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Douglas Caddy

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This Israeli scientist is searching for aliens – and he takes his job very seriously

From the article: Loeb hopes his new book – written for a mainstream audience – will get more people interested in the need to find a new Earth, but there’s a part of him that’s still trying to convince his fellow astrophysicists of the legitimacy of searching for aliens. To that end, he has just completed a manuscript for “Life in the Cosmos,” an 870-page science textbook about the search for extraterrestrials to be published by Harvard University Press this summer.

https://forward.com/news/463068/this-israeli-scientist-is-searching-for-aliens-and-he-takes-his-job-very/?utm_source=PostUp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Sunday Newsletter RSS&utm_maildate=01/31/2021


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This topic has always maintained that President Nixon was privileged to have been given information that permitted him in 1972 to foresee that in 2020 a cataclysmic event would affect not only America but the whole world. The Covid-19 Pandemic was and is that event. It was created by the Alien Presence that will also determine when it will end.  All this is a prelude to the Alien Presence offering the peoples of planet Earth a new world if we will take it, a world that will be beneficial and positive in nature and not detrimental and negative.

China should not be targeted for blame as having originated the Pandemic. That nation is as puzzled as is the rest of the world as to how the Pandemic began.

WHO Busts Wuhan Myths: Pandemic started with wild Animal, not Lab, and Wet Market wasn’t Ground Zero


WHO Busts Wuhan Myths: Pandemic started with wild Animal, not Lab, and Wet Market wasn't Ground Zero (juancole.com)



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I highly recommend that you listen to this (free) interview with author Steven S. Lazarus who discusses his brilliant new book, The Day After The Singularity. He says that the New World may be close at hand for those willing to take it. Be sure to read all the listeners’ comments about the show.

One of the Best UFO Shows We’ve Ever Done – WHITLEY STRIEBER'S UNKNOWN COUNTRY

Here is the comment of one listener to the program:

Wow, amazing talk. BTW, if you haven’t already read this now out of print (except from second hand stores) visionary novel, which was written by way of Psychic download (according to the author), then J. Edwin Carter’s Living Is Forever is a Must read book! Blurb:
“When catastrophic events [Pole shift and major floods] shake the Earth, killing hundreds of millions, a small band of idealists works to create a new Earth of peace and justice [at which point the Galactic Federation of Alien Species that have been keeping themselves hidden come out of hiding to help us out in the open].

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Summary of coasttocoastam show of Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dr. John Mack, an eminent Harvard psychiatrist, and Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer risked his career to investigate the phenomenon of human encounters with aliens and give credibility to the people who were convinced they had happened. In the first half, New York Times journalist Ralph Blumenthal shared his research into the late John Mack and his brave exploration of alien abduction. Mack was a genuine expert in human psychology, so if anyone could debunk the abductees' claims, it would have been him, Blumenthal noted. Among the items that Mack found so compelling about the reports of alien contact, were:

·   The consistency of the narratives across countries, age groups, and professions.

·   Physical signs that couldn't be explained.

·   The association of UFO sightings.

·   The lack of pathology in the witnesses. 

While Mack worked with other prominent alien abduction researchers such as Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, he eventually came to believe there was a spiritual or interdimensional aspect to alien contact, whereas Hopkins and Jacobs thought it occurred in the physical plane. Blumenthal recounted Harvard's disciplinary proceedings against Mack, a kind of "inquisition," where they demanded evidence or proof of his alien claims. Eventually, Mack brought on tough legal representation to defend him, including Daniel Sheehan. It was a clash of world views, Blumenthal said, but in the end, Harvard backed down and Mack was not censured. At the time of his death (hit by a drunk driver in London in 2004), he was immersed in research on the afterlife.

John Mack's Abduction Research / High Strangeness at the 'Meadow' | Coast to Coast AM


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Scientist Von Braun predicted a man named ‘Elon’ would colonise Mars in book written 70 YEARS ago


Scientist predicted a man named 'Elon' would colonise Mars in book written 70 YEARS ago (thesun.co.uk)


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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