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Cory Santos

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Yes, I agree with both of you.


Nice find Cory.

Pages 2-3 basically show that the "no invasion agreement" by the Kennedy administration would prevent recruitment within Cuba to accomplish overthrow.  It clearly shows that the Cuba was was in affect stopped and pushed into the shadows by JFK.  It mentions, I think the frustration of many with JFK in that it states however, the "higher authority", i.e. JFK, wants "maximum effort" against Castro and eventual overthrow.  Can you imagine what they must have thought about JFK and Vietnam?  Perhaps along the lines of go win a war but do not engage!  That seems a reasonable interpretation.

On page 10, I think a very important note is made.

Under section 9:  Communist Party Operations, it basically states infiltration of pro-Cuba groups was needed.  

This document is dated November 27, 1962.  While it recommends ending of the conventional Mongoose program, clearly, continued efforts were to be made more quietly.

Now, consider, LHO meets George De Mohrenschildt in September 1962 and then rents a post office in Dallas in October 1962.  

Then in the spring of 1963 he allegedly begins his odd activities which will become the basis of the lone nut, i.e., Langsdale, New Orleans, Mexico City, etc.

His focus becomes the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.  Why?

Was his role to infiltrate Cuba for intel per this memo?  Why does he shift his focus from the Soviet Union to Cuba?  Especially since JFK clearly was keeping a hands off policy.  Perhaps. . . perhaps not. But then why did he try to go to Cuba in 1963?  When that fails he goes to the Soviet Embassy.

I think this document supports Jim's argument about what was happening behind the scenes.  Clearly, powerful people, were very upset with the situation and in their views and many others, they were right.  This document explains why Cuba seems to drop off the map during the LBJ administration.

Either way, anyone who disputes that this document is important does not understand the history and geo-political environment of the 1960s.


Edited by Cory Santos
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it would be most helpful if researchers first compare any 2022 release against what is in the MFF collection. the overwhelming number of 2022 releases are simply fewer redactions than prior versions. There are only a handful of new documents. Joe Backes found documents that did not have RIF numbers in the six-part spread sheet that supposedly represents the universe of the JFK Collection. 

Our lawsuit includes a request to order new searches, completed outstanding ARRB search requests  and fixing the JFK Collection. 

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