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Head Games -The deliberate and fraudulent coverup of President Kennedy's head wound - Part I

Gil Jesus

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By Gil Jesus ( 2022 )

"The detailed autopsy of President Kennedy performed on the night of November 22 at Bethesda Naval Hospital led the three examining pathologists to conclude that the smaller hole in the rear of the President's skull was the point of entry and that the large opening on the right side of his head was the wound of exit. ( Report, pg. 86 )

This was the Commission's conclusion: a bullet entered the President's skull and took a sharp right-hand turn and exited the right side of his head. But this conclusion was not supported by the massive damage seen to the President's skull in the Zapruder film.

It was not supported by the Dealey Plaza witnesses who saw the President struck in the right side of his head and a piece of the rear of his skull blown backward.

It was not supported by the observations of the Parkland doctors, who described a massive exit wound at the rear of the head and cerebella protruding from the wound, tissue that could not have been seen if the exit wound was as the Commission claimed.
And documents released by the Assassination Records Review Board in the mid-1990s showed that it was not supported by witnesses at the autopsy, a fact revealed during the House Select Committee on Assassinations interviews in 1978, but which the HSCA originally suppressed until 2029.

In any murder case, the truth is established when each piece of evidence supports another. Putting together a case is like putting together a puzzle and "when it don't fit you must acquit".

And here lies the problem: the Commission's x-rays and photographs of the head wound do not fit. They do not fit the description given by the witnesses in Dealey Plaza who saw the President gunned down, the observations of Clint Hill, the Dallas doctors, or the witnesses at the autopsy. In fact the photographs and x-rays do not match each other.
And the photographs do not match the results obtained through testing of the Western-Cartridge ammuntion and its effect on a human skull.

The Dealey Plaza witnesses
There were witnesses in Dealey Plaza who either saw the last shot hit the President in the right side of his head or saw the back of his head come off.

One of those witnesses to a shot in the side of the head was Emmitt Hudson, the groundskeeper of Dealey Plaza, who testified that he saw the fatal head shot hit Kennedy "a little bit behind the ear and a little bit above the ear" on the right side of his head. ( 7 H 560 )


Another witness to a shot on the side of the head was William Newman. Newman was probably the closest witness to the President when he was struck by the fatal bullet. He, his wife and their two children were on the north side of Elm St.. He was inteviewed shortly after the murder live on WFAA-TV in Dallas. During that interview, he said,
"as the car got directly in front of us a gunshot apparently from behind us hit the President in the side of the temple".


Because his observation did not fit the head shot coming from behind, Newman was never called to testify before the Warren Commission.

Another witness who the Commission ignored was Charles Brehm, who was standing on the south side of Elm St with his 5 year old son. Brehm told author Mark Lane in 1966 that "I saw a piece ( of Kennedy's skull ) fly over in the area of the curb where I was standing...it seemed as if it came left and back."

The Commission also ignored Marilyn Willis, who described the head shot from her position on the south side of Elm St.. From her viewpoint, Kennedy was struck in the right temple because his brains "exploded out the back of his head". Her daughter added that "the back of his head came off."

But the non-medical witnesss who had the longest look at the President's head wound was Secret Service agent Clint Hill, who saw the head wound on the way to Parkland Hospital. He testified that, "the right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed." He described it as "one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head." ( 2 H 141 )

It's no coincidence that witnesses on the north side of Elm St. saw a bullet enter the right side of the President's head and the witnesses on the South side of Elm St. saw the rear of the President's head come off.
The observations of the Dealey Plaza witnesses of a gaping wound at the right rear of the head were exactly what the medical professionals at Parkland Hospital saw.

The Parkland Hospital witnesses
Perhaps the best witnesses to the President's actual head wounds are the medical witnesses who observed it at Parkland Hospital.

Dr. Gene Coleman Akin, Anesthesiology:
"The back of the right occipital / parietal portion of his head was shattered, with brain substance extruding." ( 6 H 65 )

Dr. Charles James Carrico, Surgery:
"This was a 5- by 7-cm defect in the posterior skull, the occipital region. There was an absence of the calvarium or skull in this area" ( 3 H 361 )

Dr. William Kemp Clark, Neurological Surgeon:
"This was a large, gaping wound in the right posterior part, with cerebral and cerebellar tissue being damaged and exposed." ( 6 H 20 )
In his report of 11/22, Dr. Clark also stated that "cerebellar tissue was extruding from this wound". ( CE 392, 17 H 3 )

Dr. Ronald Coy Jones, General Surgery:
"There was large defect in the back side of the head ...some brain hanging out of this wound .." ( 6 H 53 )

Dr. Robert Nelson McClelland, General Surgery:
"...I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted....posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out. ( 6 H 33 )

Dr. Paul Peters, Surgery
"I noticed there was a large defect in the occiput ( rear of the skull ). It seemed to me that in the right occipital/parietal area there was a large defect. There appeared to be bone loss and brain loss in the area. ( 6 H 71 )

Dr. Marion T. "Pepper" Jenkins, Anesthesiology:
"...noted that a portion of the cerebellum ( lower rear brain ) was hanging out from a hole in the right--rear of the head." ( 7 HSCA 287 )
Dr. Jenkins also stated that "cerebellum had protruded from the wound" in his report of 11/22/63. ( CE 392, 17 H 15 )

Nurse Diana Bowron testified that she saw "one large hole" when she saw the condition of the "back of his head." ( 6 H 136 )



What these medical witnesses were describing is easier understood by knowing the location of the cerebellum.

Their descriptions of cerebellar tissue damaged and exposed could not have come from an exit wound in the parietal area of the skull as shown in the autopsy photo. It could have only come from an exit wound behind the right ear.

A large, gaping exit wound at the rear of the skull was not only seen by witnesses in Dallas, it was seen by witnesses in the morgue at Bethesda as well.

Coming in Part II: Bethesda and beyond

Edited by Gil Jesus
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1 hour ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

The fact that the medical personnel at Parkland are not believed is just mind boggling.

It truly is.

There are so many things about this case that still just make me shake my head and wonder if some people live in a parallel reality.

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2 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

The fact that the medical personnel at Parkland are not believed is just mind boggling.

Not when you realize that the autopsy photos almost totally contradict all of those Parkland witnesses with respect to the location of JFK's large head wound.

The authenticated-as-genuine autopsy photographs and X-rays simply must trump any and all eyewitnesses....no matter how many witnesses are saying something different.

But, of course, those Parkland witnesses are believed by many, many people—such as yourself, Andrew, plus about 60%-70% of America, which is the approximate current number of people who say they believe a conspiracy existed on November 22, 1963.

http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / The Back Of President Kennedy's Head (Part 1)


Edited by David Von Pein
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  • Gil Jesus changed the title to Head Games -The deliberate and fraudulent coverup of President Kennedy's head wound - Part I
3 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

It truly is.

There are so many things about this case that still just make me shake my head and wonder if some people live in a parallel reality.

Part II will be

*Did the Bethesda witnesses describing the same wound in the same location as the Parkland Hospital witnesses ?

*Do the autopsy photos represent the wound the Bethesda witnesses saw in the morgue ?

*Do the autopsy photos match the damage to the skull in the wounds tests ?

*Do the sutopsy photos match the x-rays ?

*Were the autopsy photos tampered with ?

*Did the HSCA lie in its Report about what its witnesses said regarding the head wound ?


Part III will be the conclusion


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