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Is anyone interested in Apollo missions...

Jack White

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Whether or not OBL is dead or alive is hard to say, he was never exactly a media hound. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bush administration knew he was dead but kept it quite because he is a useful boogeyman, but I’ve seen no conclusive evidence that is the case. For those who think its impossible for him to have eluded capture all these years the case of Eric Rudolph Roberts is instructive he managed to escape arrest for over 5 years in a small area in the US despite being one of the most wanted men in America and having virtually no money or support network*. Compare that to OBL who is supposedly in a part of Pakistan so remote the Pakistani army rarely goes there and presumably has a large support network with lost of money.

I’ve yet to see evidence the US ever knew his whereabouts exactly enough to capture of kill him after 9/11 (though they probablly would have been able to get him if US special forces had been sent to Tora Bora) and IIRC it’s never been established he was on dialysis though there is strong evidence he was.

* http://edition.cnn.com/2003/US/05/31/rudolph.arrest/

Edited by Len Colby
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Whether or not OBL is dead or alive is hard to say, he was never exactly a media hound. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bush administration knew he was dead but kept it quite because he is a useful boogeyman, but I’ve seen no conclusive evidence that is the case. For those who think its impossible for him to have eluded capture all these years the case of Eric Rudolph Roberts is instructive he managed to escape arrest for over 5 years in a small area in the US despite being one of the most wanted men in America and having virtually no money or support network*. Compare that to OBL who is supposedly in a part of Pakistan so remote the Pakistani army rarely goes there and presumably has a large support network with lost of money.

I’ve yet to see evidence the US ever knew his whereabouts exactly enough to capture of kill him after 9/11 (though they probablly would have been able to get him if US special forces had been sent to Tora Bora) and IIRC it’s never been established he was on dialysis though there is strong evidence he was.

* http://edition.cnn.com/2003/US/05/31/rudolph.arrest/

This morning I listen again to the ABC radio, to discover that the US President has devoted his considerable analytical skills to this topic (perhaps he visits the forum to stay in touch) - see Bush: Bin Laden free because US 'hasn't got him'

"Why is he at large? Because we haven't got him yet. That's why. And he's hiding. And we're looking. And we will continue to look until we bring him to justice," Mr Bush said defensively at a White House press conference.
Still, the news from Dubya isn't all bad...
"he's not out there traipsing around. He's not leading many parades, however. He's not out feeding the hungry."

Ah, so that's why we've wrecked two countries and counting...

To stop our boogie men from "feeding the hungry".

How US policy has progressed since the Ziocon takeover...

Edited by Sid Walker
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Once again my beloved president has demonstrated to the world that he has made good use of the best education money and influence can buy. I imagine that if back the 70’s one of his professors at Harvard Business School (one of the top 2 in the US) had asked in class “Why is inflation so high?” he would have been the 1st to raise his hand and blurted out with an obvious sense of self-satisfaction showing on his face “Because prices, keep going up!”. No folks there’s nothing to those nasty rumors that he only got into Harvard and Yale due to family connections.

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How much longer are we expected to believe in the existence of this Ziocon arch-boogieman, absent even a cameo appearance in one of his many atrocities? (Pre-recorded videos don't count!)


Bin Lid isn't dead, merely, like all good thespians, "resting" between cameos, albeit in a non-conscious state.

I thought I saw him yesterday in Haldon Street, Lakemba.

I saw him yesterday too...he was drinking a pina colada at Trader Vics. His hair was perfect.

You guys are very laid back about missing out on $25 million.

What's more, failure to dob in the Evil One is a crime punishable by rendition.

I trust you realize the CIA browses this forum from time to time.

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Guest Stephen Turner
How much longer are we expected to believe in the existence of this Ziocon arch-boogieman, absent even a cameo appearance in one of his many atrocities? (Pre-recorded videos don't count!)


Bin Lid isn't dead, merely, like all good thespians, "resting" between cameos, albeit in a non-conscious state.

I thought I saw him yesterday in Haldon Street, Lakemba.

I saw him yesterday too...he was drinking a pina colada at Trader Vics. His hair was perfect.

You guys are very laid back about missing out on $25 million.

What's more, failure to dob in the Evil One is a crime punishable by rendition.

I trust you realize the CIA browses this forum from time to time.

I live in Oklahoma. What other hell could they render me to?

Norman, your reply tells me that you have never visited Milton Keynes, the puckered anus of the Universe.

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... do you have any evidence the video was faked?


I propose a swop in the best traditions of Cold War trading - you produce Bin Laden, and we'll produce hard evidence the video is faked. Now what could be fairer or more decisive?

PS He has to be in something other than an advanced state of decomposition. Cryogenic suspension is also a no-no. I realise how unfair these conditions are, but that's, er, life.

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... do you have any evidence the video was faked?


I propose a swop in the best traditions of Cold War trading - you produce Bin Laden, and we'll produce hard evidence the video is faked. Now what could be fairer or more decisive?

PS He has to be in something other than an advanced state of decomposition. Cryogenic suspension is also a no-no. I realise how unfair these conditions are, but that's, er, life.

A brief truce would be a great idea for both sides of the WoT.

I propose that Bush relaxes the $25-million-reward-we-want-Bin-Laden-dead-or-alive policy, just for a couple of days, to allow The Evil One an appearance on the prime-time TV chat show of his choice (Larry King Live?)

He could re-affirm his existence and re-commit to attacking Crusaders everywhere. Perhaps a head to head debate with with Alan Dershovitz could be arranged?

A psychological boost for the worlds' 'jihadis' is a small price for the Ziocon cause to pay, considering the potential benefits: an end to sniggering from pesky skeptics like me and fewer outbreaks of heresy in the ranks.

Edited by Sid Walker
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A brief truce would be a great idea for both sides of the WoT.

I propose that Bush relaxes the $25-million-reward-we-want-Bin-Laden-dead-or-alive policy, just for a couple of days, to allow The Evil One an appearance on the prime-time TV chat show of his choice (Larry King Live?)

He could re-affirm his existence and re-commit to attacking Crusaders everywhere. Perhaps a head to head debate with with Alan Dershovitz could be arranged?

Sorry to appear pedantic on this one, Sid, but just how does one go about animating a corpse?

And then there's the tricky problem of Bin Laden...

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Tells you quite a lot, actually.

I failed to notice anything new in that, that I haven’t seen numerous times before. What did you find especially compelling in it?

I don’t know what is more absurd:

1) All the wanna be Dylan Averys out there creating a near infinite number of 9/11 “documentaries” which are nothing more than compilations of the same news clips already seen ad infinium in previous “documentaries” who think that their combination of the same clips is a stunning new revelation that will “prove” the “inside job” theory.


2) All the truthers out there who enthusiastically watch all those compilations of the same news clips already seen ad infinium in previous “documentaries” who think that this combination of the same clips is a stunning new revelation that will “prove” the “inside job” theory.

Yes Sid, the FD had been predicting since about midday that 7 could or would collapse some people the news media got wind of it. So sorry no banana, not even close.

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Tells you quite a lot, actually.

I failed to notice anything new in that, that I haven’t seen numerous times before. What did you find especially compelling in it?

I don’t know what is more absurd:

1) All the wanna be Dylan Averys out there creating a near infinite number of 9/11 “documentaries” which are nothing more than compilations of the same news clips already seen ad infinium in previous “documentaries” who think that their combination of the same clips is a stunning new revelation that will “prove” the “inside job” theory.


2) All the truthers out there who enthusiastically watch all those compilations of the same news clips already seen ad infinium in previous “documentaries” who think that this combination of the same clips is a stunning new revelation that will “prove” the “inside job” theory.

Yes Sid, the FD had been predicting since about midday that 7 could or would collapse some people the news media got wind of it. So sorry no banana, not even close."Nothing informations" about 9-11.

How's the official report on WTC-7 coming along, I wonder?

It's only been 70 months since 9-11. Surely that's enough time to stitch together a story?

The report might help folk like me understand how this miraculous collapse occurred - and how it was so accurately foretold (with the exception of the BBC, who got the event correct, but the timing of their announcement a little too early).

Perhaps the identity of Mr "Nothing Informations" could also be established as a footnote, just to put suspicious minds at rest?

That standard of spoken (broken) English may be common in the NYC emergency services, but it seems rather odd to me.

Or will WTC-7 be a case of "nothing informations" from woe to go?

"Nothing informations" about 9-11. "Nothing informations" about 7-7.

It's "Nothing informations" all the way, at this stage in the 100 Year War on Radical Islamic Terror, eh Len?

Oh well, I guess it's early days... 93 years to go.

Edited by Sid Walker
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Guest David Guyatt

A fairly interesting tidbit or two on the 9/11 debate are as follows:

The day after 9/11 Richard Dearlove, head of MI6 and David Manning, Blair's foreign policy adviser (current US Ambassador) arrived in Washington and told George Tenet that the UK stood fully behind the US and that they (the US) could count on the UK for any and all support. They added, however, that they wished to agree that efforts should be concentrated on Afghanistand and that the US shouldn't be tempted into launching an attack on Iraq. Tenet agreed with that.

However, a week after 9/11 the US Defence Policy Board began planning how to use 9/11 as a pretext to attack Iraq.

The rest is history.

So why was the US not very interested in seeking out those it claimed were reponsible for the biggest terrorist outrage in US history, preferring instead to use 9/11 as a pretext to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam who clearly wasn't involved or responsible for 9/11 in any way?

History repeating itself perhaps - i.e., prior knowledge of Pearl Harbour used as a pretext to launch the US into a war that was unpopular at home ...

David Guyatt

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