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Follow the thread ... NOT!

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The problem with this mini-industry called JFK Assassination Wonderment, is that it goes around and around and around in circles repeating the same old issues, over and over again without ever getting anywhere.

Somewhere, someone would have reached a documented court room conclusion.

But there has never been a conclusion, only more and more speculation.

Let me suggest something totally different. (Actually I have suggested it before).

Tramps may be open to speculation, and fuzzy pictures alleged to be Bush and a lot of others, have all been commented upon, and so has that fuzzy man in the TBD doorway who Jones Harris thought might be Oswald, and he did that back a few months after JFK was killed. It wasn't LHO it was someone else, and then that led into speculation as to who else was in that fuzzy photo.

All of this speculation went nowhere. But a lot of books got published.

Now unlike fuzzy pictures of people, some things (like ships), are documented by umpteen sources, and of course ships were the source of transportation to the Bay of Pigs, and someone owned each ship.


Well, there was that debatable episode known as AMWORD that involved Manuel Artime Buesa = BAM.

Larry Hancock has made more than a passing reference to BAM in at least one of his books, and the relationship of BAM to one ship I know a lot about.

That ship was known as Olga Patricia.

A lot of people in the 'Swinging Sixties' of the UK at the time of the Beatles and the "British Invasion" of the USA airwaves also know a lot about the Olga Patricia, because it became the home, after AMWORLD, of 'Swinging Radio England' and 'Britain Radio' - two 50,000 watts AM stations on board that same ship. It was then anchored three and a half miles off the coast of southeast England.

Then, after 1967, the Olga Patricia came back to the USA and docked in Miami where a lot of court cases erupted over this vessel and its broadcasting equipment.

In the end, the broadcasting stations were sent to an enclave nation in South Africa and they began broadcasting with new owners. But the ship ended up in the hands of the Florida rep for Collins Radio - you know, that same company that outfitted the 'Rex' for service at the Bay of Pigs. That company with CIA ties.

Well the Olga Patricia then began raiding Cuba all over again, and after shooting up one coastal area and killing a teacher, Fidel Castro took to the airwaves of Radio Havana and denounced the ship and its CIA owners.

It also led to a big piratical battle whereby ships were being grabbed by Cuba in retaliation for the activities of Olga Patricia.

Then the US Justice Department waded in and seized the Olga Patricia which they found had scores of alternative names!

It was then disposed of by the US Justice Department to a fishing fleet company who converted the vessel. By the way, that company had ties to Zapata and George Bush Sr. For years that ship (with yet another name), did its fishing job and only in recent times was it finally sent to the scrapyard.

Now let's go back to 1963 and the AMWORLD days.

The Olga Patricia is documented in declassified CIA documents as being purchased or leased to BAM as part of AMWORLD. You will find this documentation on the Mary Ferrell site.

The Olga Patricia first showed up in Galveston, and so did another CIA ship tied to Gordon McLendon, Robert F. Thompson (TECOM, Inc) and Clint Murchison Jr. That ship was known as Mi Amigo and it had been another offshore radio station operating off Stockholm, Sweden during the time that Lee Harvey Oswald was in Minsk, and the McLendon manager sent to close down that station called 'Radio Nord', was told that it was the cover for a CIA listening post.

Now, none of this is related to a fuzzy photograph and none of it is related to unfounded claims.

All of it has been documented by multiple sources.

One of the strange links is to Bobby Kennedy who was masterminding a lot of the activities relating to the earlier work of Olga Patricia, and there is compelling evidence to show his interest in the Mi Amigo - until November 22, 1963. The CIA has a huge base on the southern campus of the University of Miami. The Olga Patricia had been docked in a USAF pen in Miami and financed out of a BAM related bank in Miami.

The history of these ships and the history of other offshore radio and television ventures of this time period all go back to Houston, Galveston and Dallas.

At its center is BIG OIL and that was based in Houston and tax havens which was masterminded out of Chicago with links to the Bahamas.

Now instead of following fuzzy pictures and speculating about people, why isn't anyone following these thoroughly documented links (to owners and operators), and then noticing where the ripples interact with each other?

That is what I have been doing with my associates since I first took an interest in why Gordon McLendon had sent a carbon copy of KLIF, Dallas to England in 1964. That station was called Radio London and it became the blueprint for BBC Radio One - complete with jingles resung by PAMS in Dallas, Texas.

Our investigation consolidate around finding the reason that Gordon McLendon was so interested in European broadcasting. Known as 'The Old Scotchman', McLendon was involved at a time when the owner of the Houston Post was tied to promoting the CIA's Radio Free Europe.

So rather than go around and around and around in never-ending circles, why isn't the core of the JFK interest on this and other sites following up something that Larry Hancock has already taken note of long ago? It is something that Mary Ferrell can in part document, and needless to say my group already has a lot of evidence linking the story of AM pop radio to events in Dealey Plaza, and that is without even bringing in the sponsored polemical broadcasts of Herbert W. Armstrong who underwrote the operating costs of many of those offshore stations.

As an aside, I personally met Bill Colby, one time head of CIA while in Texas working on a venture related to the man who had been responsible for three McLendon clone UK offshore stations. Colby also showed up in Pasadena, California as the guest of Herbert W. Armstrong. Now check into Armstrong's publications and you will find the forerunners of the 'Global Warming' issue; 'Brexit' and a whole lot more caked or cloaked in a religious cover which sound awfully familiar to news items of today.

How about giving this subject more than a passing mention Larry?

Maybe, just maybe, by following these documented links the path will lead to High Noon in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and to the vested interests in the death of John F. Kennedy?

Whatcha say, Larry?

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Akuarius II is the Olga Patricia disguised under another name. The person responsible for the Boca de Sama raid was shot dead in Miami while watching TV. He was he local rep for Collins Radio which outfitted the Rex for the Bay of Pigs as a command ship. Fidel Castro personally denounced this ship on Radio Havana as a CIA vessel.

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I keep asking ....

Gary Murr

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I thank you for your informative reply, Mervyn - much appreciated. Funny thing, timing is; I just happen to be in the process of the final edit/re-write of the particular segment of "Forgotten" that deals, in part, with the Olga Patricia story. It is a 177 page section titled "The Light We Cannot See" that examines in detail the relationship between the CIA and Sam Cummings of Interarms/Interarmco fame and just how the Agency accumulates and then distributes the machinery of war to those involved in their various clandestine operations. The Olga story is included in this section. It is nice to know that you found my initial work on this subject matter of interest.

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Gary: I am very interested in reading your 177 page section titled "The Light We Cannot See" and the relationship between the CIA and Sam Cummings of Interarms/Interarmco .... but where do I go to buy a copy of it?

I keep see references to the essay "Forgotten" but I cannot find any actual reference to its publication.

Please help!

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Mervyn,  I do write a good deal about Cummings, Interarms and the CIA in Shadow Warfare - using material which Gary graciously provided and a number of other sources as well. 

Beyond that you will also find a book written solely about Cummings and the arms trade:


Edited by Larry Hancock
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2 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Mervyn,  I do write a good deal about Cummings, Interarms and the CIA in Shadow Warfare - using material which Gary graciously provided and a number of other sources as well. 

Beyond that you will also find a book written solely about Cummings and the arms trade:


Hi Larry, thanks for that. It was Garry who wrote that there was more to find about Olga Patricia in his essay section titled "The Light We Cannot See", and that is why I was trying to find his work, but I can't locate it.

Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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two questions.

1 - what year did the Olga Patricia show up in Galveston, and was it known by that name at the time?

2 - can you provide a link or two to back up the claim that RFK was masterminding offshore radio stations linked to the CIA?


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12 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:


two questions.

1 - what year did the Olga Patricia show up in Galveston, and was it known by that name at the time?

2 - can you provide a link or two to back up the claim that RFK was masterminding offshore radio stations linked to the CIA?


From memory only, I believe that the OP arrived at Galveston island in mid-1963 (before November 22), and the Mi Amigo docked there in March 1963. The MA was then stripped of its broadcasting equipment and put into storage at Houston for use by other McLendon stations, and the two 10 kW Continental Electronics transmitters were eventually sent back to the factory in Dallas to be refurbished. They were, and all equipment was reloaded during the closing hours of 1963 and the MA then left port under cover of the Christmas/New Years holiday period for alleged "sea trials". It actually docked at Murchison's island in the Bahamas and then went on to El Ferrol, Spain. The MA was to have been used as a base for releasing helium balloons over Cuba and releasing propaganda, the OP arrived and was outfitted for this purpose under the ruse that it was collecting upper atmosphere samples of radiation. RFK was running his operation from the southern campus of the U. of Miami at an old airship/helium base. For more on RFK and this period see Psywar on Cuba; numerous news items; and a book that is at my office and not in front of me about the clandestine ops in Miami, plus the big expose of that base in the Florida press. Other docs relating to the OP are at Mary Ferrell and Gary Murr first alerted one of my colleagues to their existence. The OP then went to the North Sea as a twin 50kW operation in 1965-1967, came back, got drowned in US lawsuits. The radio equipment was sold off and the ship ended up in the hands of the Collins Radio rep who began raiding Cuba with it and the ship had multiple names. He was shot dead in his Miami home while watching TV. The ship was denounced as a CIA  vessel by Fidel over Radio Havana, Cuba, and Fidel started raiding other ships in retaliation. Now we are into the 1970s. To deescalate the situation the US Justice Department grabbed the ship and it was then given to a fishing fleet company on the East Coast. They shortened it and used it for many years until it was finally scrapped in fairly recent times. (All from memory for a quick response.)

RFK never used either ship for broadcasting purposes. The OP was also tied to BAM - Manuel Artime Buesa and the same bank he used in Miami at the same location he used as the bank for his US address relating to his Central American fleet operations. RFK had him move everything out of the US to pretend that RFK and JFK were 'clean', which they were not. They were lying to the world and blaming the Bay of Pigs on Langley, but RFK's faction of CIA ops was in South Miami!

Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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