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Marguerite Oswald: Letters Prove He ( Lee ) Was An Agent

Gil Jesus

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Interview with Lee Harvey Oswald's mother Marguerite, who said that letters she had from correspondence with the State Department and letters she got from her son while he was in Russia, indicate that he was an agent of the US Government.



Edited by Gil Jesus
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Thanks Gil...

I'd like to add that in the WCR evidence we are offered letters from Lee to his mother... she claims that while in the marines letters were written back and forth very often with multiple letters each month...yet the only letters offered are after mid-1961 and there are no letters at all from Marge to Lee... the same man who seems to have kept virtually everything crossing his path.

Where are all the letters while he was in the marines?

Yet 5a99977d38bdd_LettersfromOswald.jpg.d7d847952225f83aabf2a52eea9a1ebf.jpg

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