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Demolition of Parkland Hospital

Lori Spencer

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The demolition of the original Parkland Hospital building started this summer, and is expected to be a nearly two-year process. 

was just wondering if any forum members who visited Dallas this week stopped by Parkland to check on the progress. 

if anyone has pics or video of what’s happening at the Parkland demo site, please share in this thread. Thanks! 

WFAA-TV report on Parkland demolition

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I read about this a few months ago.  I'd guess the asbestos removal would be the most time consuming.  The actual implosion of the building will only take a few minutes.  Then the cleanup.  Why it takes so long?  IDK.  It's inevitable, in process at this point, without the historical designation nothing can be done.  With it the building could have been re purposed and renovated, with federal funding assistance I believe.  But I guess no one in Dallas that cared thought about this possibility.  I'd also venture a guess that the city officials wouldn't care for another JFK historical site designation.

Beyond JFK, Oswald and Ruby I have a personal interest in Parkland.  A daughter born there in October 1981.

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It is somewhat astonishing that Parkland never applied for historic landmark status, it certainly more than qualifies. 

I guess the last thing a hospital administrator really wants is a tourist attraction in the middle of a busy medical complex, and I understand why that’s problematic, but still very sad to see it go. 

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