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Wow! Former Moscow CIA Chief Says CIA Elements Likely Involved in JFKA

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I give all the credit in the world to Breaking Points for airing such a view, which still to this day is verboten in M$M or new left wing media. 

And one cannot ask general journalists to be expert on every topic, in this case the JFKA.

But they flubbed one part of the interview---they did not ask the CIA guy the follow-up question, "OK, how did the WC, with teams of lawyers and researchers, the FBI as an investigative arm (and other agencies) and 26 volumes of report, miss the truth?"  

Same deal with the HSCA.

Also, "What was the role of Allen Dulles on the WC?" 


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I give all the credit in the world to Breaking Points for airing such a view, which still to this day is verboten in M$M or new left wing media. 

And one cannot ask general journalists to be expert on every topic, in this case the JFKA.

But they flubbed one part of the interview---they did not ask the CIA guy the follow-up question, "OK, how did the WC, with teams of lawyers and researchers, the FBI as an investigative arm (and other agencies) and 26 volumes of report, miss the truth?"  

Same deal with the HSCA.

Also, "What was the role of Allen Dulles on the WC?" 


Sounds more like a limited hang out than anything else. I guess it's nice to see an insider not afraid to take a stand but he's really uninformed and skirts around important issues, like you say. Thanks for posting though.

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27 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

Sounds more like a limited hang out than anything else. I guess it's nice to see an insider not afraid to take a stand but he's really uninformed and skirts around important issues, like you say. Thanks for posting though.

Well...maybe so. 

I sure would like to hang out at a smoky bar late at night in quiet corner and find out what the CIA guy really thinks.

I wonder if he has a reason to suspect CIA assets or actual personnel were involved...a reason he picked up while employed at the CIA. Scuttlebutt, or something to that effect.  A mysterious file never explained, that sort of thing. 

If the CIA guy just read John Newman's books and is repeating some thoughts, that is fine, he is entitled to his opinion based on his experiences and reading....but that is less interesting. 


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This ex-CIA Moscow Station Chief thinks Dick Helms was fired after the BOP!

Just confusing Dulles with Helms, but he's dead right on the files release. 

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2 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Sounds more like a limited hang out than anything else. I guess it's nice to see an insider not afraid to take a stand but he's really uninformed and skirts around important issues, like you say. Thanks for posting though.


I agree.

He's said to have taught a class at Harvard on the JFKA, yet doesn't even know that Angleton was messing around with Oswald's 201 file while Oswald was being set up in Mexico City? He needs to read a book if he's not gonna do his own research.

But I suspect he's laying the blame on lower-level CIA agents just in case a smoking gun pops up and the whole institution is blamed.


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46 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I agree.

He's said to have taught a class at Harvard on the JFKA, yet doesn't even know that Angleton was messing around with Oswald's 201 file while Oswald was being set up in Mexico City? He needs to read a book if he's not gonna do his own research.

But I suspect he's laying the blame on lower-level CIA agents just in case a smoking gun pops up and the whole institution is blamed.



It was a relatively brief interview...the CIA guy may know all about the 201 file, and maybe more. 

Yes, it is curious Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is coming out now, ahead of a possible records release. And he seems to absolve higher-ups. 

But, when was the last time a CIA Moscow station chief said something even close to this: 

“What I think happened, in a nutshell, is that Oswald was recruited into a rogue CIA plot,” Rolf Mowatt-Larssen said. “This group of three, four or five rogues decided their motive [was] to get rid of Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis because they thought it was their patriotic duty given the threat the country was under at the time and their views, which would be more hard-line or more radically anti-communist and very extreme politically.”


No one from the CIA has ever said even something close, unless it was David Atlee Phillips late-in-life statement (unrecorded) that he also suspected CIA elements were involved.

This guy Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is on the record, on video. 

I know within the JFKA community there are many who think the JFKA plot went to the top, to elites. That may be.

But it may have also been a CIA rogue action---and the WC played a cover-up role, a crime just as large in some ways. 

And this a big deal in another way: How can LN'ers say only conspiracy nuts believe in the JFKA, when the CIA Moscow station chief thinks so, and does not suspect Russians but his own agency

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Yeah, you'd think it would be generating at least some major news coverage when a former Moscow CIA station chief is voicing his reasons for believing that rogue CIA elements played a role in JFK's assassination. 

It's too bad that he mistakes Helms for Dulles as the official fired after the Bay of Pigs. This is the kind of mistake that critics will pounce on and will use as an excuse to ignore the rest of what he says.

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28 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Yeah, you'd think it would be generating at least some major news coverage when a former Moscow CIA station chief is voicing his reasons for believing that rogue CIA elements played a role in JFK's assassination. 

It's too bad that he mistakes Helms for Dulles as the official fired after the Bay of Pigs. This is the kind of mistake that critics will pounce on and will use as an excuse to ignore the rest of what he says.

Probably just a slip of the tongue, in a live interview.

Of course none of us here have ever made a mistake when speaking extemporaneously....

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I believe that Rolf Mowatt-Larssen spoke at the Lancer(?) CAPA(?) conference a few years ago with pretty much the same thoughts. If it was a conspiracy it came from members of JMWAVE and possibly the Domestic Contacts Division.

Edited by David Boylan
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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Probably just a slip of the tongue, in a live interview.

Of course none of us here have ever made a mistake when speaking extemporaneously....

I agree completely. I just know how unfair and disingenuous our critics can be when it comes to judging things like this. 

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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

And this a big deal in another way: How can LN'ers say only conspiracy nuts believe in the JFKA, when the CIA Moscow station chief thinks so, and does not suspect Russians but his own agency?


That's a very good point. Whenever somebody refers to tinfoil hats and such when talking about us, we can point to this video.


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4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

It's too bad that he mistakes Helms for Dulles as the official fired after the Bay of Pigs. This is the kind of mistake that critics will pounce on and will use as an excuse to ignore the rest of what he says.



Another good point that, unfortunately, destroys Ben's good point.


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Yes, Rolf Mowatt-Larssen spoke at one of the conferences in Dallas in 2019.  He has been working along with Jefferson Morley.  Hopefully some good things come out of this.  I think he hasn't received much attention in the research community because people don't trust him.  Here's some background on him.


From Jeff Morley:


I came to Dallas because I had some idea of what he intended to say. Mowatt-Larssen first shared his JFK analysis at Valerie Plame’s annual Santa Fe spy conference in 2018. A friend in attendance texted me. “This guy from CIA just said the agency killed JFK,” she wrote. “Wtf?”



I had the same question. In Dallas, I learned that Mowatt-Larssen embraces the theory that JFK’s assassination was the work of rogue CIA officers. He argues that certain officers in the agency’s Miami station plotted JFK’s death as revenge for his perceived betrayal of Cuban anti-communist forces during the failed invasion at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961 and the missile crisis of October 1962.

This is not a novel interpretation of November 22. The possible involvement CIA officers in JFK’s death is explored most carefullyAnthony Summers and Robbyn Swan’s deeply reported book, Not in Your Lifetime. Nor does Mowatt-Larssen stake out a grand claim to historical truth.  He sometimes gives himself an out by saying things like, “If there was a conspiracy, here’s how it happened.” He repeats he is not speaking from any knowledge of CIA records on the subject. His method is probabilistic, not evidentiary.




While I appreciated this creative mode of thinking, more than one conference participant did not.

“I think there’s a zero percent chance he’s not a representative of the CIA cover-up,” Dan Storper, a record company owner and co-Chair of The Truth & Reconciliation Committee, a group of 80 citizens, activists and authors who have called for the re-opening of the JFK investigation. Another researcher called Mowatt-Larssen a “CIA stooge” whose talk was “the low point of the conference. I couldn’t find a brick to toss, LOL. Why he was there is beyond me.”






For someone this prominent and involved in intelligence circles, you have to ask what is his motivation for pushing the conspiracy side.  What is his vision for how the "truth" could come out and what would be the implications?  As a senior fellow at Harvard's Belfer Center, which was headed by Obama's Secretary of Defense Ash Carter up until his death a few days ago, can he genuinely be promoting a perspective that would implicate the national security state, military industrial complex, corporate media, academia, etc.?


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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I sure would like to hang out at a smoky bar late at night in quiet corner and find out what the CIA guy really thinks.

I wonder if he has a reason to suspect CIA assets or actual personnel were involved...a reason he picked up while employed at the CIA. Scuttlebutt, or something to that effect. 

I was about to write a long post about this but will keep it short and just say that Rolf Mowatt-Larssen's position at the Belfer School at the Kennedy School of Government has kept him in close proximity for years to an extremely interesting group of people intimately connected to the Pentagon, the various Joint Chiefs and advisors that were on duty during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the scandal-prone side of the CIA.



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