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The Cover-up

Greg Wagner

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Hello All-

I'm new here, so please forgive my inexperience. After reading several threads over the last few weeks, I realize that I am likely less informed on this topic than most of you. But here goes:

There is certainly no shortage of angles to approach this from and all are worthwile, important, and must be investigated. But regardless of which theory of the events in DP one subscribes to, the fact that the U.S. Government and the major media in this country refuse address or acknowledge the concerns surrounding an event of this magnitude, one that was a major turning point in our nation's history, to me is the most damning indictment of complicity at the highest levels of Government. Although I would certainly expect nothing else out of "W" or his father, who in my mind must have at least known of the plot given his position and Texas connections, but what about men like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton? Carter strikes me as a good and decent man who would not participate in such a cover-up. And Clinton, regardless of what you think of him, was a very popular President who admired JFK. And yet they never uttered a peep! What I wouldn't give to have a few beers alone with one of them and pop the question. Or what about someone who would arguably be even more powerful, like a Rob Walton (worth $20 billion), a Bill Gates (worth $60 Billion), or even a George Soros (worth several billion). Do they not care. Or are even they being controlled? My point is, how can Presidents, Senators like Ted Kennedy and John McCain, and captains of industry like Gates, the Walton's, Soros, Buffet (Warren, not Jimmy), Paul Allen, Larry Ellison, etc. all be under someone's control? Sure, some of these guys (or maybe all of them) are political conservatives, but I have to believe that at least a few of them are good men. And frankly, with that kind of wealth and power, it's very frightening to think that someone could be so much more powerful as to intimidate them.

Sorry if I'm rambling, but that is a part of this whole deal that is most troubling for me. If my theory of the events in DP are correct (conspiracy spear-headed by right-wing elements of the CIA and Pentagon in conjunction with Big Oil and Defense contractors), then the cover-up is still intact. And that means that the perprtrators have been running the Country ever since, up to and including today.

So, to sum up... what the hell?!? Does anyone think that there is a chance that one of the aforementioned (or someone else with the means to speak out and be heard and be considered credible) will ever grow a pair, decide to do right by the Country that allowed them to achieve their great economic or political success, and help in this fight? It's amazing how far the research of private citizens has taken this cause. But I can't help but wonder how much longer the enemy could hold it together if we had a national figure, with credibility and significant economic and/or political power, to step out and lead this cause.

Thank you very much for the forum. I really appreciate all of your posts and research.


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Reasonable Post.

You should get a real name, bio and picture, though, you will be taken more seriously.

Short answer, they don't know and don't want to know. About the last thing a Bill Clinton or a Jimmy Carter is going to do is call in the CIA chief and say tell me everything you know about the assassinations. They have their suspicions and don't rock the boat. Power in the stock market doesn't add up to political power in the secret classified environment. Soros and Buffett don't know and don't want to know. A certain kind of blindness affects the senses of the elites, a lack of curiosity, an unwillingness to risk present advantage for future truths...the Ford Slip, the Blakey conclusions, thats about all you will get....the general sense that it is past and should stay buried, these are the essence of PATRIOTIC NATIONALIST SELF INTEREST:

see no evil

hear no evil

speak no evil

My country right or wrong, the past is behind us, let sleeping dogs lie. That is the essence of the moderate political elite's mindset. Critical thinkers, investigative reformers and fearless folk ((like us)) refuse to bend to such cultural dogma, and we break free of our nationalistic indoctrination, rejecting the false paradigm in favor of ruthless quests for truth and satisfactory explanations of the evidence.


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As much as I would like to agree on Carter and Clinton, I regret to say that you are most likely wrong. There is no way that Clinton could have been unaware of all the drugs imports into Mena Arkansas, when he was governor there. Did you know he signed a release order for Barry Seal within days after his arrest?

It was Carter who recieved the 3 page letter of a concerned citizen named Billy Lord, who was a roommate of Lee harvey Oswald.


It was also Carter who joined Jack Valenti, Gerald Ford and LBJ's widow in their succesfull effort to ban the latest history channel documentaries.


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Hello All-

I'm new here, so please forgive my inexperience. After reading several threads over the last few weeks, I realize that I am likely less informed on this topic than most of you. But here goes:

There is certainly no shortage of angles to approach this from and all are worthwile, important, and must be investigated. But regardless of which theory of the events in DP one subscribes to, the fact that the U.S. Government and the major media in this country refuse address or acknowledge the concerns surrounding an event of this magnitude, one that was a major turning point in our nation's history, to me is the most damning indictment of complicity at the highest levels of Government. Although I would certainly expect nothing else out of "W" or his father, who in my mind must have at least known of the plot given his position and Texas connections, but what about men like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton? Carter strikes me as a good and decent man who would not participate in such a cover-up. And Clinton, regardless of what you think of him, was a very popular President who admired JFK. And yet they never uttered a peep! What I wouldn't give to have a few beers alone with one of them and pop the question. Or what about someone who would arguably be even more powerful, like a Rob Walton (worth $20 billion), a Bill Gates (worth $60 Billion), or even a George Soros (worth several billion). Do they not care. Or are even they being controlled? My point is, how can Presidents, Senators like Ted Kennedy and John McCain, and captains of industry like Gates, the Walton's, Soros, Buffet (Warren, not Jimmy), Paul Allen, Larry Ellison, etc. all be under someone's control? Sure, some of these guys (or maybe all of them) are political conservatives, but I have to believe that at least a few of them are good men. And frankly, with that kind of wealth and power, it's very frightening to think that someone could be so much more powerful as to intimidate them.

Sorry if I'm rambling, but that is a part of this whole deal that is most troubling for me. If my theory of the events in DP are correct (conspiracy spear-headed by right-wing elements of the CIA and Pentagon in conjunction with Big Oil and Defense contractors), then the cover-up is still intact. And that means that the perprtrators have been running the Country ever since, up to and including today.

So, to sum up...  what the hell?!? Does anyone think that there is a chance that one of the aforementioned (or someone else with the means to speak out and be heard and be considered credible) will ever grow a pair, decide to do right by the Country that allowed them to achieve their great economic or political success, and help in this fight? It's amazing how far the research of private citizens has taken this cause. But I can't help but wonder how much longer the enemy could hold it together if we had a national figure, with credibility and significant economic and/or political power, to step out and lead this cause.

Thank you very much for the forum. I really appreciate all of your posts and research.



Welcome aboard the train.

For General information check out former government investigator Rodney Stich and his exhaustive work.

For information about Clinton just type in "Clinton Body Count".

For Bush do the same, "Bush Body Count".

For Bill Gates type in "Bilderberg members NWO".

For Carter do a search with "Trilateral Commission and Nelson Rockefeller".

For John McCain "Keating Five Cover-up" Looting the Savings and Loans.

For Warren Buffet "Arnold for President".

For overall mayhem look up Illuminati and international bankers.

Follow the money.

This should help get you started. Warning!!! Studying about all this leads to ultimate frustration when you realize you're a mouse fightin' a gorilla. If we all fight the gorilla, instead of each other, then maybe we can get our country back.



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But regardless of which theory of the events in DP one subscribes to, the fact that the U.S. Government and the major media in this country refuse address or acknowledge the concerns surrounding an event of this magnitude, one that was a major turning point in our nation's history, to me is the most damning indictment of complicity at the highest levels of Government. Although I would certainly expect nothing else out of "W" or his father, who in my mind must have at least known of the plot given his position and Texas connections, but what about men like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton? Carter strikes me as a good and decent man who would not participate in such a cover-up. And Clinton, regardless of what you think of him, was a very popular President who admired JFK. And yet they never uttered a peep!

Good question. I have attempted to explain on other threads why Lyndon Johnson and Robert Kennedy took part in the cover up. For example, see:


There have been politicians in the United States that have suggested that if they gained power they would look into the possible cover up. This included Gary Hart and we all know what happened to him.

Maybe Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton have made attempts to discover the truth. However, I suspect there is little evidence left that could be used against the originally conspirators. Even if there was, for example, the CIA and FBI files on Lee Harvey Oswald, Carter and Clinton would have had to push very hard to get that information. They would soon have been advised that they were entering dangerous territory. I think it is unlikely that they would not have felt that the issue was not worth upsetting powerful groups like the CIA or the FBI. After all, look what happened to Kennedy when he took on the CIA.

In the UK there was an attempt by MI5 to destabilize the government of Harold Wilson. Since Wilson resigned we have had several Labour governments. However, none of them have attempted to investigate what the MI5 got up to during this period. I suspect they have taken the same attitude as Carter and Clinton. After all, as Blair recently found out, sometimes you need the help of the secret services. You are unlikely to get that help if you have been calling for them to be investigated for illegal behaviour.

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But regardless of which theory of the events in DP one subscribes to, the fact that the U.S. Government and the major media in this country refuse address or acknowledge the concerns surrounding an event of this magnitude, one that was a major turning point in our nation's history, to me is the most damning indictment of complicity at the highest levels of Government. Although I would certainly expect nothing else out of "W" or his father, who in my mind must have at least known of the plot given his position and Texas connections, but what about men like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton? Carter strikes me as a good and decent man who would not participate in such a cover-up. And Clinton, regardless of what you think of him, was a very popular President who admired JFK. And yet they never uttered a peep!

Good question. I have attempted to explain on other threads why Lyndon Johnson and Robert Kennedy took part in the cover up. For example, see:


There have been politicians in the United States that have suggested that if they gained power they would look into the possible cover up. This included Gary Hart and we all know what happened to him.

Maybe Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton have made attempts to discover the truth. However, I suspect there is little evidence left that could be used against the originally conspirators. Even if there was, for example, the CIA and FBI files on Lee Harvey Oswald, Carter and Clinton would have had to push very hard to get that information. They would soon have been advised that they were entering dangerous territory. I think it is unlikely that they would not have felt that the issue was not worth upsetting powerful groups like the CIA or the FBI. After all, look what happened to Kennedy when he took on the CIA.

In the UK there was an attempt by MI5 to destabilize the government of Harold Wilson. Since Wilson resigned we have had several Labour governments. However, none of them have attempted to investigate what the MI5 got up to during this period. I suspect they have taken the same attitude as Carter and Clinton. After all, as Blair recently found out, sometimes you need the help of the secret services. You are unlikely to get that help if you have been calling for them to be investigated for illegal behaviour.

Thanks to all for your astute observations. And thanks to Shanet and John for the advice on getting set-up on the forum.

To date, I have not conducted any independent research, but I do have a couple of ideas I'm working on. Until then, hopefully I can contribute by providing some useful commentary or questions from time to time.

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As much as I would like to agree on Carter and Clinton, I regret to say that you are most likely wrong. There is no way that Clinton could have been unaware of all the drugs imports into Mena Arkansas, when he was governor there. Did you know he signed a release order for Barry Seal within days after his arrest?


Wim's point about Clinton actually supports Shanet's argument about the gatekeeping requirements of power. If Clinton turned a blind eye to federal operations at Mena which were later shown to be black in the darkest sense, that simply means that he understood, as Shanet apparently does, the nature of power. Just to reiterate, Shanet wrote:

"About the last thing a Bill Clinton or a Jimmy Carter is going to do is call in the CIA chief and say tell me everything you know about the assassinations. They have their suspicions and don't rock the boat. Power in the stock market doesn't add up to political power in the secret classified environment. Soros and Buffett don't know and don't want to know. A certain kind of blindness affects the senses of the elites, a lack of curiosity, an unwillingness to risk present advantage for future truths...the Ford Slip, the Blakey conclusions, thats about all you will get....the general sense that it is past and should stay buried, these are the essence of PATRIOTIC NATIONALIST SELF INTEREST:

see no evil

hear no evil

speak no evil

My country right or wrong, the past is behind us, let sleeping dogs lie. That is the essence of the moderate political elite's mindset."

I couldn't say it better.


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