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The Knoll Plainclothes Detective

Gerry Down

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20 hours ago, Ron Ege said:

Ron, thanks.

It has been a long, long time - but didn't some official in the motorcade (Ralph Yarborough?) - report seeing a guy on the grassy knoll (and I am paraphrasing as best as I can) say, " . . .  there was a guy on the knoll, and when the shots occurred, I saw him hit the ground, and I thought he might be a combat veteran . . .  "

Or was the individual he saw, maybe Bill Newman?  I don't remember if "the guy" was uniformed.

Ron/anyone - any validity to the following?

Gordon Arnold JFK Kennedy Assassination new grassy knoll enhanced photo: The Grand Subversion

ignoring the "enhanced photographs", there are these:

Verification of Gordon Arnold's presence on the grassy knoll comes from Senator Ralph Yarborough who was riding with Vice-president Johnson and Mrs. Johnso (two cars behind the Presidents car) "My eye was tracked to the right and I saw a man just jump about ten feet like an old time tackle in football and land against the wall."
(* The same Ralph Yarborough, by the way, that thought he smelled gunpowder near the grassy knoll, And yelled, "My God They've shot the President.")

Also, I seem to remember reading somewhere that Yarborough did also say something like, " . . .I did see somebody hit the ground in military style, that man must have been in the military. . . "

                                                       And also, from the link:

"Senator Yarborough has said, the man he saw jump "LANDED AGAINST THE WALL" he was not talking about the Newman's, he knows what he’s talking about."

Worthy of note, there is included the well-known photo of Newman - "He is covering his young son on the grass near the street."

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Does anyone know what the badges looked like that the Secret Service agents in Dallas, such as Clint Hill for example, were carrying? This webpage ( https://www.secretservice.gov/about/history/badges ) shows Secret Service badges but these badges are marked "White House Police" which is a bit confusing. Would Clint Hill for example be considered "White House Police"? The below badge on that webpage is labelled "Uniformed Division" which i'm not sure what this means. I checked Vince Palamaras book "Survivors Guilt" but that book does not appear to contain any pictures of Secret Service badges.

Uniformed Division - 1963

USSS Stars

The badge of our Uniformed Division beginning in 1963.



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