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Left-Wing Daily Beast Reviews JFK Rape of Marilyn Monroe Movie "Blonde"

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23 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Why is this topic not more appropriate for the JFK DEEP POLITICS section, since it has zero to do with the actual assassination? Ben, if you're convinced this is part of a "Deep State" operation, then you're actually making my point that it belongs in the JFK DEEP POLITICS section.

Now...do your best to convince me that's NOT what you're saying.


A part and parcel of the JFKA is the M$M media coverage, and from Day One to the present day. 

Very, very early, the "cover story for popular consumption" was that a lone assassin was responsible---the loner, leftie, loser LHO did it. I argue that was deliberate 

To the present day, the JFKA research community is presented as kooks, cranks, crackpots and conspiracy theorists. Media coverage of JFK and the JFKA is central to the assassination discussion. 

Many, many times, and justifiably, we have examined modern-day renditions of Operation Mockingbird, and intel-state pollution of media in regards to the JFKA. 

I chose to cite just one modern-day left-wing website that is engaged in presently sullying the JFK image. The same website that mercilessly ridiculed Oliver Stone for his recent documentary on the JFKA. 

Very worth reading is:


Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone---by Dick Russell


Russell is, of course, a JFKA researcher. 

Surely, a critique of media coverage of the JFKA, and media efforts to alter the JFK image are worthy topics---and to the present day.  

The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone et al team is teaching a new generation contempt for the JFKA community. 

That is not a JFKA topic? 

BTW, I have written about, and will happily write again about Max Holland, the absolutely terrible right-winger who has also written misleading copy about the JFKA---under the imprimatur of  the Council of Foreign Relations, no less. I will re-hash Max Holland in my next post. 

People should be angry that so much of left-wing media has been co-opted by the intel state, and that is deeply affecting the image of the JFK and the JFKA---right when a President is deep-sixing the JFK Records Act in perpetuity. 

But you guys at angry at me?

Operation Mockingbird on steroids--that is where we are today. 

I do not think I am off-topic at all.

I will happily---aggressively and eagerly---denounce any right-wing media that is playing a similar card in relation to JFK and the JFKA. 

I ask readers of the EF-JFKA to present examples of the how the right-wing media denigrates the JFK image and ridicules the JFKA research community.

There is a slew of these phony left-wing sites operating, under such once well-regarded banners as Rolling Stone. This is important.  I should have better expressed that the example I cited was that--an example, one of many. 

BTW, has there been excellent coverage of the JFK Records Act in the WaPo or NYT

You guys are not incensed at the NYT and WaPo? But at me? 

Journalists, who are supposed to be for transparent government, are reacting to the President deep-sixing the JFK Records in perpetuity...with a massive yawn? 

Are we to use kid-gloves on the current President...because of that President's political party? 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I will be doing an extensive exploration of this subject.

Joyce Carol Oates' novel is just that of course.  But she did an odd thing up front in the Author's Note. She tried to insinuate that it was a roman a clef by saying that it was based on books that are supposedly non fiction i.e. by Fred Guiles, Norman Mailer, Graham McCann, Carl Rollyson and, OMG,  Anthony Summers.

In my upcoming essay, this is the issue I am going to explore:  was the non fiction really non fiction?  And the impact of this mixutre  on our culture.

 Oates' novel was made into a TV movie twice.

This last version quite appropriately won the Razzie as worst film.

BTW, Daily Beast carried that ridiculous Max Holland article about the Italian leftist newspaper and the plots to kill DeGaulle, and how it influenced Garrison to indict Shaw.  Which it did not.  I have one upcoming on this very soon.

Jim D--

People like you are are deeply experienced and knowledgeable about the JFKA, and media manipulation (to put it mildly). 

You see this poisoned JFK-JFKA coverage, old wine in new bottles (this time, in leftish news outlets) and you can handle it. You know what is going on. 

Imagine the ordinary guy or younger people reading The Daily Beast, Insider or Rolling Stone.  They think they are reading the "hip" view of the JFKA. 

Then add on the NYT and WaPo

The NYT and WaPo do not think the deep-sixing of the JFK Records is a big deal. Readers take cues from that too. 

That is where we are today. 


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I agree that that is the big story going on right now.

Both Biden and Trump breaking the law on the last records.

And I really mean that: they both broke the law and actually tried to rewrite it.

Where is there a peep about this in the Ny TImes or W Post?

Why do they not ask Jeff Morley, or Rex Bradford, or Jim Lesar to write an editorial on the subject?

IMO, its because they do not want to draw attention to it.  Or their own failures.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

I agree that that is the big story going on right now.

Both Biden and Trump breaking the law on the last records.

And I really mean that: they both broke the law and actually tried to rewrite it.

Where is there a peep about this in the Ny TImes or W Post?

Why do they not ask Jeff Morley, or Rex Bradford, or Jim Lesar to write an editorial on the subject?

IMO, its because they do not want to draw attention to it.  Or their own failures.

We are talking about the JFKA, an event that led directly to the Vietnam War and six million dead in SE Asia. And infinite human suffering. 

Let alone, the JFKA was likely a regime-change op by US-based elements, even if there had been no policy changes post-JFKA.

Why doesn't Larry Schnapf get a cover story in the NYT Sunday magazine? 

No one cares that the present administration's arguments for JFK Record perma-secrecy obviously---and I mean obviously, beyond reasonable doubt---do not hold water? 



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