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Human figures in the second-floor window in Darnell?

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I wonder if Darnell film shows real humans in the second-floor window just two windows to the west from the main entrance. We know from Mrs. Hine's testimony that at least one person was locked in each of two of the second-floor offices having views on Dealey Plaza, and here one Darnell still appears to show maybe two people in one of the second-floor windows. The figure below shows a cropped view of the second-floor windows in Darnell still in the top panel and enhanced views of the window (red rectangle) in the bottom panel. The right-hand side picture in the bottom panel is my interpretation: I see one female having naked forearms crossed in front of her chest and resting low, maybe on the window ledge or a desk. However, there are two distinct bright circles above her head as if there was another person standing behind her and viewing through a binocular. The woman is delineated with a yellow line and the person with binocular standing further in the back is highlighted with a purple line. My pareidolia?


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This is from Mrs. Hine's testimony for the Warren Commission:

Miss HINE. Yes, sir; but there is a door before the steps and the elevator is to my left and I went past the hall that goes to my right and I knocked on the door of Lyons and Carnahan; that's a publishing company. 
Mr. BALL. What did you do then? 
Miss HINE. I tried the door, sir, and it was locked and I couldn't get in and I called, "Me, please let me in," because she's the girl that had that office, Mrs. Lee Watley, and she didn't answer. I don't know if she was there or not, then I left her door. I retraced my steps back to where the hall turns to my left and went down it to Southwestern Publishing Co.'s door and I tried their door and the reason for this was because those windows face out. 
Mr. BALL. On to Elm? 
Miss HINE. Yes; and on to the triple underpass. 
Mr. BALL. I See. 
Miss HINE. And there was a girl in there talking on the telephone and I could hear her but she didn't answer the door. 
Mr. BALL. Was the door locked? 
Miss HINE. Yes, sir. 
Mr. BALL. That was which company? 
Miss HINE. Southwestern Publishing Co. 
Mr. BALL. Did you call to her? 
Miss HINE. I called and called and shook the door and she didn't answer me because she was talking on the telephone; I could hear her. They have a little curtain up and I could see her form through the curtains. I could see her talking and I knew that's what she was doing and then I turned and went through the back hall and came through the back door. 


I read this testimony that there were women in Lyons and Carnahan and Southwestern Publishing, one in each of these two offices. I am not sure about the reasons why the offices were locked. I do not know how many seconds after the last shot it took Mr. Hine to knock on the first of the two offices (10-15 seconds?), however, the phone lines were on during the shooting as one of the office ladies already was on the phone, and she was having the call for some time already (she was not e.g., attempting to dial).

Apparently, there is also a CT theory that the 2nd-floor offices served as a logistics centre of the assassination plot, however, I could not find any solid sources in support of this theory.

That said, I guess the content of the window is blurry and what I see in those shapes may not be what other people see.  Perhaps a better version of Darnell will shed some more light on that window too.




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