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Seeking Referrals To Past Threads That Deal With Oswald's DPD Transfer Security Decisions?

Joe Bauer

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In my couple of years of being on the forum, I notice I keep finding myself coming back to Oswald's murder by Jack Ruby right inside the DPD building basement with what...70 armed security present?

To me, Oswald's murder under those circumstances is the single most serious and effecting action in killing a truly thorough investigation as to the guilt of Oswald and knowing if others were involved in JFK's assassination.

I want to do a study of the decision making process regards Oswald's transfer.

This would include everything the relevant "chain of command" ( DPD and others ) responsible for Oswald's transfer and his security during this claimed they decided to do or not do in this process and why.

Were any of the DPD command instructed to make these decisions by others outside of their authority?

I would ask members who may know of some past threads with relevant information in this area to please refer me to them.

Same goes for books or articles that focus on this aspect of the Oswald murder.

I have read the WC testimonies of Curry, Fritz, Batchelor and M.W. Stevenson.

And in these there are so many discrepancies and they were so poorly and insufficiently questioned especially as to who effected their decisions about Oswald that this area is begging for more scrutiny.

Losing Oswald was THE WHOLE CASE!

Losing Oswald was the greatest most damaging act of security breakdown in American history...with consequences that were so great and society effecting, it's hard for me to accept that heads did not roll and career standings weren't finished after that tragic fiasco.

If I were the President and/or head of the FBI on 11,24,1963 and were "seriously, genuinely and honestly" concerned about finding the truth about the JFK assassination, I would be outraged and even furious that the DPD lost the most important piece of evidence in this case ... with the excuse that they did what they did regarding Oswald's transfer security because ... they didn't want the press to be blocked from seeing Oswald?

Just ONE of the most incredibly false statements after Oswald was whacked by Jack Ruby was Chief Curry's claim that his department did a questioning survey of every DPD officer in the entire DPD who may have known or interacted with Jack Ruby in any way personally or professionally .  His survey results said that "25 officers" answered in the affirmative with "no more than 50 for sure."

Yet, "eye witness" after "eye witness" ( mostly former employees of Ruby ) stated that Jack Ruby knew at least half the Dallas police force during his many years as a club owner in Dallas and his hanging out at the DPD on an almost regular or even semi-regular basis.

Who wouldn't know someone like Jack Ruby who was involved in legality borderline, regularly scrutinized  business operations such as a strip joint for years. And his Carousel Club ads were in the main local paper for years.  "Your Host...JACK RUBY!"  Free drinks for cops!

It seems that half of Chief Curry's 25 DPD officers who knew Ruby were in and around the DPD building basement when Ruby sauntered in.

Officer Patrick Dean knew Ruby and said so on national TV just after Ruby had whacked Oswald.

Jim Leavelle mentions knowing Ruby personally often in his interviews.

DPD officer Blackie Harrison was inches away from Ruby who was hiding behind Harrison just before bursting out in front of Oswald. Read Harrison's WC testimony to see how well acquainted Harrison was with Ruby. And Harrison's police partner ( who also knew Ruby ) was right straight across from Harrison and Ruby during the shooting. 

Ruby mentions names of officers who he knew and saw that day right outside of the basement entrance like they were old pals...Pierce, Vaughn, etc.

And among the affirmative knowing Ruby police officers that responded to Chief Curry's survey...was Roscoe White one of these? White was an employee of the DPD during the JFK killing and Oswald's

White's wife Geneva once worked for Jack Ruby, if only temporarily and Geneva White claimed Ruby even came over to their house on social visits!

You would think Curry would have called every officer who claimed they knew Jack Ruby in for an extensive interview outlining their relationship with Ruby.

And if White was interviewed, do you think he volunteered that he served in the same military units and over seas locations as Oswald during part of his own Marine stint?

I would appreciate the links to other perhaps more detailed threads that go into the chain of command history of Oswald's security transfer on 11,24,1963.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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31 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I have read the WC testimonies of Curry, Fritz, Batchelor and M.W. Stevenson.mmand history of Oswald's security transfer on 11,24,1963.




Look at Patrick Dean and Burt Griffin's interactions with him.


First, is there anything about what you said on the record that was not correct?
Mr. DEAN - No, sir.
Mr. RANKIN - And the truth?
Mr. DEAN - No, sir.
Well, Mr. Griffin had questioned me about 2 hours, or maybe a little longer. There was no problems at all, no difficulties. And after that length of time, a little over 2 hours, Mr. Griffin desired to get off the record, and he advised the court reporter that he would be off the record and he could go smoke a cigarette or get a Coke, and he would let him know when he wanted him to get back on the record.
Well, after the court reporter left, Mr. Griffin started talking to me in a manner of gaining my confidence in that he would help me and that he felt I would probably need some help in the future.
My not knowing what he was building up to, I asked Mr. Griffin to go ahead and ask me what he was going to ask me. He continued to advise me that he wanted me to listen to what he had to say before he asked me whatever question he was going to ask me. I finally told him that whatever he wanted to ask me he could just ask me, and if I knew I would tell him the truth or if I didn't know, I would tell him I didn't know.
Mr. Griffin took my reports, one dated February 18, the subject of it was an interview with Jack Ruby, and one dated November 26, which was my assignment in the basement.
He said there were things in these statements which were not true and, in fact, he said both these statements, he said there were particular things in there that were not true, and I asked him what portions did he consider not true, and then very dogmatically he said that, "Jack Ruby didn't tell you that he entered the basement via the Main Street ramp."

Griffin pretty much told Dean that he committed perjury and could go to jail for it. It got pretty heated.


Steve Thomas

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Steve, I just read all of officer Patrick Dean's WC  testimony via the link you provided.

Just this alone is a gold vein of further inquiry justification that seems to have been relatively untapped.


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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Steve, I just read all of officer Patrick Dean's WC  testimony via the link you provided.

Just this alone is a gold vein of further inquiry justification that seems to have been relatively untapped.




You might be interested in this from Vol. IX of the HSCA Report (pp 139-140)


Dean failed a lie detector test.


Steve Thomas


Edited by Steve Thomas
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On 2/25/2019 at 2:30 PM, Joe Bauer said:

I would appreciate the links to other perhaps more detailed threads that go into the chain of command history of Oswald's security transfer on 11,24,1963.





You might be interested in Peter Lempkin's 2013 reproduction of Martin Shackelford's notes from 2007 in the Deep Politics Forum.

Scroll about 2/3 of the way down the page:


Martin talked about the decision-making process some.


Steve Thomas

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