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Unicorns, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Other Lies You Were Told as a Child

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I'm quite certain there is no other thread with on this topic, so this thread should be safe.

In this thread, in the following days, I will discuss certain items of evidence from the JFK assassination along with the topics of unicorns, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, and demonstrate where I believe we have been taken in.

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Can't wait to see what you've got.

There are so many things I could list.

The SBT.

The shot count.

The actual feat of hitting anything without apparently taking any time to aim and calculate lead.

The idea that the assassin planned to accomplish this act with less than a full clip.

I boggle my own mind every time I think about these things.

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Hi Chris

Due to certain rules being enforced, I do not feel it is a good idea for me to present any arguments or evidence on this thread.

I will be posting arguments and evidence on the thread "There was no Bullet Hole in John F. Kennedy's Throat". As the majority of material I will be posting is related to the throat wound, the nick in the tie and the "slits" below the collar button of JFK's shirt, I believe this to be a more appropriate place to post this material.

Be there, or be square! :)

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