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The Woke CIA

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The woke CIA is here! They hire "cisgendered" Latinas who exult in the glories of themselves and the CIA! 

What I think is really going on, is that the CIA-intel community is ginning up yet another reason for constant, ubiquitous US involvement everywhere. 

All through Asia, Africa and Latin America, one can criticize cultures and nations on women's issues. (Afghanistan is a narco state, btw). 

We see this now on Afghanistan, with US military leaders citing women's issues as a reason to stay in. (What happened to women and religious minorities in Iraq after Saddam went down is not a polite topic). 

So, woke multinationals will push the women's agenda globally, hand-in-hand with the US military-intel community. 

The left-wing is co-opted, and become useful idiots (already well underway in the US). 

BTW, this news outfit The Hill is pretty good. 

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22 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- don't you find it odd being a rabid right-winger on a message board about the Kennedy assassination?

Matt A-

Well...I am not a rabid right-winger. In fact, not even a un-rabid right-winger. 

Be careful when you assume....

Sheesh, I think government and lifestyle is probably better in socialized Germany than in the US. Great Britain's NHS seems to have handled COVID-19 better than the US hodge-podge. 

You confuse my distrust of the Deep State, and its relations with the modern Democratic Party, with being a "right winger." 

And let us be honest: If you watch a Tucker Carlson of Fox, you get support for a non-interventionist foreign policy that you do not find on CNN or MSNBC, or mainstream media. 

Sad to say, today's useful idiots are spread across the political spectrum, from the woke Democrats to old-school GOP'ers. The multinationals want that US military global guard service, and the two parties are willing to oblige. 

Note that I do not make any assumptions about your political views. I give you the benefit of the doubt that your views may be quite nuanced and knowledgeable, and may well differ from mine. 

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My political views are simple: Trump was the worst President in US history. The election was not stolen. Tucker Carlson is a White Nationalist. And the foreign-owned Fox "News Network" is doing everything in its power to end American democracy and move to an authoritarian, fascist-type government. If you disagree with any of that, I'd love to hear why.

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24 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

My political views are simple: Trump was the worst President in US history. The election was not stolen. Tucker Carlson is a White Nationalist. And the foreign-owned Fox "News Network" is doing everything in its power to end American democracy and move to an authoritarian, fascist-type government. If you disagree with any of that, I'd love to hear why.

Matt A:

I welcome your views, even though they differ on some points from mine. I do not discourage you from posting your views here, or anywhere else. 

On "left-wing" vs "right-wing" re the JFKA, you are aware that Jacob Hornberger is a libertarian, which some regard as a right-wing philosophy, and major figure in the JFKA community? Many libertarians are migrating to the view that the Deep State is a dangerous apparition, and the signal manifestation of authoritarian government. 

Why the Democrats and left-wing are embracing the Deep State might be of concern to you. 

Trump the worst President in history? 

Depends on who you are. Presidents LBJ-Nixon authored the deaths of six million in SE Asia, and that is the only the beginning of the atrocities in the region. I would believe anyone in SE Asia who says LBJ and Nixon were inhuman. 

Bush Jr.'s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan sucked down $6 trillion and counting US dollars, destabilized the whole region, displaced millions and led directly to hundreds of thousands of deaths, maybe millions total. 

Trump? A loser, but not even in the same league. 

That's my view, and I understand not everyone agrees. 

I am heading out for the day. Back when work is done. 

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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The left-wing is co-opted, and become useful idiots (already well underway in the US). 

Hey Ben, I think this indelicately put sentence has triggered Matt. 

4 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- don't you find it odd being a rabid right-winger on a message board about the Kennedy assassination?

You have retaliated with something emotive, Matt. 

As someone not from the USA it’s very interesting how society is divided into these two tribes, ready to argue the toss over the slightest infraction.  The “deep state”, power elite, shadow government or whatever we want to call it has been a very present them lately on the forum. Would it be a fair supposition to make the case that the “deep state” isn’t Republican or Democrat? And that they are only focussed on money, power, control and pushing their agenda through, which is very long term and thought out, as opposed to whimsical in most cases? 
Trump is only a blip in a 60-100 year history that we might think a “deep state” has existed.  I am pretty confident in saying that the bunch of politicians and money men, including Rockefeller, Morgan, Aldrich, Warburg etc that organised the Federal Reserve on Jekyll Island off Georgia were somewhere near the start of this cabal. Controlling the money supply is a very powerful tool. 

I do agree with Ben here, so many of these political topics that the people who identify as on the political left support vehemently are linked to compassion. The government tries to act neutral, as if to be doing the right thing all the time but, some of these topics of public clashes from the right or left may actually be aiding a policy or agenda. However, without knowing what the agenda or long term goal is, it’s very difficult to say for sure what it is. If I start from the outcome and work backwards, I have some observations, some are quote basic and some are more complex. 

On a simple level, having migrant’s come to the country through virtually open borders is something that one side is very against and another quite pro. On one hand rising crime is a consideration and safety (which the right seem to be bothered about) and the left sees it has giving desperate people the chance of a better life. I can see both sides of that but, for government and corporations, a surplus of labour coming in, more competition for jobs, means massive employers can exploit the new people coming, keep wages low and increase profits. They don’t care one bit about crime increases or the people wanting a better life, it doesn’t affect them one bit whilst riding about in their chauffeur driven car going to and from their gated communities. 

On a more complex level, every effort seems to be made to erase and erode and existing culture and Europe mirrors the USA. Whether you look at academia, woke/progressive work places or much of the media (bar Fox) there is an agenda or narrative playing out which is firmly against our culture and history. Making almost every historical figure a villain with no context seems strange. Unless there is a reason for this move. A question I have for you guys is; do you know how communism rose to such prominence in the 20th century? It was a promise of more equality, that sleep walked societies into tyranny. They too were told to forget what had gone before. Are we sleepwalking into something authoritarian or tyrannical, with compassion being the wolf in sheep’s clothing? Women have higher emotion trait’s in general and a natural proclivity toward caring and compassion (that’s 50% of the voters right there) and we are actively training men to gravitate more that way. There are tons of things that are pushing men that way too, we aren’t the fertile testosterone filled creatures we were 50 years ago. Consider this; if you desired a very obedient society that is easy to manipulate and control, what you may want to do is take away everything culturally that they cling on to as part of their identity, so that you eventually have this neutral society that identifies as citizens of the world, with no faith, tradition, pride or anything else. If you achieve that neutral society there will be zero unity, uprisings, resistance, just an obedient brain washed society, that is incredibly compliant. Do we think that by teaching and conditioning society to reject anything that went before, that this is where we are going? Is the goal a one world government that spoon feeds the public, punishes those who question in and rewards disciples of these doctrines with a better quality of life? ie the Chines social credit scoring system. 

What kind of a world do you want to live in? 


There are those of you who may reject this idea but, you’d be very wrong to ignore the use of psychology on human beings and things like ‘operant conditioning’. The authorities use it on POW’s, why would we assume it isn’t used on the masses to achieve goals. The same with ‘Propaganda’, we assume it’s something that’s only used in communist countries or back in WW2 or only by the party with opposing views to our own. 

Another thing some of you may want to read about is the ‘Divide & Rule’ strategy used by the British to conquer and control their larger colonies. You would keep the people of your occupied territories agitated and at loggerheads with eachother, and you as the ruler might appear as the lesser of evils, as a neutral. While factions within that country were at war with eachother, preventing unity and an overthrow of your rule. 

Nobody wants to think they are being played or fooled but, are we? Just step outside of the Dem / Rep divide and consider that it’s not a natural evolution of the public into two tribes and that it’s a construct. 

PS no spelling and grammar check today, I can’t be bothered. Sorry.

Edited by Chris Barnard
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Chris- I don't want to be rude, but that's a bit TL;DR for me. And no offense, but you really don't know what's happening here, as you live across the ocean. You're just guessing based on whatever it is you read. Currently there are assaults happening by RWNJs on every aspect of American democracy; upon the executive branch, all the way down to school boards- a small battle I just recently helped fight and win. All politics are local.

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55 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Chris- I don't want to be rude, but that's a bit TL;DR for me. And no offense, but you really don't know what's happening here, as you live across the ocean. You're just guessing based on whatever it is you read. Currently there are assaults happening by RWNJs on every aspect of American democracy; upon the executive branch, all the way down to school boards- a small battle I just recently helped fight and win. All politics are local.

Hi Matt, no offence taken, I understand why you may feel that way but, the same thing is happening in the UK, France, Germany etc. It may look a little different, be taking slightly different forms but, it's ostensibly the same. Freedoms being lost, democracy being eroded and censorship are happening here too. The race baiting and dividing of society is happening here too. I think it is great that you are selfless, passionate and are tackling causes local to you. We can find common ground there as like you, I want a better place for my children to grow up in. 

IMO that's the big issue today, the TLDR is very common as a response and the public don't have time to explore things on a deeper level. We now read headlines instead of articles, those who read articles of white, grey or black propaganda most often don't read the sources, if there are indeed any. There are multiple reasons for this but, an uninformed public is the result. To maintain a healthy democracy, the public must be educated, vigilant and ready to rise up should our freedoms start to be taken away. I believe it was JFK who said that. 

If we analysed government in he way we approach the JFKA, we'd have a much healthier democracy, if it indeed does still exist. I think we are seeing the dying embers of it. Politics is local and national, there is a hierarchy, policy and ideas that filters down from the apex of that pyramid. Most of us tend to look at events on a macro level and not in context with other events and in the bigger picture it may all be connected. 



PS Covid willing, I may be based in the USA working later in the year, i'll be sure to let you know what I see on the ground. As much as being close to something can be crucial to understanding, at the same time the person at the side of the chess board can often see the moves the players can't immediately. 

"The owl of Minerva only spreads its wings with the falling of the dusk." 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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