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Although Crichton doesn't appear on the partial list of US members of the American Committee For Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters, we know from his own writing that he was an active member.
Among those most notable and germane to this thread, in addition to Crichton: William F. Buckley, Jr.; his brother-in-law Brent Bozell (whose namesake/grandson ran CPAC for a number of years. Regarding Jan 6, Bozell denounced the violence but then said, "Look, they are furious that they believe this election was stolen. I agree with them"); Prof. and Ukraine activist Lev Dobriansky; James Burnham; Sen. Barry Goldwater; Hon. Robert Morris; and Gen. C. A. (Charles) Willoughby. (note: Bozell & Jacobs provided public relations for Rosewood Hotels, the Dallas development company founded by the daughter of arch-conservative Texas oilman H. L. Hunt.)

As evidenced in this paid for ad in the Washington Post, Jan 9, 1963, Moishe Tshombe's regime was touted by American supporters of the Katanga Freedom Fighters as being the most "staunchly pro-Western and anti-Communist part of the former Belgian Congo." Tshombe had sought refuge in Madrid, Spain, from which he corresponded with Nazis including Hans Uhlrich Rudel.

The ad denounces U. Thant, Sec. Gen. of the UN.
For our purposes, it is interesting to note that reporter Anita Ehrman had only that month joined Phil Graham's WaPo, covering Thant and the UN; prior to that, Ehrman had covered Sec. Gen. Dag Hammersjold until his death (which most consider highly suspicious) for Hearst News. There are sufficient reasons to suspect that the murder of Tshombe's adversary Patrice Lumumba, as well as the plane crash which took the life of Hammersjold, are related to a CIA operation, QJ/WIN.

Seven months after this ad endorsing the Katangan Freedom Fighters — an org. enthusiastically endorsed by Jack Crichton, Charles Willoughby, and Robert Morris along with Buckley and Dobriansky — appeared in the WaPo, Anita Ehrman would be found dead in her DC apartment; four days later, Phil Graham was dead.

Why Pierre Lafitte made notes of these deaths — including references to Otto Skorzeny and to FBI's Milton Kaack — remains the subject of intense research as we speak. As Dick Russell notes in his limited analysis of the PL datebook, "The only other reference to this appears in my 1992 book, citing a notebook seized from Richard Case Nagell by the FBI on September 20, 1963 but not released until 1975. That entry says: “ANITA L. EHRMAN. 7-30-63 WASHINGTON, D.C.”

(note: Ehrman's father, an investment banker for Lehman Bros., sat on the board of Republic National Bank of Dallas throughout the 1950s.) 
Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Where was Donald Trump on 11/22/63? 

Friday, November 22, 1963, Trump's business and ideological mentor Roy Cohn was the subject of a luncheon meeting at Hickory Hill between AG Robert Kennedy and US Atty. for the Southern District Robert Morgenthau when Robert received the call from FBI Dir. Hoover.

Roy Cohn served on Joe McCarthy's red-baiting team alongside Robert Morris (Dallas chapter of the John Birch Society, WACL and YAF), identified as a member of the aforementioned American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters - along with Jack Crichton of the 488th and General Charles Willoughby, close confidant of Allen Dulles.

Trump's father was an avowed Nazi sympathizer. Acorns and trees, Benjamin, and you either understand or you don't but willful ignorance is not an excuse.

The cosmic justice that Trump is under fire from the Southern District of NY is not lost on those of us who grasp the ideological trajectory.  He too thought he could "make up his own rules."

The Foreshadowing Friendship

It was Joe McCarthy’s legal counsel Roy Cohn, a founding member of the American Jewish League Against Communism with Isaac Don Levine, that would later leave an ethical and philosophical imprint on a brash young man from Queens, Donald J. Trump. By the time Cohn first met him in 1973, Trump was already in line to inherit control of his father’s real estate empire, but it was Cohn, as much as Trump’s father who was a known Nazi sympathizer, that schooled the would-be real estate tycoon in the art of war in business, inculcating in Donald his own disdain for democratic government and its institutions. In the estimation of British historian Erick Hobsbawm, author of “Uncommon People: Resistance, Rebellion and Jazz,” Cohn made his legal and political career “in a milieu where money and power override rules and law—indeed where the ability to get, and get away with, what lesser citizens cannot, is what proves membership of an elite.”  In an interview for their July 1981 issue, Cohn told Penthouse Magazine, “I decided long ago to make up my own rules.” 

What was it Trump said during the Charlottesville crisis? "There are good people on both sides"

By contrast, this was Robert Kennedy's response to racial injustice (a bit more history you will likely ignore):

Though the Heavens Fall . . . A Haunting Gibe. After several abortive attempts to get [James] Meredith registered, it became dismayingly obvious that it was going to take a very large force to carry out the court's orders. Attorney General Robert Kennedy summoned 500-odd federal marshals and deputy marshals from all over the nation to the U.S. Naval Air Station near Memphis. Tenn.. 80 miles from Oxford. President Kennedy put aides to work drafting two speeches to the nation—one to be delivered if Barnett stepped aside, the other if he persisted in his defiance. The President still hoped to avoid sending military forces into Oxford. At one point during the 1960 campaign, he had said in reference to Little Rock: "There is more power in the presidency than to let things drift and then suddenly call out the troops." All during the Ole Miss crisis, that gibe at Eisenhower must have haunted John Kennedy. He desperately wanted to be able to avoid any accusations that he had let things drift and then suddenly called out the troops.


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You realize that Roy Cohn was Jewish? 

Trump's lawyer, before a falling out for a-political reasons, was Michael Cohen. 

Many people in Donald Trump's business and social circles, including his son-in-law, are Jewish, and ardent supporters of Israel. 

Not one of many, many business and social contacts of Donald Trump have ever said he is anti-Semitic or a Nazi sympathizer, despite years of close association with and close observation of Trump.

Many former business and government associates of Trump have extremely hard feelings towards Trump, and for valid reasons, yet not one has said he is anti-Semitic or a Nazi sympathizer. 

But you do. And you try to link Trump to Nazis who you contend perped the JFKA.

Perhaps you need a few moments of self-reflection. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/11/2023 at 7:47 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

You realize that Roy Cohn was Jewish? 

Trump's lawyer, before a falling out for a-political reasons, was Michael Cohen. 

Many people in Donald Trump's business and social circles, including his son-in-law, are Jewish, and ardent supporters of Israel. 

Not one of many, many business and social contacts of Donald Trump have ever said he is anti-Semitic or a Nazi sympathizer, despite years of close association with and close observation of Trump.

Many former business and government associates of Trump have extremely hard feelings towards Trump, and for valid reasons, yet not one has said he is anti-Semitic or a Nazi sympathizer. 

But you do. And you try to link Trump to Nazis who you contend perped the JFKA.

Perhaps you need a few moments of self-reflection. 


@Benjamin Cole

Continuity of the coup in Dallas . . . 

Heritage Foundation — funded by known Nazi sympathizer Joseph Coors of Colorado-based Coors Brewing — was cofounded in 1973 by a young GOP operative Paul Weyrich who transferred to the Latin Church in opposition to the Second Vatican Council. The following year, he persuaded Coors to also finance the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress which became active in eastern European politics after the Cold War. Weyrich's right-hand man in the effort was Laszlo Pasztor, a former leader of the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross Party in Hungary which collaborated with Hitler's Third Reich. Weyrich once lamented: "Christ was crucified by the Jews ... He was not what the Jews had expected so they considered Him a threat. Thus He was put to death."

Turn the Heritage Foundation kaleidoscope "just so" to understand the election of MAGA Mike Johnson (Trump's appellation, not mine) as Speaker of the House from which Project 2025 — brainchild of conservative business interests served by the think tank Heritage — may well replace our federal democratic republic form of government established by the Constitution.

Johnson — acting under the radar in efforts to overturn the 2020 election — has announced that Dan Zeigler, former MD for Gov't. Relation for Heritage Action of Heritage Foundation, will lead his policy department; Spencer Chretien, once the membership manager of ALEC — the Koch funded American Legislative Exchange Council — is Heritage Foundation's associate director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Chretien served as Trump's 'special assistant and assoc. director of presidential personnel.'

Heritage board includes Cleta Mitchell who somehow skirted indictment for her role in attempts to overthrow American democracy in 2020. Cleta is a close friend and political ally of Ginni Thomas, wife of SCJ Clarence Thomas who failed to report significant gifts from US corporatists whose business interests have been served by his decisions over decades, including Harlan Crow whose father's Trammell Crow Development Co. looms large in the history of events leading to the coup in Dallas November 22, 1963.



Unencumbered by a fierce legal battle, Mitchell remains one of the most influential people in the movement that’s undermining American democracy.


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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Benjamin Cole

Continuity of the coup in Dallas . . . 

Heritage Foundation — funded by known Nazi sympathizer Joseph Coors of Colorado-based Coors Brewing — was cofounded in 1973 by a young GOP operative Paul Weyrich who transferred to the Latin Church in opposition to the Second Vatican Council. The following year, he persuaded Coors to also finance the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress which became active in eastern European politics after the Cold War. Weyrich's right-hand man in the effort was Laszlo Pasztor, a former leader of the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross Party in Hungary which collaborated with Hitler's Third Reich. Weyrich once lamented: "Christ was crucified by the Jews ... He was not what the Jews had expected so they considered Him a threat. Thus He was put to death."

Turn the Heritage Foundation kaleidoscope "just so" to understand the election of MAGA Mike Johnson (Trump's appellation, not mine) as Speaker of the House from which Project 2025 — brainchild of conservative business interests served by the think tank Heritage — may well replace our federal democratic republic form of government established by the Constitution.

Johnson — acting under the radar in efforts to overturn the 2020 election — has announced that Dan Zeigler, former MD for Gov't. Relation for Heritage Action of Heritage Foundation, will lead his policy department; Spencer Chretien, once the membership manager of ALEC — the Koch funded American Legislative Exchange Council — is Heritage Foundation's associate director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Chretien served as Trump's 'special assistant and assoc. director of presidential personnel.'

Heritage board includes Cleta Mitchell who somehow skirted indictment for her role in attempts to overthrow American democracy in 2020. Cleta is a close friend and political ally of Ginni Thomas, wife of SCJ Clarence Thomas who failed to report significant gifts from US corporatists whose business interests have been served by his decisions over decades, including Harlan Crow whose father's Trammell Crow Development Co. looms large in the history of events leading to the coup in Dallas November 22, 1963.



Unencumbered by a fierce legal battle, Mitchell remains one of the most influential people in the movement that’s undermining American democracy.


What continuity? 

None of these modern day entities have anything to do with Nazis. 

Trump has nothing to do with Nazis, and, if anything, is more pro-Israel than Biden. 

Trump probably has more flaws than any other dozen men put together, but anti-Semitism is evidently not one of them. Not one former associate has said Trump is anti-Semitic, and he has a lot of embittered former employees and associates. 

One could draw up links between Biden and the completely repulsive Democratic Socialists of America, and their commentary the massacres of Oct. 9 in Israel were justified. 

You discredit earnest JFKA researchers. 



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16 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

What continuity? 

None of these modern day entities have anything to do with Nazis. 

Trump has nothing to do with Nazis, and, if anything, is more pro-Israel than Biden. 

Trump probably has more flaws than any other dozen men put together, but anti-Semitism is evidently not one of them. Not one former associate has said Trump is anti-Semitic, and he has a lot of embittered former employees and associates. 

One could draw up links between Biden and the completely repulsive Democratic Socialists of America, and their commentary the massacres of Oct. 9 in Israel were justified. 

You discredit earnest JFKA researchers. 



Fascism = Authoritarianism, Nationalism, Totalitarianism — regardless of the scapegoat du jour.

I would posit that those who researched the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas without factoring in the politics of the day — whether the '80s, '90s, etc., — did our democracy a huge disservice, and we are now paying the price big time.

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@Benjamin Cole Out of curiosity, Ben, do you think that Watergate was related to events in Dallas in November 1963? Do you think Lucien Conein's role with Nixon's DEA — having been a 'person of interest' in 1963 — is coincidental? Do you think shadows of the assassination in Dallas can be detected in Iran-Contra vis a vis Carl Jenkins?  Will you share your subjective historical cut-off date when considering the impact the assassination of President Kennedy had on democracy?  

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This questions can hardly be addressed in shorthand, but here goes--

The JFKA, the Watergate episode, the Iran-Contra affair and the bulk of Trump follies appear to be, or morphed into, Deep State efforts to depose democratically elected presidents. 

Remember, it is Biden who the latest globalist successor to the Presidency, the inheritor to the events of 11/22. Biden has been a favorite son for decades and decades and decades within the globalist commercial, international trade, military and foreign policy communities. 

Biden also did a snuff job on the JFK Records Act. Why? 

The Deep State has obviously not deposed Biden, quite the contrary. Biden is the Deep State Puppet-Dictator in Chief. 

There it stands. 

I happen to regard JFK and Carter highly as Presidents, and to hold Nixon and Trump in low regard.  

My sentiments are entirely besides the point, and have little to do with the historical record. That is to say, a bad (but democratically elected) president can be readily deposed, it he crosses the Deep State. And a good president too. 

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12 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

This questions can hardly be addressed in shorthand, but here goes--

The JFKA, the Watergate episode, the Iran-Contra affair and the bulk of Trump follies appear to be, or morphed into, Deep State efforts to depose democratically elected presidents. 

Remember, it is Biden who the latest globalist successor to the Presidency, the inheritor to the events of 11/22. Biden has been a favorite son for decades and decades and decades within the globalist commercial, international trade, military and foreign policy communities. 

Biden also did a snuff job on the JFK Records Act. Why? 

The Deep State has obviously not deposed Biden, quite the contrary. Biden is the Deep State Puppet-Dictator in Chief. 

There it stands. 

I happen to regard JFK and Carter highly as Presidents, and to hold Nixon and Trump in low regard.  

My sentiments are entirely besides the point, and have little to do with the historical record. That is to say, a bad (but democratically elected) president can be readily deposed, it he crosses the Deep State. And a good president too. 

Do you accept that Trump revived and normalized proto-fascism in America?

How has the Biden / Harris administration perpetuated in real time the fascist ideology that was behind the coup in Dallas in 1963?

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@Benjamin Cole asking again, in the specifics: Do you think Lucien Conein's role with Nixon's DEA — having been a 'person of interest' in 1963 — is coincidental? Do you think shadows of the assassination in Dallas can be detected in Iran-Contra vis a vis Carl Jenkins?  

and, will you share your subjective historical cut-off date when considering the impact the assassination of President Kennedy had on democracy?  

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Just now, Jonathan Cohen said:

Nope, more or less nobody. The book, and your incessant spamming about it on this forum, are not taken remotely seriously by the vast majority of assassination researchers.

Spamming?  Please cite incidents of my "spamming."

I think you might ask why Hank's investigation causes some in the research community discomfort. 

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