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A Conversation with Dr. Ronald Jones of Parkland Hospital

Micah Mileto

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he has been asked about the temple wound. Jones said that Dr. Porto told him that he (Dr. Porto) had seen a temple wound and put a finger in it. But Jones said he did not see the wound. 

Jones also said that after his deposition, Spector told  him that they had witnesses who said they thought there was a gunman on the grassy knoll but that the WC did not believe them. Spector then asked Jones not to mention it.  

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Dr Jones is asked about the accuracy of movies recounting that day and he says that one film portrayed the scene by showing or claiming that blood was squirting everywhere. He disputes this by saying when someone has died blood is not pumping.
 The WC testimony has more than one doctor saying that blood was gushing out of what must be a major laceration in the brain as a result of the heart message Dr Perry was doing. I think Baxter is quoted as seeing the blood gushing out and onto the curtains and saying to Perry "My god Mac what are you doing?". One of the nurses mentioned putting towels on the floor so the doctors would not slip in the blood around the head  of the gurney. Many doctors said there was lots of blood and brain matter that had come out of the hole in the skull. Dr Clark estimated that JFK lost 1500 cc of blood based on what he saw in Trauma room one. That would be  30 % of your blood.

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23 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

he has been asked about the temple wound. Jones said that Dr. Porto told him that he (Dr. Porto) had seen a temple wound and put a finger in it. But Jones said he did not see the wound. 

Jones also said that after his deposition, Spector told  him that they had witnesses who said they thought there was a gunman on the grassy knoll but that the WC did not believe them. Spector then asked Jones not to mention it.  

In the ARRB interview, or in another interview?


BTW this is from the ARRB interview:


I'd like to start out -- and that's the last major part that I hope to play in this discussion. I'd like to start out, if we could -- and maybe just start with Dr. Jones and then just go down the room -- of first where you were in trauma room No. 1 and what kind of view you had of President Kennedy in trauma room No 1, Dr. Jones.

DR. JONES: I was on his left side below the arm looking to my right I could easily see the neck wound I could not see in much detail the posterior wound, but did not see any flap of skull or anything laying out to the right side I saw relaxation of the facial tissues & perhaps of the hair, and I remained on the President's right side during the entire resuscitation attempt.

MR. GUNN: Did you ever go around and observe the left side?

DR. JONES: Left side. Excuse, I was on the left side.

MR. GUNN: Okay.

DR. JONES: Was I saying right side?

MR. GUNN: So all of your view was of the left side?

DR. JONES: All my view was from the President's left side.

MR. GUNN: Okay. Did you ever go around and observe the right side of the -

DR. JONES: I did not go around to the right side.

MR. GUNN: Could you observe any posterior wound on -- of the head from the left side where you were?

DR. JONES: At one point after we had completed the insertion of the chest tubes, IV, and tracheotomy, I looked up over the top of the President's head and from that view was all that I saw. But with him flat on the table, I could not appreciate the size of that wound but did not see a lot of skull or brain tissue on the table, some maybe, but not just a tremendous amount and certainly did not see a flap turned on the right side.

MR GUNN: Were you yourself able to identify any cerebellum or cerebrum tissue on the table?

DR. JONES: If there was I thought -- from my vantage point, I thought that it was a very small amount.

MR. GUNN: And were you able to identify one form of brain tissue versus another?


MR GUNN: Okay.

DR JONES: - but did see the very small wound which I thought was an entrance wound to the head. That was pretty clear.

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