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So,you think that Lee Harvey Oswald couldn't drive?

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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

What person goes to a car dealership, asked to test drive a car and then proceeds to drive like a "MAD MAN' while doing so?

Especially if he or she is sober?

Oswald may have driven around a residential neighborhood with Ruth Paine a few times. However, I doubt if she told him to go onto a freeway and "LET ER RIP!"

Sounds like Lee H. wasn't ready for freeway driving.

Surprised no one asked Ruthie more details about her driving lessons with Lee.

How far did you let him drive? How fast? How did he do? Was he nervous or calm and confident driving? Did you let him go onto the freeway? Was he ready to take a DMV test and pass in your opinion?

Very important questions.

Joe the name is Ruth, not Ruthie...

She was asked and did give details of the questions you ask. Here I am paraphrasing (not quoting), 90% fact and 10% humor:

5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

How far did you let him drive? A few yards in a grocery store parking lot, except for the first time when he took my keys and drove me against my will eight blocks to get to that parking lot. Never again on a public street, I told him and vowed! How fast? 15 mph max I let him drive in the parking lot. How did he do? He can't parallel park. He can drive a little but I wouldn't trust him with my car. Was he nervous or calm and confident driving? Oh he was confident. It was me that was alarmed. Did you let him go onto the freeway? Are you crazy?? No! Not with my car, or me in it! Was he ready to take a DMV test and pass in your opinion? Not until he learns to parallel park, which is what I was working with him on and he was learning. Once he learns that, he might be able to pass the test. I still wouldn't lend him my car though. 

My earlier only dealt with nailing down the date of the Downtown Lincoln-Mercury test drive, not whether that was Oswald or someone else claiming to be Oswald. 

One theory could be Oswald wanted some freeway practice before taking his driving test and taking a test drive at a dealer was about the only way he could get that practice, since stuffy Ruth wasn't going to let him practice with her car. 

Apart from Bogard being scared out of his mind, and ticked off that Oswald burned up the remaining gas in the tank of the demo car without turning out to be a customer, Oswald verified for himself that he could handle a car on freeways for his test.

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