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Some Texans have a weird sense of humor, and you may be their victim

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Knowing about a breed of professional and well-educated Texans who see forums such as this, and read daft explanations about the "umbrella man" who came forward years after the event to tell of an obscure tale relating to the umbrella carried by Neville Chamberlain decades ago, and then reading comments that take this stuff seriously, I wonder how many pranksters are reading these comments and participating in them - to wind you up.

It's what some Texans call entertainment.

From time to time stories pop up in the press about DJs who call officials by phone and record their conversations for replay on a breakfast drive-time radio show. The DJs pretend to be someone that they are not, and a few manage to clear the hurdles by fooling the people answering the phone and put some dignitary on line to make a total fool out of them.

The stereotypical comments about the 'DCM" remind me of this, and so does the explanation for the "UM".

If there are pranksters on this forum, then the more their comments are taken seriously and elaborated upon, the more they roar with laughter at how stupid some participants are. If dignitaries can be fooled, you can be sure that you can also be fooled.

It's all part of the diverse culture that is Texas.

Be careful, you could become a victim.

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IDK who you're talking to Mervyn but we're not all right winged red necks.  I've always thought I had a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor myself, maybe not that common, or in some cases even understood in the redder parts of the state.  I've long agreed with Waylon Jennings thoughts on this.  Remember, Tejas proclaims to be the friendly state.  Take care.


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4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

IDK who you're talking to Mervyn but we're not all right winged red necks.  I've always thought I had a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor myself, maybe not that common, or in some cases even understood in the redder parts of the state.  I've long agreed with Waylon Jennings thoughts on this.  Remember, Tejas proclaims to be the friendly state.  Take care.


Hi Ron, I have not been talking to anyone to form the basis for my comment.

I lived in Texas among Texans to form my opinions, and I don't mean as a five minute tourist going to a theme park. I married in Texas and had a child who was born in Texas!

What I have posted is based upon my own personal exposure to the kind of 'humor' I described.

Old time Texans with money and power were a formidable bunch who controlled the political scenes in their particular areas. No one dare challenge them.

However, Texas is a huge geographical area representing slices of territory that differ from each other. Part of that individuality disappeared with the intrusion of freeways and shopping malls cloning stores from across the USA. But in the local communities where individuality thrived, so did the power of certain families to control the local political landscape.

Prior to the freeways and shopping malls, the power of certain wealthy families based upon oil and cattle interests, reached into Washington DC, and from there into international political relations with other nations. LBJ was certainly a product of those days.

In small geographical countries such as the UK, the temptation was to tar everyone from the USA as a 'Yank', and claim that they had too much money and too little common sense.

But then the people that the 'Brits' called 'Yanks' tarred everyone in the UK as a 'Brit' when they really meant everyone in England. The Scots get very upset by being branded as 'English', just like Texans get very upset by being branded 'Yanks'.

Because Texas is such a huge geographical area, its people are also very different from each other when north is compared to south, or even east is compared to west.

I know Texas, and I know Texans. It is the land of the free and the home of the brave, but you gotta know that, and believe that in order to understand that freedom also gives rise to self-styled dictators of mind. They abuse freedom by oppressing others and in so doing they take away their freedom.

That's one reason why Texans believe in the Second Amendment!

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