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Yet another Harvey & Lee factoid that doesn't withstand scrutiny?


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LN's: The conspiracy theorists aren't moving the needle of history one iota!

Jim Hargrove: We don't need to. The majority of people already believe there was a conspiracy, and always have since 1963.

LN's: The number of Americans who think there was a conspiracy is completely, utterly irrelevant!


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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Does the ignore function still work?

Yes, thank goodness. I was wrong to take some of the members in this forum off my ignore list and try to engage them in a good faith debate. It's a mistake I hope I will not repeat. Every so often I think "Maybe there is something they really can contribute that will help further my understanding," and every time I am disappointed.

It's a real shame, because I love my Lone Nut friends and neighbors. I value a loyal opposition, and will always choose to have one over not having one. It helps to have a strong and dedicated advocate for the other side of the story when searching for the truth. Too bad Lee Harvey Oswald was never afforded that opportunity. Lee Harvey Oswald never had his day in court, but that doesn't stop lawyers and other reasonable people on this forum proclaiming him guilty based on the flimsiest of evidence.

Let's face it. Most people alive at the time knew something wasn't right the minute Ruby shot Oswald. If you want to use reason, common sense, and logic, the only reasonable conclusion is that Oswald was silenced.

The official position of the United States Government right this very moment is that JFK was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. This is based upon analysis of the police dictabelt recording. Anyone who says there isn't even one piece of convincing physical evidence indicating a conspiracy is just flat out wrong. The dictabelt is physical evidence that convinced the US government.

Now... caution... my following statements may contain nuance... you've been warned...

One of the friendly LN's on this forum recently tried to characterize the activities of conspiracy theorists on this forum to "mental masturbation." I disagree with that characterization. In my view, CT's are are trying to solve and understand an unsolved mystery. In contrast, LN's are the ones endlessly arguing about something they think was settled the moment Oswald was arrested.

I understand someone having a problem with the dictabelt evidence. I do. But it is not me that has to be convinced the dictabelt evidence is wrong, it's the United States government. The LN's can spit their venom at anyone here that dares to bring up the dictabelt, but unless these LN's are spending as much time writing US Congresspeople urging them to re-open the investigation as they are writing on this forum, all their claims ring fantastically hollow.

I know LN's haven't written Congresspeople. I know they have no intention of ever doing so. But, that won't stop them from getting furious when reminded of the fact that the official position of the United States Government is that JFK was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. They won't do anything but get mad and spew contempt. These LN's on this forum who consider themselves lawyers and reasonable people, who say that they're for logic, reason, and common sense, they don't hesitate for a moment to convict a man who never had a chance at a fair trial, and these LN's on this forum will never spend one second of their lives pressing for another Congressional investigation to finally put that dictabelt evidence in the trashheap of history and correct the record once and for all - that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone!

They're not interested in the truth. They don't care to exert one iota of energy to correct the record. They just want to push their agenda on this forum. They like to fight and argue. They thrive on it... until the heat forces them out of the kitchen. One of the LN's here apparently mines this forum for content on his own separate website, without seeking permission or compensating others for their work. So, as much as I do appreciate my LN friends for their loyal opposition, engaging them is proving to result in diminishing returns.

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16 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

 Anyone who says there isn't even one piece of convincing physical evidence indicating a conspiracy is just flat out wrong.

Right!  The bullet holes in JFK's clothes are too low to associate with the throat wound.

Anyone who claims otherwise is cognitively impaired by severe confirmation bias.



The dictabelt is physical evidence that convinced the US government.

The dictabelt was a scam, Denny.  It's part of the cover-up. 

The HSCA knew there was a conspiracy because the physical evidence found with the body allows no other logical conclusion. 

Acknowledging that would have forced them to denounce the "high back wound" in the autopsy report -- a bridge too far.

So they ginned up this garbage about the dictabelt.  It's a highly effective tactic of distraction

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

The dictabelt is physical evidence that convinced the US government.

And, as you already no doubt know, the Dictabelt evidence has been completely debunked. And it's been debunked in not just one way, but in multiple ways:

1. The "gunshots" on the Dictabelt audio weren't recorded at the time of the assassination.

2. There was no motorcycle located at the corner of Elm & Houston at the moment of the first gunshot, which was a prerequisite requirement in order for the HSCA's Dictabelt analysis to be accurate.  

"If you could prove to me that there was no police officer in the place where he had to be, you would falsify [the acoustics evidence]." -- G. Robert Blakey

So anyone who continues to prop up the HSCA's Dictabelt evidence as "convincing physical evidence indicating a conspiracy" does so in (very) bad faith. What a joke.

You should be ashamed of yourself, Denny.


Edited by David Von Pein
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3 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

And, as you already no doubt know, the Dictabelt evidence has been completely debunked since 1979. And it's been debunked in not just ONE way, but in MULTIPLE ways. .... 1. The "gunshots" on the Dictabelt audio weren't recorded at the time of the assassination. .... 2. There was no motorcycle located at the corner of Elm & Houston at the moment of the first gunshot, which was a prerequisite requirement in order for the HSCA's Dictabelt analysis to be accurate.  

"If you could prove to me that there was no police officer in the place where he had to be, you would falsify [the acoustics evidence]." -- G. Robert Blakey

So anyone who continues to prop up the HSCA's Dictabelt evidence as being valid and credible evidence does so in (very) bad faith.


You should be ashamed of yourself, Denny.


You reek of bad faith Von Pein.  Show us how a multi-inch wad of clothing occupied the same physical space at the same time as the jacket collar -- or STFU.

The only proper response to your garbage is derision.

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Just now, Cliff Varnell said:

The dictabelt was a scam, Denny.  It's part of the cover-up. 

The HSCA knew there was a conspiracy because the physical evidence found with the body allows no other logical conclusion. 

That would have forced them to denounce the "high back wound" in the autopsy report -- a bridge too far.

So they ginned up this garbage about the dictabelt.

The dictabelt is not the point I am making. I don't care about the dictabelt. I have no problems dismissing the dictabelt. But it is not me that needs to be convinced to dismiss the dictabelt, it is the congresspeople of the United States. Every waking minute the LN's are not writing congresspeople and urging them to re-open this case and start a new investigation to get at the truth as they see it, is another minute that the LN's prove that they're not interested in the truth.

They call themselves reasonable. They call themselves logical. Some even call themselves lawyers. But they don't care about a new investigation to correct the record and declare once and for all LHO the lone assassin any more than they care about someone getting a fair trial. They just want to argue for fun. Well, some of them also want to mine this forum for content because apparently they can't produce their own.

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1 minute ago, Denny Zartman said:

The dictabelt is not the point I am making. I don't care about the dictabelt. I have no problems dismissing the dictabelt. But it is not me that needs to be convinced to dismiss the dictabelt, it is the congresspeople of the United States. Every waking minute the LN's are not writing congresspeople and urging them to re-open this case and start a new investigation to get at the truth as they see it, is another minute that the LN's prove that they're not interested in the truth.

They call themselves reasonable. They call themselves logical. Some even call themselves lawyers. But they don't care about a new investigation to correct the record and declare once and for all LHO the lone assassin any more than they care about someone getting a fair trial. They just want to argue for fun. Well, some of them also want to mine this forum for content because apparently they can't produce their own.

It's fake debate.  In my book the only honorable way to respond to them is with ridicule.

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18 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

The only proper response to your garbage is derision.

And after listening to your One Trick Pony act for many unbearable years, the only proper response to your non-stop barrage of Clothing Crap® is  ----->  Eyeroll-Icon-Blogspot.gif .


Edited by David Von Pein
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43 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

David, I'm curious. How does it feel to have written over six thousand posts, and to have convinced no one and earned so little respect from most of the members here?

"I'm not staying and posting here merely because I want my previous posts to remain available here at this site (I archive almost all of my EF discussions at my own website anyway)....but I'd like to stay here because I want to continue to add future discussions to my website archives too. I've been able to add several interesting new Education Forum discussions to my site in just the last two months. And I wouldn't have been able to do it without the participation of this forum's members (both CTers and LNers alike). So, in short, I like this forum. I disagree with nearly everything that's uttered by the "CTers" in this place. (And I'm sure that comes as no big shock to you.) But, just the same, I like being able to post here and share my views." -- DVP; February 25, 2019




You should be ashamed of yourself.

Well, I'm not. So you might as well stop saying that now.


Edited by David Von Pein
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