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How is THIS for irony...

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How is THIS for irony: Secret Service agent Tim McIntyre, riding in the follow-up car as he did on 11/22/63, this time with President Ford (of Warren Commission infamy) RIDING IN THE REFURBISHED JFK LIMO!

Image may contain: 6 people, people on stage, wedding, crowd, car and outdoor



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Hey, Vince

I added a hundred or more photos and gifs to my website over the summer, and continue to add some each week. In any event, one of the things I stumbled on surprised the heck out of me. While looking at some obscure European news footage of RFK's 1964 trip to Poland, I spotted something which is even more ironic than McIntyre riding in the back-up car for Ford. 

It was that RFK rode on a Lincoln through the streets of communist Poland. And not just any Lincoln, mind you. But the same year (I believe) as the Lincoln in which his brother had been riding. And when I say on a Lincoln, I mean ON a Lincoln. As if to say, I'm not afraid, I know my brother wasn't killed by a communist, RFK and Ethel rode on the ROOF of the limo as it rolled through the streets of cheering Poles.

Here's a screen grab.



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4 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Hey, Vince

I added a hundred or more photos and gifs to my website over the summer, and continue to add some each week. In any event, one of the things I stumbled on surprised the heck out of me. While looking at some obscure European news footage of RFK's 1964 trip to Poland, I spotted something which is even more ironic than McIntyre riding in the back-up car for Ford. 

It was that RFK rode on a Lincoln through the streets of communist Poland. And not just any Lincoln, mind you. But the same year (I believe) as the Lincoln in which his brother had been riding. And when I say on a Lincoln, I mean ON a Lincoln. As if to say, I'm not afraid, I know my brother wasn't killed by a communist, RFK and Ethel rode on the ROOF of the limo as it rolled through the streets of cheering Poles.

Here's a screen grab.



Hi, Pat! I will have to check out your (outstanding) website again; thanks.

Wow---ok, I have never heard of this, much less having seen a photo of it. I agree with your assessment. See my other post from last night: RFK rides with LBJ in the actual refurbished death limo.

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