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Can We Do Polls On The Education Forum


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A good idea. 

Another idea: As JFKA'ers, most of us have a heightened sense, knowledge of and distaste for secret government, aka Deep State, national security state, shadow government and so on. 

Of course, the Deep State is stronger than ever, on steroids since 9/11, and endowed with technology unimagined in 1984. And now, enjoying support by both major political parties. 

Right now, within this forum, if one wants to discuss the Deep State in current context, we are channeled into the grab bag "The inevitable result of out last 56 years" chat room, which includes the usual partisan polemics and ad hominem jousts. 

I propose a chat room "Deep State Today" where we can (it is hoped) discuss the Deep State in the current context...whether it plays a role in current events...without devolving into partisan rants. Much of this would be speculative, but interesting.

I doubt in "56 years" that we can discuss state/intel  pressure at Twitter and Facebook without the conversation devolving into Trump or that Musk is a bad man. They may be...but intel coordination with Twitter and Facebook remains the issue I want to discuss.

Was shadow government involved on 1/6? Can this topic be addressed without hyperventilation? 

A moderator could try to keep the "Deep State Today" chat room on target. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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2 hours ago, David Butler said:

Hi Chris

It looks like it's there already as standard in the software.

When you make a new topic it takes you to a page called Create New Topic where it defaults to a tab called Content.

To the right of the Content is a tab called Poll so click on that and it should allow you to set one up.



@Chris Barnard

Thank you, David. 

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I'm not a computer code-type guy. My background is in the journalism classes I took, plus a few years in radio broadcasting. I'm about 5 small steps beyond a Luddite.

I see that David has given you a map to access the poll function. I hope it works out well for you.

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6 hours ago, Mark Knight said:


I'm not a computer code-type guy. My background is in the journalism classes I took, plus a few years in radio broadcasting. I'm about 5 small steps beyond a Luddite.

I see that David has given you a map to access the poll function. I hope it works out well for you.

Thank you, Mark. I understand. 

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