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Sylvia and Annie Odio 1993 + Sylvia in 1978

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On 1/18/2021 at 9:09 PM, Vince Palamara said:

Thanks very much for bringing these two videos to attention Vince Palamara (from 1978, and 1993 Frontline, both new to me). These video interviews clear up a puzzle and establish and confirm the date of the visit of Leopoldo, Angel, and Oswald to Silvia Odio's doorstep: the evening of Wednesday, Sept 25, 1963. Oswald was on a bus departing from the Houston bus station at about 2 am that night. The Warren Commission spent a lot of energy fruitlessly trying to work out the timeline. They could not find how Oswald got to Houston. They also thought the Silvia Odio visit was on Thursday night and that it therefore could not have been Oswald. Their confusion over the timing of Oswald's movements has contributed to conclusions that either Oswald did not visit Silvia Odio, or Oswald did not go to Mexico City. But this Frontline video clears up what happened, and there is no contradiction between the visit to Silvia and Annie Odio from Oswald with the two others who indicated they had driven from New Orleans and were en route on a trip to somewhere else, and Oswald's departing on the bus from Houston later that night headed for Mexico City.

After telling of the visit of the three men including Oswald to her front door, starting at 1:50 Silvia says: "I think it was two days after that Leopoldo, who had clearly a Cuban accent, called me on the phone".

Then starting at 2:33 Silvia says: "The reason that I remembered so clearly was because that same night, or I think either that night or the night afterwards, I wrote my father, and I also told a friend of mine, who was my father confessor, about the visit."

Then starting at 2:53, Father Machann, the father confessor: "I think I can pin a date to this conversation with Silvia. It was the day in which I spoke to her about her attending a charity event at which Janet Leigh was going to appear in Dallas."

This dates the conversation with Father Machann to Friday Sept 27, because that was the date of the charity ball. Gayle Nix Jackson discusses this in her book, Pieces of the Puzzle: An Anthology (2016). On p. 252 Jackson has a photocopy of a newspaper article showing that event on Friday Sept 27. However, Gayle Jackson's discussion crucially--and per this video interview of Father Machann, mistakenly--assumed the charity ball was the evening of the Oswald visit to Silvia Odio. Gayle Jackson interviewed both Odio sisters and also Father Machann, but that critical misunderstanding of what she thought Father Machann's date linkage was, contradicted the timeline of Oswald's Mexico City trip, for by Friday evening Oswald was in Mexico City.

Without having seen this video I had earlier studied the chronology of Oswald's Mexico City trip, departure from New Orleans, and the Silvia Odio visit, and had worked out that the Silvia Odio visit was Wed Sept 25. With this video that date reconstruction is confirmed correct. The Oswald visit was not on the Friday of the charity ball. It was the phone call of Silvia to Father Machann, two days after the visit, that was on the Friday of the charity ball, and the Oswald visit was on Wednesday.

With the date of the Silvia Odio visit cleared up, both the supposed contradiction in timing making Oswald's movement to Houston impossible is removed, and also the mystery of how Oswald got to Houston is also resolved (by elimination): quite simply, Oswald got from Dallas to Houston that night not by bus or air, as the Warren Commission sought to verify but could not, but by being driven (239 miles Dallas to Houston; 3.5 hrs driving time, starting from ca. 9:15 pm according to Silvia Odio's best estimate of a 9 pm time of arrival of the three men to her door that evening), which may or may not be by the same two men who had driven Oswald from New Orleans to Dallas.

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On 1/20/2021 at 10:45 PM, Greg Doudna said:

Thanks very much for bringing these two videos to attention Vince Palamara (from 1978, and 1993 Frontline, both new to me). These video interviews clear up a puzzle and establish and confirm the date of the visit of Leopoldo, Angel, and Oswald to Silvia Odio's doorstep: the evening of Wednesday, Sept 25, 1963. Oswald was on a bus departing from the Houston bus station at about 2 am that night. The Warren Commission spent a lot of energy fruitlessly trying to work out the timeline. They could not find how Oswald got to Houston. They also thought the Silvia Odio visit was on Thursday night and that it therefore could not have been Oswald. Their confusion over the timing of Oswald's movements has contributed to conclusions that either Oswald did not visit Silvia Odio, or Oswald did not go to Mexico City. But this Frontline video clears up what happened, and there is no contradiction between the visit to Silvia and Annie Odio from Oswald with the two others who indicated they had driven from New Orleans and were en route on a trip to somewhere else, and Oswald's departing on the bus from Houston later that night headed for Mexico City.

After telling of the visit of the three men including Oswald to her front door, starting at 1:50 Silvia says: "I think it was two days after that Leopoldo, who had clearly a Cuban accent, called me on the phone".

Then starting at 2:33 Silvia says: "The reason that I remembered so clearly was because that same night, or I think either that night or the night afterwards, I wrote my father, and I also told a friend of mine, who was my father confessor, about the visit."

Then starting at 2:53, Father Machann, the father confessor: "I think I can pin a date to this conversation with Silvia. It was the day in which I spoke to her about her attending a charity event at which Janet Leigh was going to appear in Dallas."

This dates the conversation with Father Machann to Friday Sept 27, because that was the date of the charity ball. Gayle Nix Jackson discusses this in her book, Pieces of the Puzzle: An Anthology (2016). On p. 252 Jackson has a photocopy of a newspaper article showing that event on Friday Sept 27. However, Gayle Jackson's discussion crucially--and per this video interview of Father Machann, mistakenly--assumed the charity ball was the evening of the Oswald visit to Silvia Odio. Gayle Jackson interviewed both Odio sisters and also Father Machann, but that critical misunderstanding of what she thought Father Machann's date linkage was, contradicted the timeline of Oswald's Mexico City trip, for by Friday evening Oswald was in Mexico City.

Without having seen this video I had earlier studied the chronology of Oswald's Mexico City trip, departure from New Orleans, and the Silvia Odio visit, and had worked out that the Silvia Odio visit was Wed Sept 25. With this video that date reconstruction is confirmed correct. The Oswald visit was not on the Friday of the charity ball. It was the phone call of Silvia to Father Machann, two days after the visit, that was on the Friday of the charity ball, and the Oswald visit was on Wednesday.

With the date of the Silvia Odio visit cleared up, both the supposed contradiction in timing making Oswald's movement to Houston impossible is removed, and also the mystery of how Oswald got to Houston is also resolved (by elimination): quite simply, Oswald got from Dallas to Houston that night not by bus or air, as the Warren Commission sought to verify but could not, but by being driven (239 miles Dallas to Houston; 3.5 hrs driving time, starting from ca. 9:15 pm according to Silvia Odio's best estimate of a 9 pm time of arrival of the three men to her door that evening), which may or may not be by the same two men who had driven Oswald from New Orleans to Dallas.

My pleasure!

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