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7 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Spamming?  Please cite incidents of my "spamming."

I think you might ask why Hank's investigation causes some in the research community discomfort. 

Spamming = your incessant posting of the same "someone who worked for this company was nephews with this criminal and was the next door neighbor of this Nazi" fantasies about the Kennedy assassination. Don't flatter yourself either. Hank's investigation is not causing any serious researcher one nanosecond of "discomfort" because it's all based on a mountain of unrelated "connections" and an unverified, unauthenticated "datebook." I'm also not sure why you continue to be allowed to post using something other than your real name.

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6 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Spamming = your incessant posting of the same "someone who worked for this company was nephews with this criminal and was the next door neighbor of this Nazi" fantasies about the Kennedy assassination. Don't flatter yourself either. Hank's investigation is not causing any serious researcher one nanosecond of "discomfort" because it's all based on a mountain of unrelated "connections" and an unverified, unauthenticated "datebook." I'm also not sure why you continue to be allowed to post using something other than your real name.

Let me know when you want to discuss the information presented in the recent comment.

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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Do you accept that Trump revived and normalized proto-fascism in America?

How has the Biden / Harris administration perpetuated in real time the fascist ideology that was behind the coup in Dallas in 1963?

I do not accept Trump revived and normalized proto-fascism in America.

Indeed, he was a total outsider and naif in DC politics, had zero institutional base in DC. Trump was at odds with the military-intel establishment, and wanted to decrease US forces in South Korea, and possibly drop out of NATO---all this speaks to shrinking imperialism, not expanding.  

Trump was unaligned with the various corporate-government censorship campaigns in the US, or the recent leftist anti-Semitic bile floating around Donk-toilet activist groups.  

None of this makes Trump a pleasant individual, or even a good president. 

It does mean you are barking at a bonsai tree in a redwood forest of anti-democratic forces. 



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continuity of the Coup in Dallas . . . 

Further to MAGA Mike Johnson's election as Speaker of the House, the following soundbite ideological dot-connecting argues that the continuity of the coup in Dallas is in full bloom:

June 24, 2020, Louisiana GOP Representative [now newly elected House Speaker] Mike Johnson tweeted support of Trump's pardon of Gen. Mike Flynn:

Justice has been served for Gen. Flynn. Now it must come for the rogue bureaucrats who targeted him, threatened his freedom, and trampled on the Constitution, all because he is a conservative.@Jim_Jordan & I will not rest until they are held accountable. 
— Mike Johnson, (R) Louisiana

Six months earlier, Gen. John K. "Jack" Singlaub — once chair of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), advisor to Western Goals Foundation which was heavily funded by the sons of Dallas oilman H. L. Hunt, and key player in the illegal Iran-Contra operation in the mid-1980's — had pled with Trump's AG Bill Barr to "free [Gen.] Mike Flynn, drop the charges."

Gen Singlaub had served a long stint as the chair of America's Future, Inc, an extreme right non-profit org. founded in the 1940s under the rubric of "combating communism." Gen. Mike Flynn — recipient of enthusiastic support from now Speaker Mike Johnson — recently assumed chairmanship of America's Future.

A leading figure in the ultra-conservative non-profit in the 1970s and '80s was Phyllis Schlafly, infamous as an outspoken opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment and referred to as the 'First Lady of a Political March to the Right.'

On the tenth anniversary of the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas, Schlafly advanced the lie to her extreme-right following that Lee Oswald was responsible for Kennedy's murder "having been brainwashed by the Fair Play for Cuba Committee to hate Pres. Kennedy'' — a variation on the theme that continues to preoccupy an influential wing of the assassination research community in lieu of pursuing who killed JFK.

Schlafly wrote:
' . . . Only three weeks later, Lee Harvey Oswald shot President John Kennedy. Oswald had lived in the Soviet Union, was permitted to travel freely there, to marry a Russian and take her out of the country. After he returned to the United States, he was brainwashed by the Fair Play for Cuba Committee to hate President Kennedy because Kennedy had forced Khrushchev to remove the Soviet missiles from their Cuban launching pads.'


Full circle to the America's Future, Schlafly - Singlaub - Flynn and their messianic ideology: Begin Min. 44:45 of Frontline's Michael Flynn's Holy War to appreciate the microcosm of Gen. Flynn's dangerous tactics that mirror prevailing antics of the early '60s of staunch members of the WACL including Generals Edwin Walker, Charles Willoughby, Pedro del Valle — in league with Nazis SS Otto Skorzeny, Hans Ulrich Rudel, Leon Degrelle — in the lead up to the coup in Dallas.

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