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"20 REASONS" REVISITED - a different perspective on conspiracy communities


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13 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


This is BS!  Chrissake Chris! You're living in a bubble! From what I've heard, Lance is a consultant to a county  government. Can't you tell the difference? It sounds like you're not at all aware of the many levels of government that there are. I've known people who have worked at Local, County and Federal levels. Do you honestly think everyone  who works in such  a local capacity would really be in danger of losing his job if he believed in the JFKA conspiracy, and posted on an online forum?
Besides you're being presumptuous to know to what extent Lance earns his living with the county, or how much authority he really has to lose.
I would call this a false case in Chris's asserting of a Lance lapse of critical judgement.


The thing that pleases me the most is that you haven’t understood the context of the comment. You’ve gone off half-cocked. I think most others understood, fortunately. 

It may help If you read Lance’s comment first. 😉 

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Everything you post about conspiracy theorists may be true, and yet....

It is historical record that governments and allied media will create narratives, often fancied by 'investigations."

Citizens, without the investigative, legislative or executive powers of the government, can hardly challenge establishment narratives. Some challenges are mounted, always underfunded and necessarily speculative. 

Does that mean I am a "conspiracy theorist," as I do not accept the dominant government-media narrative? 

Let's take the government-M$M 1/6 committee and Russiagate narratives. To me, they do not hold water. (This does not make a Trump supporter. I am just calling it as I see it.)

Does that make me a kooky conspiracy theorist? 

The government-M$M treatment of the JFKA for decades was weak at best. I think skepticism regarding official narratives is sometimes justified. Beyond that, the HSCA concluded the JFKA resulted likely as the result of a conspiracy. 

So...which official government investigation do you believe?

Are you a "crackpot" for dismissing the HSCA conclusions? 

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

The thing that pleases me the most is that you haven’t understood the context of the comment. You’ve gone off half-cocked. I think most others understood, fortunately. 

It may help If you read Lance’s comment first. 😉 

If I was a county manager and the county attorney said about Lee Harvey Oswald being murdered in police custody and remarked "Too bad Hitler didn't have a trial either" That's not someone I would want representing my County. But that's just me.. 

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8 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

If I was a county manager and the county attorney said about Lee Harvey Oswald being murdered in police custody and remarked "Too bad Hitler didn't have a trial either" That's not someone I would want representing my County. But that's just me.. 

There is that.

I am just wondering how long it’ll take Kirk to fetch his reading glasses and figure out that I wasn’t talking about Lance. 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

If I was a county manager and the county attorney said about Lee Harvey Oswald being murdered in police custody and remarked "Too bad Hitler didn't have a trial either" But that's just me.. 

Chris, Your quoting Matthew in a post he made he made in the last hour. But it's not even from this thread!. He obviously got confused. Find me  where Lance says this in this thread.

It's not even pertinent anyway! Lance is not a County Manager! In the U.S. a county manager is either an elected position or is appointed and works with the county elected board.  It is a political position. 

Yes,if a county attorney said that to me. That's not someone I would want representing my County either. So what?

And you make me have to wade through Lance's diatribe to find your quote! And then you don't have anything pertinent to say.

Nice going knuckleheads!


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11 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris, Your quoting Matthew in a post he made he made in the last hour. But it's not even from this thread!. He obviously got confused. Find me  where Lance says this in this thread.

It's not even pertinent anyway! Lance is not a County Manager! In the U.S. a county manager is either an elected position or is appointed and works with the county elected board.  It is a political position. 

Yes,if a county attorney said that to me. That's not someone I would want representing my County either. So what?

And you make me have to wade through Lance's diatribe to find your quote! And then you don't have anything pertinent to say.

Nice going knuckleheads!


@Matthew Koch are you seeing this too? I think uncle bad touch is on the sherry. ☺️ He has read it twice and still doesn’t understand. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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Chris, It's time to come clean. Matthew's "quote" of Lance isn't even from this thread! Right?

So, as Matthew  said, he's 10th grade educated and to me, he writes like an 8th grader. Which given the metric about how public education has fallen since I was in school is about right.  So ..... Is this Matthew's direct quote of Lance (below, naturally without even quotation marks!) or is he slandering Lance by insisting Lance said something more damaging that he can't produce?? And he's given his opinion of what Lance said here? 

And then you quoted Matthew believing it was actually a quote!!!.

It appears you don't have a quote at all, but a memory, right?  Not that it was ever pertinent to you argument  anyway!

It's sounds like your dumfounded by your own confusion.  You used this from Matthew Chris. is it a quote, or is it Matthew's opinion  of what he thought he heard?

Matthew: If I was a county manager and the county attorney said about Lee Harvey Oswald being murdered in police custody and remarked "Too bad Hitler didn't have a trial either" That's not someone I would want representing my County. But that's just me.. 


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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


This is BS!  Chrissake Chris! You're living in a bubble! From what I've heard, Lance is a consultant to a county  government. Can't you tell the difference? It sounds like you're not at all aware of the many levels of government that there are. I've known people who have worked at Local, County and Federal levels. Do you honestly think everyone  who works in such  a local capacity would really be in danger of losing his job if he believed in the JFKA conspiracy, and posted on an online forum?
Besides you're being presumptuous to know to what extent Lance earns his living with the county, or how much authority he really has to lose.
I would call this a false case in Chris's asserting of a Lance lapse of critical judgement.


OMG, look, you donut. You were wrong, as I wasn’t talking about Lance in my reply to lance. Got it? 

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34 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris, It's time to come clean. Matthew's "quote" of Lance isn't even from this thread! Right?

So, as Matthew  said, he's 10th grade educated and to me, he writes like an 8th grader. Which given the metric about how public education has fallen since I was in school is about right.  So ..... Is this Matthew's direct quote of Lance (below, naturally without even quotation marks!) or is he slandering Lance by insisting Lance said something more damaging that he can't produce?? And he's given his opinion of what Lance said here? 

And then you quoted Matthew believing it was actually a quote!!!.

It appears you don't have a quote at all, but a memory, right?  Not that it was ever pertinent to you argument  anyway!

It's sounds like your dumfounded by your own confusion.  You used this from Matthew Chris. is it a quote, or is it Matthew's opinion  of what he thought he heard?

Matthew: If I was a county manager and the county attorney said about Lee Harvey Oswald being murdered in police custody and remarked "Too bad Hitler didn't have a trial either" That's not someone I would want representing my County. But that's just me.. 


TIL Kirk is a grammar KAPO! 

I didn't slander Lance since he actually said it, that's not how slander works Kirk. I can't directly quote Lance because he's edited his comments to say "Hi" and "Bye". 

You remember more about what I've said than my ex Gf's, you're taking grasping at straws to a new level. 

1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yes,if a county attorney said that to me. That's not someone I would want representing my County either.

But anyways thanks for agreeing with me😉💯

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I haven't read any of the above replies, which I'm sure were thought-provoking, but Amazon recently provided me with a fitting adios to this thread and this forum. I've been on a binge of watching documentaries - 99.9% non-JFKA related, I assure you - in lieu of watching the depressing news. I downloaded "Parkland" thinking it was probably the usual conspiracy-oriented pseudo-documentary that I would nevertheless force myself to watch. It turned out to be a wonderfully well-crafted Tom Hanks production that told the story with about 97% historical accuracy.

In watching the movie, I was struck by two points relevant to my original post:

1. The JFKA was a real-world historical event in which some lives were lost, many lives were ruined, and countless lives were deeply affected. The JFKA conspiracy community has turned it into an absurd game in which all historical reality has been lost beneath layers and layers of silliness. It's become little more than an elaborate whodunnit with the manuscript being revised on a daily basis as hucksters seek to outdo Agatha Christie.

2. In the process of turning it into an absurd game, the conspiracy community blithely besmirches the reputations of entirely ordinary, honest and decent people as though they were fictional characters in the absurd game, entirely without regard to the feelings and families of the real people. Oswald is elevated nearly to the level of a saint while Ruth Paine, Roy Truly, J. D. Tippit and countless others of both higher and lower status, from Earl Warren and Allen Dulles to Linnie Mae Randle, are dragged through the mud of conspiracy fiction.

What I see SCREAMING off the pages of this forum, ROKC and others of this sort is deep, delusional, mental pathology. I have to believe this is why such forums have so little participation and so few lurkers. Others see it, too. This is why assorted scientific disciplines devote so much effort to studying the psychology of conspiracy communities rather than the psychology of those who think they're wacky.

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