harvey Oswald had turned down Gerry Patrick Hemming's offer of double the price of his rifle to bring it to the TSBD on Friday, they would have selected some other Patsy -- possibly including Hemming himself." [emphasis added]

So, it's not logical that Hemming would have been the backup patsy if Oswald had refused to sell the MC, or if he'd called in sick on 11/22/63, right?

Because Hemming wasn't in Dallas on 11/22/63. He was in Florida.

-- Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Dear Paul,

In an earlier post you wrote: "Under my scenario, if Lee Harvey Oswald had turned down Gerry Patrick Hemming's offer of double the price of his rifle to bring it to the TSBD on Friday, they would have selected some other Patsy -- possibly including Hemming himself." [emphasis added]

So, it's not logical that Hemming would have been the backup patsy if Oswald had refused to sell the MC, or if he'd called in sick on 11/22/63, right?

Because Hemming wasn't in Dallas on 11/22/63. He was in Florida.

-- Tommy :sun


Since I'm exploring bare possibilities which have not been substantially explored in the past 50 years, your questions are all valid.

Yet my first question is this: what proof do we have that Gerry Patrick HEMMING was really and truly in Miami?

HEMMING had many folks working for him, so to speak, inside Interpen. These guys would die for each other, and some did, and so I have little doubt that if HEMMING wanted somebody to make a call in his name from Florida he could have done so easily.

If there is no proof that HEMMING was in Miami, and perhaps some evidence that HEMMING was in Dallas, then we would be on more solid ground.

Now, let's say that we do have proof that HEMMING was in Miami. Then what?

Then we are pushed back onto HEMMING's own words -- his own statements about why he hated Loran Hall so much, and why Loran Hall said that he hated HEMMING so much -- and this was their bitter argument about Loran Hall having possession of HEMMING's own high-powered rifle in Dallas, without the permission of HEMMING himself.

This of course, brings up the old story of Dick Hathcock and his pawn shop account to the FBI about HEMMING's rifle and Loran Hall.

In other words -- even if HEMMING was in Miami, the fact that the FBI seized HEMMING's rifle on 11/22/1963 in Dallas was a big problem for HEMMING. If it had not been for Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest and public conviction as the "Lone Nut" shooter, there would have been a major scandal involving Loran Hall and Gerry Patrick HEMMING, would there not?

It was not merely my opinion, but HEMMING's own words which first expressed the worry that HEMMING could have been made into a prime suspect of the JFK assassination.

HEMMING's worry was logical.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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