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Wow! Former Moscow CIA Chief Says CIA Elements Likely Involved in JFKA

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9 hours ago, David Boylan said:

I believe that Rolf Mowatt-Larssen spoke at the Lancer(?) CAPA(?) conference a few years ago with pretty much the same thoughts. If it was a conspiracy it came from members of JMWAVE and possibly the Domestic Contacts Division.

Like you I vaguely remember something from a previous presentation of Rolf Mowatt-Larssen. Something to do with Jeff Morley. But my recollection is a few years back Mowatt-Larssen was far less provocative, only saying LHO may have been with Castro or anti-Castro types, used in some way. Very mushy and speculative.

In this iteration, Mowatt-Larssen explicitly mentions the CIA, and says a CIA rogue action is likely responsible. 

Again, I wish we knew if Mowatt-Larssen has merely read industry literature (Newman, Hardway, others) and drawn conclusions (as is his right, and perfectly fine), or was he privy to some insights while in the CIA. I assume after a professional lifetime in the CIA, he knows that organization fairly well. 

IMHO, Mowatt-Larssen is on the right track. There is still the possibility that a higher-up leaked vital info the to the rogue group, and that allowed the rogues to contact and dupe LHO, or piggy-back on a planned false flag op. 


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8 hours ago, Max Good said:

Yes, Rolf Mowatt-Larssen spoke at one of the conferences in Dallas in 2019.  He has been working along with Jefferson Morley.  Hopefully some good things come out of this.  I think he hasn't received much attention in the research community because people don't trust him.  Here's some background on him.


From Jeff Morley:





For someone this prominent and involved in intelligence circles, you have to ask what is his motivation for pushing the conspiracy side.  What is his vision for how the "truth" could come out and what would be the implications?  As a senior fellow at Harvard's Belfer Center, which was headed by Obama's Secretary of Defense Ash Carter up until his death a few days ago, can he genuinely be promoting a perspective that would implicate the national security state, military industrial complex, corporate media, academia, etc.?



Thanks for your excellent comments. My recollection of Rolf Mowatt-Larssen's 2019 presentation was that it was speculative, as in "what would a CIA op look like and it would involve operations guys" type of presentation. I remember being disappointed. But I will see if it is on Youtube somewhere and look again.  

In his latest iteration, Mowatt-Larssen is far more interesting, and explicitly said the JFKA was likely a CIA rogue op. 

This has huge implications for what the WC did. The bigger crime? 

Yes, it is possible Mowatt-Larssen's only role is to deflect blame from higher-ups who truly ordered JFK's murder.  

Still, what is likely to be found, even if the docs are released? My guess is the docs were scrubbed clean long ago, and there never were any docs that said, "Yes, Dulles tacitly ordered the hit, in connivance with LBJ. This was so we could invade Vietnam."

Well, to all of us...stay tuned....


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