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Howard Hunt claimed he authored 1967 foreign affairs column by S.L. Sulzberger of The New York Times

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Jerry Shinley today posted elsewhere the article below by C.L. Sulzberger and then called attention to an article in the Washington Post of September 18, 1997, titled "Hunt Claims Authorship of CIA article. Espionage Column in New York Times Carried Sulzbergr By-Line." The Post article noted that the New York Times refused to commend on Howard Hunt's allegation. 
[Is this an example of Operation Mockingbird?]
Thomas Dodd put the article in question in the Congressional Record.

[From the New York Times, Sept. 13, 1967]
(By C. L. Sulzberger)

The cold war between tightly knit Soviet
and NATO blocs has certainly relaxed. The
five years since the Cuban missile showdown
have been marked by cautious if persistent
efforts to improve relations between Washington
and Moscow despite tensions in Viet-nam
and the Middle East. Loosening of their
own alliances, realization of the folly of nuclear
war and mutual fear of China have
all contributed to this easement.

But this trend should not be permitted to
obscure the fact that the two superpowers
continue to found policy on each other's
assumed intentions and to watch each other's
every move. All the time, day and night,
Soviet and American spy satellites whizz
overhead while their photographic eavesdropping
and other electronic devices snoop
about the globe.


Nor has the subsidence of tension reduced
conventional espionage. We are only occasionally
reminded of this fact by events such
as South Africa's recent seizure of a Russian
spy named Yuri Loginov or the exposure
of a clandestine Soviet network last March
when Giorgio Rinaldi was arrested by Italian
military intelligence.

Between March 1966 and April 1967 no
fewer than 107 Soviet intelligence officers
were uncovered around the world. Most of
them held diplomatic passports and were
simply declared persona non grata and sent

Loginov has already made a full confession
which involves many Russian so-called diplomats.
They include Konstantin, Frolov who
served in Argentina and Australia; Yuri
Lyudin (also called Modin, former Soviet
counselor in New Delhi; Vitali Pavlov (alias
Kedrov), a counselor of embassy in Western
Europe, who was in Ottawa during the Gouzenko
spy case; Aleksei Tiblayshin, who once
worked at UNESCO in Paris; Yuri Chekulayev,
a diplomat in the Middle East; and
Boris Skoridov, said to be the same as Boris
Zhiltsov, member of Moscow's London embassy.

The highly proficient Soviet espionage apparatus
of G.R.U. (military intelligence) and
K.G.B. (interior ministry) makes wide use
of diplomatic, journalistic and commercial
cover. The G.R.U. officer arrested in the
Rinaldi case, Yuri Pavlenko, was an attache
in the Rome embassy. Rinaldi exposed Albert
Zakharov, embassy secretary in Athens; Boris
Petrin, attache in Nicosia; Nikolai Ranov,
Aerofiot airlines representative in Cyprus;
Igor Oshurkov, trade representative in
Greece; Mikhail Badin, Vienna military attache;
Georgi Balan, military attache in
Italy, then Mexico; Aleksei Solovov, employe
in the Rome military attache's office.

Experts assume no Soviet diplomatic
establishment draws fewer than half its staff
from G.R.U. or K.G.B. rosters, a figure rising
to 80 per cent in some embassies. Of 107
Russian spies exposed last year, 45 had
diplomatic cover; thirty were listed as journalists;
fifteen commercial representatives; five
Aeroflot; six "cultural" representatives.

A vitally important, if more conventional,
Soviet espionage network at Bakfjord, northern
Norway, did effective work in the NATO
area before Norwegian counterintelligence
broke it up. This group's agents, trained in
Murmansk, were responsible for entrapment
of the famous U-2 plane piloted by Gary
Powers in 1960. This was shot down over
Russia while on a high-flying reconnaissance
mission between Pakistan and Norway.


Allied officials are now perplexed by the
appearance on the West European scene of
a new type of superspy assigned to political
action and reporting directly to the Soviet
Communist party's International Section, an
echelon above K.G.B. and G.R.U. Four diplomats
believed to hold such assignments
are Sergei Kudryavtsev, Minister-Counselor
in Bonn; Pavel Medvedovsky, Counselor in
Rome; and Vladimir Feodorov and Georgi
Farafonov, Counselors in Helsinki.

Kudryavtsev, also involved in Canada's
Gouzenko case, was Russia's first Ambassador
to Castro. He supervised installation of
Soviet missiles in Cuba. Medvedovsky worked
in the K.G.B. before being promoted to his
political action job. Feodorov, once deputy
chief of the party's International Section,
was a political observer in China. Farafanov
worked in Stockholm eight years for the


One cannot predict how many new names
will be added to this roster as a result of
Loglnov's confession in South Africa, a
confession that has already connected five
continents in the extraordinary Soviet network.
The basic point is that despite the relative
thaw between Moscow and Washington, and
efforts to work out political and economic
accommodation, the spy war goes on.

The watch persists in the skies, on the
high seas where trawlers and submarines
carry complex electronic devices; along endless
frontiers from Norway to Kamchatka;
and in the susurrous cellers of embassies
about the world. The overt cold war has
eased-but not its covert counterpart.
Edited by Douglas Caddy
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JFK wanted to create an alliance with the Soviet Union, the only other great power, to deal with the Alien Presence.  His tentative steps to do this alarmed those who rule above the presidency. The Pentagon Report to be released in about ten days is a modern day step to eventually bring about disclosure. One day the full story will be known. I am 83 years old and expect this to happen before I die.

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Never before have we seen a verified high ranking official from the Pentagon ( Lue Elizondo ) be given instant and broad exposure access to the national media to suggest the things he is saying. That the UFO phenomena is real.

And with no official denial by the military in response.

It almost seems as though his sudden emergence into the highest levels of media coverage ( national TV ) and his claims of alien technology is a kind of planned set up. 

Same with the Naval Aviation officer who has been on so many national TV venues to narrate his story of tracking the Tick Tac UFO's and stating they performed aerial maneuvers impossible by our known science and invention.

What the jet fighter pilot has discussed is clearly top secret matters. Yet, he is being allowed to share this to a national audience, without official reprisal and denial?

I don't think so. Except for the beginning stages of disclosure imo.

I don't recall ever seeing such an allowed break out of UFO reality claiming by verified officials in our highest levels of media like what we are seeing with Elizondo, the Navy pilot and even government elected officials such as Marco Rubio chiming in about the subject but not in a dismissive, downplaying way.

Don't forget Arizona Governor Fife Symington ( former Air Force officer ) coming out years after the Phoenix lights event and admitting that he was ordered to make a farce out of the affair, which he did at the time. His true feelings were that the people of Phoenix had truly witnessed a UFO event.

Doug Caddy has been right about foretelling of major events happening when they did. This global pandemic for one. Recalling what Richard Nixon had predicted 50 years ago about world crisis events.

Maybe former Canadian Defense minister Paul Hellyer has been right all along?

All the people who have preached the alien operated UFO phenomena is a form of mental illness in it's proponents minds? I am sure they will hide from being confronted by any inquiries to explain their false claims if this alien UFO story turns out to be true. This would be a statement that the debunkers are the ones who have chosen to live in a world of dillusion. Not the other way around?

"If the average person knew half of what is really going on in the world, they would go into their backyard and shoot themselves."

Supposed quote by a person in high security shared 6th hand to me once.



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5 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

JFK wanted to create an alliance with the Soviet Union, the only other great power, to deal with the Alien Presence.  His tentative steps to do this alarmed those who rule above the presidency. The Pentagon Report to be released in about ten days is a modern day step to eventually bring about disclosure. One day the full story will be known. I am 83 years old and expect this to happen before I die.

Alien secrets or not ... I can't prove it. What I can see is that JFK was about to put an end to the cold war, a move, which was not in the playbook of the hawks who surrounded him (and his brother.) Therefore they pushed the "magic button". And another thing: Just like the UFO's tales were always used to distract us to see the more profane reasons of the Kennedy-Killings, I wonder for what reason UFO's are used these days. To distract us from what? Some crazy little viruses, maybe ... 😉

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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Never before have we seen a verified high ranking official from the Pentagon ( Lue Elizondo ) be given instant and broad exposure access to the national media to suggest the things he is saying. That the UFO phenomena is real.

And with no official denial by the military in response.

It almost seems as though his sudden emergence into the highest levels of media coverage ( national TV ) and his claims of alien technology is a kind of planned set up. 

Same with the Naval Aviation officer who has been on so many national TV venues to narrate his story of tracking the Tick Tac UFO's and stating they performed aerial maneuvers impossible by our known science and invention.

What the jet fighter pilot has discussed is clearly top secret matters. Yet, he is being allowed to share this to a national audience, without official reprisal and denial?

I don't think so. Except for the beginning stages of disclosure imo.

I don't recall ever seeing such an allowed break out of UFO reality claiming by verified officials in our highest levels of media like what we are seeing with Elizondo, the Navy pilot and even government elected officials such as Marco Rubio chiming in about the subject but not in a dismissive, downplaying way.

Don't forget Arizona Governor Fife Symington ( former Air Force officer ) coming out years after the Phoenix lights event and admitting that he was ordered to make a farce out of the affair, which he did at the time. His true feelings were that the people of Phoenix had truly witnessed a UFO event.

Doug Caddy has been right about foretelling of major events happening when they did. This global pandemic for one. Recalling what Richard Nixon had predicted 50 years ago about world crisis events.

Maybe former Canadian Defense minister Paul Hellyer has been right all along?

All the people who have preached the alien operated UFO phenomena is a form of mental illness in it's proponents minds? I am sure they will hide from being confronted by any inquiries to explain their false claims if this alien UFO story turns out to be true. This would be a statement that the debunkers are the ones who have chosen to live in a world of dillusion. Not the other way around?

"If the average person knew half of what is really going on in the world, they would go into their backyard and shoot themselves."

Supposed quote by a person in high security shared 6th hand to me once.



I don’t trust the state one bit. Surely all they needed to do was talk to one judge to suppress the FOIA request, using a similar chat to the one that made Earl Warren go along with the LN narrative. ie national or world panic. It has occurred to me that capabilities of a psychological operation involving UFO’s or aliens, perhaps using holographic technology, would be so effective in creating panic and corralling the public into whatever the state desired. 
I am a skeptic when it comes to extra-terrestrial life visiting earth, though I concede its possible. I am open to the idea of the Pentagon having tested aircraft and technology that has been previously unseen or unknown to the public. I am on the fence still, just like I was watching the Lazaar documentary. 

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A very balanced intelligent discussion on UFO’s and the coming release of UFO related papers from the US Government. There certainly is a lot to ponder. 

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