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The Many Paths of Jean Pierre Lafitte: character map by Pete Sattler

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Pete Sattler, professional graphics designer in 2018, responded to the call from investigative journalist and author, Hank Albarelli Jr. to capture in art form the characters who surfaced during our search for who killed JFK in Dallas.  

Hank and I agreed that Pete may well have surpassed the work of neo-conceptual artist Mark Lombardi (1951-2000), the inspiration for this approach.


First, Pete Sattler’s, The Many Paths of Jean Pierre Lafitte.


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Leslie, I think you know by now, no offense intended by me.  But the chart in the book has very small print, even squinting, for some of us it's hard to read.  I got out my magnifying glass and it does seem well done, sensible.  The one you posted here the other day, I couldn't make anything out on it.  

If there is a problem displaying a larger version on the forum, is there a way you could provide a link to a much larger version forth benefit of all forum members, me included.  I think it would help others see the connections, and me to see them better.  No one else but you and Robert are defending Hank's, your and Alan's work on here.  Please continue.

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Thanks, Ron.


I thought I had deleted that trial run.

I believe Pete has figured out the appropriate app. to adjust to the limitations here.  He will post in the a.m.


Otherwise, we’ll make it available upon request via my gmail: lesliemsharp17@gmail.com

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