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A Personal Encounter with the Warren Commission

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Attorney Chad Nagle writes about his summer assignment with none other than Howard Willens.

Its an interesting story that may has some insights to it about the WC.


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54 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Attorney Chad Nagle writes about his summer assignment with none other than Howard Willens.

Its an interesting story that may has some insights to it about the WC.


Well worth reading. 

It is worth noting how (most) WC staffers and commissioners reject all conspiracy theories...but leave the door open a crack that LHO might have been working for Cuba or Russia, they could just could not prove it. 

Willens himself traveled to Mexico City on behalf of the WC to track down what LHO did there, and said the FBI and CIA in MC affirmed for him that LHO only applied for visas while there, nothing more. 

Evidently, Willens never even entertained the possibility that the LHO trip was a CIA biography build, or even that the Kostikov-LHO meeting had been engineered in some manner, to create an LHO-Kostikov "link." 

For that matter, perhaps LHO was on a simple spy mission for the CIA, to meet with Kostikov, note relations between Kostikov and subordinates, garner any information possible. How do Russians react to a provocateur like LHO? What did security inside the compound look like? After all, LHO was able to meet Kostikov while armed---was a signal being sent to Kostikov? Try any wet work in Latin America and we know where you are? 

Willens is close-minded.

Willens, btw debates Blakely here:


Willens is everything as described by Nagle. Offensive, abrasive, dismissive, rude. Even Blakey is taken aback.

BTW, Blakey herein refers to Eladio Del Valle and Hermininio Diaz as suspects in the JFKA, and recounts his belated distrust of the CIA. 

In other words, Blakey suspects a conspiracy in the JFKA. 

The number of knowledgable, skeptical and circumspect people who think the official story on the JFKA is not tenable...







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