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Milicent Cranor on Last Second in Dallas

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After reading a few reviews of Thompson's Last Second in Dallas, and carefully reading the book myaelf, my eternal question will be:  “How did blood and gore exhaust from the right rear of JFK’s head onto the left rear (driver’s side) corner of the limo and onto officer Hargis who was riding slightly behind that position, unless the hole in the back of JFK’s head was “pointing” toward the left rear of the limo at the time he was shot in the head from the right front?”  A corollary question is “Why doesn’t ANY picture or movie of JFK’s killing show him looking at the Grassy Knoll (“pointing” the right rear of his head toward the left rear of the limo) at the time of a head shot that MUST have come from that direction?”  And finally:  If none of the pictures or movies of JFK’s killing contain images of his turned head that MUST have been present on any of the several films exposed that day, why is it considered “scientific” to cite any of those obviously imprecise (doctored, edited, etc) media in the process of explaining what happened?

I’ll wait for my answer, but I won’t hold my breath.


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7 hours ago, Steven Kossor said:

After reading a few reviews of Thompson's Last Second in Dallas, and carefully reading the book myaelf, my eternal question will be:  “How did blood and gore exhaust from the right rear of JFK’s head onto the left rear (driver’s side) corner of the limo and onto officer Hargis who was riding slightly behind that position, unless the hole in the back of JFK’s head was “pointing” toward the left rear of the limo at the time he was shot in the head from the right front?”  A corollary question is “Why doesn’t ANY picture or movie of JFK’s killing show him looking at the Grassy Knoll (“pointing” the right rear of his head toward the left rear of the limo) at the time of a head shot that MUST have come from that direction?”  And finally:  If none of the pictures or movies of JFK’s killing contain images of his turned head that MUST have been present on any of the several films exposed that day, why is it considered “scientific” to cite any of those obviously imprecise (doctored, edited, etc) media in the process of explaining what happened?

I’ll wait for my answer, but I won’t hold my breath.


I believe I can help here.

IMO, there are no publicly available films that accurately depict the limo's transit down Elm. Below is a witness example that calls into question the validity of the Z-Film;

James Simmons on the Triple Underpass;

Q: At the time of the third shot that you heard can you describe what President Kennedy's reaction was at that time as you saw it?

A: Well, he fell and there was matter and a halo of blood.

Q: Which way did he fall?

A: To his left.

Q: What did the limousine do then?

A: It paused and then accelerated real fast after the motorcycle got out the way.

Truly stated in testimony, that he watched the limo "swerve to the left and stop"  further down Elm. Baker stated in testimony that Truly told him exactly that.

We have dozens of witnesses saying the limo stopped or almost stopped.

A more accurate limo transit would have the limo swerve to the left then stop. At least one motorcycle overshot the limo and ended up partially blocking the limo.

Again from the Triple Underpass;

Austin Miller, 76, was working near Dealey Plaza as a mail clerk and tariff compiler for the Texas-Louisiana Freight Bureau when he and several co-workers “just decided we’d walk over and see him.”

“We were on top of the overpass” west of the plaza, he said.

“Stood there for a while, talking to the other people there.”

After watching the motorcade wind its way through the streets, Miller said, “I heard three gunshots.”

“We first thought they were firecrackers, but then realized it wasn’t firecrackers after a little bit,” he said.

“We were looking right inside the limo. They were moving around in the car a lot, and the Secret Service men were trying to help him.”

“A few seconds after it happened, they took off. It was all done in a matter of seconds,” he added.

Other witnesses suggest more than one Secret Service Agent ran to the Limo;





Edited by Tony Krome
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