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Three Reasons the Zapruder Film Refutes the Single-Bullet Theory

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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

Didn't think so.  :up

You've chosen to ignore content by Cliff Varnell.

Meltdown complete.

The central question remains — what kind of weapon leaves a shallow wound in soft tissue?

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Pellet guns.  And the pellets were removed prior to the autopsy.

Are there any other cases of assassination by pellets?

OK. Are you sure you mean multiple pellets not one for that back shot? How many shots are you talking about for that single hole in JFK's upper back?

Could you say when you think a pellet in that wound in the back would have been secretly surgically removed prior to the autopsy, and for what purpose?

How about instead, no secret surgical removal, but, that missile coming from an air gun it did not penetrate the skin fully, and did, as the original Siebert and O'Neil FBI report reconstructed, come out by itself perhaps during the medical procedures at Parkland?

And as for who would be interested in hitting JFK in the back with a CO2 handgun in the midst of a serious intent to assassinate and kill, perhaps a "decoy" shot from the 6th floor TSBD--the first shot to get people's heads turned that way from the sound toward the sound, toward the TSBD, the first shot that the witnesses said sounded "different" than the others?

The rest of the shots other than the one to JFK's back all from real rifles to kill. (The throat wound maybe an entrance wound from a shot fired at ca. Z330 from the storm drain, exited rear of the head?)

JFK's reaction to being hit in the back that first shot with the air gun, the Thorburn reaction (not from being hit in the throat)? 

Edited by Greg Doudna
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2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

OK. Are you sure you mean multiple pellets not one for that back shot? How many shots are you talking about for that single hole in JFK's upper back?

One soft tissue wound in the back, one in the neck.

2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Could you say when you think a pellet in that wound in the back would have been secretly surgically removed prior to the autopsy, and for what purpose?

I’d have to refer you to the work of David Lifton.  There were no bullets recovered from either wound at autopsy.  The pellet scenario requires prior removal.

2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

How about instead, no secret surgical removal, but, that shot coming from an air gun it did not penetrate the skin fully, and did, as the original Siebert and O'Neil FBI report reconstructed, come out by itself perhaps during the medical procedures at Parkland?

But it did penetrate the skin fully.  And you’ve got two pellets falling out.  From what I understand bullets don’t just fall out of wounds.  I dunno about pellets.

2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

And as for who would be interested in hitting JFK in the back with a CO2 handgun in the midst of a serious intent to assassinate and kill, perhaps a "decoy" shot from the 6th floor TSBD--the first shot to get people's heads turned that way from the sound toward the sound, toward the TSBD, the first shot that the witnesses said sounded "different" than the others?

Not pellets. The rest of the shots other than the one to JFK's back all from real rifles to kill. (The throat wound maybe an entrance wound from a shot fired at Z330 from the storm drain, exited rear of the head?)

Not according to the cervical x-ray, which shows a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process, and an air pocket overlaying C7 and T1 — consistent with a frontal throat shot.

2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

JFK's reaction to being hit in the back that first shot with the air gun, the Thorburn reaction (not from being hit in the throat). 

SSA Bennett wrote on the flight back to DC that JFK was hit in the back right before the head shot.  Since JFK brought his fists up to throat level, it seems apparent he was reacting to a throat strike.  He acted paralyzed, it seems.

Occam’s Razor:  what’s the simplest explanation for someone acting paralyzed?

They *are* paralyzed.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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In response to this 

1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

(The throat wound maybe an entrance wound from a shot fired at ca. Z330 from the storm drain, exited rear of the head?)

you replied this:

1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Not according to the cervical x-ray, which shows a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process, and an air pocket overlaying C7 and T1 — consistent with a frontal throat shot.

Could you explain how you see the right T1 transverse process hairline fracture and the air pocket as refuting the slight upward and slightly from the right (enough to miss the windshield) trajectory that a shot would have hitting JFK's throat from the front at Z330, and exiting back of the head, fired from the storm drain? 

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1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

In response to this 

you replied this:

Could you explain how you see the right T1 transverse process hairline fracture and the air pocket as refuting the slight upward and slightly from the right (enough to miss the windshield) trajectory that a shot would have hitting JFK's throat from the front at Z330, and exiting back of the head, fired from the storm drain? 

I asked Barb Junkkarinen what creates the kind of air pocket seen on the x-ray and she said it can occur when the tissue is lightly tapped—“like with a pencil.”

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Let's put it this way: Something clearly knocks JFK visibly forward starting at Z226. Not only is he knocked forward, but his arms and elbows are flung upward. These reactions, second only to those of the head shot, are the most obvious and dramatic reactions in the Zapruder film, and they occur after JFK has already started clutching at his throat.

These movements clearly have nothing to do with the shot that causes JFK to freeze his waving motion and to start to bring his hands toward his throat, and that causes Jackie to suddenly turn her head to the right to look at JFK, beginning at Z200. 

And neither of these two shot reactions can rationally or credibly be connected with Connally's dramatic reactions that start at Z238. In Z238, Connally's right shoulder collapses, his cheeks and face puff, and his hair becomes disarranged. After reviewing high-quality enlarged prints of the Zapruder film, Connally said the frame of impact was Z234, and he said "there was no question" that he was not hit before Z231. This was the guy who actually experienced the wounding and who obviously knew himself better than anyone else. 

There is just too much evidence of the Z184-186 shot to wave aside. In addition to JFK's and Jackie's reactions that start at Z200, there's a strong blur episode that starts at Z189. Howard Brennan starts to snap his head to the right at Z207. George Hickey starts to turn his head to the right at Z195. 

But even if one cannot bring himself to acknowledge the evidence of at least one pre-Z190 shot, it is hard to fathom how the bullet that knocks JFK forward starting at Z226 could be the same bullet that slams Connally's right shoulder downward starting at Z236, especially given the fact that Connally was certain he was not hit before Z231. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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Hi Cliff, in response to my asking this:

8 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Could you explain how you see the right T1 transverse process hairline fracture and the air pocket as refuting the slight upward and slightly from the right (enough to miss the windshield) trajectory that a shot would have hitting JFK's throat from the front at Z330, and exiting back of the head, fired from the storm drain? 

You answered this:

8 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I asked Barb Junkkarinen what creates the kind of air pocket seen on the x-ray and she said it can occur when the tissue is lightly tapped—“like with a pencil.”

I am not at all comprehending your answer. First, who is Barb Junkkarinen and does she have medical credentials. Second, are you interpreting that as a suggestion that the air pocket was caused by a doctor at Parkland tapping on the outside of JFK's throat lightly with a pencil or similar object? What does the quote from Barb Junkkarinen have to do with--how does that refute that the throat wound could have been a front entrance wound from a shot fired from the front?

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1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

Hi Cliff, in response to my asking this:

You answered this:

I am not at all comprehending your answer. First, who is Barb Junkkarinen and does she have medical credentials.

She did.  Barb is no longer with us. 

1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:


Second, are you interpreting that as a suggestion that the air pocket was caused by a doctor at Parkland tapping on the outside of JFK's throat lightly with a pencil or similar object?

No, it was caused by the round that entered the throat.

1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

What does the quote from Barb Junkkarinen have to do with--how does that refute that the throat wound could have been a front entrance wound from a shot fired from the front?

Because the damage is inconsistent with a shot that blows out the back of the head.

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The basics of the shooting have been obvious for many years to anyone who is willing to acknowledge what the Zapruder film so clearly shows.

JFK starts to react to a shot at Z200, and Jackie starts to react to JFK's reaction at virtually the same moment. Yet, 26 frames later, JFK is visibly knocked forward and his hands and elbows are flung upward, from Z226-232. On top of this, 10 frames after JFK is knocked forward, and 30 frames after JFK clearly starts to reach for his throat, Connally's right shoulder is suddenly driven downward, and his face and cheeks puff, obviously in reaction to a shot that struck him a fraction of a second earlier--Connally himself said the moment of impact was Z234. Then, of course, there is the obvious head shot at Z313. That makes four shots.

Thus, if nothing else, the Zapruder film proves there were at least four shots, which means that the SBT is false and that more than one gunman was involved.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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The basics of the shooting have been obvious for many years to anyone who is willing to acknowledge what the Zapruder film so clearly shows.

JFK starts to react to a shot at Z200, and Jackie starts to react to JFK's reaction at virtually the same moment. Yet, 26 frames later, JFK is visibly knocked forward and his hands and elbows are flung upward, from Z226-232. On top of this, 10 frames after JFK is knocked forward, and 30 frames after JFK clearly starts to reach for his throat, Connally's right shoulder is suddenly driven downward, and his face and cheeks puff, obviously in reaction to a shot that struck him a fraction of a second earlier--Connally himself said the moment of impact was Z234. Then, of course, there is the obvious head shot at Z313. That makes four shots.

Thus, if nothing else, the Zapruder film proves there were at least four shots, which means that the SBT is false and that more than one gunman was involved.

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