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Woolsey, Trump, Biden and October

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OK, as James DiEugenio has pointed out, there has been a spate of articles, and a recent book by former CIA Director James Woolsey, that either characterize the JFKA community as QAnon nut-types or worse, or again muddy the waters surrounding Nov. 22.

So why? Why now, at this late date, does there appear to be yet another PR campaign to sabotage any serious effort to understand the events of 1963? 

Over at JFK Facts, Jeff Morley's blog, we get a possible clue.

This is interesting.

Four years ago, President Trump promised to release all the files on JFK, and evidently there are still 15,834 CIA files not open to the public. Then Trump reneged, and left those files secret, but with a mandatory review in four years. I guess Trump wanted leverage over the CIA. 

OK, so then Trump loses the presidential election and Biden wins.

But the mandate is still in place, and the review is due this October.

So...now President Biden in October will decide whether to make the CIA files, approaching 60 years old or more, public. Morley more or less less considers that Biden is creature of the Deep State, and won't make the files public.  

So, in this light---the October mandate---it appears efforts are again being made to make the JFKA community look like a bunch of kooks. Besides that, an ex-CIA director, who should know, contends the real story was that Oswald was a Moscow asset anyway. 

This latest PR campaign will allow Biden to breeze through October, with no reckoning, or even little questioning, as to why such old files are still being kept away from the public. 


BTW, a few years back I wrote about President Nixon trying to get Bays of Pigs files from the CIA, and getting stonewalled. 

President Trump CIA Nixon-word.docx

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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So, in this light---the October mandate---it appears efforts are again being made to make the JFKA community look like a bunch of kooks. Besides that, an ex-CIA director, who should know, contends the real story was that Oswald was a Moscow asset anyway. 

Disinformation still lives.  David Atlee Phillips would be proud.

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18 minutes ago, Dan Rice said:

Disinformation still lives.  David Atlee Phillips would be proud.

Dan Rice-


Thanks for your response.  

But if anything, the PR-intelligence apparatus of today is even more-powerful than in the 1960s, or the 1950s when Eisenhower delivered his famous warning. 

David Atlee Phillips would be proud---and very, very impressed. 

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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

David Atlee Phillips would be proud---and very, very impressed. 

That, too!

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