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Rydberg Drawings

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Although Harold Rydberg, former senior Medical Illustrator at Bethesda Medical School, drew these drawings. James Humes and Thornton Boswell were the authors. The inaccuracy of the illustrations is due to them!211003023_RydbergWCDrawings.thumb.jpg.1abb97c9288974f7cbc64f7d7e847690.jpg 

Edited by Barry Keane
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Rydbert was adamant that he was not allowed to view any of the autopsy materials - a total violation of standard protocol in doing medical illustrations - and was forced to do his work based on very general remarks from the Doctors.  He was suspicious of the whole process from the beginning and when we had him speak at a Lancer conference he was outspoken in his opinion of the credibility of the illustrations.

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Yes, the circumstances of the drawings and the fact neither Warren nor Specter made an effort to have them corrected after viewing the autopsy photos and confirming that the "back of the neck" wound in the drawings was 2-3 inches higher than it was on the body is one of the "smoking guns", if you will, demonstrating that the single-bullet theory was a hoax. 

To be clear, those in on the hoax might not have known, for a fact, that there was more than one shooter, etc. But they knew, for a fact, that the bullet trajectories presented to the public by the commission were inaccurate and deceptive. And they perpetuated this hoax for 15 years. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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