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New Article by Dale Myers on Tippit

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First of all, I'm not sure this thread should be allowed. If one can't abuse fellow forum members, one probably shouldn't be allowed to link to articles in which fellow forum members are abused.

Second, Myers is his own worst enemy. Whether or not he is correct in that Oswald killed Tippit, he comes across as unhinged. I mean why does he have to throw in that Oswald was an "avowed Marxist"? Are "avowed Marxists" inherently violent and murderous? The thought occurs that Myers is a bit confused on this issue and has mistaken "Marxism" for "Anarchism".

Third, he deliberately sets a bar that he knows few can hurdle. Apparently, you can't share thoughts about the Tippit murder if you don't own a copy of the Dallas Police tapes, and you haven't studied his book. Well, hell. He says he received his copy of the tapes decades ago. Did it occur to him that the tapes are not readily available today? if they are, perhaps he should have posted a link so people could hear them for themselves. If they're not, perhaps he should put the tapes up on his freakin' website. It would be a lot better use of bandwidth than yet another rant from yet another unhinged theorist. (it kinda makes me wonder if Bugliosi had rabies, and somehow infected his collaborator.) 

This brings me to his book. I thought about buying Myers' book years ago but decided against it. It is ridiculously over-priced. You can't have it both ways. You can't whine that no one will read your book in which you argue against which most people with an interest have come to believe, when you have it ridiculously over-priced. It''s economics 101. When you have a product which people will be reluctant to buy you have to entice them by making it affordable. I mean, I got Bugliosi's doorstop (which had probably 8-10 times as much material as Myers' had in his book) for less than half the price that Myers was charging, last I looked. I, myself, have a website, with probably 20x as much valuable material as Myers has in his book. And he's never offered me a penny. 

And lastly, he takes a quote from me in which I offered Bill Brown some sincere advice, and makes it look like a threat. I think this is disingenuous. But I'll let Bill answer if he felt threatened by my suggestion he should play nice. (if that's the way it came across, I apologize.)



Edited by Pat Speer
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Thanks very much for the link, Tracy. I would definitely have discovered that newest Dale Myers article myself later today (because I check his blog every single day to see if he's written anything new). But you beat me to it by about an hour. SMILE-ICON.gif
A link to Dale's 7/19/2022 blog entry regarding the J.D. Tippit murder has already found a home at my blog site here. As is usually the case, I enjoyed Dale's latest tell-it-like-it-is article. I've linked to many of Myers' blog pieces at my own website over the years since Dale started his own blog in 2007 (which, ironically, is the very same year I started my first blog at the same "blogspot" platform).
I only wish I could convince Mr. Myers to become an active member of this forum. His detailed knowledge about so many aspects of the JFK and Tippit cases is virtually unparalleled. (The late Gary Mack comes close, however.)
Dale could be such a valuable contributor to a JFK forum like this one. But, alas, I kind of doubt anyone could now ever talk Dale into joining any JFK Internet forum, in light of these comments written by Dale this week:
"Years ago, when the Internet was in its infancy, I naively thought that forums like this would be a great way to share information, avoid duplication of effort, and generally enjoy the company of others who shared my passion for history and truth. Unfortunately, time has proven that the vast majority of these forums are nothing more than sandboxes for children where you either knuckle under the peer pressure or get sand kicked in your face. I’ve always found history fascinating and have spent the vast majority of my time trying to determine what is true, and what is not true, when it comes to the JFK assassination and the murder of Patrolman J.D. Tippit. To be honest, I haven’t learned one damn thing of importance from 26 years of patrolling these online forums. My occasional visits have become fewer and farther between – each time I’m reminded of why it’s better to stay away. Better for me, better for truth, and better for history." -- Dale K. Myers; July 19, 2022
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3 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:
Thanks very much for the link, Tracy. I would definitely have discovered that newest Dale Myers article myself later today (because I check his blog every single day to see if he's written anything new). But you beat me to it by about an hour. SMILE-ICON.gif
A link to Dale's 7/19/2022 blog entry regarding the J.D. Tippit murder has already found a home at my blog site here. As is usually the case, I enjoyed Dale's latest tell-it-like-it-is article. I've linked to many of Myers' blog pieces at my own website over the years since Dale started his own blog in 2007 (which, ironically, is the very same year I started my first blog at the same "blogspot" platform).
I only wish I could convince Mr. Myers to become an active member of this forum. His detailed knowledge about so many aspects of the JFK and Tippit cases is virtually unparalleled. (The late Gary Mack comes close, however.)
Dale could be such a valuable contributor to a JFK forum like this one. But, alas, I kind of doubt anyone could now ever talk Dale into joining any JFK Internet forum, in light of these comments written by Dale this week:
"Years ago, when the Internet was in its infancy, I naively thought that forums like this would be a great way to share information, avoid duplication of effort, and generally enjoy the company of others who shared my passion for history and truth. Unfortunately, time has proven that the vast majority of these forums are nothing more than sandboxes for children where you either knuckle under the peer pressure or get sand kicked in your face. I’ve always found history fascinating and have spent the vast majority of my time trying to determine what is true, and what is not true, when it comes to the JFK assassination and the murder of Patrolman J.D. Tippit. To be honest, I haven’t learned one damn thing of importance from 26 years of patrolling these online forums. My occasional visits have become fewer and farther between – each time I’m reminded of why it’s better to stay away. Better for me, better for truth, and better for history." -- Dale K. Myers; July 19, 2022

There's an expression: "Plays well with others". No one has ever used that expression to describe Dale Myers. I doubt he could last one day before he went off on a rant about how stupid most of us are and that if only we could accept his genius, we would all see the light. While I would agree that he knows a lot about certain aspects of the case, there is no sense of collegiality about the man. As a result, he would not be a good fit for this or any other forum. 

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7 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

First of all, I'm not sure this thread should be allowed. If one can't abuse fellow forum members, one probably shouldn't be allowed to link to articles in which fellow forum members are abused.

I disagree with you on this, Pat.

If such a rule were to be put in place, I think there would also be a lot of linked webpages posted by CTers that would also have to be disallowed, because I'll bet I could find many such CTer-linked articles that "abuse fellow forum members". Wouldn't you agree?


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2 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

There's an expression: "Plays well with others". No one has ever used that expression to describe Dale Myers. I doubt he could last one day before he went off on a rant about how stupid most of us are...

Yeah, you're probably right.

[ Obligatory ---- 😁 ]

Edited by David Von Pein
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Just now, David Von Pein said:

I disagree with you on this, Pat.

If such a rule were to be put in place, I think there would also be a lot of linked webpages posted by CTers that would also have to be disallowed, because I'll bet I could find many such CTer-linked articles that "abuse fellow forum members". Wouldn't you agree?


No. I don't think so. I'm not aware of any articles linked to on this forum that are deliberately insulting to any current members. Are you? if so, maybe we should remove the links.

P.S. I think you understand that saying someone is wrong or that you disagree with them is perfectly acceptable, but there's a level of nastiness in Myers' article that would definitely not be allowed on the forum.  

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13 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

P.S. I think you understand that saying someone is wrong or that you disagree with them is perfectly acceptable, but there's a level of nastiness in Myers' article that would definitely not be allowed on the forum.  

Oh yes, I definitely agree with you there. Myers doesn't mince any words. Nor do I think he should---especially with all the facts that are on his side regarding the Tippit murder (i.e., facts that are regarded as fake or fraudulent by many conspiracy theorists, without those CTers offering up the slightest bit of proof  to show that any  of the Tippit evidence is really fake or fraudulent; all the CTers have are their suspicions and their speculation).

So, frankly, I can certainly understand the attitude that Mr. Dale K. Myers takes towards the conspiracy believers who continue to shout "Oswald Didn't Shoot Tippit". Because as I've stated before....


Edited by David Von Pein
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9 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Oh yes, I definitely agree with you there. Myers doesn't mince any words. Nor do I think he should---especially with all the facts that are on his side regarding the Tippit murder (i.e., facts that are regarded as fake or fraudulent by many conspiracy theorists, without those CTers offering up the slightest bit of proof  to show that any  of the Tippit evidence is really fake or fraudulent; all the CTers have are their suspicions and their speculation).

So, frankly, I can certainly understand the attitude that Mr. Dale K. Myers takes towards the conspiracy believers who continue to shout "Oswald Didn't Shoot Tippit". Because as I've stated before....


I am actually an agnostic on this issue. But c'mon David. A lot of the facts you cite have been disputed. As a consequence, you are accusing people of believing in a scenario you know they don't believe. Not cool. 

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43 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I thought about buying Myers' book years ago but decided against it. It is ridiculously over-priced.

The Kindle version is $3 right now. Not sure if that is a sale or what. IMHO-I think everyone should have it. Some don't like the Kindle version but the advantage is you can search.

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2 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

The Kindle version is $3 right now. Not sure if that is a sale or what. IMHO-I think everyone should have it. Some don't like the Kindle version but the advantage is you can search.

Thanks. I might get it. I think I bought James Jenkins' book on kindle but don't remember how to access it. I'm a bit of a luddite. 

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44 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Thanks very much for the link, Tracy. I would definitely have discovered that newest Dale Myers article myself later today (because I check his blog every single day to see if he's written anything new). But you beat me to it by about an hour. SMILE-ICON.gif

You're welcome David. BTW, you can sign up for email alerts somewhere on the site and get a notification of new posts which is how I found out.

45 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

I only wish I could convince Mr. Myers to become an active member of this forum.

The passage you quoted pretty much sums up why he likely will not. For most people, the sheer amount of time you have to devote to fighting a losing battle against 10 people at once is not worth it. I've always been amazed at what you have been able to do here. Perhaps having an extensive website (as you do) to quote from helps make it easier.

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9 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I am actually an agnostic on this issue.

Do you think that the Smith & Wesson revolver (Serial Number V510210) was the weapon that killed J.D. Tippit?

If you answer yes to that question, then the only way for Lee Oswald to be innocent of that crime is if the "idiotic" scenario I mentioned in my last post actually somehow did occur on 11/22. Agreed?

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5 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

Thanks. I might get it. I think I bought James Jenkins' book on kindle but don't remember how to access it. I'm a bit of a luddite. 

There is an app you can install-that is what I use. I currently have about 80 or 85 JFK books (have sold many) and about 50 of them are on Kindle. I will admit that there are times that I prefer the physical book but the Kindle is cost effective and doesn't take up any space in my house. I had the physical version of With Malice when it first came out and sold it (out of greed) when the price went to $60 since I doubled my money. I now have the Kindle version.

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5 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

I've always been amazed at what you have been able to do here. Perhaps having an extensive website (as you do) to quote from helps make it easier.

That's true. It also helps in finding primary source information on a given subject too (which I try to always link to on my webpages).

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