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X-Ray: Path of the bullet?

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I never thought about tracing a path through the x-ray skull of JFK until I was challenged by a person. 

Never crossed my mind that the entry hole was that big circle above the ear until my pathologist friend pointed it out yesterday!

The x-ray is self explanatory with this tangential bullet channel.



Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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Keyvan, what is the meaning of the two perpendicular, parallel red lines?

Is the red circle at the left a reference to Mantik's argument that an exit or smaller fragment in that position was covered up by having a large circular light disc in that position (tampering with the x-ray)? Or some other meaning to that red circle?

How do you determine direction of the bullet from that photo, if the marked entry hole is the entrance? 

(I appreciate your probing comments and questions by the way.)

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1 hour ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

I never thought about tracing a path through the x-ray skull of JFK until I was challenged by a person. 

Never crossed my mind that the entry hole was that big circle above the ear until my pathologist friend pointed it out yesterday!

The x-ray is self explanatory with this tangential bullet channel.


What you've pointed out as the entry hole is just a thinning of the bone on the side of Kennedy's head in a location where the skull is normally quite thin. This is demonstrated below.



Edited by Pat Speer
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14 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

What you've pointed out as the entry hole is just a thinning of the bone on the side of Kennedy's head in a location where the skull is normally quite thin. This is demonstrated below.



Thanks for your guidance.  Your website is a benefit to the community.

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