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Whitney Webb's ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL books have been released

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Researcher Whitney Webb's two-volume series on the saga of crime, intelligence agencies and blackmail in the US has been released - ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL, volumes 1 and 2. It'd be a stretch to call this directly JFK assassination related but there will likely be new things here that shed light on the overall picture.

I thought I'd post this today as there are signs the books are already going in and out of print, or through repeat printings, and I wouldn't want to make bets on how long they may be available. Possibly Kris Milligan is keeping up with demand and these will be perennials but it might be wise to grab them now if you're interested. Volume 1 and 2 are below, with links to the Trine Day bundle, Amazon, and Book Depository.





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The books are also available as regular ebooks on the Apple App Store, same price, and having purchased the first and browsed through the dense text it's my preferred way of reading this. It's quite a chunky read, heavily footnoted, and feels easier to manage for me on my big iMac screen.

Webb did a long interview last week with - of all the people - radio host Glenn Beck, and the interview reinforces to a degree my thought that some of Beck's earlier Limbaugh-style persona was constructed for ratings. Anti-establishment discussion is certainly in vogue with the audiences that voted for Trump, and I wouldn't expect to see Beck interviewing every other researcher that we like - there's not a lot else on his channel of particular interest - but this is a decent discussion.

A couple of JFK assassination books are referenced in Webb's first volume, Peter Dale Scott's DEEP POLITICS being main among them.


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10 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

The books are also available as regular ebooks on the Apple App Store, same price, and having purchased the first and browsed through the dense text it's my preferred way of reading this. It's quite a chunky read, heavily footnoted, and feels easier to manage for me on my big iMac screen.

Webb did a long interview last week with - of all the people - radio host Glenn Beck, and the interview reinforces to a degree my thought that some of Beck's earlier Limbaugh-style persona was constructed for ratings. Anti-establishment discussion is certainly in vogue with the audiences that voted for Trump, and I wouldn't expect to see Beck interviewing every other researcher that we like - there's not a lot else on his channel of particular interest - but this is a decent discussion.

A couple of JFK assassination books are referenced in Webb's first volume, Peter Dale Scott's DEEP POLITICS being main among them.


I downloaded the books and started reading volume 1. That prompted me to do a search on Whitney Webb, and on her previous work. I’m not sure what to think, and I would like to see us here engage with this. If I’m understanding this correctly she thinks that Covid-19 was developed in a US lab in Fort Dietrich - read military - and that there is a hidden agenda at work. 

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I think most of her writings have to do with hidden agendas of some sort. She also has some long articles on 9/11, the anthrax attacks of 2001, blackmail of US politicians and other topics.

RFK Jr's next book, out in the next couple of months, is a deep dive into the origins of Covid-19. and by the look of it he jointly implicates US officials and some of their witting counterparts at a facility in China. I have an ebook copy of his last book on Anthony Fauci - it's a very detailed read, heavily footnoted, but I've been too busy to absorb it entirely.

I think the general thesis of both Webb and RFK Jr. is that there was a lot of joint work over a certain number of years by government and. military officials to research and possibly create a new type of virus from old ones, and the debate then ranges between how much of what followed was between 'oops, that shouldn't have happened', or alternately 'gee, since this has happened, I guess all these other things we wanted to do can happen too', while various affiliated folks and companies made billions.  But I haven't dived yet into the details. 

Oliver Stone's praise for RFK Jr's earlier book is below, and the upcoming volume is linked under it.



"RFK Jr.'s story of Fauci's failure as the government's AIDS coordinator is a highly disturbing prologue to his COVID mandate as head of NIAID. So, who is Dr. Fauci in the end? Has American medicine truly become a 'racket, ' as corrupt as a mafia organization? Does everything in our country turn on the size of the money involved? How can we begin to solve this? The Real Anthony Fauci is a fascinating starting point. RFK Jr. has written a strong, strong book." 
--Oliver Stone, award-winning director, producer, and screenwriter



Edited by Anthony Thorne
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