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Ret. Gen. Edwin A. Walker and Ret. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby . . . and the plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas

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On 8/7/2023 at 3:05 PM, Leslie Sharp said:

REDACTED of Lausanne, Switzerland

RICHARD GIBSON, US founder of FPCC, was attempting to create a FPCC in Algeria at the beginning of Jan 1963.  The name CHANDERLI comes up.

GIBSON lived in Algiers from April 1963 and is thought to have been paid by the Cubans...  fwiw

Not sure if any connection exists, yet y'all would know better...  


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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

RICHARD GIBSON, US founder of FPCC, was attempting to create a FPCC in Algeria at the beginning of Jan 1963.  The name CHANDERLI comes up.

GIBSON lived in Algiers from April 1963 and is thought to have been paid by the Cubans...  fwiw

Not sure if any connection exists, yet y'all would know better...  


That Richard Thomas Gibson (co-founder of NYC-based FPCC) chose Tangier as a base for the loose-knit organization is in and of itself significant in light of reports that Oswald had been in the Moroccan capital; those sources were quickly discredited with the typical "too young, unstable, heavy drinker, town gossip." Recall that Winthrop Buckingham — a friend of William Broglie (Hotel Luma) and June Cobb (both of whom knew Tom Proctor who appears in Lafitte's records related to Thomas Eli Davis who was later arrested in Tangier), was living in Tangier at the time. Gibson, who apparently had been considered by the agency for a non-specific contract role in Cuba, claimed to have at least known of Oswald although the timeframe wasn't clear.  His report appears within days of that of a Moroccan living in Russia who notified authorities he had dated Marina before she met Lee Oswald.  

Col. William Eddy and Carleton Coon were often supported in their intelligence activities in Morocco by American Henry Winthrop Buckingham, a covert OSS agent, who ran the Hotel El Fahar, a pension hotel in Morocco. Buckingham, a Yale University graduate, would later turn up in the Warren Commission investigation of JFK’s assassination. At that time, as readers shall see, Buckingham was reported by the FBI as having possibly seen, and dealt with, Lee Harvey Oswald when Oswald was alleged by several other individuals to have been in Morocco. 

. . . 

According to one report, Paul Gill was associated with several Americans in Tangier, one of whom was Buckingham. At the time, Buckingham, who had for years been an associate of June Cobb’s friend and CIA asset, Hotel Luma manager Warren Broglie, was managing a hotel in Tangier. Buckingham was also a longtime CIA operative who had played strong supportive roles with the OSS in North Africa. Over the years, Buckingham and Broglie had developed a close friendship, often socialized at hotel business gatherings around the world. Paul Gill was also closely connected to the American soldier of fortune, Thomas Eli Davis Jr., who often roomed with Buckingham and his wife, Ellen, when in Tangier. Ellen was born in Turkey where her father served as a reverend in Smyrna.  

            Davis, according to the CIA, often used the alias “Oswald.” This claim is supported by the interview notes of George Carter, “that he [Davis] used the name Oswald in his anti-Castro activities in the period 1959–1962 while the real Lee Harvey Oswald was in the USSR. . . . Carter’s lead to Davis came from Jack Ruby’s attorney, Tom Howard.” 

            Lastly, the Rabat report mentions another American, Rev. Carl Ray Jackson, in relationship to Oswald as having allegedly attended a social gathering in Tangier with Schleifer. Additionally, Rev. Jackson’s daughter, described as being a little “flitty,” allegedly had seen Oswald several times in a Tangier “beatnik hangout.” The astute reader, however, might ask why the thirteen-year-old daughter of a minister would feel compelled to make up such a story?

            The CIA Station Chief in Rabat, Charles Cogan, was skeptical about these reports of Oswald sightings, stating somewhat humorously: “[It] would appear that the whole affair is a product of highly vivid imaginations brought to a simmer in a pot of kif, booze, beatnik poetry and stirred by the Tangier sea breeze.”

            However, CIA officials in Washington, D.C. remained concerned about the sightings and about Schleifer’s activities. According to one former Agency official, once extensive follow-up investigation had been conducted, some analysts eventually concluded that there “was a strong possibility” that “some of the Tangier reports had some validity,” while others may have been “mixed up with other reports that came from Mexico City regarding Oswald’s activities there with counterculture types.” A pattern emerged for any sincerely questioning Oswald’s presence in Tangier. — Hank Albarelli Jr., CiD

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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