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David Josephs

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Without a doubt, the movements and activities on Nov 22 of the Captain of Personnel - William WESTBROOK - are strange to say the least while being extremely suspect in their indication of WESTBROOK's involvement/complicity in the day's events.

At the beginning of his testimony he seems to casually mention something about "False Reports"...  He is in the process of walking to the TSBD after hearing next to nothing about the events...
How would he know at this early time ANY reports were false unless they were so blatant as to be absurd.  A minor point but only the tip of the berg

I sat around a while really not knowing what to do because of the--almost all of the commanding officers and supervisors were out of the city hall and I finally couldn't stand it any longer, so I started to the Texas Depository Building, and believe it or not, I walked. There wasn't a car available, and so I walked from the city hall to the Depository Building, and I would stop on the way down where there would be a group of people listening to somebody's transistor radio and I would stop and catch a few false reports, you might say, at that time, until I reached the building. 


Westbrook did not write many reports about that day - and the ones he did write conflict terribly with that of a reporter, JIM EWELL, traveling with him.

According to his first statement put to paper on Dec 3..., while at the Tippit shooting location he learns of the Texas Theater convergence....  He says here that he, FBI SA Barrett and a "radio patrolman" took a squad car to the rear of the Texas Theater...  (yet another of his personnel he doesn't know)

The reports of Baggett, Hutson, Stringer and Hawkins do their best to corroborate for their boss's statements... yet their statements have Capt Talbert at the rear of the theater along with a running pickup truck... yet here too is a small clue... Stringer is a direct report to WESTBROOK...  he says in his report that WESTBROOK "returned to the alley"

0705-001.gif  1480149056_StringerstatementaboutWESTBROOKreturningtotherearofthetheater.thumb.jpg.67ac07a806f7375ae027529d7adf20ef.jpg


From the statements of JIM EWELL, reporter for the Dallas Morning News:

And yet, I left the location at the School Book Depository and jumped into a car driven by Captain Westbrook with Sergeant Stringer. I rode in the back seat as we sped across into Oak Cliff by taking the Houston Street Viaduct right beside the Dallas News...

They were discussing it when the report came in that the person they thought might be the police officer’s assailant had gone into the Texas Theatre. Now we were on East Jefferson, so I’m thinking that we were about five blocks from that location. Immediately, Captain Westbrook and Sergeant Stringer ran back to their car, which was across the street, and I ran to jump in the backseat. By that time, they were already turning out and accelerating. When I got in the backset with the door still hanging open, I came out of the car hanging onto the door. They slowed down long enough for me to get back in, as I could have been flung out against the gravel into a curb if I hadn’t held on.
      Anyway, when we arrived at the Texas Theatre, we parked right in front and everybody jumped out and went into the lobby.


Please try to remember that WESTBROOK was Capt of PERSONNEL... as you investigate the man deeper, notice how many officers' names about which  he simply has no clue...


Mr. WESTBROOK. It could have been, sir; I don't recall, because I directed someone there to be sure and get her name for the report, but she lived directly across the street, and she told us--or was in the process of telling us how it occurred--what she had seen, when someone hollered a patrolman hollered--"It's just come over the radio that they've got a suspicious person in the Texas Theatre." 
Then, Sergeant Stringer, I, and Agent Barrett got in another squad car, and I don't know what officer was driving this one, but then when we arrived and were approaching the theatre, I directed the patrolman to turn down into the alley instead of going around to the front because I figured there would be a lot of cars at the front. There were two or three at the back. 

Mr. BALL. Did you see him taken from the theatre? 
Mr. WESTBROOK. No, sir; because I went the other way. 
Mr. BALL. You went to the back? 
; he went out the front and I never saw Oswald again--- that's the last time I saw him.

EWELL:  . Oswald then took my place in the backseat of the same car that I arrived in.

Mr. BALL. Now, what did you do after that? 
Mr. WESTBROOK. I went back to the city hall and resumed my desk. 


One wonders why WESTBROOK and EWELL's account would differ so wildly on such basic items as who was in the car and where they parked...
We are to remember the story of Bernard Haire who swears up and down that Oswald was removed out the back of the theater and driven away by police along with his corroboration via
Butch Burroughs... who said he served Oswald at 1:10 and also describes the incident out the back of the theater...

the connection of these two events  1) WESTBROOK or EWELL terribly mistaken about where they got out of their car - or even if they traveled together and 2) the alley behind the theater being the stage for an event only those back there could speak to...  so who was back there?

Baggett, Hutson, Hawkins, Talbert,
and now we know WESTBROOK and STRINGER had to have been back there too....

Add in HILL and you have virtually the entire "PERSONNEL DIV" of the DPD...  Hill, btw, was transferred to WESTBROOK's Personnel Div about the same time Oswald was hired.

As the man in charge of Personnel his first duty would have been to contact Tippit's family...  we come to find he NEVER does this... they find out about J.D. on TV.

WESTBROOK, and the small handful of men helping him, made his presence known in every one of the significant locations that day...
Pretty impressive for a man with a desk job...



Butch Burroughs, who witnessed Oswald’s arrest, startled me in his interview by saying he saw a second arrest occur in the Texas Theater only “three or four minutes later.”[444] He said the Dallas Police then arrested “an Oswald lookalike.” Burroughs said the second man “looked almost like Oswald, like he was his brother or something.”[445] When I questioned the comparison by asking, “Could you see the second man as well as you could see Oswald?” he said, “Yes, I could see both of them. They looked alike.”[446] After the officers half-carried and half-dragged Oswald to the police car in front of the theater, within a space of three or four minutes, Burroughs saw the second Oswald placed under arrest and handcuffed. The Oswald look-alike, however, was taken by police not out the front but out the back of the theater.[447]

What happened next we can learn from another neglected witness, Bernard Haire.[448]

Bernard J. Haire was the owner of Bernie’s Hobby House, just two doors east of the Texas Theater. Haire went outside his store when he saw police cars congregating in front of the theater.[449] When he couldn’t see what was happening because of the crowd, he went back through his store into the alley out back. It, too, was full of police cars, but there were fewer spectators. Haire walked up the alley. When he stopped opposite the rear door of the theater, he witnessed what he would think for decades was the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald.

“Police brought a young white man out,” Haire told an interviewer. “The man was dressed in a pullover shirt and slacks. He seemed to be flushed, as if he’d been in a struggle. Police put the man in a police car and drove off.”[450]

When Haire was told in 1987 that Lee Harvey Oswald had been brought out the frontof the theater by police, he was shocked.

“I don’t know who I saw arrested,” he said in bewilderment.[451]


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When Tippit and Nelson are moved from their Patrol Zones to Oak Cliff....  to cover since everyone else was reporting to Dealey Plaza or the Trade Mart


Who then was covering Patrol zones 78 and 87 which both men just left? 

and was was OAK CLIFF a more important area to patrol than any other?

If it was indeed WESTBROOK in the 2nd Police Car in the Alley, he KNEW Tippit was on his way to that exact location...
Dispatcher Murray Jackson was a friend of Tippit's... who gives his reason for the strange order as "we were draining the Oak Cliff Area of available Police Officers"


The Oak Cliff patrolmen were SO effective they were needed at Elm/Houston?
And both Tippit's and Nelson's areas were so locked down there was no need for them there?

Does anyone know WHO LEFT OAK CLIFF which required TIPPIT and Nelson to be reassigned...  and why does NELSON disregard the order?

12:45 Dispatcher

87, 78, move into central Oak Cliff area.

1:19 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) I'm in my car here at Elm and Houston. Do you want me over there?
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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

When Tippit and Nelson are moved from their Patrol Zones to Oak Cliff....  to cover since everyone else was reporting to Dealey Plaza or the Trade Mart


Who then was covering Patrol zones 78 and 87 which both men just left?

Does anyone know WHO LEFT OAK CLIFF which required TIPPIT and Nelson to be reassigned...  and why does NELSON disregard the order?





I don't know if this will help you, but...

Here's a map of the DPD radio patrol districts in the SW section of Dallas (Oak Cliff). I'm sorry, but I don't remember where I got this - it's been a long time ago. If you copy and paste the jpg into a image editing program, you should be able to enlarge it.



Here's a list of officers in Batchelor's Exhibit 5002 for the second platoon, Patrol Division, SW Area Substation. This is page 10 of that pdf file:




Finally, here's a list of DPD Officers with call signs running from 21 through 113 (the districts that show up on the district map shown above). This list was drawn up bu a man named Russ Shearer back in around 1990:

21 Patrolman D. P. Tucker (and) C. R. Graham

22 Patrolman L. L. Hill

23 Patrolman B. E. Barnes

24 Patrolman D. L. Pate


26 Patrolman G. W. Hammond

27 unknown

29 Patrolman J. M. Williams

30 Sergeant Roy C. Childers NW Substation 2nd Platoon)

31 Patrolman J. E. Chism

32 Patrolman N. L. Hackney (and) J. T. Smith

35 Patrolman J. M. Lewis

38 Patrolman F. Woodrow

39 Patrolman J. F. Butcher and C.W. Comer

39, Car 2 Patrolman C. W. Conn

40 Sergeant D. F. Flusche

40, Car 2 unknown

41 Patrolman T. R. Burton

43 Patrolman P. R. Wilkins (See 55)

44 unknown

45 Patrolman N. L. Stranglin

47 Patrolman W. F. Morris

48 Patrolman A. D. Duncan

49 Patrolman C. R. Galbreath

51 Patrolman E. A. Kelly

52 unknown

53 unknown

55 Patrolman G. L. Tolbert (and) P. R. Wilkins (See 43)

56 Patrolman W. P. Parker

57 unknown

58 unknown

60 Sergeant J. A. Putnam

61 Patrolman C. W. Temple (and) R. E. Vaughn

63 unknown

65 Patrolman W. A. Everett (See 67)

66 Patrolman F. S. Williams

67 Patrolman W. A. Everett (See 65)

68 Detective G. Woods

69 Patrolman A. R. Brock

70 Sergeant S. E. Varner

71 Patrolman M. L. Wise

72 Patrolman T. L. Cox

74 unknown

75 Patrolman E. G. Sabastian

76 Patrolman H. H. Horn

77 Patrolman W. E. Smith

78 Patrolman J. D. Tippit

79 Patrolman B. N. Anglin

80 Sergeant H. F. Davis

81 Patrolman J. L. Angell

83 Patrolman P. L. Gross

85 Patrolman R. W. Walker

87 Patrolman R. C. Nelson

91 Patrolman W. D. Mentzel (and) J. W. Courson (See 153)

93 Patrolman H. M. Ashcraft

95 Patrolman M. N. McDonald (and) T. R. Gregory

97 unknown

99 Patrolman S. E. Norman

100 Sergeant W. G. Jennings

101 Patrolman B. L. Bass

102 Patrolman B. L. Jones (and) M. D. Noll

103 Patrolman C. F. Goodson

104 Patrolman J. M. Valentine

105 Patrolman J. M. Poe (and) L. E. Jez (car unit#)

107 Patrolman C. F. Carlson

108 unknown

111 Patrolman J. G. Pollard

111, Car 2 unknown

112 unknown

113 Patrolman C. L. Osburn


Hope this helps you a little bit.


Steve Thomas

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Thanks Steve...  great work as usual...

Any thoughts though on Tippit's friend Dispatcher Murray and who may have told him to send Tippit (and Nelson) to Oak Cliff when

no one was ordered to leave Oak Cliff, and no one was sent to the now empty areas of 78 and 87,,,                 

--- or why Nelson is at Elm/Houston at 1:19 when ordered miles away to 4340 W Davis.. in fact he could not have made the trip from there in the 5 minutes it appears for him to get there...

--- or finally that the 2 men who patrol 10th and Patton are not ordered to Dealey, are not ordered anywhere and are not heard from between 12:30 and 1:04 when they are "91. clear."

So the question is whether Tippit was going to Oak Cliff no matter what and his friend Murray was covering for him  (kinda strange for a booty call at his GF's place as all this is going on... there is a sideline story here about Tippit getting this woman pregnant in Sept '63 and the husband being sure it was not his...  wonder if this man was short, stocky with bushy hair?)

So before we get to Tippit's later movements and motivations...  we know that despite being ordered into "Oak Cliff" which as you show comprises of a number of areas

108 unknown

This is where the Gloco station on Zang's is, where Tippit appeared to be looking for someone or something to come over the viaduct..... it is also as far north in the Oak Cliff patrol area as possible.

...or someone tells Dispatcher Murray to SAY to 78 that he is to be in Oak Cliff "for any emergency"....

12:54 Dispatcher 78
12:54 78 (Ptm. J.D. Tippit) 78
12:54 Dispatcher You are in the Oak Cliff area, are you not?
12:54 78 (Ptm. J.D. Tippit) Lancaster and Eighth.
12:54 Dispatcher You will be at large for any emergency that comes in.
12:54 78 (Ptm. J.D. Tippit) 10-4.



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